575 resultados para Tijolo de adobe


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The production of the red pottery brick, made traditionally with clay, is a technique that is already stabled. However, in spite of the little complexity that involves the conventional process of these bricks production, it are exposed to many problems that begin in the fase of exploration of the mines, the problems get worse because of the lack of the clay's characterization, and they continue through the steps of the dough preparation, conformation of the products, the drying and the burning process. The wastefulness is shown and so is the low quality of the material produced. Among other factors, the high use of energy in the burning makes the cost of this material inaccessible to the low income consumer. Besides this, the destruction of the environment around the mines and the use of native vegetation to produce wood - the most used fuel in the pottery industry - make serious environmental damage. The production technique of a new type of simple brick (adobe), that has low cost and no environmental damage, can be the viable altemative to lower the cost of this part of the civil construction, and, consequently, in the building of cheaper houses. In this paper, the results of the mechanical resistance of the adobe brick are shown, using in its composition, clay, natural vegetable fibers, cement and plaster in a process that is completely handcrafted and manual. It is intented to make clear that are possible alternatives to be put in practice, with the simple process, using "raw earth" that has been used in the construction of houses in thousands of years, trying to solve these severe problems. Analysis and tests were performed to find results that could prove the possibility of the utilization of this kind of material. Other studies are in progress, and the new researches are necessary to enrich this work, but it stays the certainty that there is potential to produce bricks from adobe, as an alternative that has low cost to civil construction


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Today, an Australian parliamentary committee grilled the IT titans - Apple, Adobe, and Microsoft - on price discrimination against Australian consumers. The IT companies were evasive under questioning.


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Android gailu eramangarrietan erabiltzeko Babelium Project-en prototipoa.


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Dados recentes mostram que o desmatamento da caatinga, um dos principais biomas brasileiros, está atingindo níveis alarmantes, principalmente devido a sua vulnerabilidade e forte tendência à desertificação. Entre os dez municípios brasileiros que mais desmataram a caatinga, segundo o Ministério do Meio Ambiente, quatro se encontram no Ceará. Estudos mostram que entre as principais causas do desmatamento está o uso da mata nativa para lenha e carvão, sobretudo para a queima de tijolos em olarias clandestinas. Procurando estudar a questão da aplicabilidade de construções sustentáveis no Nordeste Brasileiro, o presente trabalho faz um levantamento detalhado sobre construções em terra crua (adobe) na região, em especial no Estado que mais contribuiu com o desmatamento. Em assim sendo, realizou-se uma extensa pesquisa aos acervos públicos e oito expedições rodoviárias, entre 2009 e 2011, e totalizando cerca de 7.000 km rodados, às regiões norte e nordeste do Estado do Ceará. Foram coletadas amostras de terra e de adobe para ensaios nos laboratórios da Universidade Federal do Ceará (UFC) e feita ampla documentação fotográfica com aplicação de questionários em 14localidades. Foram levantados dados de vários aspectos relevantes para a pesquisa, quais sejam: composição da terra, granulometria, processos de secagem do adobe, resistência mecânica à compressão, além de aspectos ligados ao detalhamento do revestimento, traço de rebocos e detalhes de fundação. A análise dos dados coletados permitiu compreender a construção em adobe na região, no seu contexto cultural. Esta pesquisa pode ajudar na manutenção de um sistema construtivo ambiental, cultural e economicamente sustentável, através da busca por um caminho de reavaliação das possibilidades de adaptações técnicas à casa típica do semiárido cearense.


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This 7-minute video shows you how to create a web-conferenced meeting using Adobe Connect, welcome the participants, communicate using sound and video, and share resources.


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Find out more about Photoshop layers with this share of links and video tutorials.


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Find out more about Photoshop Adjustment and Fill Layers with this share of video tutorials.


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A 4-minute video that shows how students with dyslexia or visual stress can change the text and background colours in Adobe Acrobat Reader to suit their needs.


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A two-minute video that shows you how to edit an existing meeting in Adobe Connect so you can re-use that meeting room for a new date, time and (if needed) different participants.


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This PowerPoint provides a step-by-step guide to the process of converting a document (such as your thesis) from Word to PDF.


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This brief guide (two sides of A4) is a reminder sheet for tutors and research staff who wish to hold meetings online using Adobe Connect


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This one-side-of-A4 guide is a reminder of most of the things that students need to know to have meetings online.