24 resultados para Tioglicolato


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The effects of swim bladder injection with thioglycolate, Escherichia coli lipopolysaccharide (LPS) and heat-inactivated Aeromonas hydrophila were assessed on hematological responses in pacu, Piaractus mesopotamicus (Characidae). A quantitative assessment was done on erythrocytes, thrombocytes e leucocytes at 6, 24, and 48 h pos-injection of the inflammatory agents and compared with fish injected with saline solution (control). Fish injected with inactivated A. hydrophila showed a reduction of erythrocytes and hemoglobin, whereas the hematocrit increased 6 h pos-injection. The results show that thioglycolate and LPS also induced a reduction on hemoglobin and an increase on the hematocrit. The thrombocytes count decreased 6 h post A. hydrophila injection, whereas increased 48 hours post LPS injection. The leukocytes count increased after 6 h post A. hydrophila injection, while the lymphocytes and PAS-positive granular leukocytes (PAS-LG) count decreased after 24 h post injection. In fish injected with thioglycolate or with LPS showed an increase in the LG-PAS counts when compared to A. hydrophila or control groups. The monocytes count was not affected by the different inflammatory agents.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Esta investigação objetivou a eficácia antimicrobiana de agentes desinfetantes utilizados na desinfecção dos instrumentos endodônticos, durante o período transoperatório do tratamento endodôntico. A atividade antimicrobiana dos desinfetantes álcool isopropílico, acetona e ácido peracético (PAA) foi avaliada sobre microrganismos planctônicos através de teste de contato (time kill assay), utilizando inóculo de 9,9 X 109 a 1,2 X 1012 unidades formadoras de colônia (UFC) e por determinação da concentração bactericida mínima (CBM), usando inóculo de aproximadamente 106 UFC. Os agentes químicos também foram avaliados sobre Enterococcus faecalis (E. faecalis) ATCC 29212 cultivada em matriz de dentina (ex vivo) visando a formação de biofilme. O biofilme (organismos sésseis) microbiano foi removido com limas tipo Kerr (LK), até as lâminas estarem visualmente preenchidas. As LK contaminadas foram usadas como carreadores (logo após a contaminação ou secas dentro de uma câmara de fluxo laminar por 10 minutos). As LK carreadoras foram imersas em álcool isopropílico ou acetona ambos a 80%, ou em Ácido peracético 2%, por 30 ou 60 segundos. As limas foram posteriormente colocadas em tubos de ensaio contendo caldo Enterococcosel para observar o crescimento dos enterococos viáveis. Depois, os experimentos in vivo foram realizados com LK contaminadas por material necrótico pulpar da região cervical de dentes indicados para tratamento endodôntico. As LK contaminadas foram imersas, por 30 ou 60 segundos, em 80% de acetona ou 80% de álcool isopropílico ou 2% de PAA. As limas foram então inoculadas em tubos de ensaio contendo meio tioglicolato. Os organismos que cresceram, foram identificados após o tratamento com PAA. A corrosão mediada pelos agentes químicos também foi testada, após a incubação de LK de aço inoxidável e de NiTi por 60 minutos, medindo o peso das LK antes e depois da imersão e por microscopia eletrônica de varredura (MEV). Todos os agentes químicos foram capazes de eliminar ou reduzir a viabilidade das bactérias de espécies planctônicas Gram-negativas e Gram-positivas, embora a atividade dos produtos químicos sobre E. faecalis sésseis em testes de carreadores de LK demonstrou que o álcool isopropílico ou acetona foram incapazes de eliminar a contaminação bacteriana, especialmente, quando as limas foram secas previamente à exposição aos produtos químicos, por 15 ou 30 segundos. O PAA demonstrou a melhor atividade antimicrobiana e eliminou a viabilidade das células sésseis E. faecalis de ambas as limas endodônticas tipo K úmidas ou secas, após exposição por 15 segundos (100% de eliminação). Os experimentos desenvolvidos in vivo demonstraram que o PAA foi o agente mais eficaz (p<0,05), capaz de eliminar a viabilidade dos organismos em 92% das LK imersas depois de 60 segundos, quando comparado com acetona (64%) ou com álcool isopropílico (50%). O crescimento microbiano após o contato com o PAA demonstrou que somente o grupo dos Lactobacillus sp foi resistente a essa substância química. Os agentes químicos não demonstraram ser corrosivos, após a imersão por 1 hora, tanto por pesagem quanto por MEV. Foi observado que o PAA foi o agente mais eficaz para ser utilizado como desinfetante de instrumentos, durante o período transoperatório do tratamento endodôntico.


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O gênero Pterodon pertence à família das Fabaceae e inclui quatro espécies nativas do Brasil: P. emarginatus Vog., P. apparicioi Pedersoli, P. abruptus Benth. e a espécie objeto deste estudo P. polygalaeflorus Benth.. Seus frutos são utilizados pela medicina popular devido às propriedades antirreumática, analgésica, anti-inflamatória, dentre outros. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a espécie Pterodon polygalaeflorus quanto ao seu potencial anti-inflamatório, antiartrítico e toxicológico, através da análise de seus efeitos em modelos in vitro e in vivo. Os extratos EEPpg, EHPpg e EDPpg reduziram (p<0,01) a produção in vitro de NO, por macrófagos ativados por LPS, com baixa citotoxicidade e diminuíram a celularidade (p<0,05) no exsudato inflamatório no modelo de inflamação in vivo conhecido como air pouch. O extrato mais ativo (EHPpg) foi selecionado e submetido a fracionamento em coluna de sílica gel 60 gerando quatro frações. Todas as frações (Fr I-Fr IV) reduziram: a produção de NO (p<0,001) por macrófagos ativados, com baixa ou nenhuma citotoxicidade; a migração de macrófagos in vitro (p<0,01, ensaio de wound healing) e in vivo (p<0,05, peritonite induzida por tioglicolato); e a proliferação de esplenócitos estimulados com Con A (p<0,001). As frações III e IV, mais ativas nos ensaios anteriores, mostraram ação antiartrítica (com 0,02 mg/kg), utilizando o modelo in vivo de artrite induzida por adjuvante completo de Freund (AIA), demonstrada por redução: do índice de edema de pata em 23,7% (Fr III) e 43,95% (Fr IV); das lesões histopatológicas na região tíbio-tarsal típicas de articulações com AIA (p< 0,05); do peso e celularidade do linfonodo e do baço, mas não da celularidade da medula óssea; das subpopulações de linfócitos (CD4+, CD8+ e CD19+) nos linfonodos inguinais, porém com significativo aumento das subpopulações ativadas CD4+CD69+, redução da CD8+CD69+ e aumento de CD19+CD69+ (apenas na Fr III); e redução da população de macrófagos no baço (p<0,001). As frações III e IV mostraram ação imunossupressora em nível celular e molecular, reduzindo (p<0,001) os níveis do mRNA da iNOS, assim como as citocinas IL-1β, TNF-α e IL-10, em nível de mRNA e proteína, em cultura de macrófagos. A expressão do receptor CD14, em macrófagos estimulados por LPS (31,74%), foi inibida apenas pela Fr III. A osteoclastogênese foi inibida pelas frações III e IV, sugerindo uma ação antiartrítica das frações em nível de diferenciação celular para osteoclastos (inibição). Este efeito pode resultar da inibição da expressão do fator de transcrição NFATc1, no caso da Fr III. Por fim, as frações Fr III e Fr IV não apresentaram toxicidade subaguda, potencial mutagênico (teste de Ames) ou genotóxico (teste do micronúcleo). A ausência de toxicidade in vivo das frações ficou demonstrada pela ausência de alteração no peso corporal e de órgãos, nas concentrações séricas de creatinina, ácido úrico, triglicerídeos, colesterol, ALT e ALP, ou de CYP1A1 e GSTs no fígado. Análises fitoquímicas (GC-MS e TLC) mostraram uma grande variedade de terpenos nas frações III e IV, sendo majoritários os furano-diterpenos derivados do vouacapano. O diterpeno isolado, Ppg-01, presente nas frações III (5,12%) e IV (18,47%), reduziu a produção in vitro de NO e o edema de pata induzido por carragenina (p<0,001). Em conjunto, os dados sugerem que o Ppg-01 esteja contribuindo para as ações anti-inflamatórias e imunomoduladoras das frações III e IV, e que estas propriedades estejam associadas aos efeitos antiartríticos observados.


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The mushrooms have been object of intense research in view of its potential raising of application in different sectors of the pharmacology and alimentary industry. Among diverse bioactive composites of polyssacharides nature that exist in the fungus the glucans are much searched. These are polymers of glucose and classified as the type of glicosidic linking [α, β]. Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors (PPARs), ranscription factors belonging to the family of nuclear receptors that bind themselves o specific agonists, have shown their importance in controlling the inflammatory process. The aim of this study was to perform a chemical characterization of extract rom the mushroom Caripia montagnei, assess its antiinflammatory and antibacterial effect and determine if this effect occurs via PPAR. This mushroom is composed of carbohydrates (63.3±4.1%), lipids (21.4l±0.9%) and proteins (2.2± 0.3%). The aqueous solution resulting from the fractionation contained carbohydrates (98.7±3.3%) and protein (1.3±0.25%). Analyses of infrared spectrophotometry and of nuclear magnetic esonance demonstrated that the extract of mushroom C. montagnei is rich in β-glucans. In hioglycolate-induced peritonitis, the C. montagnei glucans (50 mg/kg) educed the inflammatory process in 65.5±5.2% and agonists, pharmacological igands, for PPAR: Wy-14643 (49.3±6.1%), PFOA (48.9±3.8%) and clofibrate in 45.2±3.2%. Sodium diclofenac showed a reduction of 81.65±0.6%. In the plantar edema, the glucans from C. montagnei (50 mg/kg) and L-NAME reduced the edema to a similar degree 91.4±0.3% and 92.8±0,5 %, respectively. In all the groups tested, nitric oxide (NO), an inflammation mediator, showed a significant reduction in the nitrate/nitrite levels when compared to the positive control (P<0.001). The C. montagnei glucans did not show cytotoxicity in the concentrations tested (2.5, 5.0, 10.0, 20.0 and 40.0 µg/100 µL). Antibacterial activity demonstrated that, unlike total extract, there was no inhibition of bacterial growth. The C. montagnei glucans show great potential for antiinflammatory applications. This effect suggests that it is mediated by PPAR activation and by COX and iNOS inhibition


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Heparan sulfate (HS) and Heparin (Hep) glycosaminoglycans (GAGs) are heterogeneous and highly charged polysaccharides. HS is structurally related to Hep but is much less substituted with sulfo groups than heparin and has a more varied structure (or sequence). Because of structural similiarities between these two polymers, they have been described together as heparinoids . Both chains bind a variety of proteins and mediate various physiologically important processes including, blood coagulation, cell adhesion and growth factor regulation. Heparinoids with structural characteristics similar to these described from HS and/or Hep from mammalian tissues have been isolated from different species of invertebrates, although only a few heparinoids from unusual sources have been characterized. The present study describes the presence of unusual heparinoids population from Artemia franciscana, isolated after proteolysis and fractionation by ion exchange resin and named, F-3.0M. The study model in vivo were hemostasis (rat tail scarification) and inflamatoty activity. The tests in vitro were used for coagulations assays (PT and APTT). The analyse of the heparinoids eluted with 3,0M NaCl showed electrophoretic migration in different buffer systems a single band with a behaviour intermediate between those of mammalian HEP and HS. The main products obtained from Artemia heparinoids after enzymatic degradation with heparitinases I and II from F. heparinum were N-sulphated disaccharides (∆U-GlcNS,6S/ ∆U,2S-GlcNS and ∆U-GlcNS) and N-acetylated disaccharides (∆U, GlcNAc). This heparinoid had a lower hemorrhagic effect (400μg/ml) when compared to unfractiionated heparins(25μg/ml).The results also suggest a negligible APTT activity of this heparinoid (62.2s). No action was observed on PT indicating that F-3.0M haven t action on the extrinsic pathway. The results showed that the fraction F- 3.0M have inhibitory effect on migration of leukocytes, 64.5% in the concentration of 10 μg/ml (P<0.001). The search for new heparin and/or heparan sulphates analogs devoid of anticoagulant activity is an atractive alternative and may open up a wide variety of new therapeutic applications


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Several pharmacological properties have been attributed to isolated compounds from mushroom. Recently, have these compounds, especially the polysaccharides derived from mushrooms, modulate the immune system, and its antitumor, antiviral, antibiotic and antiinflammatory activities. This study assesses the possible pharmacological properties of the polysaccharides from Scleroderma nitidum mushroom. The centesimal composition of the tissue showed that this fungus is composed mainly of fibers (35.61%), ash (33.69%) and carbohydrates (25.31%). The chemical analysis of the polysaccharide fraction showed high levels of carbohydrates (94.71%) and low content of protein (5.29%). These polysaccharides are composed of glucose, galactose, mannose and fucose in the following molar ratios 0.156, 0.044, 0.025, 0.066 and the infrared analysis showed a possible polysaccharide-protein complex. The polysaccharides from Scleroderma nitidum showed antioxidant potential with concentration-dependent antioxidant activity compared to ascorbic acid. The analysis scavenging of superoxide radical and inhibition of lipid peroxidation showed that the polysaccharides from S. nitidum have an IC50 of 12.70 mg/ml and EC50 10.4 μg/ml, respectively. The antioxidant activity was confirmed by the presence of reducing potential of these polysaccharides. The effect of these polymers on the inflammatory process was tested using the carrageenan or histamine-induced paw edema model and the sodium thioglycolate or zymosan-induced model. The polysaccharides were effective in reducing edema (73% at 50 mg/kg) and cell infiltrate (37% at 10 mg/kg) in both inflammation models tested. Nitric oxide, a mediator in the inflammatory process, showed a reduction of around 26% at 10 mg/kg of body weight. Analysis of pro- and anti-inflammatory cytokines showed that in the groups treated with polysaccharides from S. nitidum there was an increase in cytokines such as IL-1ra, IL-10, and MIP-1β concomitant with the decrease in INF-γ (75%) and IL-2 (22%). We observed the influence of polysaccharides on the modulation of the expression of nuclear factor κB. Thus, polysaccharides from S. nitidum reduced the expression of NF-κB by up to 64%. The results obtained suggest that NF-κB modulation is one of the possible mechanisms that explain the anti-inflammatory effect of polysaccharides from the fungus S. nitidum.


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In the last years, heparin has become target of many studies related to inflammation due its ability of biding to proteins involved on immune response. Recently, it was demonstrated, at our laboratory, using a thIoglycollate-induced peritonitis model, heparin s capacity of reduce cellular influx into the peritoneal cavity, 3 hours after the inflammatory stimulus. Once neutrophilic infiltration is highest around 8 hours after the inflammatory stimulus, at the present work, using the same peritonitis model, it was assessed heparin s ability of keeping the interference on leukocyte infiltration, 8 hours after inflammation induction. Moreover, using cellular differential count, it was evaluated how the cellular populations involved in the inflammatory process would be affected by the treatment. Eight hours after the inflammatory stimulus, only heparin dosage of 1 μg/Kg was able to reduce the cellular influx to peritoneum, 62.8% of reduction when compared to positive control (p < 0.001). Furthermore, heparin dosage of 15 μg/Kg presented a pro-inflammatory effect in whole blood verified by the increase of 60.9% (p < 0.001) and 117.8% (p < 0.001) on neutrophils and monocytes proportion, respectively, when compared to positive control. In addition, this dosage also presented a neutrophilic proportion on peritoneal fluid 27.3% higher than positive control (p < 0.05). This duality between anti- and pro-inflammatory effects at different times corroborates studies that attribute a pleiotropic immunomodulator role to heparin.


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A galactose and sucrose specific lectin from the marine sponge Cliona varians named CvL was purified by acetone fractionation followed by Sepharose CL 4B affinity chromatography. Models of leukocyte migration in vivo were used to study the inflammatory activity of CvL through of mouse paw oedema and peritonitis. Effect of CvL on peritoneal macrophage activation was analyzed. Effects of corticoids and NSAIDS drugs were also evaluated on peritonitis stimulated by CvL. Results showed that mouse hind-paw oedema induced by sub plantar injections of CvL was dependent dose until 50µg/paw. This CvL dose when administered into mouse peritoneal cavities induced maxima cell migration (9283 cells/µL) at 24 hours after injection. This effect was preferentially inhibited by incubation of CvL with the carbohydrates D-galactose followed by sucrose. Pre-treatment of mice with 3% thioglycolate increases the peritoneal macrophage population 2.3 times, and enhanced the neutrophil migration after 24h CvL injection (75.8%, p<0.001) and no significant effect was observed in presence of fMLP. Finally, Pre-treatment of mice with dexamethason (cytokine antagonist) decreased 65.6%, (p<0.001), with diclofenac (non-selective NSAID) decreased 34.5%, (p<0.001) and Celecoxib (selective NSAID) had no effect on leukocyte migration after submission at peritonitis stimulated by CvL, respectively. Summarizing, data suggest that CvL shows pro-inflammatory activity, inducing neutrophil migration probably by pathway on resident macrophage activation and on chemotaxis mediated by cytokines


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fucans, sulfated polysaccharides extracted from brown algae and some echinoderms, have been extensively studied for its diverse biological activities and because of its interference with molecular mechanisms of cell to cell recognition, including leukocyte trafficking from blood vessels into sites of inflammation mediated by selectin, a family of adhesion molecules. In the present study, we examined structural features of a heterofucan extracted from brown algae Padina gymnospora and its effect on the leukocyte migration to the peritoneum. The sulfated polysaccharides were extracted from the brown seaweed by proteolysis with the proteolytic enzyme maxatase. The presence of protein and uronic acid contamination was detected in the crude polysaccharide extract. Fractionation of the crude extract with growing concentrations of acetone produced five fractions with different concentrations of fucose, xylose, uronic acid, galactose, glucose and sulfate. The fraction precipitated with 1.5 volumes of acetone was characterized by infrared and nuclear magnetic resonance, through which can be observed the presence of sulfate groups in the C4 of -L-fucose. The anti-inflammatory action of this composite was assessed by a sodium thioglycollate-induced peritonitis assay and through nitric oxide production by the peritoneal macrophages using Griess reagent. Fraction F1.5 was efficient in reducing leukocyte influx into the peritoneal cavity when 10 mg/kg and 25mg/kg were used, resulting in a decrease of 56 and 39%, respectively. A decrease of nitric oxide production occurred when high concentrations of fucana were used. The cytotoxicity of the composite was also assessed using the reduction of 3-(4,5 dimethylthiazol-2-yl) 2,5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide (MTT). Fraction F1.5 had no cytotoxicity when 500 μg/mL of the fraction was used. This study suggests the use of fraction F1.5 (heterofucan) as an anti-inflammatory


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)