994 resultados para Tissue optical clearing


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The study of agent diffusion in biological tissues is very important to understand and characterize the optical clearing effects and mechanisms involved: tissue dehydration and refractive index matching. From measurements made to study the optical clearing, it is obvious that light scattering is reduced and that the optical properties of the tissue are controlled in the process. On the other hand, optical measurements do not allow direct determination of the diffusion properties of the agent in the tissue and some calculations are necessary to estimate those properties. This fact is imposed by the occurrence of two fluxes at optical clearing: water typically directed out of and agent directed into the tissue. When the water content in the immersion solution is approximately the same as the free water content of the tissue, a balance is established for water and the agent flux dominates. To prove this concept experimentally, we have measured the collimated transmittance of skeletal muscle samples under treatment with aqueous solutions containing different concentrations of glucose. After estimating the mean diffusion time values for each of the treatments we have represented those values as a function of glucose concentration in solution. Such a representation presents a maximum diffusion time for a water content in solution equal to the tissue free water content. Such a maximum represents the real diffusion time of glucose in the muscle and with this value we could calculate the corresponding diffusion coefficient.


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Optical immersion clearing is a technique that has been widely studied for more than two decades and that is used to originate a temporary transparency effect in biological tissues. If applied in cooperation with clinical methods it provides optimization of diagnosis and treatment procedures. This technique turns biological tissues more transparent through two main mechanisms — tissue dehydration and refractive index (RI) matching between tissue components. Such matching is obtained by partial replacement of interstitial water by a biocompatible agent that presents higher RI and it can be completely reversible by natural rehydration in vivo or by assisted rehydration in ex vivo tissues. Experimental data to characterize and discriminate between the two mechanisms and to find new ones are necessary. Using a simple method, based on collimated transmittance and thickness measurements made from muscle samples under treatment, we have estimated the diffusion properties of glucose, ethylene glycol (EG) and water that were used to perform such characterization and discrimination. Comparing these properties with data from literature that characterize their diffusion in water we have observed that muscle cell membrane permeability limits agent and water diffusion in the muscle. The same experimental data has allowed to calculate the optical clearing (OC) efficiency and make an interpretation of the internal changes that occurred in muscle during the treatments. The same methodology can now be used to perform similar studies with other agents and in other tissues in order to solve engineering problems at design of inexpensive and robust technologies for a considerable improvement of optical tomographic techniques with better contrast and in-depth imaging.


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In this study we have used fluorescence spectroscopy to determine the post-mortem interval. Conventional methods in forensic medicine involve tissue or body fluids sampling and laboratory tests, which are often time demanding and may depend on expensive analysis. The presented method consists in using time-dependent variations on the fluorescence spectrum and its correlation with the time elapsed after regular metabolic activity cessation. This new approach addresses unmet needs for post-mortem interval determination in forensic medicine, by providing rapid and in situ measurements that shows improved time resolution relative to existing methods. (C) 2009 Optical Society of America


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With the objective to study the variation of optical properties of rat muscle during optical clearing, we have performed a set of optical measurements from that kind of tissue. The measurements performed were total transmittance, collimated transmittance, specular reflectance and total reflectance. This set of measurements is sufficient to determine diffuse reflectance and absorbance of the sample, also necessary to estimate the optical properties. All the performed measurements and calculated quantities will be used later in inverse Monte Carlo (IMC) simulations to determine the evolution of the optical properties of muscle during treatments with ethylene glycol and glucose. The results obtained with the measurements already provide some information about the optical clearing treatments applied to the muscle and translate the mechanisms of turning the tissue more transparent and sequence of regimes of optical clearing.


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The study of chemical diffusion in biological tissues is a research field of high importance and with application in many clinical, research and industrial areas. The evaluation of diffusion and viscosity properties of chemicals in tissues is necessary to characterize treatments or inclusion of preservatives in tissues or organs for low temperature conservation. Recently, we have demonstrated experimentally that the diffusion properties and dynamic viscosity of sugars and alcohols can be evaluated from optical measurements. Our studies were performed in skeletal muscle, but our results have revealed that the same methodology can be used with other tissues and different chemicals. Considering the significant number of studies that can be made with this method, it becomes necessary to turn data processing and calculation easier. With this objective, we have developed a software application that integrates all processing and calculations, turning the researcher work easier and faster. Using the same experimental data that previously was used to estimate the diffusion and viscosity of glucose in skeletal muscle, we have repeated the calculations with the new application. Comparing between the results obtained with the new application and with previous independent routines we have demonstrated great similarity and consequently validated the application. This new tool is now available to be used in similar research to obtain the diffusion properties of other chemicals in different tissues or organs.


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Near infrared diffuse optical spectroscopy and diffuse optical imaging are promising methods that eventually may enhance or replace existing technologies for breast cancer screening and diagnosis. These techniques are based on highly sensitive, quantitative measurements of optical and functional contrast between healthy and diseased tissue. In this study, we examine whether changes in breast physiology caused by exogenous hormones, aging, and fluctuations during the menstrual cycle result in significant alterations in breast tissue optical contrast. A noninvasive quantitative diffuse optical spectroscopy technique, frequency-domain photon migration, was used. Measurements were performed on 14 volunteer subjects by using a hand-held probe. Intrinsic tissue absorption and reduced scattering parameters were calculated from frequency-domain photon migration data. Wavelength-dependent absorption (at 674, 803, 849, and 956 nm) was used to determine tissue concentration of oxyhemoglobin, deoxyhemoglobin, total hemoglobin, tissue hemoglobin oxygen saturation, and bulk water content. Results show significant and dramatic differences in optical properties between menopausal states. Average premenopausal intrinsic tissue absorption and reduced scattering values at each wavelength are 2.5- to 3-fold higher and 16–28% greater, respectively, than absorption and scattering for postmenopausal subjects. Absorption and scattering properties for women using hormone replacement therapy are intermediate between premenopausal and postmenopausal populations. Physiological properties show differences in mean total hemoglobin (7.0 μM, 11.8 μM, and 19.2 μM) and water concentration relative to pure water (10.9%, 15.3%, and 27.3%) for postmenopausal, hormone replacement therapy, and premenopausal subjects, respectively. Because of their unique, quantitative information content, diffuse optical methods may play an important role in breast diagnostics and improving our understanding of breast disease.


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Part of the optical clearing study in biological tissues concerns the determination of the diffusion characteristics of water and optical clearing agents in the subject tissue. Such information is sufficient to characterize the time dependence of the optical clearing mechanisms—tissue dehydration and refractive index (RI) matching. We have used a simple method based on collimated optical transmittance measurements made from muscle samples under treatment with aqueous solutions containing different concentrations of ethylene glycol (EG), to determine the diffusion time values of water and EG in skeletal muscle. By representing the estimated mean diffusion time values from each treatment as a function of agent concentration in solution, we could identify the real diffusion times for water and agent. These values allowed for the calculation of the correspondent diffusion coefficients for those fluids. With these results, we have demonstrated that the dehydration mechanism is the one that dominates optical clearing in the first minute of treatment, while the RI matching takes over the optical clearing operations after that and remains for a longer time of treatment up to about 10 min, as we could see for EG and thin tissue samples of 0.5 mm.


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It is known that the fibrous structure of muscle causes light scattering. This phenomenon occurs due to the refractive index discontinuities located between muscle fibers and interstitial fluid. To study the possibility of reducing light scattering inside muscle, we consider its spectral transmittance evolution during an immersion treatment with an optical clearing solution containing ethanol, glycerol, and distilled water. Our methodology consists of registering spectral transmittance of muscle samples while immersed in that solution. With the spectral data collected, we represent the transmittance evolution for some wavelengths during the treatment applied. Additionally, we study the variations that the treatment has caused on the samples regarding tissue refractive index and mass. By analyzing microscopic photographs of tissue cross section, we can also verify changes in the internal arrangement of muscle fibers caused by the immersion treatment. Due to a mathematical model that we develop, we can explain the variations observed in the studied parameters and estimate the amount of optical clearing agent that has diffused into the tissue samples during the immersion treatment. At the end of the study, we observe and explain the improvement in tissue spectral transmittance, which is approximately 65% after 20 min.


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The outcome of light-based therapeutic approaches depends on light propagation in biological tissues, which is governed by their optical properties. The objective of this study was to quantify optical properties of brain tissue in vivo and postmortem and assess changes due to tissue handling postmortem. The study was carried out on eight female New Zealand white rabbits. The local fluence rate was measured in the VIS/NIR range in the brain in vivo, just postmortem, and after six weeks’ storage of the head at −20∘C or in 10% formaldehyde solution. Only minimal changes in the effective attenuation coefficient μeff were observed for two methods of sacrifice, exsanguination or injection of KCl. Under all tissue conditions, μeff decreased with increasing wavelengths. After long-term storage for six weeks at −20∘C, μeff decreased, on average, by 15 to 25% at all wavelengths, while it increased by 5 to 15% at all wavelengths after storage in formaldehyde. We demonstrated that μeff was not very sensitive to the method of animal sacrifice, that tissue freezing significantly altered tissue optical properties, and that formalin fixation might affect the tissue’s optical properties.


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Objective The objective was to examine the effect of a solvent dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) on resin-dentin bond durability, as well as potential functional mechanisms behind the effect. Methods Microtensile bond strength (μTBS) was evaluated in extracted human teeth in two separate experiments. Dentin specimens were acid-etched and assigned to pre-treatment with 0.5 mM (0.004%) DMSO as additional primer for 30 s and to controls with water pre-treatment. Two-step etch-and-rinse adhesive (Scotchbond 1XT, 3M ESPE) was applied and resin composite build-ups were created. Specimens were immediately tested for μTBS or stored in artificial saliva for 6 and 12 months prior to testing. Additional immediate and 6-month specimens were examined for interfacial nanoleakage analysis under SEM. Matrix metalloproteinase (MMP) inhibition by DMSO was examined with gelatin zymography. Demineralized dentin disks were incubated in 100% DMSO to observe the optical clearing effect. Results The use of 0.5 mM DMSO had no effect on immediate bond strength or nanoleakage. In controls, μTBS decreased significantly after storage, but increased significantly in DMSO-treated group. The control group had significantly lower μTBS than DMSO-group after 6 and 12 months. DMSO also eliminated the increase in nanoleakage seen in controls. 5% and higher DMSO concentrations significantly inhibited the gelatinases. DMSO induced optical clearing effect demonstrating collagen dissociation. Significance DMSO as a solvent may be useful in improving the preservation of long-term dentin-adhesive bond strength. The effect may relate to dentinal enzyme inhibition or improved wetting of collagen by adhesives. The collagen dissociation required much higher DMSO concentrations than the 0.5 mM DMSO used for bonding. © 2013 Academy of Dental Materials.


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The main objective of this work was to develop an application capable of determining the diffusion times and diffusion coefficients of optical clearing agents and water inside a known type of muscle. Different types of chemical agents can also be used with the method implemented, such as medications or metabolic products. Since the diffusion times can be calculated, it is possible to describe the dehydration mechanism that occurs in the muscle. The calculation of the diffusion time of an optical clearing agent allows to characterize the refractive index matching mechanism of optical clearing. By using both the diffusion times and diffusion of water and clearing agents not only the optical clearing mechanisms are characterized, but also information about optical clearing effect duration and magnitude is obtained. Such information is crucial to plan a clinical intervention in cooperation with optical clearing. The experimental method and equations implemented in the developed application are described in throughout this document, demonstrating its effectiveness. The application was developed in MATLAB code, but the method was personalized so it better fits the application needs. This process significantly improved the processing efficiency, reduced the time to obtain he results, multiple validations prevents common errors and some extra functionalities were added such as saving application progress or export information in different formats. Tests were made using glucose measurements in muscle. Some of the data, for testing purposes, was also intentionally changed in order to obtain different simulations and results from the application. The entire project was validated by comparing the calculated results with the ones found in literature, which are also described in this document.


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Transparent thin films can now be site-selectively patterned and positioned on surface using mask-defined electrodeposition of one oxide and overcoating with a different solution-processed oxide, followed by thermal annealing. Annealing allows an interdiffusion process to create a new oxide that is entirely transparent. A primary electrodeposited oxide can be patterned and the secondary oxide coated over the entire substrate to form high color contrast coplanar thin film tertiary oxide. The authors also detail the phase formation and chemical state of the oxide and how the nature of the electrodeposited layer and the overlayer influence the optical clearing of the patterned oxide film.


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A procedure for partial digestion of bovine tissue is proposed using polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) microvessels inside a baby-bottle sterilizer under microwave radiation for multi-element determination by inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry (ICP OES). Samples were directly weighed in laboratory-made polytetrafluoroethylene vessels. Nitric acid and hydrogen peroxide were added to the uncovered vessels, which were positioned inside the baby-bottle sterilizer, containing 500 mL of water. The hydrogen peroxide volume was fixed at 100 mu L The system was placed in a domestic microwave oven and partial digestion was carried out for the determination of Ca, Cu, Fe. Mg, Mn and Zn by inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry. The single-vessel approach was used in the entire procedure, to minimize contamination in trace analysis. Better recoveries and lower residual carbon content (RCC) levels were obtained under the conditions established through a 2(4-1) fractional factorial design: 650 W microwave power, 7 min digestion time, 50 mu L nitric acid and 50 mg sample mass. The digestion efficiency was ascertained according to the residual carbon content determined by inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry. The accuracy of the proposed procedure was checked against two certified reference materials. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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This paper proposes a new reconstruction method for diffuse optical tomography using reduced-order models of light transport in tissue. The models, which directly map optical tissue parameters to optical flux measurements at the detector locations, are derived based on data generated by numerical simulation of a reference model. The reconstruction algorithm based on the reduced-order models is a few orders of magnitude faster than the one based on a finite element approximation on a fine mesh incorporating a priori anatomical information acquired by magnetic resonance imaging. We demonstrate the accuracy and speed of the approach using a phantom experiment and through numerical simulation of brain activation in a rat's head. The applicability of the approach for real-time monitoring of brain hemodynamics is demonstrated through a hypercapnic experiment. We show that our results agree with the expected physiological changes and with results of a similar experimental study. However, by using our approach, a three-dimensional tomographic reconstruction can be performed in ∼3  s per time point instead of the 1 to 2 h it takes when using the conventional finite element modeling approach


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PURPOSE. To study changes in lamina cribrosa position and prelaminar tissue thickness (PTT) after surgical IOP reduction in glaucoma patients. METHODS. Twenty-two patients (mean age, 71.4 years) were imaged with spectral domain optical coherence tomography (SD-OCT; 24 radial B-scans centered on the optic nerve head [ONH]) before trabeculectomy or tube shunt implantation. Follow up images were acquired 1 week, 1 month, 3 months, and 6 months postsurgery. Bruch's membrane opening (BMO), the internal limiting membrane (ILM) and the anterior laminar surface (ALS) were segmented in each radial scan with custom software. Surfaces were fitted to the ILM and ALS with the extracted three-dimesional coordinates. PTT was the distance between the ILM and ALS, perpendicular to a BMO reference plane. Serial postsurgical laminar displacement (LD), relative to the BMO reference plane, and changes in PTT were measured. Positive values indicated anterior LD. RESULTS. Mean (SD) presurgery IOP was 18.1 (6.5) mm Hg, and reduced by 4.7 (5.5), 2.4 (7.7), 7.0 (6.2), and 6.8 (7.5) mm Hg at 1 week, 1 month, 3 months, and 6 months postsurgery, respectively. At the four postsurgery time points, there was significant anterior LD (1.8 [9.5], -1.1 [8.9], 8.8 [20.2], and 17.9 [25.8] mu m) and PTT increase (1.7 [13.3], 2.4 [11.9], 17.4 [13.7], and 13.9 [18.6] mu m). LD was greater in ONHs with larger BMO area (P = 0.01) and deeper ALS (P = 0.04); however, PTT was not associated with any of the tested independent variables. CONCLUSIONS. Both anterior LD and thickening of prelaminar tissue occur after surgical IOP reduction in patients with glaucoma. (Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2012;53:5819-5826) DOI:10.1167/iovs.12-9924