961 resultados para Tiger beetles.
Over a seven year period from 1991 to 1997, 22 species of tiger beetles, representing nine genera, were recorded near Manaus, Brazil. In the Whitewaterfloodplains along the Rio Solimões-Amazonas (Ilha de Marchantaria), three diurnal species inhabit inundation forests and six species (two diurnal, four nocturnal) live in open areas. Data on their natural history and adaptation to living conditions in floodplains are presented. Fifteen species were located on non-flooded uplands (Reserva Florestal A. Ducke). Five diurnal species inhabit the forest floor, two species are canopy dwellers, and eight species (seven diurnal, one nocturnal) live in open areas on whitesand or laterite. Only one species, Pentacomia lacordairei, was found in both floodplain and upland forests. A key to the larvae of tiger beetle genera located near Manaus is presented.
The spatial and temporal distribution of a guild of eight diurnal tiger beetle species was studied on a 105 m long transect near the field station of the Reserva Florestal A. Ducke near Manaus (AM), Brazil. The transect followed a path that included both shaded and an open areas. Five of the species, restricted to primary forest, occurrred only in shaded areas of the transect, and three species occurred in open areas. Of all eight species only two of the open habitat species showed no clear seasonality in adult activity. In six species the activity of adults was limited to the rainy season. The most pronounced annual rhythm was found in Pentacomia ventralis, an open habitat species. Activity of adults was limited to October/November. First in-star larvae appeared shortly thereafter. Larval development mainly took place from January to May. The third instar larva entered a dormancy which lasted up to 10 months, and which enabled the synchronisation of emerging adults with annual seasons.
Embora não haja cultivos comerciais de milho geneticamente modificado no Brasil, o efeito de híbridos de milho Bt sobre inimigos naturais e artrópodos de solo deve ser avaliado antes da liberação aos produtores. Assim, ensaios foram conduzidos durante uma safra em duas localidades. Os híbridos de milho modificado geneticamente 7590-Bt11 e Avant-ICP4 foram comparados com seus respectivos isogênicos não transgênicos. Os artrópodes foram avaliados através de observação direta nas plantas e armadilhas de alçapão. de modo geral, não se observaram diferenças entre as populações de tesourinha (Dermaptera: Forficulidae), joaninhas (Coleptera: Coccinellidae), percevejo-pirata (Coleoptera: Anthocoridae), carabídeos (Carabidae), cicindelídeos (Cicindelidae) e aranhas (Araneae). Também não houve diferença no parasitismo de ovos de Helicoverpa zea (Boddie) por Trichogramma sp. (Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae). Assim, milho geneticamente modificado expressando as proteínas inseticidas Cry1A(b) e VIP 3A não causa redução nas populações dos principais predadores e parasitóides.
As with many organisms across the globe, Cicindela nevadica lincolniana is threatened with extinction. Understanding ecological factors that contribute to extinction vulnerability and what methods aid in the recovery of those species is essential in developing successful conservation programs. Here we examine behavioral mechanisms for niche partitioning along with improving techniques for captive rearing protocol and increasing public awareness about the conservation of this local insect. Ovipositional selectivity was examined for Cicindela nevadica lincolniana, Cicindela circumpicta, Cicindela togata, Cicindela punctulata, and Cicindela fulgida. Models reflect that these species of co-occurring tiger beetles select different ranges of salinity in which to oviposit thereby reducing the potential for interspecific competition. In a second study, thermoregulatory niche partitioning was examined for the same complex of tiger beetle species. Time spent in the sun, on different substrates, and engaging in various behaviors associated with thermoregulation were significantly different during different parts of the day and between species. I continued along a previous line of study to develop a viable captive rearing program. So far fourteen adult Cicindela nevadica lincolniana have been successfully reared in captivity. Overwintering mortality has been determined as a key factor in the mortality of this species in captivity. Finally, I examined the potential for using the visual arts to promote the conservation of Cicindela nevadica lincolniana and associated saline wetlands. The results from surveys conducted at the exhibit suggest that art exhibits can have a strong positive impact on members of the community.
Includes index.
"Extrait du tome I, p. 85 et suivantes des Mémoires de la Société royale des Sciences de Liége."
The new genus Brasilycus is proposed within the tribe Calopterini. Following new species are described in the genus: Brasilycus capixabus n. sp., B. rondonensis n. sp., and B. bolivianus n. sp., all from South America. Illustrations of diagnostic characters and key to Brasilycus are given.
Bacteria phenotypically resembling members of the phylogenetically distinct planctomycete group of the domain Bacteria were isolated from postlarvae of the giant tiger prawn, Penaeus monodon. A selective medium designed in the light of planctomycete antibiotic resistance characteristics was used for this isolation. Planctomycetes were isolated from both healthy and monodon baculovirus-infected prawn postlarvae, The predominant colony type recovered from postlarvae regardless of viral infection status was nonpigmented. Other, less commonly observed types were pink or orange pigmented, A planctomycete-specific 16S rRNA-directed probe was designed and used to screen the isolates for their identity as planctomycetes prior to molecular phylogenetic characterization. 16S rRNA genes from nine prawn isolates together with two planctomycete reference strains (Planctomyces brasiliensis and Gemmata obscuriglobus) were sequenced and compared with reference sequences from the planctomycetes and other members of the domain Bacteria, Phylogenetic analyses and sequence signatures of the 16S rRNA genes demonstrated that the prawn isolates were members of the planctomycete group, Five representatives of the predominant nonpigmented colony type were members of the Pirellula group within the planctomycetes, as were three pink-pigmented colony type representatives. Homology values and tree topology indicated that representatives of the nonpigmented and pink-pigmented colony types formed two discrete clusters within the Pirellula group, not identical to any known Pirellula species, A sole representative of the orange colony type was a member of the Planctomyces group, virtually identical in 16S rDNA sequence to P. brasiliensis, and exhibited distinctive morphology.
OBJECTIVES: 1. To critically evaluate a variety of mathematical methods of calculating effective population size (Ne) by conducting comprehensive computer simulations and by analysis of empirical data collected from the Moreton Bay population of tiger prawns. 2. To lay the groundwork for the application of the technology in the NPF. 3. To produce software for the calculation of Ne, and to make it widely available.
Allenic hydrocarbons, previously unknown as a molecular class from insects, are represented by CH3(CH2)(n)-CH=. =CH-(CH2)(7)CH3 (n = 11-15, 17, 19) in several Australian melolonthine scarab beetles and with demonstrated (R)-chirality when n = 11 and 13.
A suite of allenic hydrocarbons, previously unknown as a molecular class from insects, has been characterized from several Australian melolonthine scarab beetles. The allenes are represented by the formula CH3(CH2)nCH=.=CH(CH2)(7)CH3 with n being 11-15, 17 and 19, and thus, all have Delta(9,10)-unsaturation. These structures have been confirmed by syntheses and comparisons of spectral and chromatographic properties with those of the natural components. The enantiomers of (+/-)-Delta(9,10)-tricosadiene and Delta(9,10)-pentacosadiene were separable on a modified beta-cyclodextrin column (gas chromatography), and the natural Delta(9,10)-tricosadiene (n = 11) and Delta(9,10)-pentacosadiene (n = 13) were shown to be of >85% ee. Syntheses of nonracemic allenes of known predominating chirality were acquired using both organotin chemistry and sulfonylhydrazine intermediates, and comparisons then demonstrated that the natural allenes were predominantly (R)-configured.
1. Tiger snake antivenom, raised against Notechis scutatus venom, is indicated not only for the treatment of envenomation by this snake, but also that of the copperhead (Austrelaps superbus ) and Stephen's banded snake (Hoplocephalus stephensi ). The present study compared the neuromuscular pharmacology of venom from these snakes and the in vitro efficacy of tiger snake antivenom. 2. In chick biventer cervicis muscle and mouse phrenic nerve diaphragm preparations, all venoms (3-10 mug/mL) produced inhibition of indirect twitches. In the biventer muscle, venoms (10 mug/mL) inhibited responses to acetylcholine (1 mmol/L) and carbachol (20 mumol/L), but not KCl (40 mmol/L). The prior (10 min) administration of 1 unit/mL antivenom markedly attenuated the neurotoxic effects of A. superbus and N. scutatus venoms (10 mug/mL), but was less effective against H. stephensi venom (10 mug/mL); 5 units/mL antivenom attenuated the neurotoxic activity of all venoms. 3. Administration of 5 units/mL antivenom at t(90) partially reversed, over a period of 3 h, the inhibition of twitches produced by N. scutatus (10 mug/mL; 41% recovery), A. superbus (10 mug/mL; 25% recovery) and H. stephensi (10 mug/mL; 50% recovery) venoms. All venoms (10-100 mug/mL) also displayed signs of in vitro myotoxicity. 4. The results of the present study indicate that all three venoms contain neurotoxic activity that is effectively attenuated by tiger snake antivenom.
Aims: To quantify Listeria levels on the shell and flesh of artificially contaminated cooked prawns after peeling, and determine the efficacy of Listeria innocua as a model for L. monocytogenes in this system. Methods and Results: A L. monocytogenes and L. innocua strain were inoculated separately onto cooked black tiger prawns using two protocols ( immersion or swabbing with incubation). Prawns were peeled by two methods ( gloved hand or scalpel and forceps) and numbers of Listeria on shells, flesh and whole prawn controls were determined. Prawns were exposed to crystal violet dye to assess the penetration of liquids. Regardless of preparation method or bacterial strain there were ca 1log(10) CFU more Listeria per shell than per peeled prawn. Dye was able to penetrate to the flesh in all cases. Conclusions: Shell-on prawns may be only slightly safer than shell-off prawns. Listeria innocua is an acceptable model for L. monocytogenes in this system. Significance and Impact of the Study: Reduced risk from L. monocytogenes on prawns can only be assured by adequate hygiene or heating.