53 resultados para Tinha favosa


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A case of a tinea favosa involving the scalp of a child represented in the painting Boys climbing a tree (Muchachos trepando a un árbol), by Francisco Goya y Lucientes, with pictorial representation of favic scutula and consequent alopecia.


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Os autores relatam 4 casos de tinha favosa por Trichophyton schoenleinii de ocorrência familiar, identificados na cidade de Itapecerica da Serra, município da Grande São Paulo. Todos os casos foram tratados com griseofulvina por via oral na dose de 1.0 mg/kg/dia por no mínimo 3 meses, tendo ocorrido cura clínica e laboratorial em 2 pacientes, e os dois restantes necessitaram de terapêutica mais prolongada.


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Genetic models of sex and caste determination in eusocial stingless bees suggest specific patterns of male, worker and gyne cell distribution in the brood comb. Conflict between queen and laying workers over male parentage and center-periphery gradients of conditions, such as food and temperature, could also contribute to non-random spatial configuration. We converted the positions of the hexagonal cells in a brood comb to Cartesian coordinates, labeled by sex or caste of the individuals inside. To detect and locate clustered patterns, the mapped brood combs were evaluated by indexes of dispersion (MMC, mean distance of cells of a given category from their centroid) and eccentricity (DMB, distance between this centroid and the overall brood comb centroid) that we developed. After randomizing the labels and recalculating the indexes, we calculated probabilities that the original values had been generated by chance. We created sets of binary brood combs in which males were aggregated, regularly or randomly distributed among females. These stylized maps were used to describe the power of MMC and DMB, and they were applied to evaluate the male distribution in the sampled Nannotrigona testaceicornis brood combs. MMC was very sensitive to slight deviations from a perfectly rounded clump; DMB detected any asymmetry in the location of these compact to fuzzy clusters. Six of the 82 brood combs of N. testaceicornis that we analyzed had more than nine males, distributed according to variations in spatial patterns, as indicated by the two indexes.


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Insect societies are well known for their high degree of cooperation, but their colonies can potentially be exploited by reproductive workers who lay unfertilized, male eggs, rather than work for the good of the colony. Recently, it has also been discovered that workers in bumblebees and Asian honeybees can succeed in entering and parasitizing unrelated colonies to produce their own male offspring. The aim of this study was to investigate whether such intraspecific worker parasitism might also occur in stingless bees, another group of highly social bees. Based on a large-scale genetic study of the species Melipona scutellaris, and the genotyping of nearly 600 males from 45 colonies, we show that similar to 20% of all males are workers` sons, but that around 80% of these had genotypes that were incompatible with them being the sons of workers of the resident queen. By tracking colonies over multiple generations, we show that these males were not produced by drifted workers, but rather by workers that were the offspring of a previous, superseded queen. This means that uniquely, workers reproductively parasitize the next-generation workforce. Our results are surprising given that most colonies were sampled many months after the previous queen had died and that workers normally only have a life expectancy of similar to 30 days. It also implies that reproductive workers greatly outlive all other workers. We explain our results in the context of kin selection theory, and the fact that it pays workers more from exploiting the colony if costs are carried by less related individuals.


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As dermatofitoses são infecções superficiais capazes de produzir lesões em tecidos queratinizados como pele, pêlo e unhas e estão entre as micoses mais freqüentes que acometem o homem. Quanto ao hospedeiro preferencial e habitat natural, os hermatófitos são classificados em antropofílicos, zoofílicos e geofílicos e são conhecidos três gêneros: Trichophyton, Microsporum e Epidermophyton. A tinea capitis é uma doença infecto-contagiosa causada por dermatófitos dos gêneros Trichophyton e Microsporum, de ocorrência predominante na infância e rara após a adolescência. Pode ser dividida em: tinha favosa, favus ou favo, tinha tricofítica e tinha microspórica. O presente trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar a prevalência de tinea capitis em pacientes atendidos no Serviço de Dermatologia do Departamento de Patologia Tropical / Centro de Ciências da Saúde / Universidade Federal do Pará, no período de janeiro de 1999 a junho de 2004. Todos os pacientes com suspeita clínica da doença foram encaminhados ao Setor de Micologia para realização do exame micológico direto usando clarificador KOH 20% e cultura em Ágar Sabouraud. Foram observados 324 casos de tinea capitis, e analisados apenas 308. Destes, o sexo mais acometido foi o feminino, com 222 casos (72,1%), a faixa etária mais acometida foi de 0 a 12 anos (270 casos), com predomínio estatisticamente significante do sexo feminino em 69,6% dos pacientes em idade infantil. Entre os adultos, o sexo mais acometido foi também o feminino com 34 casos (89,5%). O agente etiológico mais freqüente foi o Trichophyton tonsurans (75,8%), seguido do Microsporum canis isolado em 17,7% dos casos. Os resultados demonstraram o predomínio de tinea capitis em crianças em idade escolar e que a espécie antropofilica Trichophyton tonsurans foi o agente mais comum de lesões no couro cabeludo.


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Radiolarians from two sites north of Little Bahama Bank (Sites 627 and 628) are correlated with assemblages from sites on the southeastern U.S. coastal plain and continental shelf and from DSDP Sites 391 and 534 in the Blake-Bahama Basin. Results show that deposition of biogenic silica-rich sediments occurred in this region from the late Oligocene through middle Miocene, although the record is interrupted by unconformities. Radiolarians help constrain the age of a mass-transported deposit at Site 627 that appears to be coeval with the Great Abaco Member of the Blake Ridge Formation.


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During Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Leg 199, sediments were recovered from eight sites in the Central Pacific. Late Oligocene and early Miocene radiolarians are common to abundant and moderately well preserved in Cores 199-1218A-8H through 11H and 199-1219A-5H through 9H. More than 110 radiolarian species were encountered during this study. Of these species, 100 are identifiable forms and the rest are undescribed or unfamiliar forms. This report presents the relative abundances of described forms from the upper Oligocene to lower Miocene sediments.


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The Neogene of the southwestern Atlantic is virtually barren of biogenic silica. Of the four sites drilled on Leg 72, only two contained identifiable radiolarian specimens. In the southwestern Brazil Basin (Site 515), radiolarians are present only from the upper Oligocene (Anomaly 8, about 28 Ma) to the middle Miocene (Zone NN8, about 11.5 Ma). On the Rio Grande Rise (Site 516), radiolarians are present only within a short interval of the lower Miocene (Zones N5-N6, about 18-20 Ma). The abrupt cessation of silica deposition in the upper middle Miocene is characteristic of many drill sites in the tropical and temperate Atlantic and implies that a major oceanographic "threshold" was exceeded at this time, allowing the Atlantic waters to become either less productive or relatively silica deficient. Siliceous microfossils are notably more abundant in Oligocene-Miocene sediments of deep regions where carbonate preservation is poor (Site 515) than in equivalent carbonate-rich strata nearby (Site 516). This discrepancy suggests that the presence of calcareous microfossils may act to enhance post-depositional dissolution of biogenic silica tests by elevating the pH of the surrounding pore waters. Carbonate-free clays, by contrast, may provide a more favorable chemical environment for silica preservation.


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This paper discusses the Paleobathymetric and paleoenvironmental history of the New Hebrides Island Arc and North d'Entrecasteaux Ridge during Cenozoic time based on benthic foraminiferal and sedimentological data. Oligocene and Pliocene to Pleistocene benthic foraminiferal assemblages from Sites 827, 828, 829, and 832 of Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Leg 134 (Vanuatu) are examined by means of Q-mode factor analysis. The results of this analysis recognize the following bathymetrically significant benthic foraminiferal biofacies: (1) Globocassidulina subglobosa biofacies and Bulimina aculeata-Bolivinita quadrilatera biofacies representing the upper bathyal zone (600-1500 m); (2) Gavelinopsis praegeri-Cibicides wuellerstorfi biofacies, indicating the Pacific Intermediate Water (water depth between 1500 and 2400 m); (3) Tosaia hanzawai-Globocassidulina muloccensis biofacies, Valvulineria gunjii biofacies, and the Melonis barleeanus-Melonis sphaeroides biofacies, which characterize the lower bathyal zone; (4) the Nuttallides umbonifera biofacies, which characterizes the interval between the lysocline (approximately 3500 m) and the carbonate compensation depth (approximately 4500 m); and (5) the Rhabdammina abyssorum biofacies representing the abyssal zone below the carbonate compensation depth. Benthic foraminiferal patterns are used to construct Paleobathymetric and paleogeographic profiles of the New Hebrides Island Arc and North d'Entrecasteaux Ridge for the following age boundaries: late Miocene/Pliocene, early/late Pliocene, Pliocene/Pleistocene, and Pleistocene/Holocene.


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Radiolarians occur at five Leg 126 sites. Well-preserved radiolarians were recovered from Miocene and Pliocene through Holocene sections. The results of this study may help to fill the informational gap on Quaternary radiolarian distribution at mid-latitudes in the western Pacific. Radiolarian preservation is discontinuous, and, although present in Oligocene sections, specimens are poorly preserved.