944 resultados para Timing jitter
We demonstrate a novel dual-wavelength erbium-fiber laser that uses a single nonlinear-optical loop mirror modulator to simultaneously modelock two cavities with chirped fiber Bragg gratings as end mirrors. We show that this configuration produces synchronized soliton pulse trains with an ultra-low RMS inter-pulse-stream timing jitter of 620 fs enabling application to multiwavelength systems at data rates in excess of 130 Gb/s.
We demonstrate a novel dual-wavelength erbium-fiber laser that uses a single nonlinear-optical loop mirror modulator to simultaneously modelock two cavities with chirped fiber Bragg gratings as end mirrors. We show that this configuration produces synchronized soliton pulse trains with an ultra-low RMS inter-pulse-stream timing jitter of 620 fs enabling application to multiwavelength systems at data rates in excess of 130 Gb/s. © 1995 IEEE
Timing jitter is a major factor limiting the performance of any high-speed, long-haul data transmission system. It arises from a number of reasons, such as interaction with accumulated spontaneous emission, inter-symbol interference (ISI), electrostriction etc. Some effects causing timing jitter can be reduced by means of non-linear filtering, using, for example, a nonlinear optical loop mirror (NOLM) [1]. The NOLM has been shown to reduce the timing jitter by suppressing the ASE and by stabilising the pulse duration [2, 3]. In this paper, we investigate the dynamics of timing jitter in a 2R regenerated system, nonlinearly guided by NOLMs at bit rates of 10, 20, 40, and 80- Gbit/s. Transmission performance of an equivalent non-regenerated (generic) system is taken as a reference.
We analyze theoretically the interplay between optical return-to-zero signal degradation due to timing jitter and additive amplified-spontaneous-emission noise. The impact of these two factors on the performance of a square-law direct detection receiver is also investigated. We derive an analytical expression for the bit-error probability and quantitatively determine the conditions when the contributions of the effects of timing jitter and additive noise to the bit error rate can be treated separately. The analysis of patterning effects is also presented. © 2007 IEEE.
We study the effect of noise on the dynamics of passively mode-locked semiconductor lasers both experimentally and theoretically. A method combining analytical and numerical approaches for estimation of pulse timing jitter is proposed. We investigate how the presence of dynamical features such as wavelength bistability in a quantum-dot laser affects timing jitter.
From a general model of fiber optics, we investigate the physical limits of soliton-based terabaud communication systems. In particular we consider Raman and initial quantum noise effects which are often neglected in fiber communications. Simulations of the position diffusion in dark and bright solitons show that these effects become increasingly important at short pulse durations, even over kilometer-scale distances. We also obtain an approximate analytic theory in agreement with numerical simulations, which shows that the Raman effects exceed the Gordon-Haus jitter for sub-picosecond pulses. (C) 1997 Elsevier Science B.V.
Gegenstand dieser Arbeit ist die Untersuchung von Photokathoden mit negativer Elektronenaffinität (NEA) mittels zeitlich hochauflösender Vermessung der emittierten Ladungs- und Spinpolarisationsverteilungen nach Anregung mit einem ultrakurzen Laserpuls.
Untersucht wurden uniaxial deformierte GaAsP-Photokathoden mit dünnen emittierenden Schichten (≤150nm), sowie undeformierte GaAs-Photokathoden mit unterschiedlichen Schichtdicken.
Die Untersuchungen wurden an einer 100keV-Elektronenquelle durchgeführt, wie sie am Mainzer Mikrotron (MAMI) zur Erzeugung eines Spinpolarisierten Elektronenstrahls verwendet wird. Mit der Apparatur konnte eine Zeitauflösung von 2,5ps erreicht werden.
Es zeigte sich, dass die tatsächliche Antwortzeit der Photokathoden die erreichte Zeitauflösung noch unterschreitet. Eine Depolarisation in den kurzen, wegen der Zeitauflösung auf 2,5ps begrenzten, Elektronenpulsen konnte aber nachgewiesen werden. Weiterhin wurde gezeigt, dass der Polarisationsverlust der emittierten Elektronen bei dünnen Schichten im Wesentlichen auf eine energiekorrelierte Depolarisation beim Durchqueren der Bandbiegungszone zurückzuführen ist. Als weiteres Resultat wird, für die GaAsP-Photokathoden mit einer Schichtdicke von 150nm, eine Obergrenze für die mittlere Emissionszeit von
Assessing the reliability of neuronal spike trains is fundamental to an understanding of the neural code. We measured the reproducibility of retinal responses to repeated visual stimuli. In both tiger salamander and rabbit, the retinal ganglion cells responded to random flicker with discrete, brief periods of firing. For any given cell, these firing events covered only a small fraction of the total stimulus time, often less than 5%. Firing events were very reproducible from trial to trial: the timing jitter of individual spikes was as low as 1 msec, and the standard deviation in spike count was often less than 0.5 spikes. Comparing the precision of spike timing to that of the spike count showed that the timing of a firing event conveyed several times more visual information than its spike count. This sparseness and precision were general characteristics of ganglion cell responses, maintained over the broad ensemble of stimulus waveforms produced by random flicker, and over a range of contrasts. Thus, the responses of retinal ganglion cells are not properly described by a firing probability that varies continuously with the stimulus. Instead, these neurons elicit discrete firing events that may be the fundamental coding symbols in retinal spike trains.
We investigate the use of nonlinear optical loop mirrors as saturable absorbers in picosecond soliton transmission systems. It is found that they allow short (1–5-ps) pulses to be propagated through chains of optical amplifiers spaced at intervals of typically 10 km. The loop mirror removes dispersive waves and stabilizes the peak amplitude of the soliton. An additional advantage is that the self-frequency shift of the soliton may be suppressed by bandwidth filtering without causing growth of dispersive waves at the center of the passband. The timing jitter and soliton interactions present in the scheme are also described.
This thesis presents results of transmission experiments using optical solitons in a dispersion managed optical fibre recirculating loop. The basic concepts of pulse propagation in optical fibre are introduced before optical solitons and their use in optically amplified fibre systems are discussed. The role of dispersion management in such systems is then considered. The design, operation and limitations of the recirculating loop and soliton sources which were used and the experimental techniques are described before the experimental work is presented. The experimental work covers a number of areas all of which used dispersion management of the transmission line. A novel ultra-long distance propagation scheme which achieved low timing jitter by suppression of the amplifier noise and by working close to the zero dispersion wavelength has been discovered. The use of fibre Bragg gratings as wavelength filters to suppress noise and reduce timing jitter has been investigated. The performance of the fibre grating cornpared favourably with that of a bulk device and was in good agreement with theoretical predictions. The upgrade of existing standard fibre systems to higher bit rates is currently an important issue. The possibility of using solitons with dispersion compensation to allow an increase in data rate of existing standard fibre systems to 10Gbit/s over 5000km has been demonstrated. The applicability of this technique to longer distances, higher bit rates or longer amplifier spans is also investigated by optimisation of the dispersion management scheme. The use of fibre Bragg gratings as the dispersion compensating elements in such standard fibre transmission experiments has been examined and the main problem that these devices currently have, high polarisation mode dispersion, is discussed. The likely future direction of optical communications and what part solitons and dispersion management will play in this development is discussed in the thesis conclusions
This thesis investigates the physical behaviour of solitons in wavelength division multiplexed (WDM) systems with dispersion management in a wide range of dispersion regimes. Background material is presented to show how solitons propagate in optical fibres, and key problems associated with real systems are outlined. Problems due to collision induced frequency shifts are calculated using numerical simulation, and these results compared with analytical techniques where possible. Different two-step dispersion regimes, as well as the special cases of uniform and exponentially profiled systems, are identified and investigated. In shallow profile, the constituent second-order dispersions in the system are always close to the average soliton value. It is shown that collision-induced frequency shifts in WDM soliton transmission systems are reduced with increasing dispersion management. New resonances in the collision dynamics are illustrated, due to the relative motion induced by the dispersion map. Consideration of third-order dispersion is shown to modify the effects of collision-induced timing jitter and third-order compensation investigated. In all cases pseudo-phase-matched four-wave mixing was found to be insignificant compared to collision induced frequency shift in causing deterioration of data. It is also demonstrated that all these effects are additive with that of Gordon-Haus jitter.
This thesis examines options for high capacity all optical networks. Specifically optical time division multiplexed (OTDM) networks based on electro-optic modulators are investigated experimentally, whilst comparisons with alternative approaches are carried out. It is intended that the thesis will form the basis of comparison between optical time division multiplexed networks and the more mature approach of wavelength division multiplexed networks. Following an introduction to optical networking concepts, the required component technologies are discussed. In particular various optical pulse sources are described with the demanding restrictions of optical multiplexing in mind. This is followed by a discussion of the construction of multiplexers and demultiplexers, including favoured techniques for high speed clock recovery. Theoretical treatments of the performance of Mach Zehnder and electroabsorption modulators support the design criteria that are established for the construction of simple optical time division multiplexed systems. Having established appropriate end terminals for an optical network, the thesis examines transmission issues associated with high speed RZ data signals. Propagation of RZ signals over both installed (standard fibre) and newly commissioned fibre routes are considered in turn. In the case of standard fibre systems, the use of dispersion compensation is summarised, and the application of mid span spectral inversion experimentally investigated. For green field sites, soliton like propagation of high speed data signals is demonstrated. In this case the particular restrictions of high speed soliton systems are discussed and experimentally investigated, namely the increasing impact of timing jitter and the downward pressure on repeater spacings due to the constraint of the average soliton model. These issues are each addressed through investigations of active soliton control for OTDM systems and through investigations of novel fibre types respectively. Finally the particularly remarkable networking potential of optical time division multiplexed systems is established, and infinite node cascadability using soliton control is demonstrated. A final comparison of the various technologies for optical multiplexing is presented in the conclusions, where the relative merits of the technologies for optical networking emerges as the key differentiator between technologies.
This thesis presents the results of numerical modelling of ultra high-speed transmission using DM solitons. The theory of propagation in optical fibres is presented with specific reference to optical communication systems. This theory is then expanded to. incorporate dispersion-managed transmission and the dispersion managed soliton. The first part of this work focuses on ultra high-speed dispersion managed soliton propagation in short period dispersion maps. Initially, the cbaracteristics .of dispersion managed soliton propagation in short period dispersion maps are contrasted to those of the more conventional dispersion managed regime. These properties are then utilised to investigate transmission at single channel data rates of 80 Gbit/s, 160 Gbit/s and 320 Gbit/s. For all three data rates, the tolerable limits for transmission over 1000 km, 3000 km and·transoceanic distances are defined. A major limitation of these higher bjt rate systems arises from the problem of noise-induced interactions, which is where the.accumulation of timing jitter causes neighbouring dispersion-managed solitons to interact. In addition, the systems become more sensitive to initial conditions as the data rate increases, .. The second part of the work focuses on contrasting the performance of a range of propagation regimes, from quasi-linear through to soliton-like propagation at 40 Gbit/s for both single channel and WDM dispersion managed transmission. The results indicated that whilst the optimal single channel performance was achieved for soliton-like propagation, the optimal WDM performance was achieved for propagation regime that lay between quasi-linear and soliton-like.
This thesis experimentally examines the use of different techniques for optical fibre transmission over ultra long haul distances. Its format firstly examines the use of dispersion management as a means of achieving long haul communications. Secondly, examining the use concatenated NOLMs for DM autosoliton ultra long haul propagation, by comparing their performance with a generic system without NOLMs. Thirdly, timing jitter in concatenated NOLM system is examined and compared to the generic system and lastly issues of OTDM amplitude non-uniformity from channel to channel in a saturable absorber, specifically a NOLM, are raised. Transmission at a rate of 40Gbit/s is studied in an all-Raman amplified standard fibre link with amplifier spacing of the order of 80km. We demonstrate in this thesis that the detrimental effects associated with high power Raman amplification can be minimized by dispersion map optimization. As a result, a transmission distance of 1600 km (2000km including dispersion compensating fibre) has been achieved in standard single mode fibre. The use of concatenated NOLMs to provide a stable propagation regime has been proposed theoretically. In this thesis, the observation experimentally of autosoliton propagation is shown for the first time in a dispersion managed optical transmission system. The system is based on a strong dispersion map with large amplifier spacing. Operation at transmission rates of 10, 40 and 80Gbit/s is demonstrated. With an insertion of a stabilizing element to the NOLM, the transmission of a 10 and 20Gbit/s data stream was extended and demonstrated experimentally. Error-free propagation over 100 and 20 thousand kilometres has been achieved at 10 and 20Gbit/s respectively, with terrestrial amplifier spacing. The monitor of timing jitter is of importance to all optical systems. Evolution of timing jitter in a DM autosoliton system has been studied in this thesis and analyzed at bit ranges from 10Gbit/s to 80Gbit/s. Non-linear guiding by in-line regenerators considerably changes the dynamics of jitter accumulation. As transmission systems require higher data rates, the use of OTDM will become more prolific. The dynamics of switching and transmission of an optical signal comprising individual OTDM channels of unequal amplitudes in a dispersion-managed link with in-line non-linear fibre loop mirrors is investigated.
The following thesis presents results obtained from both numerical simulation and laboratory experimentation (both of which were carried out by the author). When data is propagated along an optical transmission line some timing irregularities can occur such as timing jitter and phase wander. Traditionally these timing problems would have been corrected by converting the optical signal into the electrical domain and then compensating for the timing irregularity before converting the signal back into the optical domain. However, this thesis posses a potential solution to the problem by remaining completely in the optical domain, eliminating the need for electronics. This is desirable as not only does optical processing reduce the latency effect that their electronic counterpart have, it also holds the possibility of an increase in overall speed. A scheme was proposed which utilises the principle of wavelength conversion to dynamically convert timing irregularities (timing jitter and phase wander) into a change in wavelength (this occurs on a bit-by-bit level and so timing jitter and phase wander can be compensated for simultaneously). This was achieved by optically sampling a linearly chirped, locally generated clock source (the sampling function was achieved using a nonlinear optical loop mirror). The data, now with each bit or code word having a unique wavelength, is then propagated through a dispersion compensation module. The dispersion compensation effectively re-aligns the data in time and so thus, the timing irregularities are removed. The principle of operation was tested using computer simulation before being re-tested in a laboratory environment. A second stage was added to the device to create 3R regeneration. The second stage is used to simply convert the timing suppressed data back into a single wavelength. By controlling the relative timing displacement between stage one and stage two, the wavelength that is finally produced can be controlled.