972 resultados para Tooth resorption
Tooth resorption is among the most common and most challenging problems in feline dentistry It is a progressive disease eventually leading to tooth loss and often root replacement. The etiology of moth resorption remains obscure and to date no effective therapeutic approach is known. The present study is aimed at assessing the reliability of radiographic imaging and addressing the possible involvement of receptor activator of NF kappa B (RANK), its ligand (RANKL), and osteoprotegerin (OPG) in the process of tooth resorption. Teeth from 8 cats were investigated by means of radiographs and paraffin sections followed by immunolabeling. Six cats were diagnosed with tooth resorption based on histopathologic and radiographic findings. Samples were classified according to a four-stage diagnostic system. Radiologic assessment of tooth resorption correlated very strongly with histopathologic findings. Tooth resorption was accompanied by a strong staining with all three antibodies used, especially with anti-RANK and anti-RANKL antibodies. The presence of OPG and RANKL at the resorption site is indicative of repair attempts by fibroblasts and stromal cells. These findings should be extended by further investigations in order to elucidate the pathophysiologic processes underlying tooth resorption that might lead to prophylactic and/or therapeutic measures. J Vet Dent 27(2); 75 - 83, 2010
An Italian greyhound was presented three times during a two-year period for dental prophylaxis due to periodontal disease. Clinical examination revealed lesions on several teeth. Radiographs revealed extensive resorptive root lesions. On histological examination, the presence of odontoclasts and signs of boney remodeling of the roots confirmed the resorptive nature of the lesions. Given the extent of the lesions, and poor prognosis with conservative treatment alone, teeth affected by the most severe resorption were extracted at each visit using a flap technique combined with alveolar vestibular osteotomy. Dental resorptive lesions are rarely detected in the dog but may be more frequent than previously thought. The routine use of dental radiographs can be used to reveal these lesions in the dog.
MTA has been investigated as a root-end filling material. Its mechanism of action has some similarities to that of Ca(OH())2. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the repair process taking place in the delayed replantation of monkey teeth using calcium hydroxide and MTA as root canal filling materials. Five monkeys had their lateral incisors extracted and bench-dried for 60 minutes. After root canal preparation, the teeth were assigned to two groups according to root canal filling material: I, calcium hydroxide; and II, MTA. The same treatment sequence was followed for both groups: coronal seal, periodontal ligament removal, immersion of the tooth in 2% acidulated-phosphate sodium fluoride, irrigation of the socket with saline and replantation. Both groups exhibited replacement resorption, areas of ankylosis and absence of inflammatory root resorption. Statistically similar results (p > 0.05) were observed for both groups regarding replacement root resorption, but the groups differed significantly (p < 0.05) regarding the occurrence of ankylosis. MTA may be a viable clinical option for filling teeth submitted to delayed replantation, and is an acceptable option for treating replanted permanent teeth in order to prevent tooth resorption, particularly when dressing changes are not possible.
A gengivo-estomatite crónica felina é uma inflamação complexa crónica, com severidade e intensidade variáveis. Apesar de não estar definida a sua etiopatogenia, parece haver uma relação entre a inflamação e a ocorrência de lesões de reabsorção dentária, enquanto causa ou enquanto consequência da doença. O tratamento para as duas doenças é inespecífico, mas baseia-se na extração dentária, contornada ou não com tratamentos médicos. Este estudo teve como objetivo determinar a ocorrência de lesões de reabsorção dentária em gatos com gengivo-estomatite crónica e avaliar a existência de uma possível associação entre um padrão de estomatite crónica e a presença de lesões de reabsorção dentária. O objetivo secundário consistiu na determinação da percentagem de sucesso e o grau de satisfação dos proprietários, após a intervenção cirúrgica. Foram incluídos no estudo 27 gatos. Os critérios de inclusão consistiram no diagnóstico de genvivo-estomatite crónica, realização de um exame radiográfico intraoral completo de todos os dentes, seguido de tratamento cirúrgico, com extrações dentárias e, finalmente, a resposta, por parte dos proprietários, a um questionário. A ocorrência de lesões de reabsorção dentária neste estudo foi de 66,67%. Não foi possível estabelecer nenhuma associação entre a gengivo-estomatite crónica felina e o desenvolvimento de lesões de reabsorção dentária. Os padrões ulcerativos, proliferativos e o de estomatite caudal na gengivo-estomatite crónica felina mostraram risco acrescido para lesões de reabsorção dentária, mas sem significado estatístico. 70,37% dos animais atingiu a cura clínica e 29,63% obteve melhoria global, num período médio de 2 meses. O grau de satisfação dos proprietários obteve uma média de 4,52 valores, numa escala de 1 a 5. Apesar da prevalência elevada de lesões de reabsorção dentária, não foi possível identificar a gengivo-estomatite crónica felina, enquanto fator de risco para a sua ocorrência. À semelhança de estudos anteriores, a gengivo-estomatite crónica felina responde a tratamento cirúrgico com extrações dentárias.
Nesse trabalho, procurou-se explicar - anatômica e funcionalmente - como se estrutura e se organiza a região cervical dos dentes, para fundamentar os seguintes questionamentos: 1) Por que ocorre Reabsorção Cervical Externa na dentição humana?; 2) Por que na gengivite e na periodontite não se tem Reabsorção Cervical Externa?; 3) Por que depois do traumatismo dentário e da clareação interna pode ocorrer a Reabsorção Cervical Externa?; 4) Por que o movimento ortodôntico não altera a cor e o volume gengival durante o tratamento?; 5) Por que o movimento ortodôntico não induz Reabsorção Cervical Externa, mesmo sabendo-se que a região cervical pode ser muito exigida? A existência de antígenos sequestrados na dentina, a presença de janelas de dentina na região cervical de todos os dentes, a reação do epitélio juncional e a distribuição dos vasos sanguíneos gengivais podem justificar por que a Reabsorção Cervical Externa não ocorre e nem a cor e o volume gengival são alterados no movimento ortodôntico.
Pós-graduação em Odontologia - FOA
Pós-graduação em Odontologia - FOA
Dentoalveolar ankylosis is described as the direct union between root cementum/dentin and alveolar bone. Its etiology is unknown, and conflicting opinions have been presented to explain it. Late detection of ankylosed primary teeth may cause serious problems to the occlusion and generally demands a more complex treatment approach. The purpose of this report is to present an unusual case of severe infraocclusion of the primary maxillary right second molar associated with a posterior crossbite in a 6-year-old child. The initial treatment option was tooth extraction, but the tooth resumed eruption spontaneously. After correction of the posterior crossbite and a 1-year follow-up, the tooth remained in occlusion and the permanent successor was developing without problems. From this unusual outcome, it may be concluded that further investigation of this anomaly of eruption is needed. (J Dent Child 2013;80(2):88-91)
Background Dentoalveolar trauma, especially when involving front teeth, negatively affect the patient’s life; in particular, tooth avulsion is a complex injury that affects multiple tissues, and no treatment option offers stable long-term outcomes. The aim of this study was to report a case of reconstruction of atrophic anterior alveolar ridge after tooth loss, performed with autograft harvested from the chin, and subsequent prosthetic rehabilitation with the use of an osseointegrated implant. Case report A 23-years-old Caucasian girl, presented an atrophic alveolar bone in the area of tooth 11, as a result of tooth resorption 10 years after a tooth reimplantation procedure. Reconstruction was performed with autogenous bone harvested from the chin. After 6-months healing period to allow autograft incorporation, a dental implant was inserted. After further 6- months, a screw-retained implant supported metal-ceramic prosthesis was fabricated. Results The prosthetic rehabilitation was successful, and after a follow-up period of 5 years, the achieved result was stable.Conclusion It can be concluded that the autogenous bone graft harvested from the chin, is a safe and effective option for alveolar ridge defects reconstruction, allowing a subsequent placement of a dental implant supporting a prosthetic restoration.
Dentoalveolar traumatisms, particularly those that affect the anterior teeth, interfere adversely in the patient s life.Among them, tooth avulsion is pointed out because it is characterized as a complex injury that affects multiple tissues, andbecause there is no effective treatment available for its resolution with a stable long-term outcome.Aim/Hypothesis: The aim of the present study was to relate a clinical case of complete reconstruction of atrophy of the alveolarbone corresponding to tooth 11, lost by tooth resorption 10 years after the tooth reimplantation procedure.Material and methods: Reconstruction was performed with autogenous bone harvested from the mentum donor site. Surgicalaccess began in the receptor area with a Newman mucoperiosteal incision using a scalpel blade 15 mounted in a scalpel handlefor detachment and exposure of the receptor site. Extensive bone resorption was observed in the vestibular-palatine direction,proved by the thinness of the receptor bed. Decorticalization of the vestibular bone plate was performed. After preparing thereceptor bed, and incision was made in the mucosa in the depth of the anterior vestibular fornix, then a perpendicular muscleperiostealincision to detach and exposure the donor area. The bone graft necessary for reconstruction of the donor area wasdelimited, followed by monocortical osteotomy and the monocortical graft was removed. The next stage was to perform shapingfor passive graft accommodation and fixation by means of two bicortical screws. After fixation of the graft the sharp angles wererounded off in order to avoid possible exposure and/or fenestrations of the reconstructed area, then the receptor and donor areawere sutured. After the 6-month period to allow incorporation of the autogenous graft, an osseointegrated dental implant wasinserted. At the end of the 6-month period of waiting for osseointegration to occur, the process of fabricating the screw-retainedmetal ceramic
Feline tooth resorption has been widely reported in domestic cats and sporadically described in other felidae. The goal of the present study was to determine the prevalence of tooth resorption and to report other dental problems in a population of wild felidae. Observations of dental disorders and anomalies were made in skulls from 73 wild felidae (cheetahs, leopards, caracals, African wildcats, and lions) originating from Namibia. In addition, radiographs were taken in 43 cases to determine signs of bone and root pathology. Radiographs showed varying stages of tooth resorption in 16.0% of the specimens. Other dental anomalies found included fused teeth, supernumerary roots, or missing teeth. The prevalence of dental resorption in wild felidae was lower than reported in the domestic cat.
Objetivou-se fazer um estudo retrospectivo avaliando quais as afecções da cavidade oral foram mais frequentes nos gatos domésticos atendidos no Laboratório de Odontologia Comparada da Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia da Universidade de São Paulo, relatando estatisticamente a prevalência das afecções da cavidade oral de gatos, enfatizando se há correlação entre elas e com características como raça, sexo, faixa etária e estado reprodutivo. Os dados analisados dos 754 prontuários foram raça, idade, sexo, estado reprodutivo, diagnóstico, tratamento e, no caso de neoplasia, sua localização e diagnóstico histopatológico. As principais doenças diagnosticadas foram doença periodontal, fratura dentária, gengivoestomatite crônica felina, lesão de reabsorção dentária felina, neoplasia oral e traumatismo do sistema estomatognático (luxação de articulação temporomandibular, fenda palatina, fratura de processo coronoide, fratura de zigomático, disjunção de sínfise, fratura de maxila e mandíbula). A idade dos animais variou de menos de um ano a 20 anos, sendo que, os animais tinham, em média 7,2 anos (desvio padrão = 4,9) e a faixa etária mais frequente foi de um a cinco anos. Os gatos sem raça definida (66,5%), siameses (19,0%) e persas (10,2%) totalizaram 95,7% de todos os felinos atendidos no LOC. A doença periodontal foi a afecção mais frequente e esteve presente em 38,3% da população estudada. A fratura dentária, segunda mais frequente, esteve presente em 27,2% dos animais. Houve associação estatisticamente significativa (p=0,026) entre fratura dentária e faixa etária, já que a proporção de animais entre um e cinco anos de idade com fratura foi maior do que a das outras faixas etárias. A lesão de reabsorção dentária felina (LRDF) esteve presente em 19,6% dos gatos estudados, sendo a terceira afecção mais prevalente dentre as pesquisadas. Esta lesão foi mais frequente em gatos com idade entre 11 e 15 anos e houve associação estatisticamente significativa entre a LRDF e a doença periodontal e entre LRDF e gengivite. A prevalência de gengivoestomatite crônica felina foi de 15,7% entre os felinos pesquisados e a proporção de animais com idades entre seis e dez anos com esta doença foi maior do que em outras faixas etárias. As neoplasias estavam presentes em 9,8% dos gatos, sendo que em 46 dos 72 animais que apresentaram alguma neoplasia tinham mais de dez anos de idade. O carcinoma de células escamosas foi o neoplasma mais comum, correspondendo a 63,2% das neoformações que foram submetidas ao exame histopatológico. As fraturas ósseas do sistema estomatognático corresponderam a 19,3% dos atendimentos, sendo a sínfise mentoniana e o corpo da mandíbula os locais mais comuns de fraturas. Concluiu-se que: existe grande variedade de afecções que acometem a cavidade oral de gatos, sendo a doença periodontal, fratura dentária, lesão de reabsorção dentária, gengivite, gengivoestomatite crônica, neoplasias orais e fraturas dos ossos do sistema estomatognático as mais prevalentes delas; é de extrema importância que as anotações nas fichas de atendimento sejam feitas da maneira mais completa possível, para que informações não sejam perdidas
The RANK / RANKL / OPG sy stem plays an important role in bone formation and resorption . This finding has been regarded as one of the m ost important advances in the understanding of bone biology with respect to osteoclastogenesis. The aim of this study was to investigate the expression of RANKL / RANK / OPG markers in reimplanted t eeth of rats, and to observe the relationship between the expression of these markers and to oth and bone resorption. Thirty male Wistar rats (Rattus norvegicus albinos) had their maxillary right incisors extrac ted , and were divided into 2 groups according to the period that the extracted teeth were kept in dry air before reimplantation : G1 (n = 15) - 5 minutes , and G2 (n = 15) - 60 minutes . After reimplantation, teeth were analyzed at intervals of 1, 3 and 7 da ys. After these experimental periods, the animals were euthanized. Longitudinal sections with 5μm thick were obtained and stained with Hematoxylin and Eosin for histological analysis , while 3μm thick sections were subjected to immunohistochemical analysis of OPG , RANK and RANKL. The results showed that the RANK / RANKL / OPG system actively participates in both the repair process, as well as tooth and bone resorption . Extr a - alveolar time of 60 minutes before replantation caused minor expressions of RANKL a nd OPG, not influencing the expression of RANK; RANKL immunostaining showed higher in both groups when compared to other biomarkers, participating in all phases of bone and tooth resorption; RANKL was associated to both osteoclastogenesis and c ell ular proliferation , and was expressed in both groups.
A favorable prognosis after tooth avulsion depends on some variables, such as the extra-alveolar period and storage medium. Vitality of the periodontal ligament cells is considered a critical factor for a successful outcome without root resorption. The dental surgeon is provided with clinical information and radiographic findings to establish a diagnosis and may rely on current available guidelines. Once trauma has occurred, treatment must be quick and effective, and periodic follow-up must be performed. Clinical, radiographic, and histologic characteristics for each type of root resorption due to tooth replantation are presented, with the aim to provide information for the diagnosis and treatment of healing complications.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)