986 resultados para Tiago Adão


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Mentoring has been the focus of both research and writing across a range of professional fields including, for example, education, business, medecine, nursing and law for decades. Even so it has been argued by researchers that much less confusion continues to surround its meaning and understanding. Part of this confusion lies in the fact it has been described in many ways. Some writing in the field focuses on it as a workplace activity for men and womean, a developmental process for novices and leaders alike, a career tool for enhancing promotion, an affirmative action strategy for members of minority groups, and a human resource development strategy used in organisations (Ehrich and Hansford, 1999).


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Using the Global Financial Crisis as a natural experiment, we investigate how a major macro-economic crisis affects nascent (i.e., pre-operational) ventures. We hypothesize adverse effects on behaviors, behavioral plans, and expectations for the future, and that these effects would be more pronounced in ventures that are more innovative and/or more relying on loan funding. Overall, we find very limited support for our hypotheses. Our conclusion is that the main reason for the surprising absence of detrimental effects is that a large majority of nascent ventures are mostly affected by a relatively narrow, immediate task environment rather than directly by the fluctuations of the macro-economy.


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Enterprise social networks are organizationally bounded online platforms for users to interact with another and maintain interpersonal relationships. The allure of these technologies is often seen in intra-organizational communication, collaboration and innovation. How these technologies actually support organizational innovation efforts remains unclear. A specific challenge is whether digital content on these platforms converts to actual innovation development efforts. In this study we set out to examine innovation-centric content flows on enterprise social networking platforms, and advance a conceptual model that seeks to explain which innovation conveyed in the digital content will traverse from the digital platform into regular processes. We describe important constructs of our model and offer strategies for the operationalization of the constructs. We conclude with an outlook to our ongoing empirical study that will explore and validate the key propositions of our model, and we sketch some potential implications for industry and academia.


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We hypothesize that a major macroeconomic crisis triggers four alternative responses among nascent entrepreneurs: disengagement, delay, compensation, and adaptation. We also suggest that commitment and ambition (or “high potential”) moderate these responses. Our most important finding is the relative absence of behavioral crisis responses. However, crises may make high-tech founders become more likely to disengage, whereas the opposite holds for founders far into the process. Our study sheds light on the mechanisms behind aggregate effects of crises on the number and type of start-ups in an economy, and can guide future research on the effect of crises on nascent entrepreneurship.


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Solenidade de inauguração do Plenário Adão Pretto, realizada pela Comissão de Legislação Participativa em conjunto com a Comissão de Direitos Humanos e Minorias, em 23 de junho de 2010, no Plenário 9 da Câmara dos Deputados.


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A través desta nova série, tentamos conhecer os diferentes aspectos pessoais dos integrantes da comunidade ictiológica ibero-americana. Esta iniciativa compartilha o espírito e o objetivo das biografias de pesquisadores brasileiros, procurando, informalmente, outro ponto de conexão na “comunidade de ictiólogos ibero-americanos”. Talvez esteja equivocado na minha apreciação, mas creio que esta tentativa compensa, já que, com a colaboração generosa e voluntária dos integrantes deste “universo”, marcaremos um registro no tempo da Ictiologia Neotropical.


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介绍了如何利用ADO(ActiveX Data Object)接口连接和操作不同的数据库。并给出了在Visual C++.net环境下ADO结合SQL访问数据库的程序代码。


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Arguably, in a time of war literature, and indeed all writing, is saturated with deep psychic responses to conflict. So that not only in literary genres such as epic and tragedy, but also in the novel and comedy, can writing about war be discerned. C.G. Jung, Shakespeare and Lindsay Clarke are fundamentally writers of war who share allied literary strategies. Moreover, they diagnose similar origins to the malaise of a culture tending to war in the neglect of aspects of the feminine that patriarchy prefers to ignore. In repressing or evading the dark feminine, cultures as dissimilar as ancient Greece, the 21st century, Shakespeare's England and Jung's Europe prevent the healing energies of the conjunctio of masculine and feminine from stabilising an increasingly fragile consciousness. In the Troy novels of Clarke, Answer to Job by Jung and Much Ado About Nothing by Shakespeare, some attempt at spiritual nourishment is made through the writing. [From the Publisher]


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Abstract Limited liability is widely believed to be a prerequisite for the emergence of an active and liquid securities market because the transactions costs associated with trading ownership of unlimited liability firms are viewed as prohibitive. In this article, we examine the trading of shares in an Irish bank, which limited its liability in 1883. Using this bank’s archives, we assemble a time series of trading data, which we test for structural breaks. Our results suggest that the move to limited liability had a negligible impact upon the trading of this bank’s shares.


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Introdução: Apesar de na reabilitação e nas atividades da vida diária já se perceber que o treino do core tem bastantes benefícios, no desporto ainda não há provas conclusivas deste mesmo benefício e de como o treino do core deve ser elaborado. Objectivo(s): Avaliar a eficácia de um programa de intervenção sobre a musculatura do core em jogadoras de voleibol Métodos: O presente estudo quasi experimental longitudinal teve uma amostra final de 56 indivíduos – grupo controlo (GC) (n= 27), e grupo experimental (GE) (n=29). Avaliou-se os testes de endurance, e respectivos rácios, descritos por McGill. Ambos os grupos foram avaliados antes (Momento 0) e após (Momento 1) a aplicação de um programa de intervenção. Resultados: Na análise entre os 2 grupos, tanto no Momento 0 como no Momento 1, não se registou diferenças estatisticamente significativas, nem nas médias de tempo dos testes de McGill nem nos rácios. Já na análise intragrupo, o GC não apresentou resultados estatisti-camente significativos, nem nas médias de tempo dos testes do McGill nem nos rácios, enquanto o GE apenas apresentou valores estatisticamente significativos nas médias de tempo da prancha lateral direita (p = 0,04) e prancha lateral esquerda (p = 0,03). Conclusão: Atletas jovens e do sexo feminino, apresentaram um fraco de-sempenho da musculatura extensora do tronco que as torna mais passíveis de contrair lesões lumbopélvicas. Será necessário implementar um programa de intervenção, diferente do aplicado neste estudo, e com maior ênfase na musculatura extensora para equilibrar os rácios propostos por McGill, e assim, diminuir o risco de lesão.