14 resultados para Togaviridae


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Colônias de células de mosquito Aedes albopictus C6/36 foram infectadas com 23 arbovirus, sendo 19 destes existentes no Brasil, pertencentes às famílias Togaviridae, Flaviviridae, Bunyaviridae e Rhabdoviridae. A Replicação virai foi detectada por imunofluorescência indireta com todos os vírus estudados enquanto que o efeito citopático foi observado durante a infecção por alguns destes. No teste de imunofluorescência indireta utilizou-se fluidos ascíticos imunes de camundongos, específicos para os vírus estudados. A replicação virai caracterizada por grande produção de antígeno recomenda a utilização de células C6/36 na propagação e em tentativas de isolamento desses arbovirus. A técnica de imunofluorescência ofereceu importantes subsídios na classificação e identificação de vírus que replicam nestas células.


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Background. Chikungunya, an alphavirus of the Togaviridae family, causes a febrile disease transmitted to humans by the bite of infected Aedes mosquitoes. This infection is reaching endemic levels in many Southeast Asian countries. Symptoms include sudden onset of fever, chills, headache, nausea, vomiting, joint pain with or without swelling, low back pain, and rash. According to the World Health Organization, there are 2 billion people living in Aedes-infested areas. In addition, traveling to these areas is popular, making the potential risk of infections transmitted by the bite of infected Aedes mosquitoes very high. Methods. We proposed a mathematical model to estimate the risk of acquiring chikungunya fever in an Aedes-infested area by taking the prevalence of dengue fever into account. The basic reproduction number for chikungunya fever R-0chik can be written as a function of the basic reproduction number of dengue R-0dengue by calculating the ratio R-0chik/R-0dengue. From R-0chik, we estimated the force of infection and the risk of acquiring the disease both for local residents of a dengue-endemic area and for travelers to this area. Results. We calculated that R-0chik is 64.4% that of R-0dengue. The model was applied to a hypothetical situation, namely, estimating the individual risk of acquiring chikungunya fever in a dengue-endemic area, both for local inhabitants (22% in steady state) and for visiting travelers (from 0.31% to 1.23% depending on the time spent in the area). Conclusions. The method proposed based on the output of a dynamical model is innovative and provided an estimation of the risk of infection, both for local inhabitants and for visiting travelers.


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This study aimed to show, based on the literature on the subject, the potential for dispersal and establishment of the chikungunya virus in Brazil. The chikungunya virus, a Togaviridae member of the genusAlphavirus, reached the Americas in 2013 and, the following year, more than a million cases were reported. In Brazil, indigenous transmission was registered in Amapa and Bahia States, even during the period of low rainfall, exposing the whole country to the risk of virus spreading. Brazil is historically infested by Ae. aegypti and Ae. albopictus, also dengue vectors. Chikungunya may spread, and it is important to take measures to prevent the virus from becoming endemic in the country. Adequate care for patients with chikungunya fever requires training general practitioners, rheumatologists, nurses, and experts in laboratory diagnosis. Up to November 2014, more than 1,000 cases of the virus were reported in Brazil. There is a need for experimental studies in animal models to understand the dynamics of infection and the pathogenesis as well as to identify pathophysiological mechanisms that may contribute to identifying effective drugs against the virus. Clinical trials are needed to identify the causal relationship between the virus and serious injuries observed in different organs and joints. In the absence of vaccines or effective drugs against the virus, currently the only way to prevent the disease is vector control, which will also reduce the number of cases of dengue fever.


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Una virus (UNAV), Togaviridae family, is widely distributed in South America, where infections have been detected in mosquitoes and vertebrate hosts (humans, birds and horses). We analyzed human sera from Córdoba inhabitants aged 44 to 89 years and using a neutralization test, we found a prevalence of UNAV antibodies of 3.8% (3/79). The low titers detected suggest past infections probably acquired in rural areas of the Province of Córdoba (central Argentina). None sera were found positive for MAYV neutralizing antibodies. This is the first report of human infections by UNAV in Argentina.


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This work presents the results of the detection of antibodies (immunoglobulin G) for subtypes I and VI of VEE viruses complex (Togaviridae family) in people from the General Belgrano island, Formosa province (Argentina). The prevalence of neutralizing (NT) antibodies for subtype VI was from 30% to 70% and the prevalence of antibodies inhibitory of hemagglutination (HI) was of 0% in the first and second inquiry respectively. For the subtype IAB the prevalence of NT antibodies was from 13% to 3.6%, similar to the prevalence total for both subtypes. HI antibodies were not detected in any inquiries for any subtype. It was observed that both subtypes circulate simultaneously, while subtype VI remains constant with some peaks, subtype I was found in low level.


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Mayaro virus (MAYV) is an arbovirus (Togaviridae: Alphavirus) enzootic in tropical South America and maintained in a sylvan cycle involving wild vertebrates and Haemagogus mosquitoes. MAYV cases occur sporadically in persons with a history of recent activities inside or around forests. This paper reports three cases of MAYV fever detected in men infected in Camapuã, MS, Brazil. Serum samples collected at four days and two months after the onset of the symptoms and examined by hemagglutination inhibition test, revealed monotypic seroconversion to MAYV. Isolation of the virus was obtained from one of the samples by inoculation of the first blood samples into newborn mice. A suspension of the infected mouse brain was inoculated into C6/36 cells culture and the virus was identified by indirect immunofluorescent assay with alphavirus polyclonal antibodies. RT-PCR, performed with RNA extracted from the supernatant of C6/36 infected cells in the presence of alphavirus generic primers as well as specific MAYV primers, confirmed these results. The reported cases illustrate the importance of laboratory confirmation in establishing a correct diagnosis. Clinical symptoms are not always indicative of a disease caused by an arbovirus. Also MAYV causes febrile illness, which may be mistaken for dengue.


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RESUMO: O vírus chikungunya (CHIKV) é um vírus de RNA, com invólucro, da família Togaviridae, transmitido por mosquitos Aedes spp. Distribuído por largas regiões de África e Ásia, causa grandes epidemias de artrite grave. A semelhança de sintomas com outras doenças como a dengue e a malária e a persistência de IgM específicas, dificultam o diagnóstico da infeção por CHIKV. A deteção no sangue de E3, uma glicoproteína viral secretada, a incluir num ensaio imunoenzimático poderá melhorar o diagnóstico nos países onde as técnicas de biologia molecular são de difícil acesso. Para testar a utilidade de E3 num ensaio de diagnóstico, esta deverá ser expressa em quantidade, purificada e usada para produção de anticorpos específicos. Para expressar E3 numa forma solúvel, suscetível de ser purificada num único passo cromatográfico sem proteases, recorreu-se à estratégia da fusão com o domínio de ligação à quitina (CBD)-inteína (IMPACT™ System, NEB). A sequência codificadora de E3 foi amplificada a partir de RNA viral, clonada em pTYB21 e expressa em E. coli como uma proteína de fusão insolúvel de 64 kDa. A expressão a 12ºC induzida por IPTG 0,1 mM aumentou a solubilidade de CBD-inteína-E3. A aplicação de lisados celulares em colunas de quitina originou a retenção de CBD-inteína-E3 na matriz. Porém, a autoclivagem da inteína na coluna, induzida com reagentes tiol, foi pouco eficiente e mesmo a proteína E3 separada não eluiu da coluna. E3 foi ainda expressa em E. coli com uma cauda de seis histidinas (E3[His]6) por clonagem no vetor pET28b(+). Lisados celulares aplicados em colunas de níquel permitiram a eluição de uma proteína de 9 kDa, compatível com a massa molecular estimada para E3[His]6, ainda que com outros contaminantes proteicos. A identidade da proteína de 9 kDa será confirmada pela indução de anticorpos com esta preparação e reatividade daqueles com células infetadas com CHIKV.----------------ABSTRACT: Chikungunya virus (CHIKV) is an enveloped, positive strand RNA virus belonging to the family Togaviridae. Transmitted by Aedes spp mosquitoes, CHIKV causes large epidemics of severe arthritogenic disease in Africa and Asia and represents a serious threat in countries where vectors are present. Symptoms similarity with other diseases, e.g. dengue and malaria, along with CHIKV IgM persistence turns accurate CHIKV diagnosis a difficult task in low-income countries. Detection of E3, a small secreted viral glycoprotein, to be included in an immunoenzymatic test was envisaged as a possible improvement in CHIKV diagnosis. To test the diagnostic value of E3, recombinant E3 should be expressed and purified to generate antibodies. In order to express CHIKV E3 in a soluble form amenable to purification by a single step affinity chromatography, the chitin binding domain (CBD)-intein fusion strategy without proteases (IMPACT™ System, NEB) was employed. The E3 coding sequence was amplified from viral RNA, cloned in pTYB21 and expressed in E. coli ER2566 as an insoluble 64 kDa CBD-intein-E3 fusion protein. Solubility was partially achieved by lowering the expression temperature to 12ºC and the inducer (IPTG) concentration to 0.1 mM. Clarified cell lysate loaded onto a chitin column allowed ligation of the fusion protein but the intein-mediated cleavage efficiency was low and E3 failed to elute from the column as demonstrated by SDS-PAGE. E3 was further expressed with a six histidine tag, E3[His]6, employing the pET System (Novagen). E3[His]6 was expressed in E. coli Rosetta (30ºC, 0.4 mM IPTG) as a 9 kDa protein. Soluble cell extracts in 20-40 mM imidazole, applied onto a nickel column and eluted with 500 mM imidazole yielded a protein preparation enriched in the 9kDa protein. The 9 kDa will be used as antigen to generate antibodies that upon reaction with CHIKV infected cells will confirm its identity.


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Chikungunya virus (CHIKV) and Mayaro virus (MAYV) are emergent arthropod-borne viruses that produce outbreaks of acute febrile illness with arthropathy. Despite their different continental origins, CHIKV and MAYV are closely related and are components of the Semliki Forest Complex of the Alphavirus (Togaviridae). MAYV and, more recently, CHIKV, which are both transmitted by Aedes mosquitoes, have resulted in severe public health problems in the Americas, including Brazil. In this review, we present aspects of the pathogenesis, clinical presentation and treatment of febrile illnesses produced by CHIKV and MAYV. We also discuss the epidemiological aspects and effects related to the prophylaxis of infections by both viruses.


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A região Amazônica brasileira mantém a maior variedade de arbovírus e o estado do Pará corresponde a 26% desse território, o presente trabalho teve como objetivo determinar a prevalência e a distribuição de anticorpos detectados por inibição de hemaglutinação (IH) para 19 arbovírus em herbívoros domésticos no estado do Pará e padronizar testes de ELISA sanduíche indireto em equinos, bovinos, bubalinos e ovinos. Em todas as espécies de animais estudadas e em todo estado do Pará ocorreu detecção de anticorpos para todos os arbovírus analisados dentre os quais os SLEV, ILHV, EEEV, MAGV e WEEV apresentaram maior prevalência de anticorpos IH, sendo o SLEV o mais prevalente. Na detecção de anticorpos para diferentes famílias de arbovírus o MAGV foi o mais prevalente da família Bunyaviridae em todas as espécies, o SLEV foi o mais prevalente da família Flaviviridae em todas as espécies, na família Togaviridae o EEEV foi mais prevalente em equinos. Ao analisar a prevalência de anticorpos IH por espécie animal foi observado que os equinos não apresentaram diferença significativa em relação aos bubalinos, porém, apresentaram diferença significativa maior em comparação aos bovinos e ovinos, não havendo diferença significativa entre as espécies de ruminantes. O uso de ELISA IgG sanduíche indireto apresentou grande frequência de reações sorológicas cruzadas entre as famílias de arbovírus estudadas.


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A rapid and reproducible method of inhibiting the expression of specific genes in mosquitoes should further our understanding of gene function and may lead to the identification of mosquito genes that determine vector competence or are involved in pathogen transmission. We hypothesized that the virus expression system based on the mosquito-borne Alphavirus, Sindbis (Togaviridae), may efficiently transcribe effector RNAs that inhibit expression of a targeted mosquito gene. To test this hypothesis, germ-line-transformed Aedes aegypti that express luciferase (LUC) from the mosquito Apyrase promoter were intrathoracically inoculated with a double subgenomic Sindbis (dsSIN) virus TE/3′2J/anti-luc (Anti-luc) that transcribes RNA complementary to the 5′ end of the LUC mRNA. LUC activity was monitored in mosquitoes infected with either Anti-luc or control dsSIN viruses expressing unrelated antisense RNAs. Mosquitoes infected with Anti-luc virus exhibited 90% reduction in LUC compared with uninfected and control dsSIN-infected mosquitoes at 5 and 9 days postinoculation. We demonstrate that a gene expressed from the mosquito genome can be inhibited by using an antisense strategy. The dsSIN antisense RNA expression system is an important tool for studying gene function in vivo.


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Background There are no analytical studies of individual risks for Ross River virus (RRV) disease. Therefore, we set out to determine individual risk and protective factors for RRV disease in a high incidence area and to assess the utility of the case-control design applied for this purpose to an arbovirus disease. Methods We used a prospective matched case-control study of new community cases of RRV disease in the local government areas of Cairns, Mareeba, Douglas, and Atherton, in tropical Queensland, from January I to May 31, 1998. Results Protective measures against mosquitoes reduced the risk for disease. Mosquito coils, repellents, and citronella candles each decreased risk by at least 2-fold, with a dose-response for the number of protective measures used. Light-coloured clothing decreased risk 3-fold. Camping increased the risk 8-fold. Conclusions These risks were substantial and statistically significant, and provide a basis for educational programs on individual protection against RRV disease in Australia. Our study demonstrates the utility of the case-control method for investigating arbovirus risks. Such a risk analysis has not been done before for RRV infection, and is infrequently reported for other arbovirus infections.


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The spatial heterogeneity in the risk of Ross River virus (family Togaviridae, genus Alphavirus, RRV) disease, the most common mosquito-borne disease in Australia, was examined in Redland Shire in southern Queensland, Australia. Disease cases, complaints from residents of intense mosquito biting exposure, and human population data were mapped using a geographic information system. Surface maps of RRV disease age-sex standardized morbidity ratios and mosquito biting complaint morbidity ratios were created. To determine whether there was significant spatial variation in disease and complaint patterns, a spatial scan analysis method was used to test whether the number of cases and complaints was distributed according to underlying population at risk. Several noncontiguous areas in proximity to productive saline water habitats of Aedes vigilax (Skuse), a recognized vector of RRV, had higher than expected numbers of RRV disease cases and complaints. Disease rates in human populations in areas which had high numbers of adult Ae. vigilax in carbon dioxide- and octenol-baited light traps were up to 2.9 times those in areas that rarely had high numbers of mosquitoes. It was estimated that targeted control of adult Ae. vigilax in these high-risk areas could potentially reduce the RRV disease incidence by an average of 13.6%. Spatial correlation was found between RRV disease risk and complaints from residents of mosquito biting. Based on historical patterns of RRV transmission throughout Redland Shire and estimated future human population growth in areas with higher than average RRV disease incidence, it was estimated that RRV incidence rates will increase by 8% between 2001 and 2021. The use of arbitrary administrative areas that ranged in size from 4.6 to 318.3 km2, has the potential to mask any small scale heterogeneity in disease patterns. With the availability of georeferenced data sets and high-resolution imagery, it is becoming more feasible to undertake spatial analyses at relatively small scales.


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La fiebre chikunguña es una enfermedad emergente producida por un alfavirus perteneciente a la familia Togaviridae, transmitida por miembros de diferentes especies de mosquitos del género Aedes: Aedes aegypti y Aedes albopictus. La enfermedad del chikunguña se manifiesta de forma aguda con fiebre, rash cutáneo y poliartritis (dolores en varias articulaciones) es por ello que EL OBJETIVO de la investigación fue realizar el Perfil Reumatoideo a estudiantes de nuevo ingreso de Tecnología Médica presentaron en el año 2014 la Fiebre del chikunguña de la Facultad Multidisciplinaria Oriental. METODOLOGÍA: La investigación que se realizó es retroprospectiva porque se evaluaron los datos de una enfermedad que se cursó en el año 2014 y se realizaron las pruebas en el año 2015, transversal porque se realizó en un período sin seguimiento posterior, descriptiva por que permitió conocer si existe o no una alteración en el Perfil Reumatoideo y de laboratorio porque se utilizaron técnicas de laboratorio para determinar los valores del Perfil Reumatoideo. La recopilación de la información se realizó a través de una cédula de entrevista dirigida a los estudiantes que presentaron en el año 2014 la fiebre del chikunguña con el propósito de descartar las interferencias que se pueden presentar en el momento de obtener los resultados clínicos. RESULTADOS: del total de las muestras (100) estudiadas el 51% presentó los valores normales en las pruebas del Perfil Reumatoideo realizadas, por lo tanto el 49% presentó valores positivos o alterados. CONCLUSIONES: el 49% de la población se encontró afectada por la enfermedad presentando positivas una, dos o más pruebas, el 18% presentó resultados positivos de la Proteína "C" reactiva, otro 18% para el Factor reumatoideo, un 38% para la Antiestreptolisina "O" y un 16% de resultados alterados para el Ácido Úrico.


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A Febre do Chicungunya (CHKV) é uma doença aguda causada pelo vírus chicungunya, vírus RNA, do gênero Alphavirus, pertencente à família Togaviridae. Trata-se de arbovirose, transmitida aos humanos pelos mosquitos Aedes, mesmos vetores responsáveis por transmitir o vírus da dengue. Considerada primariamente doença tropical, sua distribuição geográfica ocorria mais frequentemente na África, Ásia e ilhas do Oceano Índico. Mais recentemente, em fins de 2013, a transmissão autóctone (local) foi documentada na América Central, na região do Caribe. Os primeiros casos autóctones notificados no Brasil ocorreram em 2014, sendo notificados até o momento em algumas cidades no Amapá, Bahia, Mato Grosso do Sul e Minas Gerais. A doença já afetou milhões de pessoas e continua a causar epidemias em muitos países. Artralgias persistentes podem interferir na qualidade de vida do paciente e em suas atividades laborais. O quadro clínico é inespecífico, constituindo-se de sinais e sintomas comuns a várias doenças infecciosas. Febre alta de início agudo (até 7 dias) e artralgia/artrite (não explicada por outras condições), geralmente simétrica, migratória, com presença de edema, podendo ser debilitante, acometendo especialmente mãos, punhos, tornozelos e pés são os achados mais frequentes. A doença é em geral auto-limitada com a maior parte dos pacientes recuperando em 1 a 3 semanas. Porém, contingente significativo de pacientes pode cursar com quadro de artrite de longa duração, persistindo por meses a anos, podendo ocorrer acometimento articular intenso. Considerando a duração dos sintomas, o Chicungunya pode determinar doença aguda (duração de até semanas), subaguda (de semanas até 3 meses) e crônica (duração > 3 meses). As medidas de prevenção podem ser pensadas em termos de proteção individual e coletiva e incluem uso de vestimentas que reduzam a área de pele exposta, repelente (especialmente em situações de viagens para áreas de transmissão) e mudança de hábitos que evitem condições que propiciam a multiplicação dos vetores. As medidas que reduzem os criadouros para os vetores são de responsabilidade individual e dos órgãos de saúde pública. Todos os casos suspeitos devem ser mantidos sob mosquiteiros durante o período febril da doença. Não existe vacina disponível até o momento, mas seu desenvolvimento está em progresso. Nos locais onde não se registra ainda ocorrência de casos autóctones deve-se investigar histórico de viagens a áreas onde existe a circulação do vírus. Por se tratar de situação dinâmica, informações epidemiológicas nacionais e internacionais devem ser atualizadas e disponibilizadas para os profissionais de saúde e para a comunidade.