826 resultados para Topical fluorides


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O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar se, após 18 meses de acompanhamento, a aplicação semestral de verniz fluoretado em pré-escolares reduz a incidência de cárie na dentição decídua. Os possíveis efeitos adversos e a aceitabilidade da intervenção também foram investigados. Desenho do estudo: ensaio clínico controlado, randomizado, duplo-cego, com uso de placebo. Ingressaram no estudo 200 crianças na faixa etária de 12 a 48 meses, recrutadas em uma unidade da rede pública de saúde. Cem crianças foram alocadas no grupo teste (verniz fluoretado Duraphat, Colgate Oral Pharmaceuticals, New York, NY, USA) e 100 no grupo controle (verniz placebo, Colgate Oral Pharmaceuticals, New York, NY, USA). Os exames clínicos, seguidos das aplicações semestrais de verniz nos grupos teste e controle, foram realizados por duas odontopediatras treinadas (Kappa=0,85) que utilizaram o International Caries Detection and Assessment System II (ICDAS II) para registrar o índice ceo-s nos níveis c1 (lesão ativa em esmalte não cavitado, lesão em esmalte cavitada e lesão em dentina) e c3 (lesão em dentina) de detecção de doença. Verificou-se também a ocorrência de efeitos adversos e outras queixas por entrevistas telefônicas com os responsáveis 7 a 10 dias após a primeira aplicação de verniz. Como resultado aos 18 meses de acompanhamento, 85 crianças do grupo teste e 92 do grupo controle foram examinadas. As diferenças nos incrementos médios de cárie, entre os grupos teste e controle, foram -0,9 (IC95%: -2,4;0,4) no nível c1 e -0,8 (IC95%:-1,9;0,2) no nível c3. O risco de desenvolvimento de novas lesões de cárie em dentina foi 30% (RR=0,70; IC 95%:0,49;0,99) menor nas crianças do grupo teste em relação às do grupo controle. Foram feitas entrevistas com 183 responsáveis sobre os efeitos adversos e a aceitabilidade da intervenção. Um relatou que a sua criança sentiu ardência na cavidade bucal após a aplicação do placebo e outro ficou incomodado com a coloração amarelada dos dentes da criança imediatamente após a aplicação do verniz fluoretado. A aplicação semestral de verniz fluoretado na dentição decídua de pré-escolares reduz o risco de desenvolver lesão de cárie dentária em dentina. Além disso, essa intervenção é segura e bem aceita pelos pais e pelas crianças.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Os cimentos ionoméricos representam importante opção de material restaurador em Odontologia e sua adesão à estrutura dental, diminuindo a infiltração marginal, somada à liberação de flúor, inibindo o metabolismo de microrganismos acidogênicos e favorecendo a remineralização dental, podem diminuir a ocorrência de cárie secundária. A aplicação tópica de géis acidulados ou neutros contendo flúor tem sido largamente utilizada em Odontologia. No entanto, este procedimento pode afetar a integridade dos materiais restauradores, aumentando sua rugosidade e a retenção de placa bacteriana. Dessa forma, o presente estudo avaliou o período de tempo no qual o cimento ionomérico Vitremer mantém sua capacidade inibitória sobre Streptococcus mutans ATCC 25175 e a adesão dos mesmos sobre a superfície do material, bem como a influência da aplicação tópica de flúor acidulado e neutro sobre esses parâmetros microbiológicos e as características superficiais daquele material. Verificou-se que a atividade antimicrobiana do cimento ionomérico Vitremer se mantém por aproximadamente quatro dias e não é recuperada com o uso de flúor gel acidulado ou neutro. Observou-se, também, que Streptococcus mutans ATCC 25175 adere ao material restaurador testado sendo que a aplicação tópica de flúor não influenciou esta adesão. As características superficiais desses materiais não se alteraram com a aplicação dos géis.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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This study evaluated the effect of fluoride gels, supplemented or not with sodium hexametaphosphate (HMP), on enamel erosive wear in situ. Twelve healthy volunteers wore palatal appliances containing four bovine enamel discs. Subjects were randomly allocated into four experimental phases (double-blind, crossover protocol) according to the gels: Placebo (no fluoride or HMP), 1% NaF, 2% NaF, and 1% NaF+9% HMP. Enamel discs were selected after polishing and surface hardness analysis, and treated only once with the respective gels prior to each experimental phase. Erosion (ERO) was performed by extra-oral immersion of the appliance in 0.05M citric acid, pH 3.2 (four times/day, five minutes each, 5 days). Additional abrasion (ERO+ABR) was produced on only two discs by toothbrushing with fluoridated dentifrice after ERO (four times/day, 30s, 5 days). The specimens were submitted to profilometry and hardness analysis. The results were analyzed by two-way ANOVA and the Student-Newman-Keuls test (p<0.05). The 1% NaF+9% HMP gel promoted significantly lower enamel wear for ERO compared to the other groups, being statistically lower than 1% NaF and Placebo for ERO+ABR. Similarly, the lowest values of integrated lesion area were found for 1% NaF+9% HMP and 2% NaF, respectively, for ERO and ERO+ABR. The addition of HMP to the 1% NaF gel promoted greater protective effect against ERO and ERO+ABR compared to the 1% NaF gel, achieving similar protective levels to those seen for the 2% NaF gel. Gel containing 1% NaF+9% HMP showed a high anti-erosive potential, being a safer alternative when compared to a conventional 2% NaF gel.


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Since the early findings on the protective effects of fluoride present in drinking water upon caries incidence and prevalence, intensive research has been conducted in order to determine the benefits, safety, as well as the cost-effectiveness of other modalities of fluoride delivery. The present chapter reviews the various forms of topical fluoride use - professionally and self-applied - with special emphasis on clinical efficacy and possible side effects. The most widely used forms of fluoride delivery have been subject of several systematic reviews, providing strong evidence supporting the use of dentifrices, gels, varnishes and mouth rinses for the control of caries progression. Dentifrices with fluoride concentrations of 1,000 ppm and above have been shown to be clinically effective in caries prevention when compared to a placebo treatment, but the evidence regarding formulations with 450-550 ppm is still subject of debate. Therefore, the recommendation for low-fluoride dentifrice use must take into account both risks and benefits. The evidence for the combined use of two modalities of fluoride application in comparison to a single modality is still inconsistent, implying that more studies with adequate methodology are needed to determine the real benefits of each method. Considering the currently available evidence and risk-benefit aspects, it seems justifiable to recommend the use of fluoridated dentifrices to individuals of all ages, and additional fluoride therapy should also be targeted towards individuals at high caries risk. © 2011 S. Karger AG, Basel.


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To further investigate the use of DNA repair-enhancing agents for skin cancer prevention, we treated Cdk4R24C/R24C/NrasQ61K mice topically with the T4 endonuclease V DNA repair enzyme (known as Dimericine) immediately prior to neonatal ultraviolet radiation (UVR) exposure, which has a powerful effect in exacerbating melanoma development in the mouse model. Dimericine has been shown to reduce the incidence of basal-cell and squamous cell carcinoma. Unexpectedly, we saw no difference in penetrance or age of onset of melanoma after neonatal UVR between Dimericine-treated and control animals, although the drug reduced DNA damage and cellular proliferation in the skin. Interestingly, epidermal melanocytes removed cyclobutane pyrimidine dimers (CPDs) more efficiently than surrounding keratinocytes. Our study indicates that neonatal UVR-initiated melanomas may be driven by mechanisms other than solely that of a large CPD load and/or their inefficient repair. This is further suggestive of different mechanisms by which UVR may enhance the transformation of keratinocytes and melanocytes.


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Attempts to map online networks, representing relationships between people and sites, have covered sites including Facebook, Twitter, and blogs. However, the predominant approach of static network visualization, treating months of data as a single case rather than depicting changes over time or between topics, remains a flawed process. As different events and themes provoke varying interactions and conversations, it is proposed that case-by-case analysis would aid studies of online social networks by further examining the dynamics of links and information flows. This study uses hyperlink analysis of a population of French political blogs to compare connections between sites from January to August 2009. Themes discussed in this period were identified for subsequent analysis of topic-oriented networks. By comparing static blogrolls with topical citations within posts, this research addresses challenges and methods in mapping online networks, providing new information on temporal aspects of linking behaviors and information flows within these systems.


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Transcutaneous immunization (TCI) involves the direct application of antigen plus adjuvant to skin, taking advantage of the large numbers of Langerhans cells and other resident skin dendritic cells, that process antigen then migrate to draining lymph nodes where immune responses are initiated. We have used this form of immunization to protect mice against genital tract and respiratory tract chlamydial infection. Protection was associated with local antibody responses in the vagina, uterus and lung as well as strong Th1 responses in the lymph nodes draining the reproductive tract and lungs respectively. In this study we show that topical application of GM-CSF to skin enhances the numbers and activation status of epidermal dendritic cells. Topical application of GM-CSF also increased the immune responses elicited by TCI. GM-CSF supplementation greatly increased cytokine (IFNgamma and IL-4) gene expression in lymph node and splenic cells compared to cells from animals immunized without GM-CSF. IgG responses in serum, uterine lavage and bronchoalveolar lavage and IgA responses in vaginal lavage were also increased by topical application of GM-CSF. The studies show that TCI induces protection against genital and respiratory tract chlamydial infections and that topical application of cytokines such as GM-CSF can enhance TCI-induced antibody and cell-mediated immunity.


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The growth of technologies and tools branded as =new media‘ or =Web 2.0‘ has sparked much discussion about the internet and its place in all facets of social life. Such debate includes the potential for blogs and citizen journalism projects to replace or alter journalism and mainstream media practices. However, while the journalism-blog dynamic has attracted the most attention, the actual work of political bloggers, the roles they play in the mediasphere and the resources they use, has been comparatively ignored. This project will look at political blogging in Australia and France - sites commenting on or promoting political events and ideas, and run by citizens, politicians, and journalists alike. In doing so, the structure of networks formed by bloggers and the nature of communication within political blogospheres will be examined. Previous studies of political blogging around the world have focussed on individual nations, finding that in some cases the networks are divided between different political ideologies. By comparing two countries with different political representation (two-party dominated system vs. a wider political spectrum), this study will determine the structure of these political blogospheres, and correlate these structures with the political environment in which they are situated. The thesis adapts concepts from communication and media theories, including framing, agenda setting, and opinion leaders, to examine the work of political bloggers and their place within the mediasphere. As well as developing a hybrid theoretical base for research into blogs and other online communication, the project outlines new methodologies for carrying out studies of online activity through the analysis of several topical networks within the wider activity collected for this project. The project draws on hyperlink and textual data collected from a sample of Australian and French blogs between January and August 2009. From this data, the thesis provides an overview of =everyday‘ political blogging, showing posting patterns over several months of activity, away from national elections and their associated campaigns. However, while other work in this field has looked solely at cumulative networks, treating collected data as a static network, this project will also look at specific cases to see how the blogospheres change with time and topics of discussion. Three case studies are used within the thesis to examine how blogs cover politics, featuring an international political event (the Obama inauguration), and local political topics (the opposition to the =Création et Internet‘, or HADOPI, law in France, the =Utegate‘ scandal in Australia). By using a mixture of qualitative and quantitative methods, the study analyses data collected from a population of sites from both countries, looking at their linking patterns, relationship with mainstream media, and topics of interest. This project will subsequently help to further develop methodologies in this field and provide new and detailed information on both online networks and internet-based political communication in Australia and France.


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