106 resultados para Tooling


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Bedingt durch die geringen Aufbauraten blieb die Anwendung des direkten Lasersinterverfahrens (DMLS) bislang auf die Herstellung kleinerer Formeinsätze für den Spritzguss- bzw. Al-Druckgusswerkzeugbau beschränkt. Um die Technologie des Rapid Tooling auf das Anwendungsfeld für größere Werkzeugeinsätze zu erweitern, ist vom IFAM zusammen mit weiteren europäischen Projektpartnern im Rahmen des Projekts ecoMold der sog. modulare Werkzeugbaukasten entwickelt worden. Das Konzept beruht darauf, dass ein Werkzeugeinsatz in Module zerteilt wird, die separat gefertigt werden. Jedes Modul setzt sich aus einer Grundgeometrie und einer Formgeometrie zusammen. Die Grundgeometrie stellt Volumenbereiche des Werkzeugeinsatzes dar, die keine formbestimmenden Geometrien beinhalten. Die Grundgeometrien werden als standardisierte Grundmodule durch Fräsen kostengünstig hergestellt. Die formbestimmenden Geometrien des Einsatzes werden durch das Lasersinterverfahren auf die Grundmodule aufgesintert. Die verschiedenen Module werden dann zum fertigen Werkzeugeinsatz montiert. Grundlage ist der vollständige STL-Datensatz der beiden Werkzeughälften. Auf der Basis einer Datenbank, die alle zur Verfügung stehenden Grundmodule in verschiedenen Abmessungsabstufungen enthält, wird die Anzahl, die Größe und die Lage der Module automatisiert von der am IFAM entwickelten Software bestimmt. Dabei wird versucht, den ursprünglichen STL-Datensatz des Werkzeugeinsatzes derart in einzelne Module zu zerlegen, dass die aufzusinternden Bereiche minimiert werden und möglichst viele Volumenbereiche des Einsatzes durch die in der Datenbank hinterlegten Grundmodule gefüllt werden. Mit dem vorgestellten System steht ein neues Fertigungskonzept zur Verfügung, das durch eine Kombination aus Lasersinter- und Fräsverfahren gestattet, das Lasersinterverfahren auch für Rapid-Tooling-Anwendungen für größere Bauteile anzuwenden. Erste Erfahrungen und Kalkulationen haben ergeben, dass im Vergleich zu konventionell hergestellten Werkzeugeinsätzen die Kosten um ca. 35% und die benötigten Bauzeiten um ca. 30% reduziert werden können.


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Approximately three years ago, composite stereolithography (SL) resins were introduced to the marketplace, offering performance features beyond what traditional SL resins could offer. In particular, the high heat deflection temperatures and high stiffness of these highly filled resins have opened the door to several new rapid prototyping (RP) applications, including wind tunnel test modelling and, more recently, rapid tooling.


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Vor etwa drei Jahren wurden Komposit-Kunstharze für die Stereolithographie (SL) auf dem Markt eingeführt. Sie bieten Leistungsmerkmale, die jenseits dessen liegen, was traditionelle SL-Kunstharze auszeichnet. Insbesondere die hohe Wärmeformbeständigkeit und hohe Steifigkeit dieser Komposit-Kunstharze haben verschiedenen neuen Rapid-Prototyping(RP)-Anwendungen den Weg bereitet.


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Extract from the Literary collector.


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Mode of access: Internet.


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The standards of diagnostic systems formation in medicine based on modeling expert’s “means of action” in form of illegible trees of solution-making taking into consideration the criteria of credibility and usefulness have been suggested. The fragments of “applied” trees at diagnosing infectious and urological diseases have been considered as well. The possibilities of modern tooling theory usage for decision-making during creation of artificial intelligence systems have been discussed.


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The accuracy of many aerospace structures is limited by the accuracy of assembly tooling which is in turn limited by the accuracy of the measurements used to set the tooling. Further loss of accuracy results from different rates of thermal expansion for the components and tooling. This paper describes improved tooling designs and setting processes which have the potential to significantly improve the accuracy of aerospace structures. The most advanced solution described is environmentally isolated interferometer networks embedded within tooling combined with active compensation of component pick-ups. This would eliminate environmental effects on measurements while also allowing compensation for thermal expansion. A more immediately realizable solution is the adjustment of component pick-ups using micrometer jacking screws allowing multilateration to be employed during the final stages of the setting process to generate the required offsets. Copyright © 2011 SAE International.


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Aerospace manufacturers typically use monolithic steel fixtures to control the form of assemblies. This tooling is very expensive, has long lead times and has little ability to accommodate product variation and design changes. Since the tool setting and recertification process is manual and time consuming, monolithic structures are required in order to maintain the tooling tolerances for multiple years without recertification. This paper introduces the Metrology Enhanced Tooling for Aerospace (META) Framework which interfaces multiple metrology technologies with the tooling, components, workers and automation. This will allow rapid or even real-time fixture re-certification with improved product verification leading to a reduced risk of product non-conformance and increased fixture utilization while facilitating flexible fixtures.


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This review reflects the state of the art in study of contact and dynamic phenomena occurring in cold roll forming. The importance of taking these phenomena into account is determined by significant machine time and tooling costs spent on worn out forming rolls replacement and equipment adjustment in cold roll forming. Predictive modelling of the tool wear caused by contact and dynamic phenomena can reduce the production losses in this technological process.


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Trabalho Final de Mestrado para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Mecânica


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Drilling of carbon fibre/epoxy laminates is usually carried out using standard drills. However, it is necessary to adapt the processes and/or tooling as the risk of delamination, or other damages, is high. These problems can affect mechanical properties of produced parts, therefore, lower reliability. In this paper, four different drills – three commercial and a special step (prototype) – are compared in terms of thrust force during drilling and delamination. In order to evaluate damage, enhanced radiography is applied. The resulting images were then computational processed using a previously developed image processing and analysis platform. Results show that the prototype drill had encouraging results in terms of maximum thrust force and delamination reduction. Furthermore, it is possible to state that a correct choice of drill geometry, particularly the use of a pilot hole, a conservative cutting speed – 53 m/min – and a low feed rate – 0.025 mm/rev – can help to prevent delamination.


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Hoje em dia, e com os avanços tecnológicos a surgirem de forma constante, existem novas áreas que têm de ser consideradas com um foco importante por parte de todas as organizações, sendo uma delas a robótica industrial. Motivada em aumentar o seu output, as condições de trabalho para os seus colaboradores, bem como todas as condições de organização da logística interna, a Grohe Portugal, mais especificamente o departamento da montagem, achou relevante fazer um estudo de métodos e tempos, calculando os ganhos potenciais de aumento de output com introdução de robótica nas linhas dos cartuchos. Os objetivos principais seriam então, fazer uma restruturação de todo o layout dessas linhas, tendo como foco automatizar alguma(s) operação(ões), conseguindo assim uma melhoria significativa do output dessas linhas com o menor payback possível. Posto isto, esta dissertação pretende apresentar o trabalho desenvolvido junto da Grohe Portugal, que teve como objetivo fazer os estudos e a automatização de linhas de montagem de cartuchos, bem como melhorar algumas linhas de montagem tendo em conta fatores ergonómicos. Relativamente à automatização da linha dos cartuchos, foi importante estudar todos os seguintes aspetos:  utilização de unidades robóticas;  ergonomia;  ganhos de produtividade;  automatizar ou semi-automatizar operações;  simplificar processos de montagem;  simplificar setups;  solicitar orçamentos;  elaborar caderno de encargos. Para a realização deste projeto, o trabalho desenvolvido foi decomposto em várias etapas, entre as quais se destacam:  análise e estudo dos métodos e sequências de montagem;  levantamento de todos os componentes e operações de montagem até à obtenção do cartucho final;  estudo de tempos de todas essas operações de montagem;  caraterização de um novo layout para as linhas com a introdução de unidades robóticas, tanto quanto possível, mais adequadas;  elaboração de caderno de encargos para ser enviado a empresas, para estas poderem apresentar uma orçamentação, bem como indicar as unidades robóticas mais adequadas para as tarefas pretendidas;  automatização da linha dos cartuchos. Relativamente ao projeto de novas linhas de montagem tendo em conta fatores ergonómicos, de forma a melhorar os sistemas de abastecimento e as condições de trabalho por parte dos operadores, foram postos em prática diferentes passos, nomeadamente:  identificação de todos os processos de montagem realizados pelos operadores na linha a melhorar;  estudo e definição da disposição dos componentes na nova linha, bem como a sua forma de abastecimento;  projeto da nova linha de montagem em 3D com recurso ao software SolidWorks;  realização prática da linha, acompanhando e ajudando a equipa da ferramentaria. O balanço final do trabalho foi bastante positivo, tanto na automatização das linhas de montagem dos cartuchos, em que todo o seu estudo foi alcançado com sucesso, como no melhoramento ergonómico das linhas de montagem, tendo-se alcançado melhorias em alguns índices de qualidade, tempos de abastecimento, organização das linhas, e nas condições de iluminação, resultando essas melhorias numa avaliação positiva por parte dos colaboradores que nelas trabalham todos os dias.


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The enormous success of Linux in the consumer electronics industry has unfortunately led to a dramatic increase in license violations in devices. In this talk we will shortly look at the backgrounds of these violations, tooling to help uncover violations and what is needed to prevent future violations from happening.