5 resultados para Tomaspidinae
Restructure of the genus Deois Fennah; description of a new genus and new species (Homoptera, Cercopidae, Tomaspidinae). The genus Deois Fennah is reviewed and some changes in the taxonomy are introduced. The genus and its four subgenera are redefined, having now the following composition: 1) subgenus Deois (Deois) with: D. (D.) correntina (Berg, 1879), D. (D.) grandis Sakakibara, 1979, D. (D.) knoblauchii (Berg, 1879) (formerly in D. (Pandysia)), D. (D.) morialis (China & Myers, 1934), D. (D.) mourei Cavichioli & Sakakibara, 1994, D. (D.) piraporae Sakakibara, 1979, D. (D.) pseudoflavopicta (Lallemand, 1938) comb. nov. (formerly in Mahanarva) = D. (D.) similis Sakakibara, 1979 syn. nov., D. (D.) rubropicta Sakakibara, 1979, D. (D.) spinulata sp. nov., D. (D.) terrea (Germar, 1821), D. (D.) uniformis (Distant, 1909). 2) subgenus Deois (Pandysia) with: D. (P.) bergi sp. nov., D. (P.) crenulata sp. nov., D. (P.) schach (Fabricius, 1787) = Sphenorhyna transiens Walker, 1851 syn. nov.. 3) Deois (Fennahia) with: D. (F.) coerulea (Lallemand, 1924), D. (F.) flexuosa (Walker, 1851). 4) Deois (Acanthodeois) with: D. (A.) flavopicta (Stål, 1854), Deois (A.) incompleta (Walker, 1851). The genus Orodamnis Fennah, 1953 stat. nov. (formerly Deois (Orodamnis)) with: Orodamnis rhynchosporae (China & Myers, 1934) comb. nov. The genus Deoisella gen. nov. is described for: Deoisella fasciata sp. nov. (type species) and Deoisella picklesi (China & Myers, 1934) comb. nov.
Kanaima Distant, 1909: description of a new species (Hemiptera, Auchenorrhyncha, Cercopidae, Tomaspidinae). A new species, Kanaima dubia, is described from São José dos Pinhais, Paraná, Brazil. It is similar, in general aspect, to Kanaima fluvialis (Lallemand, 1924).
The following new taxa of South American Cercopidae are described: Ferorhinella gen. nov., with type species Sphenorhina brevis Walker, 1851; Deois (Deois) knighti sp. nov. (Brazil), Deois (Deois) sexpunctata sp. nov. (Brazil), Deois (Pandysia) constricta sp. nov. (Brazil), Mahanarva (Ipiranga) bahiaensis sp. nov. (Brazil), Maxantonia bifurcata sp. nov. (Brazil), Neosphenorhina curvipenis sp. nov. (Brazil), Sphenorhina brevispina sp. nov. (Ecuador), Sphenorhina nigricephala sp. nov. (Ecuador), Sphenorhina minuta sp. nov. (Brazil), Tropidorhinella onorei sp. nov. (Colombia), Zuata luteofascia sp. nov. (Colombia). Ferorhinella brevis (Walker, 1851) comb. nov. In addition, descriptions are given for a new colour form of Mahanarva (M.) phantastica (Breddin, 1904) and a newly found variation in the male genitalia of Deoisella fasciata Costa & Sakakibara, 2002.
The following new species of South American Cercopidae, are described: Ischnorhina quadrimelasma sp. nov. (Bolivia), Laccogrypota quadrilineata sp. nov. (Bolivia), (Neolaccogrypota youngi sp. nov. (Peru), and Neosphenorhina schombergi sp. nov. (Brazil).
Description of two new species of Sphenorhina (Hemiptera, Cercopidae, Tomaspidinae) from the Neotropical region. Two new species of Sphenorhina Amyot & Serville, S. pseudoboliviana SP. NOV: from Bolivia and S. plata SP. NOV: from Argentina are described and illustrated.