9 resultados para Toenail


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Trace elements have been cited as both inhibitory and causative agents of cancer but importantly exposure to them is potentially modifiable. Our study aimed to examine toenail trace element status and risk of Barrett's oesophagus (BO) and oesophageal adenocarcinoma (OAC). Toenail clippings from each hallux were obtained from 638 participants of the FINBAR (Factors Influencing the Barrett's Adenocarcinoma Relationship) study comprising 221 healthy controls, 98 reflux oesophagitis, 182 BO and 137 OAC cases. The concentrations of eight toenail trace elements were determined using instrumental neutron activation analysis. Using multivariable adjusted logistic regression analysis, odds ratios (OR) and 95% confidence intervals (CIs) were calculated within tertiles of trace element concentrations. A twofold increased risk of BO was observed, but not OAC, among individuals in the highest tertile of toenail zinc status OR 2.21 (95% CI, 1.11-4.40). A higher toenail selenium status was not associated with risk of OAC OR 0.94 (95% CI, 0.44-2.04) or BO OR 0.89 (95% CI, 0.37-2.12). A borderline significant increased risk of BO was detected with a higher toenail cobalt concentration, OR 1.97 (95% CI, 1.01-3.85). No association was found between toenail levels of chromium, cerium, mercury and OAC or BO risk. This is the first case-control study to investigate a variety of trace elements in relation to OAC and BO risk. Despite antioxidant and proapoptotic properties, no associations were found with selenium. Higher concentrations of toenail zinc and cobalt were associated with an increased BO risk, but not OAC. These findings need confirmation in prospective analysis.


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Background Itraconazole is a large spectrum triazole with known efficacy in both continuous and pulse therapy for various mycoses.Objectives Evaluate the efficacy and tolerability of itraconazole pulse therapy for onychomycosis of the toenails due to dermatophytes, in a prospective, open, non-comparative and multicentric investigation.Patients and methods the trial was completed by 72 patients of an initial total of 89. Treatment consisted of four cycles of itraconazole, 200 mg twice a day, for seven consecutive days each month. Patients were evaluated clinically, mycologically and biochemically before, during and at the end of the investigation, and were divided into two groups according to the measure of normal portion of the most affected nail (target nail), as follows: Group 1. 0-5.9 mm; and Group 2: more than 6 mm.Results Improvement was satisfactory and progressive. Results were statistically significant, when comparing the three moments of the study: pre-treatment, end of therapy (fourth month) and follow-up (ninth month) in both groups.Conclusions Itraconazole pulse therapy was efficient and safe for the treatment of onychomycosis caused by dermatophytes, although a much higher daily dosage than the known continuous administration was used. Group 1, with nails initially more extensively affected, had a more evident improvement, by the mean variation in millimeters of normal portion of the target nail. This group showed a very satisfactory response, although not reaching total cure, thus demonstrating the great importance of early treatment of this disease. A residual therapeutic effect is maintained even after suspension of the drug. Group 2 obtained better total cure rates, and four pulses were, in general, sufficient, whereas more cycles would have been beneficial for the Group 1 patients with more extensive involvement. (C) 1998 Elsevier B.V. B.V. All rights reserved.


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The relationship between fluoride (F) concentrations in toenails and prevalence of caries using the International Caries Detection and Assessment System (ICDAS-II) criteria was evaluated. Fifty-four children (4-13 years of age) from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, had their teeth surfaces examined and toenails clipped and analyzed for F. Toenail F concentrations in children presenting ICDAS-II <= 10 or >10 were compared by unpaired t test with Welch correction. Dichotomized data were analyzed by Fisher's exact test. Children presenting ICDAS-II <= 10 (n=23) had 1.85 +/- 1.32 (Mean +/- SD) mu g/g [F]; these values were higher than children having ICDAS-II>10 (n=31), whose toenails had 1.58 +/- 0.78 mu g/g [F], a nonsignificant difference. The sensitivity and specificity of toenail F concentrations in identifying children with ICDAS-II <= 10 were 0.22 and 0.77, respectively. We conclude that children with low caries prevalence tend to have higher toenail F concentrations, but the validity of this biomarker as a diagnostic tool for caries prevalence is low, possibly owing to the fact that the mechanism of action of F on caries control appears to be essentially topical.


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Background: Foot ulcers are a frequent reason for diabetes-related hospitalisation. Clinical training is known to have a beneficial impact on foot ulcer outcomes. Clinical training using simulation techniques has rarely been used in the management of diabetes-related foot complications or chronic wounds. Simulation can be defined as a device or environment that attempts to replicate the real world. The few non-web-based foot-related simulation courses have focused solely on training for a single skill or “part task” (for example, practicing ingrown toenail procedures on models). This pilot study aimed to primarily investigate the effect of a training program using multiple methods of simulation on participants’ clinical confidence in the management of foot ulcers. Methods: Sixteen podiatrists participated in a two-day Foot Ulcer Simulation Training (FUST) course. The course included pre-requisite web-based learning modules, practicing individual foot ulcer management part tasks (for example, debriding a model foot ulcer), and participating in replicated clinical consultation scenarios (for example, treating a standardised patient (actor) with a model foot ulcer). The primary outcome measure of the course was participants’ pre- and post completion of confidence surveys, using a five-point Likert scale (1 = Unacceptable-5 = Proficient). Participants’ knowledge, satisfaction and their perception of the relevance and fidelity (realism) of a range of course elements were also investigated. Parametric statistics were used to analyse the data. Pearson’s r was used for correlation, ANOVA for testing the differences between groups, and a paired-sample t-test to determine the significance between pre- and post-workshop scores. A minimum significance level of p < 0.05 was used. Results: An overall 42% improvement in clinical confidence was observed following completion of FUST (mean scores 3.10 compared to 4.40, p < 0.05). The lack of an overall significant change in knowledge scores reflected the participant populations’ high baseline knowledge and pre-requisite completion of web-based modules. Satisfaction, relevance and fidelity of all course elements were rated highly. Conclusions: This pilot study suggests simulation training programs can improve participants’ clinical confidence in the management of foot ulcers. The approach has the potential to enhance clinical training in diabetes-related foot complications and chronic wounds in general.


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A onicomicose é responsável por mais da metade das alterações ungueais, com prevalência em torno de 2-8%. As unhas dos pés são as mais afetadas, devido, principalmente a fungos dermatófitos (tinea unguium). A terbinafina é o único antimicótico fungicida oral e o mais potente agente contra dermatófitos in vitro. Entretanto, existem poucos estudos controlados, randomizados usando a terbinafina não-continua. Nosso objetivo foi comparar a efetividade e a segurança do tratamento da tinea unguium dos pododáctilos utilizando terbinafina oral em dois esquemas posológicos intermitentes diferentes, associado à onicoabrasão. Foram selecionados 41 pacientes com diagnóstico de onicomicose por dermatófitos, divididos em dois grupos (20 e 21 pacientes em cada), recebendo um dos seguintes tratamentos, além da onicoabrasão: Grupo I: Terbinafina oral 250mg/dia, 7 dias a cada mês; Grupo II: Terbinafina oral 500mg/dia, 7 dias a cada dois meses. Ambos os grupos tiveram duração de seis meses. Os parâmetros de avaliação da efetividade foram clínico e micológico ao término do tratamento, após seis meses e após um ano. Foram utilizados os critérios de cura total, cura parcial, melhora clínica, falha terapêutica e recidiva. Trinta e seis pacientes completaram o estudo. Não houve diferença estatística entre os grupos nos diversos parâmetros utilizados para avaliação da resposta terapêutica. A avaliação do resultado terapêutico mostra que ao final de 18 meses de acompanhamento, oito pacientes (44,4%) de cada grupo alcançaram a cura total, e que 5 (27,8%) pacientes do grupo I e 4 (22,2%) do grupo II apresentaram cura parcial. Apenas um paciente de cada grupo permaneceu com a lesão clínica inalterada durante todo o estudo. A presença dos fungos na lâmina ungueal foi sendo reduzida com o passar do estudo, ao final deste, todos os pacientes de ambos os grupos apresentaram a cultura negativa para dermatófitos. Embora o número de pacientes do estudo fosse pequeno, não houve diferença estatisticamente significativa entre os resultados de cada grupo considerando-se os parâmetros clínicos e micológicos analisados. Ambas as posologias foram consideradas seguras, sem efeitos colaterais graves, nem alterações significativas nos exames laboratoriais. Foram alcançadas taxas de cura (total e parcial) significativas nos Grupos I e II (66,6% e 72,2%, respectivamente, aos 18 meses). A cura total (disease free nail) foi obtida em 8 pacientes (44,4%) de cada grupo. O uso intermitente da terbinafina associado à onicoabrasão foi uma alternativa estatisticamente efetiva, segura e de melhor custo-benefício para o tratamento da tinea unguium dos pododáctilos, independente da posologia.


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Los diferentes tipos de láseres, sobre todo el láser de diodo, irrumpen en la terapéutica podológica para proporcionar una alternativa más de tratamiento en muchas patologías que son el día a día de las consultas. El buen manejo y el conocimiento de sus características son requisitos imprescindibles para no tener efectos secundarios indeseados y poder llevar a cabo tratamientos poco dolorosos, minimizando el tiempo total, y muchas veces proporcionando una solución a diversas patologías.


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Dans une perspective d’analyse des risques pour la santé publique, l’estimation de l’exposition revêt une importance capitale. Parmi les approches existantes d’estimation de l’exposition, l’utilisation d’outils, tels que des questionnaires alimentaires, la modélisation toxicocinétique ou les reconstructions de doses, en complément de la surveillance biologique, permet de raffiner les estimations, et ainsi, de mieux caractériser les risques pour la santé. Ces différents outils et approches ont été développés et appliqués à deux substances d’intérêt, le méthylmercure et le sélénium en raison des effets toxiques bien connus du méthylmercure, de l’interaction entre le méthylmercure et le sélénium réduisant potentiellement ces effets toxiques, et de l’existence de sources communes via la consommation de poisson. Ainsi, l’objectif général de cette thèse consistait à produire des données cinétiques et comparatives manquantes pour la validation et l’interprétation d’approches et d’outils d’évaluation de l’exposition au méthylmercure et au sélénium. Pour ce faire, l’influence du choix de la méthode d’évaluation de l’exposition au méthylmercure a été déterminée en comparant les apports quotidiens et les risques pour la santé estimés par différentes approches (évaluation directe de l’exposition par la surveillance biologique combinée à la modélisation toxicocinétique ou évaluation indirecte par questionnaire alimentaire). D’importantes différences entre ces deux approches ont été observées : les apports quotidiens de méthylmercure estimés par questionnaires sont en moyenne six fois plus élevés que ceux estimés à l’aide de surveillance biologique et modélisation. Ces deux méthodes conduisent à une appréciation des risques pour la santé divergente puisqu’avec l’approche indirecte, les doses quotidiennes estimées de méthylmercure dépassent les normes de Santé Canada pour 21 des 23 volontaires, alors qu’avec l’approche directe, seulement 2 des 23 volontaires sont susceptibles de dépasser les normes. Ces différences pourraient être dues, entre autres, à des biais de mémoire et de désirabilité lors de la complétion des questionnaires. En outre, l’étude de la distribution du sélénium dans différentes matrices biologiques suite à une exposition non alimentaire (shampoing à forte teneur en sélénium) visait, d’une part, à étudier la cinétique du sélénium provenant de cette source d’exposition et, d’autre part, à évaluer la contribution de cette source à la charge corporelle totale. Un suivi des concentrations biologiques (sang, urine, cheveux et ongles) pendant une période de 18 mois chez des volontaires exposés à une source non alimentaire de sélénium a contribué à mieux expliciter les mécanismes de transfert du sélénium du site d’absorption vers le sang (concomitance des voies régulées et non régulées). Ceci a permis de montrer que, contrairement au méthylmercure, l’utilisation des cheveux comme biomarqueur peut mener à une surestimation importante de la charge corporelle réelle en sélénium en cas de non contrôle de facteurs confondants tels que l’utilisation de shampoing contenant du sélénium. Finalement, une analyse exhaustive des données de surveillance biologique du sélénium issues de 75 études publiées dans la littérature a permis de mieux comprendre la cinétique globale du sélénium dans l’organisme humain. En particulier, elle a permis le développement d’un outil reliant les apports quotidiens et les concentrations biologiques de sélénium dans les différentes matrices à l’aide d’algorithmes mathématiques. Conséquemment, à l’aide de ces données cinétiques exprimées par un système d’équations logarithmiques et de leur représentation graphique, il est possible d’estimer les apports quotidiens chez un individu à partir de divers prélèvements biologiques, et ainsi, de faciliter la comparaison d’études de surveillance biologique du sélénium utilisant des biomarqueurs différents. L’ensemble de ces résultats de recherche montre que la méthode choisie pour évaluer l’exposition a un impact important sur les estimations des risques associés. De plus, les recherches menées ont permis de mettre en évidence que le sélénium non alimentaire ne contribue pas de façon significative à la charge corporelle totale, mais constitue un facteur de confusion pour l’estimation de la charge corporelle réelle en sélénium. Finalement, la détermination des équations et des coefficients reliant les concentrations de sélénium entre différentes matrices biologiques, à l’aide d’une vaste base de données cinétiques, concourt à mieux interpréter les résultats de surveillance biologique.


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Photodynamic antimicrobial chemotherapy (PACT) is a promising alternative to conventional chemotherapy that can be used to treat localized mycosis. The development of PACT depends on identifying effective and selective PS for the different pathogenic species. The in vitro susceptibilities of Trichophyton mentagrophytes and Trichophyton rubrum microconidia to PACT with methylene blue (MB), toluidine blue o (TBO), new methylene blue N (NMBN), and the novel pentacyclic phenothiazinium photosensitizer S137 were investigated. The efficacy of each PS was determined based on its minimal inhibitory concentration (MIC). Additionally, we evaluated the effect of PACT with NMBN and S137 on the survival of the microconidia of both species. 5137 showed the lowest MIC. MIC for S137 was 2.5 mu M both for T. mentagrophytes and T. rubrum, when a light dose of 5J cm(-2) was used. PACT with NMBN (10 mu M and 20J cm(-2)) resulted in a reduction of 4 logs in the survival of the T. rubrum and no survivor of T. mentagrophytes was observed. PACT with S137 at 1 mu M and 20J cm(-2) resulted in a reduction of approximately 3 logs in the survival of both species. When a S137 concentration of 10 mu M was used, no survivor was observed for both species at all light doses (5, 10 and 20J cm(-2)). (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.