791 resultados para Timed-token protocol
A recent trend in distributed computer-controlled systems (DCCS) is to interconnect the distributed computing elements by means of multi-point broadcast networks. Since the network medium is shared between a number of network nodes, access contention exists and must be solved by a medium access control (MAC) protocol. Usually, DCCS impose real-time constraints. In essence, by real-time constraints we mean that traffic must be sent and received within a bounded interval, otherwise a timing fault is said to occur. This motivates the use of communication networks with a MAC protocol that guarantees bounded access and response times to message requests. PROFIBUS is a communication network in which the MAC protocol is based on a simplified version of the timed-token protocol. In this paper we address the cycle time properties of the PROFIBUS MAC protocol, since the knowledge of these properties is of paramount importance for guaranteeing the real-time behaviour of a distributed computer-controlled system which is supported by this type of network.
The objectives were to evaluate the effects of equine chorionic gonadotropin (eCG) supplementation (with or without eCG) and type of ovulatory stimulus (GnRH or ECP) on ovarian follicular dynamics, luteal function, and pregnancies per AI (P/AI) in Holstein cows receiving timed artificial insemination (TAI). On Day 0, 742 cows in a total of 782 breedings, received 2 mg of estradiol benzoate (EB) and one intravaginal progesterone (P4) insert (CIDR). On Day 8, the CIDR was removed, and all cows were given PGF2 alpha and assigned to one of four treatments in a 2 x 2 factorial arrangement: (1) CG: GnRH 48 h later; (2) CE: ECP; (3) EG: eCG + GnRH 48 It later; (4) EE: eCG + ECP. There were significant interactions for eCG x ovulatory stimulus and eCG x BCS. Cows in the CG group were less likely (28.9% vs. 33.8%; P < 0.05) to become pregnant compared with those in the EG group (odds ratio [OR] = 0.28). There were no differences in P/AI between CE and EE cows (30.9% vs. 29.1%; OR = 0.85; P = 0.56), respectively. Thinner cows not receiving eCG had lower P/AI than thinner cows receiving eCG (15.2% vs. 38.0%; OR = 0.20; P < 0.01). Treatment with eCG tended to increase serum progestesterone concentrations during the diestrus following synchronized ovulation (P < 0.10). However, the treatment used to induce ovulation did not affect CL volume or serum progesterone concentrations. In conclusion, both ECP and GnRH yielded comparable P/AI. However, eCG treatment at CIDR removal increased pregnancy rate in cows induced to ovulate with GnRH and in cows with lower BCS. (C) 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Two experiments evaluated the effects of the first GnRH injection of the 5-d timed artificial insemination (AI) program on ovarian responses and pregnancy per AT (P/AI), and the effect of timing of the final GnRH to induce ovulation relative to AT on P/AI. In experiment 1, 605 Holstein heifers were synchronized for their second insemination and assigned randomly to receive GnRH on study d 0 (n = 298) or to remain as untreated controls (n = 307). Ovaries were scanned on study d 0 and 5. All heifers received a controlled internal drug-release (CIDR) insert containing progesterone on d 0, a single injection of PGF(2 alpha),, and removal of the CIDR on d 5, and GnRH concurrent with timed AT on d 8. Blood was analyzed for progesterone at AI. Pregnancy was diagnosed on d 32 and 60 after AI. Ovulation on study d 0 was greater for GnRH than control (35.4 vs. 10.6%). Presence of a new corpus luteum (CL) at PGF(2 alpha),, injection was greater for GnRH than for control (43.1 vs. 20.8%), although the proportion of heifers with a CL at PGF(2 alpha) did not differ between treatments and averaged 87.1%. Progesterone on the day of AT was greater for GaRH than control (0.50 +/- 0.07 vs. 0.28 +/- 0.07 ng/mL). The proportion of heifers at AI with progesterone <0.5 ng/mL was less for GURH than for control (73.8 vs. 88.2%). The proportion of heifers in estrus at AI did not differ between treatments and averaged 66.8%. Pregnancy per AI was not affected by treatment at d 32 or 60 (GnRH = 52.5 and 49.8% vs. control = 54.1 and 50.0%), and pregnancy loss averaged 6.0%. Responses to GnRH were not influenced by ovarian status on study d 0. In experiment 2, 1,295 heifers were synchronized for their first insemination and assigned randomly to receive a CIDR on d 0, PGF(2 alpha) and removal of the CIDR on d 5, and either GnRH 56 h after PGF(2 alpha) and AI 16 h later (OVS56, n = 644) or GnRH concurrent with AI 72 h after PGF(2 alpha) (COS72; n = 651). Estrus at AI was greater for COS72 than for OVS56 (61.4 vs. 47.5). Treatment did not affect P/AI on d 32 in heifers displaying signs of estrus at AI, but COS72 improved P/AI compared with OVS56 (55.0 vs. 47.6%) in those not in estrus at AI. Similarly, P/AI on d 60 did not differ between treatments for heifers displaying estrus, but COS72 improved P/AI compared with OVS56 (53.0 vs. 44.7%) in those not in estrus at AI. Administration of GnRH on the first day of the 5-d timed AI program resulted in low ovulation rate and no improvement in P/AI when heifers received a single PGF(2 alpha) injection 5 d later. Moreover, extending the proestrus by delaying the finAI GnRH from 56 to 72 h concurrent with AI benefited fertility of dairy heifers that did not display signs of estrus at insemination following the 5-d timed AI protocol.
This study evaluated a novel presynchronization method, using Ovsynch prior to the Ovsynch-timed AI protocol (Double-Ovsynch) compared to Presynch-Ovsynch. Lactating Holstein (n = 337) cows, were assigned to two treatment groups: (1) Presynch (n = 180), two injections of PGF 14 d apart, followed by the Ovsynch-timed AI protocol 12 d later; (2) Double-Ovsynch (n = 157), received GnRH, PGF 7 d later, and GnRH 3 d later, followed by the Ovsynch-timed AI protocol 7 d later. All cows received the same Ovsynch-timed AI protocol: GnRH (G1) at 68 +/- 3 DIM (mean +/- SEM), PGF 7 d later, GnRH (G2) 56 h after PGF, and AI 16 to 20 h later. Pregnancy was diagnosed 39-45 d after timed AI. Double-Ovsynch increased the pregnancies per AI (P/AI) compared to Presynch-Ovsynch (49.7% vs 41.7%, P = 0.03). Surprisingly, Double-Ovsynch increased P/AI only in primiparous (65.2% vs 45.2%; P = 0.02) and not multiparous (37.5% vs 39.3%) cows. In a subset of 87 cows, ovarian ultrasonography and progesterone (P4) measurements were performed at G1 and 7 d later. Double-Ovsynch decreased the percentage of cows with low P4 (<1 ng/mL) at G1 (9.4% vs 33.3%) and increased the percentage of cows with high P4 (>= 3 ng/mL) at PGF (78.1% vs 52.3%). Thus, presynchronization of cows with Double-Ovsynch increased fertility in primiparous cows compared to a standard Presynch protocol, perhaps due to induction of ovulation in non-cycling cows and improved synchronization of cycling cows. Future studies are needed, with a larger number of cows, to further test the hypothesis of higher fertility with Double-Ovsynch, and to elucidate the physiological mechanisms that underlie apparent changes in fertility with this protocol. (C) 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
This paper provides a comprehensive study on how to use Profibus fieldbus networks to support real-time industrial communications, that is, on how to ensure the transmission of real-time messages within a maximum bound time. Profibus is base on a simplified timed token (TT) protocol, which is a well-proved solution for real-time communication systems. However, Profibus differs with respect to the TT protocol, thus preventing the application of the usual TT protocol real-time analysis. In fact, real-time solutions for networks based on the TT protocol rely on the possibility of allocating specific bandwidth for the real-time traffic. This means that a minimum amount of time is always available, at each token visit, to transmit real-time messages, transversely, with the Profibus protocol, in the worst case, only one real-time message is processed per token visit. The authors propose two approaches to guarantee the real-time behavior of the Profibus protocol: (1) an unconstrained low-priority traffic profile; and (2) a constrained low-priority traffic profile. The proposed analysis shows that the first profile is a suitable approach for more responsive systems (tighter deadlines), while the second allows for increased nonreal-time traffic throughput
The paper provides a comprehensive study on how to use Profibus networks to support real time communications, that is, ensuring the transmission of the real time messages before their deadlines. Profibus is based on a simplified Timed Token (TT) protocol, which is a well proved solution for real time communication systems. However, Profibus differences from the TT protocol prevent the application of the usual TT analysis. The main reason is that, conversely to the TT protocol, in the worst case, only one high priority message is processed per token visit. The major contribution of the paper is to prove that, despite this shortcoming, it is possible to guarantee communication real time behaviour with the Profibus protocol
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
The objective was to determine the effect of sequence of insemination after simultaneous thawing of multiple 0.5 mL semen straws on conception rate in suckled multiparous Nelore cows. The effect of this thawing procedure on in vitro sperm characteristics was also evaluated. All cows (N = 944) received the same timed AI protocol. Ten straws (0.5 mL) of frozen semen from the same batch were simultaneously thawed at 36 degrees C, for a minimum of 30 sec. One straw per cow was used for timed AI. Frozen semen from three Angus bulls was used. Timed AI records included sequence of insemination (first to tenth) and time of semen removal from thawing bath. For laboratory analyses, the same semen batches used in the field experiment were evaluated. Ten frozen straws from the same batch were thawed simultaneously in a thawing unit identical to that used in the field experiment. The following sperm characteristics were analyzed: sperm motility parameters, sperm thermal resistance, plasma and acrosomal membrane integrity, lipid peroxidation, chromatin structure, and sperm morphometry. Based on logistic regression, there were no significant effects of breeding group, body condition score, AI technician, and sire on conception rate, but there was an interaction between sire and straw group (P = 0.002). Semen from only one bull had decreased (P < 0.05) field fertility for the group of straws associated with the longest interval from thawing to AI. However, the results of the laboratory experiment were unable to explain the findings of the field experiment. Sperm width:length ratio of morphometric analysis was the single sperm characteristic with a significant interaction between sire and straw group (P = 0.02). It was concluded that sequence of insemination after simultaneous thawing of 10 semen straws can differently affect conception rates at timed AI, depending on the sire used. Nevertheless, the effects of this thawing environment on in vitro sperm characteristics, remain to be further investigated. (C) 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Aims: To measure accurately the direct costs of managing urinary and faecal incontinence in the sub-acute care setting. Materials and Methods: Prospective observational study was undertaken in two sub-acute care units in a metropolitan hospital. A consecutive series of 29 consecutive patients with urinary and/or faecal incontinence, who were in-patients in a geriatric rehabilitation or subacute neurologic unit underwent routine timed voiding protocol, as per usual care. Face-to-face bedside recordings of all incontinence care, with detailed cost analysis, were undertaken. Results: A total of 3,621 occasions of continence care were costed. The median time per 24 hr spent caring for incontinence per patient was 109 min (interquartile range 88-140). Isolated urinary incontinence episodes occurred in 28 patients (96.5%), mixed urinary/faecal incontinence episodes observed in 79.3%, and episodes of pure faecal incontinence were seen in 62%. The median costs of incontinence care in the sub-acute setting was $49AU per 24 hr, the major share ($41) spent on staff wages. The incontinence tasks of toileting assistance, pad changes, bed changes and catheter care were spread evenly across the three 8 hr shifts of duty. Conclusions: As our population demographics include an increasingly greater portion of the elderly, for whom long term institutional care is becoming relatively more scarce, provision of care in the sub-acute unit that may allow rehabilitation and return to home warrants scrutiny. This is the first study that delineates the costs of managing urinary and faecal incontinence in the sub-acute care setting. Such costs are substantial and place a heavy burden upon night-time carets. (C) 2004 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
Two experiments were conducted to investigate the effects of equine chorionic gonadotropin (eCG) at progestin removal and gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) at timed artificial insemination (TA!) on ovarian follicular dynamics (Experiment 1) and pregnancy rates (Experiment 2) in suckled Nelore (Bos indicus) cows. Both experiments were 2 x 2 factorials (eCG or No eCG, and GnRH or No GnRH), with identical treatments. In Experiment 1, 50 anestrous cows, 134.5 +/- 2.3 d postpartum, received a 3 mg norgestomet ear implant se, plus 3 mg norgestomet and 5 mg estradiol valerate im on Day 0. The implant was removed on Day 9, with TAI 54 h later. Cows received 400 IU eCG or no further treatment on Day 9 and GnRH (100 mu g gonadorelin) or no further treatment at TAI. Treatment with eCG increased the growth rate of the largest follicle from Days 9 to 11 (means +/- SEM, 1.53 +/- 0.1 vs. 0.48 +/- 0.1 mm/d; P < 0.0001), its diameter on Day 11(11.4 +/- 0.6 vs. 9.3 +/- 0.7 mm; P = 0.03), as well as ovulation rate (80.8% vs. 50.0%, P = 0.02), whereas GnRH improved the synchrony of ovulation (72.0 +/- 1.1 VS. 71.1 +/- 2.0 h). In Experiment 2 (n = 599 cows, 40 to 120 d postpartum), pregnancy rates differed (P = 0.004) among groups (27.6%, 40.1%, 47.7%, and 55.7% for Control. GnRH, eCG, and eCG + GnRH groups). Both eCG and GnRH improved pregnancy rates (51.7% vs. 318%, P = 0.002; and 48.0% vs 37.6%, P = 0.02, respectively), although their effects were not additive (no significant interaction). In conclusion, eCG at norgestomet implant removal increased the growth rate of the largest follicle (LF) from implant removal to TAI, the diameter of the LF at TAI, and rates of ovulation and pregnancy rates. Furthermore, GnRH at TAI improved the synchrony of ovulations and pregnancy rates in postpartum Nelore cows treated with a norgestomet-based TAI protocol. (C) 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Objectives were to investigate progesterone concentrations and fertility comparing 2 different intervals from PGF2α treatment and induced ovulation in an estrogen-based ovulation synchronization protocol for timed artificial insemination (TAI) or timed embryo transfer (TET) in lactating dairy cows. A total of 1,058 lactating Holstein cows [primiparous (n=371) and multiparous (n=687)], yielding 34.1±0.33 kg of milk/d at various days in milk were randomly assigned to receive treatment with PGF2α on either d 7 or 8 of the following protocol: d 0: 2mg of estradiol benzoate + controlled internal drug release device; d 8: controlled internal drug release device removal + 1.0mg of estradiol cypionate; d 10: TAI or d 17: TET. Only cows with a corpus luteum at d 17 received an embryo and all cows received GnRH at TET. Pregnancy diagnoses were performed by detection (transrectal ultrasonography) of an embryo on d 28 or a fetus on d 60. Fertility [pregnancy per artificial insemination (P/AI) or pregnancy per embryo transfer (P/ET)] was affected by breeding technique (AI vs. ET) and time of PGF2α treatment (d 7 vs. 8) at the 28-d pregnancy diagnosis for TAI [32.9% (238) vs. 20.6% (168)] and TET cows [47% (243) vs. 40.7% (244)] and at the 60-d pregnancy diagnosis for TAI [30% (238) vs. 19.2% (168)] and TET cows [37.9% (243) vs. 33.5% (244)]. The progesterone (P4) concentration at d 10 altered fertility in TAI cows, with higher P/AI in cows with P4 concentration <0.1 ng/mL compared with cows with P4 concentration ≥0.1 ng/mL, and in ET cows, with higher P/ET in cows with P4 concentration <0.22 ng/mL compared with cows with P4 concentration ≥0.22 ng/mL. Prostaglandin F2α treatment at d 7 increased the percentage of cows with P4 <0.1 ng/mL on d 10 [39.4 (85) vs. 23.2 (54)]. Reducing the period between PGF2α and TAI from 72 to 48h in dairy cows resulted in a clear reduction in fertility in cows bred by TAI and a subtle negative effect in cows that received TET. The earlier PGF2α treatment benefits are most likely mediated through gamete transport, fertilization, or early embryo development and a more subtle effect of earlier PGF2α treatment that may be mediated through changes in the uterine or hormonal environment that manifests itself after ET on d 7. © 2013 American Dairy Science Association.