988 resultados para Topic detection


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News blog hot topics are important for the information recommendation service and marketing. However, information overload and personalized management make the information arrangement more difficult. Moreover, what influences the formation and development of blog hot topics is seldom paid attention to. In order to correctly detect news blog hot topics, the paper first analyzes the development of topics in a new perspective based on W2T (Wisdom Web of Things) methodology. Namely, the characteristics of blog users, context of topic propagation and information granularity are unified to analyze the related problems. Some factors such as the user behavior pattern, network opinion and opinion leader are subsequently identified to be important for the development of topics. Then the topic model based on the view of event reports is constructed. At last, hot topics are identified by the duration, topic novelty, degree of topic growth and degree of user attention. The experimental results show that the proposed method is feasible and effective.


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Topic detection and tracking (TDT) is an area of information retrieval research the focus of which revolves around news events. The problems TDT deals with relate to segmenting news text into cohesive stories, detecting something new, previously unreported, tracking the development of a previously reported event, and grouping together news that discuss the same event. The performance of the traditional information retrieval techniques based on full-text similarity has remained inadequate for online production systems. It has been difficult to make the distinction between same and similar events. In this work, we explore ways of representing and comparing news documents in order to detect new events and track their development. First, however, we put forward a conceptual analysis of the notions of topic and event. The purpose is to clarify the terminology and align it with the process of news-making and the tradition of story-telling. Second, we present a framework for document similarity that is based on semantic classes, i.e., groups of words with similar meaning. We adopt people, organizations, and locations as semantic classes in addition to general terms. As each semantic class can be assigned its own similarity measure, document similarity can make use of ontologies, e.g., geographical taxonomies. The documents are compared class-wise, and the outcome is a weighted combination of class-wise similarities. Third, we incorporate temporal information into document similarity. We formalize the natural language temporal expressions occurring in the text, and use them to anchor the rest of the terms onto the time-line. Upon comparing documents for event-based similarity, we look not only at matching terms, but also how near their anchors are on the time-line. Fourth, we experiment with an adaptive variant of the semantic class similarity system. The news reflect changes in the real world, and in order to keep up, the system has to change its behavior based on the contents of the news stream. We put forward two strategies for rebuilding the topic representations and report experiment results. We run experiments with three annotated TDT corpora. The use of semantic classes increased the effectiveness of topic tracking by 10-30\% depending on the experimental setup. The gain in spotting new events remained lower, around 3-4\%. The anchoring the text to a time-line based on the temporal expressions gave a further 10\% increase the effectiveness of topic tracking. The gains in detecting new events, again, remained smaller. The adaptive systems did not improve the tracking results.


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Sentiment analysis or opinion mining aims to use automated tools to detect subjective information such as opinions, attitudes, and feelings expressed in text. This paper proposes a novel probabilistic modeling framework called joint sentiment-topic (JST) model based on latent Dirichlet allocation (LDA), which detects sentiment and topic simultaneously from text. A reparameterized version of the JST model called Reverse-JST, obtained by reversing the sequence of sentiment and topic generation in the modeling process, is also studied. Although JST is equivalent to Reverse-JST without a hierarchical prior, extensive experiments show that when sentiment priors are added, JST performs consistently better than Reverse-JST. Besides, unlike supervised approaches to sentiment classification which often fail to produce satisfactory performance when shifting to other domains, the weakly supervised nature of JST makes it highly portable to other domains. This is verified by the experimental results on data sets from five different domains where the JST model even outperforms existing semi-supervised approaches in some of the data sets despite using no labeled documents. Moreover, the topics and topic sentiment detected by JST are indeed coherent and informative. We hypothesize that the JST model can readily meet the demand of large-scale sentiment analysis from the web in an open-ended fashion.


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In this paper we introduce a probabilistic framework to exploit hierarchy, structure sharing and duration information for topic transition detection in videos. Our probabilistic detection framework is a combination of a shot classification step and a detection phase using hierarchical probabilistic models. We consider two models in this paper: the extended Hierarchical Hidden Markov Model (HHMM) and the Coxian Switching Hidden semi-Markov Model (S-HSMM) because they allow the natural decomposition of semantics in videos, including shared structures, to be modeled directly, and thus enabling efficient inference and reducing the sample complexity in learning. Additionally, the S-HSMM allows the duration information to be incorporated, consequently the modeling of long-term dependencies in videos is enriched through both hierarchical and duration modeling. Furthermore, the use of the Coxian distribution in the S-HSMM makes it tractable to deal with long sequences in video. Our experimentation of the proposed framework on twelve educational and training videos shows that both models outperform the baseline cases (flat HMM and HSMM) and performances reported in earlier work in topic detection. The superior performance of the S-HSMM over the HHMM verifies our belief that duration information is an important factor in video content modeling.


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We identify and formulate a novel problem: crosschannel anomaly detection from multiple data channels. Cross channel anomalies are common amongst the individual channel anomalies, and are often portent of significant events. Using spectral approaches, we propose a two-stage detection method: anomaly detection at a single-channel level, followed by the detection of cross-channel anomalies from the amalgamation of single channel anomalies. Our mathematical analysis shows that our method is likely to reduce the false alarm rate. We demonstrate our method in two applications: document understanding with multiple text corpora, and detection of repeated anomalies in video surveillance. The experimental results consistently demonstrate the superior performance of our method compared with related state-of-art methods, including the one-class SVM and principal component pursuit. In addition, our framework can be deployed in a decentralized manner, lending itself for large scale data stream analysis.


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This paper presents a comparative study of three closely related Bayesian models for unsupervised document level sentiment classification, namely, the latent sentiment model (LSM), the joint sentiment-topic (JST) model, and the Reverse-JST model. Extensive experiments have been conducted on two corpora, the movie review dataset and the multi-domain sentiment dataset. It has been found that while all the three models achieve either better or comparable performance on these two corpora when compared to the existing unsupervised sentiment classification approaches, both JST and Reverse-JST are able to extract sentiment-oriented topics. In addition, Reverse-JST always performs worse than JST suggesting that the JST model is more appropriate for joint sentiment topic detection.


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Although topic detection and tracking techniques have made great progress, most of the researchers seldom pay more attention to the following two aspects. First, the construction of a topic model does not take the characteristics of different topics into consideration. Second, the factors that determine the formation and development of hot topics are not further analyzed. In order to correctly extract news blog hot topics, the paper views the above problems in a new perspective based on the W2T (Wisdom Web of Things) methodology, in which the characteristics of blog users, context of topic propagation and information granularity are investigated in a unified way. The motivations and features of blog users are first analyzed to understand the characteristics of news blog topics. Then the context of topic propagation is decomposed into the blog community, topic network and opinion network, respectively. Some important factors such as the user behavior pattern, opinion leader and network opinion are identified to track the development trends of news blog topics. Moreover, a blog hot topic detection algorithm is proposed, in which news blog hot topics are identified by measuring the duration, topic novelty, attention degree of users and topic growth. Experimental results show that the proposed method is feasible and effective. These results are also useful for further studying the formation mechanism of opinion leaders in blogspace.


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This thesis presents a sequential pattern based model (PMM) to detect news topics from a popular microblogging platform, Twitter. PMM captures key topics and measures their importance using pattern properties and Twitter characteristics. This study shows that PMM outperforms traditional term-based models, and can potentially be implemented as a decision support system. The research contributes to news detection and addresses the challenging issue of extracting information from short and noisy text.


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Twitter has become a dependable microblogging tool for real time information dissemination and newsworthy events broadcast. Its users sometimes break news on the network faster than traditional newsagents due to their presence at ongoing real life events at most times. Different topic detection methods are currently used to match Twitter posts to real life news of mainstream media. In this paper, we analyse tweets relating to the English FA Cup finals 2012 by applying our novel method named TRCM to extract association rules present in hash tag keywords of tweets in different time-slots. Our system identify evolving hash tag keywords with strong association rules in each time-slot. We then map the identified hash tag keywords to event highlights of the game as reported in the ground truth of the main stream media. The performance effectiveness measure of our experiments show that our method perform well as a Topic Detection and Tracking approach.


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In this paper, we propose a novel solution for segmenting an instructional video into hierarchical topical sections. Incorporating the knowledge of education-oriented film theory with our previous study of expressive functions namely the content density and the thematic functions, we develop an algorithm to effectively structuralize an instructional video into a two-tiered hierarchy of topical sections at the main and sub-topic levels. Our experimental results on a set of ten industrial instructional videos demonstrate the validity of the detection scheme.


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 We review pseudo-relevance feedback as a mechanism for expanding short texts. Where short texts exhibit evolving concepts, topics and other characteristics, Web-based feedback systems were touted as the most ideal way of enriching the feature space of short texts. However, we note from a recent implementation of a Web-based pseudo-relevance feedback that it would only perform well under clinical situations. Further improvements to address fundamental noise in Web documents did not show significant improvements leading us to conclude that relevance feedback using Web documents directly are unsuitable for real-world conditions. In this paper, we present Eddi, which is a recent system that provides an exemplar of a typical pseudo-relevance feedback system. We first show the conditions in which Eddi will work and then discuss the situations where it would fail. We then present the variations to Eddi from our attempt to improve the robustness of Eddi's algorithm when dealing with complex Web documents. We then present the results from all variations to show the lack of robustness for pseudo-relevance feedback with Web documents.


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The present is marked by the availability of large volumes of heterogeneous data, whose management is extremely complex. While the treatment of factual data has been widely studied, the processing of subjective information still poses important challenges. This is especially true in tasks that combine Opinion Analysis with other challenges, such as the ones related to Question Answering. In this paper, we describe the different approaches we employed in the NTCIR 8 MOAT monolingual English (opinionatedness, relevance, answerness and polarity) and cross-lingual English-Chinese tasks, implemented in our OpAL system. The results obtained when using different settings of the system, as well as the error analysis performed after the competition, offered us some clear insights on the best combination of techniques, that balance between precision and recall. Contrary to our initial intuitions, we have also seen that the inclusion of specialized Natural Language Processing tools dealing with Temporality or Anaphora Resolution lowers the system performance, while the use of topic detection techniques using faceted search with Wikipedia and Latent Semantic Analysis leads to satisfactory system performance, both for the monolingual setting, as well as in a multilingual one.