949 resultados para Time-delayed feedback control


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This paper establishes a practical stability result for discrete-time output feedback control involving mismatch between the exact system to be stabilised and the approximating system used to design the controller. The practical stability is in the sense of an asymptotic bound on the amount of error bias introduced by the model approximation, and is established using local consistency properties of the systems. Importantly, the practical stability established here does not require the approximating system to be of the same model type as the exact system. Examples are presented to illustrate the nature of our practical stability result.


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In oscillatory reaction-diffusion systems, time-delay feedback can lead to the instability of uniform oscillations with respect to formation of standing waves. Here, we investigate how the presence of additive, Gaussian white noise can induce the appearance of standing waves. Combining analytical solutions of the model with spatio-temporal simulations, we find that noise can promote standing waves in regimes where the deterministic uniform oscillatory modes are stabilized. As the deterministic phase boundary is approached, the spatio-temporal correlations become stronger, such that even small noise can induce standing waves in this parameter regime. With larger noise strengths, standing waves could be induced at finite distances from the (deterministic) phase boundary. The overall dynamics is defined through the interplay of noisy forcing with the inherent reaction-diffusion dynamics.


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In last decades, control of nonlinear dynamic systems became an important and interesting problem studied by many authors, what results the appearance of lots of works about this subject in the scientific literature. In this paper, an Atomic Force Microscope micro cantilever operating in tapping mode was modeled, and its behavior was studied using bifurcation diagrams, phase portraits, time history, Poincare maps and Lyapunov exponents. Chaos was detected in an interval of time; those phenomena undermine the achievement of accurate images by the sample surface. In the mathematical model, periodic and chaotic motion was obtained by changing parameters. To control the chaotic behavior of the system were implemented two control techniques. The SDRE control (State Dependent Riccati Equation) and Time-delayed feedback control. Simulation results show the feasibility of the bothmethods, for chaos control of an AFM system. Copyright © 2011 by ASME.


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Micro-electromechanical systems (MEMS) are micro scale devices that are able to convert electrical energy into mechanical energy or vice versa. In this paper, the mathematical model of an electronic circuit of a resonant MEMS mass sensor, with time-periodic parametric excitation, was analyzed and controlled by Chebyshev polynomial expansion of the Picard interaction and Lyapunov-Floquet transformation, and by Optimal Linear Feedback Control (OLFC). Both controls consider the union of feedback and feedforward controls. The feedback control obtained by Picard interaction and Lyapunov-Floquet transformation is the first strategy and the optimal control theory the second strategy. Numerical simulations show the efficiency of the two control methods, as well as the sensitivity of each control strategy to parametric errors. Without parametric errors, both control strategies were effective in maintaining the system in the desired orbit. On the other hand, in the presence of parametric errors, the OLFC technique was more robust.


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The tapping mode is one of the mostly employed techniques in atomic force microscopy due to its accurate imaging quality for a wide variety of surfaces. However, chaotic microcantilever motion impairs the obtention of accurate images from the sample surfaces. In order to investigate the problem the tapping mode atomic force microscope is modeled and chaotic motion is identified for a wide range of the parameter's values. Additionally, attempting to prevent the chaotic motion, two control techniques are implemented: the optimal linear feedback control and the time-delayed feedback control. The simulation results show the feasibility of the techniques for chaos control in the atomic force microscopy. © 2012 IMechE.


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During the last 30 years the Atomic Force Microscopy became the most powerful tool for surface probing in atomic scale. The Tapping-Mode Atomic Force Microscope is used to generate high quality accurate images of the samples surface. However, in this mode of operation the microcantilever frequently presents chaotic motion due to the nonlinear characteristics of the tip-sample forces interactions, degrading the image quality. This kind of irregular motion must be avoided by the control system. In this work, the tip-sample interaction is modelled considering the Lennard-Jones potentials and the two-term Galerkin aproximation. Additionally, the State Dependent Ricatti Equation and Time-Delayed Feedback Control techniques are used in order to force the Tapping-Mode Atomic Force Microscope system motion to a periodic orbit, preventing the microcantilever chaotic motion


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La telepesencia combina diferentes modalidades sensoriales, incluyendo, entre otras, la visual y la del tacto, para producir una sensación de presencia remota en el operador. Un elemento clave en la implementación de sistemas de telepresencia para permitir una telemanipulación del entorno remoto es el retorno de fuerza. Durante una telemanipulación, la energía mecánica es transferida entre el operador humano y el entorno remoto. En general, la energía es una propiedad de los objetos físicos, fundamental en su mutual interacción. En esta interacción, la energía se puede transmitir entre los objetos, puede cambiar de forma pero no puede crearse ni destruirse. En esta tesis, se aplica este principio fundamental para derivar un nuevo método de control bilateral que permite el diseño de sistemas de teleoperación estables para cualquier arquitectura concebible. El razonamiento parte del hecho de que la energía mecánica insertada por el operador humano en el sistema debe transferirse hacia el entorno remoto y viceversa. Tal como se verá, el uso de la energía como variable de control permite un tratamiento más general del sistema que el control convencional basado en variables específicas del sistema. Mediante el concepto de Red de Potencia de Retardo Temporal (RPRT), el problema de definir los flujos de energía en un sistema de teleoperación es solucionado con independencia de la arquitectura de comunicación. Como se verá, los retardos temporales son la principal causa de generación de energía virtual. Este hecho se observa con retardos a partir de 1 milisegundo. Esta energía virtual es añadida al sistema de forma intrínseca y representa la causa principal de inestabilidad. Se demuestra que las RPRTs son transportadoras de la energía deseada intercambiada entre maestro y esclavo pero a la vez generadoras de energía virtual debido al retardo temporal. Una vez estas redes son identificadas, el método de Control de Pasividad en el Dominio Temporal para RPRTs se propone como mecanismo de control para asegurar la pasividad del sistema, y as__ la estabilidad. El método se basa en el simple hecho de que esta energía virtual debido al retardo debe transformarse en disipación. As__ el sistema se aproxima al sistema deseado, donde solo la energía insertada desde un extremo es transferida hacia el otro. El sistema resultante presenta dos cualidades: por un lado la estabilidad del sistema queda garantizada con independencia de la arquitectura del sistema y del canal de comunicación; por el otro, el rendimiento es maximizado en términos de fidelidad de transmisión energética. Los métodos propuestos se sustentan con sistemas experimentales con diferentes arquitecturas de control y retardos entre 2 y 900 ms. La tesis concluye con un experimento que incluye una comunicación espacial basada en el satélite geoestacionario ASTRA. ABSTRACT Telepresence combines different sensorial modalities, including vision and touch, to produce a feeling of being present in a remote location. The key element to successfully implement a telepresence system and thus to allow telemanipulation of a remote environment is force feedback. In a telemanipulation, mechanical energy must convey from the human operator to the manipulated object found in the remote environment. In general, energy is a property of all physical objects, fundamental to their mutual interactions in which the energy can be transferred among the objects and can change form but cannot be created or destroyed. In this thesis, we exploit this fundamental principle to derive a novel bilateral control mechanism that allows designing stable teleoperation systems with any conceivable communication architecture. The rationale starts from the fact that the mechanical energy injected by a human operator into the system must be conveyed to the remote environment and Vice Versa. As will be seen, setting energy as the control variable allows a more general treatment of the controlled system in contrast to the more conventional control of specific systems variables. Through the Time Delay Power Network (TDPN) concept, the issue of defining the energy flows involved in a teleoperation system is solved with independence of the communication architecture. In particular, communication time delays are found to be a source of virtual energy. This fact is observed with delays starting from 1 millisecond. Since this energy is added, the resulting teleoperation system can be non-passive and thus become unstable. The Time Delay Power Networks are found to be carriers of the desired exchanged energy but also generators of virtual energy due to the time delay. Once these networks are identified, the Time Domain Passivity Control approach for TDPNs is proposed as a control mechanism to ensure system passivity and therefore, system stability. The proposed method is based on the simple fact that this intrinsically added energy due to the communication must be transformed into dissipation. Then the system becomes closer to the ambitioned one, where only the energy injected from one end of the system is conveyed to the other one. The resulting system presents two benefits: On one hand, system stability is guaranteed through passivity independently from the chosen control architecture and communication channel; on the other, performance is maximized in terms of energy transfer faithfulness. The proposed methods are sustained with a set of experimental implementations using different control architectures and communication delays ranging from 2 to 900 milliseconds. An experiment that includes a communication Space link based on the geostationary satellite ASTRA concludes this thesis.


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We consider the suppression of spatiotemporal chaos in the complex GinzburgLandau equation by a combined global and local time-delay feedback. Feedback terms are implemented as a control scheme, i.e., they are proportional to the difference between the time-delayed state of the system and its current state. We perform a linear stability analysis of uniform oscillations with respect to space-dependent perturbations and compare with numerical simulations. Similarly, for the fixed-point solution that corresponds to amplitude death in the spatially extended system, a linear stability analysis with respect to space-dependent perturbations is performed and complemented by numerical simulations. © 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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This correspondence paper addresses the problem of output feedback stabilization of control systems in networked environments with quality-of-service (QoS) constraints. The problem is investigated in discrete-time state space using Lyapunov’s stability theory and the linear inequality matrix technique. A new discrete-time modeling approach is developed to describe a networked control system (NCS) with parameter uncertainties and nonideal network QoS. It integrates a network-induced delay, packet dropout, and other network behaviors into a unified framework. With this modeling, an improved stability condition, which is dependent on the lower and upper bounds of the equivalent network-induced delay, is established for the NCS with norm-bounded parameter uncertainties. It is further extended for the output feedback stabilization of the NCS with nonideal QoS. Numerical examples are given to demonstrate the main results of the theoretical development.


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This thesis integrates real-time feedback control into an optical tweezers instrument. The goal is to reduce the variance in the trapped bead s position, -effectively increasing the trap stiffness of the optical tweezers. Trap steering is done with acousto-optic deflectors and control algorithms are implemented with a field-programmable gate array card. When position clamp feedback control is on, the effective trap stiffness increases 12.1-times compared to the stiffness without control. This allows improved spatial control over trapped particles without increasing the trapping laser power.


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The purpose of this paper is to highlight the central role that the time asymmetry of stability plays in feedback control. We show that this provides a new perspective on the use of doubly-infinite or semi-infinite time axes for signal spaces in control theory. We then focus on the implication of this time asymmetry in modeling uncertainty, regulation and robust control. We point out that modeling uncertainty and the ease of control depend critically on the direction of time. We finally discuss the relationship of this control-based time arrow with the well-known arrows of time in physics. © 2008 IEEE.


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We apply adjoint-based sensitivity analysis to a time-delayed thermo-acoustic system: a Rijke tube containing a hot wire. We calculate how the growth rate and frequency of small oscillations about a base state are affected either by a generic passive control element in the system (the structural sensitivity analysis) or by a generic change to its base state (the base-state sensitivity analysis). We illustrate the structural sensitivity by calculating the effect of a second hot wire with a small heat-release parameter. In a single calculation, this shows how the second hot wire changes the growth rate and frequency of the small oscillations, as a function of its position in the tube. We then examine the components of the structural sensitivity in order to determine the passive control mechanism that has the strongest influence on the growth rate. We find that a force applied to the acoustic momentum equation in the opposite direction to the instantaneous velocity is the most stabilizing feedback mechanism. We also find that its effect is maximized when it is placed at the downstream end of the tube. This feedback mechanism could be supplied, for example, by an adiabatic mesh. We illustrate the base-state sensitivity by calculating the effects of small variations in the damping factor, the heat-release time-delay coefficient, the heat-release parameter, and the hot-wire location. The successful application of sensitivity analysis to thermo-acoustics opens up new possibilities for the passive control of thermo-acoustic oscillations by providing gradient information that can be combined with constrained optimization algorithms in order to reduce linear growth rates. © Cambridge University Press 2013.


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An external cavity semiconductor laser interferometer used to measure far distance micro-vibration in real time is proposed. In the interferometer, a single longitudinal mode and excellent coherent characteristic grating external cavity semiconductor laser is constructed and acted as a light source and a phase compensator. Its coherent length exceeds 200 meters. The angle between normal and incidence beam of the far object is allowed to change in definite range during the measurement with this interferometer, and this makes the far distance interference measurement easier and more convenient. Also, it is not required to keep the amplitudes of the first and second harmonic components equal, and then the dynamic range is increased. A feedback control system is used to compensate the phase disturbance between the two interference beams introduced by environmental vibration.