1000 resultados para Toluene adsorption


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This paper complements a previous one [1] about toluene adsorption on a commercial spherical activated carbon and on samples obtained from it by CO2 or steam activation. The present paper deals with the activation of a commercial spherical carbon (SC) having low porosity and high bed density (0.85 g/cm3) using the same procedure. Our results show that SC can be well activated with CO2 or steam. The increase in the burn-off percentage leads to an increase in the gravimetric adsorption capacity (more intensively for CO2) and a decrease in bed density (more intensively for CO2). However, for similar porosity developments similar bed densities are achieved for CO2 and steam. Especial attention is paid to differences between both activating agents, comparing samples having similar or different activation rates, showing that CO2 generates more narrow porosity and penetrates more inside the spherical particles than steam. Steam activates more from the outside to the interior of the spheres and hence produces larger spheres size reductions. With both activation agents and with a suitable combination of porosity development and bed density, quite high volumetric adsorption values of toluene (up to 236 g toluene/L) can be obtained even using a low toluene concentration (200 ppmv).


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Adsorption has been considered as an efficient method for the treatment of dye effluents, but properdisposal of the spent adsorbents is still a challenge. This work attempts to provide a facile methodto reutilize the spent Mg/Al layered double hydroxide (Mg/Al-LDH) after the adsorption of orange II(OII). Herein, the spent hybrid was carbonized under the protection of nitrogen, and then washedwith acid to obtain porous carbon materials. Thermogravimetric analysis results suggested that thecarbonization could be well achieved above 600◦C, as mass loss of the spent hybrid gradually stabilized. Therefore, the carbonization process was carried out at 600, 800, and 1000 ◦C, respectively. Scanning electron microscope showed that the obtained carbon materials possessed a crooked flaky morphology. Nitrogen adsorption–desorption results showed that the carbon materials had large BET surface area and pore volume, e.g., 1426 m2/g and 1.67 cm3/g for the sample carbonized at 800 ◦C. Moreover, the pore structure and surface chemistry compositions were tunable, as they were sensitive to the temperature. Toluene adsorption results demonstrated that the carbon materials had high efficiency in toluene removal. This work provided a facile approach for synthesizing porous carbon materials using spent Mg/Al-LDH.


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Este estudo avalia o uso de argila do Estado do Acre de natureza esmectítica (argila original) como precursora na síntese de PCHs (Porous Clay Heterostructure) e na organofuncionalização com mercaptopropiltrimetoxisilano (MPTS-Arg) e aplicabilidade desses materiais como adsorventes de fenol, benzeno e tolueno em fase líquida. A síntese de PCHs envolve as seguintes etapas: preparação de organoargila com hexadeciltrimetilamônio (HDTMA-Argila); aumento do espaçamento basal (d001) da organoargila usando o cosurfactante octilamina e adição concomitante de uma fonte de Si, como o tetraetilortosilicato (TEOS); lavagens com etanol em HCl, secagem a 60 o C (PCH-60 A e B); calcinação a 500 o C e 700 º C (PCH 500 A/B e PCH 700), com a remoção do surfatante/co-surfactante e consequente substituição destas substâncias orgânicas por prótons que permanecem nas paredes das galerias de pilares de SiO2 até novo tratamento porventura realizado no PCH. O material MPTS-Arg foi obtido a partir da intercalação de mercaptopropiltrimetoxisilano na argila original sob agitação durante 1 h (Arg-MPTS 1) e na argila original previamente tratada com HCl 1 mol L-1 e sob agitação durante 2 h (Arg-MPOS 2). Os materiais (argila original, HDTMA-Argila, PCH-60, PCH-500/700 e MPTS-Arg) foram caracterizados por difração de raios-X (DRX), microscopia eletrônica de varredura acoplado a espectroscopia de raios X por dispersão de energia (MEV/ EDS), espectroscopia de absorção molecular IV com transformada de Fourier (FTIR), técnicas de análises térmicas (DTA_TG) e análises texturais, como as medidas de área superficial específica (ASEBET, ASELangmuir), volume total de poros (VTP) e diâmetro médio de poros (DMP). Caracterização complementar por ressonância nuclear magnética no estado sólido acoplada a espectrometria de massa (RMN-M AS) foi realizada para o PCH-500 A. Nos experimentos de adsorção de fenol, benzeno e tolueno foram utilizadas suspensões aquosas dos adsorventes contendo separadamente os adsorvatos. As concentrações de equilíbrio de fenol, tolueno e benzeno foram medidas por espectroscopia de absorção molecular na região ultravioleta, conforme método aceito e aplicado em outros estudos de adsorção. Foram obtidos os seguintes resultados: identificação do argilomineral esmectita na argila natural com espaçamento basal de 1,25nm; intercalação do HDTMA e do MPTS com expansão do d(001) para 1,95nm (HDTMA-Arg 5) e 2,1nm (MPTS-Argila 1h). Após a modificação observou-se através da análise de EDS um decréscimo das concentrações dos elementos Na, Si e Al (%) nas posições interlamelares e aumento na concentração de C. O espectro 29Si MAS NMR do PCH-500 A apresentou sinais químicos dos centro Q3 Si(OSi)3OH e Q4 Si(OSi)4 que indicam a formação de sílica em sua estrutura. Os PCHs (60 e 500 A) foram classificados como mesoporosos, apresentando ASEBET entre 417 a 446 m2 g-1 e volume total de poros (cm3 g-1) = 0,367 - 0,369. O aumento da temperatura de calcinação do PCH 500 para 700 o C (PCH 700) propiciou decréscimos em SBET (305 m2 g-1) e diâmetro médio de poros (0.976 nm). Foi verificado a partir da avaliação das medidas dos diâmetro de poros em PCH 700 que 46% das medidas correspondem a microporos. No estudo do equilíbrio de adsorção foram obtidos os valores de KL (L mg-1), KF (L mg-1) e qMax (mg g-1) nos seguintes processos: (i) adsorção de fenol (1.40; 2.26 e 3.80) e tolueno (145, 7.18 e 135) em PCH-500 A; (ii) adsorção de benzeno (0.33, 41.49 e 69.81) em PCH 500 B; (iii) na adsorção de tolueno em argila-MPOS 1 (1.06, 118.9 e 146) e argila-MPOS 2 (2.1, 92 e 97); (iv) na adsorção de fenol (0.07, 0.48 e 4.44) e benzeno (0.11, 4.95 e 35.8) em HDTA-Arg 5, respectivamente. Os dados obtidos sobre a caracterização dos materiais indicaram que a formação dos PCHs propiciou grande aumento nas concentrações de Si e decréscimo nas concentrações de Al, Fe e outros elementos, devido à delaminação- exfoliação da esmectita original. Foi verificado que os materiais são mais adequados para adsorção de tolueno e benzeno do que fenol.


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During the last years we assisted to an exponential growth of scientific discoveries for catalysis by gold and many applications have been found for Au-based catalysts. In the literature there are several studies concerning the use of gold-based catalysts for environmental applications and good results are reported for the catalytic combustion of different volatile organic compounds (VOCs). Recently it has also been established that gold-based catalysts are potentially capable of being effectively employed in fuel cells in order to remove CO traces by preferential CO oxidation in H2-rich streams. Bi-metallic catalysts have attracted increasing attention because of their markedly different properties from either of the costituent metals, and above all their enhanced catalytic activity, selectivity and stability. In the literature there are several studies demostrating the beneficial effect due to the addition of an iron component to gold supported catalysts in terms of enhanced activity, selectivity, resistence to deactivation and prolonged lifetime of the catalyst. In this work we tried to develop a methodology for the preparation of iron stabilized gold nanoparticles with controlled size and composition, particularly in terms of obtaining an intimate contact between different phases, since it is well known that the catalytic behaviour of multi-component supported catalysts is strongly influenced by the size of the metal particles and by their reciprocal interaction. Ligand stabilized metal clusters, with nanometric dimensions, are possible precursors for the preparation of catalytically active nanoparticles with controlled dimensions and compositions. Among these, metal carbonyl clusters are quite attractive, since they can be prepared with several different sizes and compositions and, moreover, they are decomposed under very mild conditions. A novel preparation method was developed during this thesis for the preparation of iron and gold/iron supported catalysts using bi-metallic carbonyl clusters as precursors of highly dispersed nanoparticles over TiO2 and CeO2, which are widely considered two of the most suitable supports for gold nanoparticles. Au/FeOx catalysts were prepared by employing the bi-metallic carbonyl cluster salts [NEt4]4[Au4Fe4(CO)16] (Fe/Au=1) and [NEt4][AuFe4(CO)16] (Fe/Au=4), and for comparison FeOx samples were prepared by employing the homometallic [NEt4][HFe3(CO)11] cluster. These clusters were prepared by Prof. Longoni research group (Department of Physical and Inorganic Chemistry- University of Bologna). Particular attention was dedicated to the optimization of a suitable thermal treatment in order to achieve, apart from a good Au and Fe metal dispersion, also the formation of appropriate species with good catalytic properties. A deep IR study was carried out in order to understand the physical interaction between clusters and different supports and detect the occurrence of chemical reactions between them at any stage of the preparation. The characterization by BET, XRD, TEM, H2-TPR, ICP-AES and XPS was performed in order to investigate the catalysts properties, whit particular attention to the interaction between Au and Fe and its influence on the catalytic activity. This novel preparation method resulted in small gold metallic nanoparticles surrounded by highly dispersed iron oxide species, essentially in an amorphous phase, on both TiO2 and CeO2. The results presented in this thesis confirmed that FeOx species can stabilize small Au particles, since keeping costant the gold content but introducing a higher iron amount a higher metal dispersion was achieved. Partial encapsulation of gold atoms by iron species was observed since the Au/Fe surface ratio was found much lower than bulk ratio and a strong interaction between gold and oxide species, both of iron oxide and supports, was achieved. The prepared catalysts were tested in the total oxidation of VOCs, using toluene and methanol as probe molecules for aromatics and alchols, respectively, and in the PROX reaction. Different performances were observed on titania and ceria catalysts, on both toluene and methanol combustion. Toluene combustion on titania catalyst was found to be enhanced increasing iron loading while a moderate effect on FeOx-Ti activity was achieved by Au addition. In this case toluene combustion was improved due to a higher oxygen mobility depending on enhanced oxygen activation by FeOx and Au/FeOx dispersed on titania. On the contrary ceria activity was strongly decreased in the presence of FeOx, while the introduction of gold was found to moderate the detrimental effect of iron species. In fact, excellent ceria performances are due to its ability to adsorb toluene and O2. Since toluene activation is the determining factor for its oxidation, the partial coverage of ceria sites, responsible of toluene adsorption, by FeOx species finely dispersed on the surface resulted in worse efficiency in toluene combustion. Better results were obtained for both ceria and titania catalysts on methanol total oxidation. In this case, the performances achieved on differently supported catalysts indicate that the oxygen mobility is the determining factor in this reaction. The introduction of gold on both TiO2 and CeO2 catalysts, lead to a higher oxygen mobility due to the weakening of both Fe-O and Ce-O bonds and consequently to enhanced methanol combustion. The catalytic activity was found to strongly depend on oxygen mobility and followed the same trend observed for catalysts reducibility. Regarding CO PROX reaction, it was observed that Au/FeOx titania catalysts are less active than ceria ones, due to the lower reducibility of titania compared to ceria. In fact the availability of lattice oxygen involved in PROX reaction is much higher in the latter catalysts. However, the CO PROX performances observed for ceria catalysts are not really high compared to data reported in literature, probably due to the very low Au/Fe surface ratio achieved with this preparation method. CO preferential oxidation was found to strongly depend on Au particle size but also on surface oxygen reducibility, depending on the different oxide species which can be formed using different thermal treatment conditions or varying the iron loading over the support.


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Three types of titania supported materials including titanium dioxide and silicon dioxide composite, titania-coated activated carbon and titania-coated glass beads were prepared and used as photocatalysts to remove toluene from an air stream. Their surface areas were analysed. TEM image reveals titania-silica composites were nanostructured aggregates. XRD was used to determine their crystalline phase which was 100% anatase for the titania component. A fixed bed reactor was designed and built in the laboratory, the toluene with initial concentration of 300 ppm (1149 mg/m3) was fed into the reactor, the destruction efficiencies of toluene were determined by the gas analyser. It was also found that TiO2-SiO2 aggregates with high surface area (421.1 m2/g) achieved high destruction efficiencies. The combined effects of adsorption and photocatalysis were further studied by comparing the performance of pure activated carbon (surface area of 932.4 m2/g) and TiO2 coated activated carbon with BET surface area of 848.4 m2/g. It was found that the TiO2 coated activated carbon demonstrated comparable results to pure activated carbon, and most importantly, the TiO2-coated activated carbon can be effectively regenerated by UV irradiation, and was reused as adsorbent. The experimental result of titania-coated glass beads demonstrated a steady degradation efficiency of 15% after a period of 17 hours. It helped to understand that photocatalysis degradation ability of the TiO2 was constant regardless of the adsorption capacity of the catalysts. This photocatalytic property can be used to degrade the adsorbed toluene and regenerate the catalyst. This study revealed that if the experiments were designed to use adsorption to remove toluene and followed by regeneration of adsorbent using photocatalysis, it could achieve a very high removal efficiency of toluene and reduce the regeneration cost of saturated adsorbent.


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The adsorption equilibria of toluene from aqueous solutions on natural and modified diatomite were examined at different operation parameters such as pH, contact time, initial toluene concentration was evaluated and optimum experimental conditions were identified. The surface area and morphology of the nanoparticles were characterized by SEM, BET, XRD, FTIR and EDX analysis. It was found that in order to obtain the highest possible removal of toluene, the experiments can be carried out at pH 6, temperature 25°C, an agitation speed of 200 rpm, an initial toluene concentration of 150 mg/L, a centrifugal rate of 4000 rpm, adsorbent dosage = 0.1 g and a process time of 90 min. The results of this work show that the maximum percentage removal of toluene from aqueous solution in the optimum conditions for NONMD was 96.91% (145.36 mg/g). Furthermore, under same conditions, the maximum adsorption of natural diatomite was 71.45% (107.18 mg/g). Both adsorption kinetic and isotherm experiments were carried out. The experimental data showed that the adsorption follows the Langmuir model and Freundlich model on natural and modified diatomite respectively. The kinetics results were found to conform well to pseudo-second order kinetics model with good correlation. Thus, this study demonstrated that the modified diatomite could be used as potential adsorbent for removal of toluene from aqueous solution.


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The aim of this study was to prepare a highly active immobilized titania/silica photocatalyst and to test its performance in situ toward degradation of toluene as one of the major toxic indoor contaminants. In this work, two different titania layers immobilized on Al sheets were synthesized via low temperature sol-gel method employing presynthesized highly active titania powders (Degussa P25 and Millennium PC500, mass ratio 1:1): (a) with a silica/titania binder and a protective layer and (b) without the binder. The photocatalysts were characterized by X-ray diffraction, nitrogen sorption measurements, scanning electron microscopy (SEM), infrared spectroscopy, and UV-vis diffuse reflectance spectroscopy (DRS). The in situ photocatalytic degradation of gaseous toluene was selected as a probe reaction to test photocatalytic activity and to verify the potential application of these materials for air remediation. Results show that nontransparent highly photocatalytically active coatings based on the silica/titania binder and homogeneously dispersed TiO2 powders were obtained on the Al sheets. The crystalline structure of titania was not altered upon addition of the binder, which also prevented inhomogeneous agglomeration of particles on the photocatalyst surface. The photoactivity results indicate that the adsorption properties and photocatalytic activity of immobilized photocatalysts with the silica/titania binder and an underlying protective layer were very effective and additionally, they exhibited considerably improved adhesion and uniformity. We present a new highly photocatalytically active immobilized catalyst on a convenient metallic support, which has a potential application in an air cleaning device.


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We conducted the liquid phase oxidation of toluene with molecular oxygen over heterogeneous catalysts of copper-based binary metal oxides. Among the copper-based binary metal oxides, iron-copper binary oxide (Fe/Cu = 0.3 atomic ratio) was found to be the best catalyst. In the presence of pyridine, overoxidation of benzaldehyde to benzoic acid was partially prevented. As a result, highly selective formation of benzaldehyde (86% selectivity) was observed after 2 h of reaction (7% conversion of toluene) at 463 K and 1.0 MPa of oxygen atmosphere in the presence of pyridine. These catalytic performances were similar or better than those in the gas phase oxidation of toluene at reaction temperatures higher than 473 K and under 0.5-2.5 MPa. It was suggested from competitive adsorption measurements that pyridine could reduce the adsorption of benzaldehyde. At a long reaction time of 4 It, the conversion increased to 25% and benzoic acid became the predominant reaction product (72% selectivity) in the absence of pyridine. The yield of benzoic acid was higher than that in the Snia-Viscosa process, which requires corrosive halogen ions and acidic solvents in the homogeneous reaction media. The catalyst was easily recycled by simple filtration and reusable after washing and drying.


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Soil vapor extraction (SVE) and bioremediation (BR) are two of the most common soil remediation technologies. Their application is widespread; however, both present limitations, namely related to the efficiencies of SVE on organic soils and to the remediation times of some BR processes. This work aimed to study the combination of these two technologies in order to verify the achievement of the legal clean-up goals in soil remediation projects involving seven different simulated soils separately contaminated with toluene and xylene. The remediations consisted of the application of SVE followed by biostimulation. The results show that the combination of these two technologies is effective and manages to achieve the clean-up goals imposed by the Spanish Legislation. Under the experimental conditions used in this work, SVE is sufficient for the remediation of soils, contaminated separately with toluene and xylene, with organic matter contents (OMC) below 4 %. In soils with higher OMC, the use of BR, as a complementary technology, and when the concentration of contaminant in the gas phase of the soil reaches values near 1 mg/L, allows the achievement of the clean-up goals. The OMC was a key parameter because it hindered SVE due to adsorption phenomena but enhanced the BR process because it acted as a microorganism and nutrient source.


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Three kinds of titania/silica pellets were prepared using the sol-gel method with surface areas of 50.4m2 g-1, 421.1m2.g-1 and 89.1m2.g-1. An annular reactor was designed and built to determine the degradation efficiency of toluene and to investigate the relationship between the adsorption and desorption-photocatalytic processes. Surface area is an important factor influencing the adsorption-photocatalytic efficiency. Higher surface areas of pellets contribute to high rates of conversion of toluene. Un-reacted toluene and reaction intermediates accumulating on their surface deactivated the titania/silica catalyst. To overcome this problem, the adsorption and regeneration process were alternated in a dual reactor system. Connecting or disconnecting the toluene feed gas enabled one reactor to adsorb toluene, while the second reactor was regenerated by photocatalysis. Using UV irradiation and titania/silica pellets with high BET surface area (421.1 m2.g-1), the alternating adsorption/regeneration processes kept the degradation efficiency of toluene at 90% after 8 hours operation. By improving the adsorption-photocatalysis efficiency, and minimising the generation and accumulation of intermediate on the surface of pellets, the method extended catalyst life and maintained a high degradation efficiency of toluene.


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Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) exist widely in both the indoor and outdoor environment. The main contributing sources of VOCs are motor vehicle exhaust and solvent utilization. Some VOCs are toxic and carcinogenic to human health, such as benzene. In this study, TiO2–SiO2 based photocatalysts were synthesized using the sol–gel method, with high surface areas of 274.1–421.1 m2/g obtained. Two types of pellets were used as catalysts in a fixed-bed reactor installed with a UV black light lamp. Experiments were conducted to compare their efficiencies in degrading the VOCs. Toluene was used as the VOC indicator. When the toluene laden gas stream passed through the photocatalytic reactor, the removal efficiencies were determined using a FTIR multi-gas analyser, which was connected to the outlet of the reactor to analyse the toluene concentrations. As the TiO2–SiO2 pellets used have a high adsorption capacity, they had dual functions as a photocatalyst and adsorbent in the hybrid photocatalysis and adsorption system. The experiments demonstrated that the porous photocatalyst with very high adsorptive capacity enhanced the subsequent photocatalysis reactions and lead to a positive synergistic effect. The catalyst can be self-regenerated by photocatalytic oxidation of the adsorbed VOCs. When the UV irradiation and feeding gas is continuous, a destruction efficiency of about 25% was achieved over a period of 20 h. Once the system was designed and operated into adsorption/regeneration mode, a higher removal efficiency of about 55% was maintained. It was found that the catalyst pellets with a higher surface area (421 m2/g) achieved higher conversion efficiency (100%) for a longer period than those with a lower surface area. A full spectrum scan was carried out using a Bio-rad Infrared spectrometer, finding that the main components of the treated gas stream leaving the reactor, along with untreated toluene, were CO2 and water. The suspected intermediates of aliphatic hydrocarbons and CO were found in minimal amounts or were non detectable. The kinetic rate constants were calculated from the experimental results, it appeared that the stronger adsorption capacity, i.e. larger specific surface area, the higher conversion efficiency would be achieved.


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It is global concern that soil and water were contaminated with organic substances such as BTEX (benzene) (B), toluene (T) and xylene (x) .The presence of excessive amounts of BTEX in aqueous surroundings may have a greatly adverse impact on water quality and thus endanger public health and welfare. Carbon nanotubes (CNT) have aroused widespread attention as a new type of adsorptions due to their outstanding ability for the removal of various inorganic and organic pollutants from large volume of wastewater. Due to variety of adsorbent and their ability to adsorb pollutant, it is possible to reduce expenses and completely omit pollutant. In this CNT is used as a new adsorbent for removal pollutant such as benzene, toluene, and xylene. The result in the area of adsorbing benzene, toluene, and xylene is as follows: the changes of pH don’t affect the capacity of adsorption and the greatest amount of adsorption occurs in pH. The greatest amount of adsorption occurs when using 0.01gr CNT oxidized. Comparing CNT with CNT oxidized in term of adsorption capacity, it is proved that the adsorption capacity of CNT oxidized is much more than CNT. The result of comparing the percentage of adsorption of mentioned elements (B, X, T) is as follows; the amount of adsorption of xylene is more than toluene and toluene is more than benzene. It should be mentioned that in this research the percentage of adsorption to measure is between to 70-80.


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Copper-based catalysts supported on niobium-doped ceria have been prepared and tested in the preferential oxidation of CO in excess of H2 (PROX) and in total oxidation of toluene. Supports and catalysts have been characterized by several techniques: N2 adsorption, ICP-OES, XRF, XRD, Raman Spectroscopy, SEM, TEM, H2-TPR and XPS, and their catalytic performance has been measured in PROX, with an ideal gas mixture (CO, O2 and H2) with or without CO2 and H2O, and in total oxidation of toluene. The effects of the copper loading and the amount of niobium in the supports have been evaluated. Remarkably, the addition of niobia to the catalysts may improve the catalytic performance in total oxidation of toluene. It allows us to prepare cheaper catalysts (niobia it is far cheaper than ceria) with improved catalytic performance.


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