13 resultados para Thrombelastography
Hemorrhage and traumatic coagulopathyis are major causes of early death in multiply injured patients. Thrombelastography (TEG) seems to be a fast and accurate coagulation test in trauma care. We suggest that multiply injured trauma patients would benefit the most from an early assessment of coagulation by TEG, mainly RapidTEG, to detect an acute traumatic coagulopathy and especially primary fibrinolysis, which is related with high mortality. This review gives an overview on TEG and its clinical applications.
BACKGROUND: Potentized antimony is traditionally used in anthroposophic medicine to enhance hemostasis in bleeding disorders, but evidence of its effectiveness is scarce. On the other hand, non-toxic and economic additional therapeutic options for hemostatic disorders are desirable. OBJECTIVES: We examined all available literature on the subject and performed a controlled pilot in vitro study to test the procoagulatory potency of antimony D 5. DESIGN: Freshly drawn citrated whole blood of 12 healthy volunteers and 12 patients with bleeding disorders was equally distributed into 344 portions, after which it was mixed with antimony D 5, or its potentized vehicle (lactose D 5) as control solution and tested with thrombelastography. The paired t-test and the Wilcoxon signed rank test were used for statistical analysis. In 5 of the 12 healthy donors, a second blood sample was drawn to assess individual variability and increase the total number of replicates. Thus three separate calculations were performed: for the 12 patients, the 12 healthy donors, and the 5 later samples from the same donors. The analysis was exploratory, and no Bonferroni correction was applied. RESULTS: In the antimony D5 samples of the 12 healthy subjects, but not the patients, there was a tendency toward a shorter clotting time (CT) (p = 0.074) and a trend for an increased clot firmness, expressed as maximal amplitude (MA) (p = 0.058). The increase of MA was significant (p = 0.011) when the later samples were included. No statistical difference was detected for the clot formation time and the clot lysis index. CONCLUSION: The exploratory results of this pilot study are inconclusive as to whether antimony D5 has a procoagulatory effect in vitro, although the results suggest an effect on MA and possibly CT. More research is warranted.
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Le syndrome d’embolie de liquide amniotique (SELA) est une complication rare et souvent catastrophique de l’accouchement chez la femme caractérisée classiquement par une hypotension sévère, un arrêt cardiorespiratoire et une coagulation intra-vasculaire disséminée. Malheureusement, sa physiopathologie est encore mal connue. Le rôle des kinines n’a notamment pas été étudié. L’objectif de notre projet était de développer un modèle animal de SELA et d’étudier le rôle éventuel des kinines dans ce syndrome. Douze lapines en fin de gestation ont été incluses dans l’étude. Pour chacune d’entre-elles, le liquide amniotique était aspiré de chaque sac amniotique après une laparotomie. Six lapines recevaient un bolus de liquide amniotique injecté via la veine auriculaire alors que les six autres recevaient un bolus de saline. Parallèlement, les effets in vitro de liquide amniotique sur la coagulation étaient évalués par thrombelastographie (TEG) et comparés aux effets de la saline. L’injection de liquide amniotique n’a pas permis de reproduire les signes cliniques de SELA, n’a pas entrainé la génération de bradykinine, et n’a pas eu d’effet sur le temps de prothrombine, le temps de thromboplastine partielle activée, et l’activité du facteur VIII de. Une thrombocytopénie sévère et transitoire a cependant été notée 5 minutes après l’injection de liquide amniotique. De plus, en additionnant in vitro de liquide amniotique au sang on a observé un tracé de TEG hypercoagulable comparé à celui obtenu avec la saline. Le modèle n’ayant pas pu reproduire le SELA, le rôle des kinines dans ce syndrome reste à déterminer.
Cette étude avait comme objectif d’évaluer la coagulation par l’utilisation de la thrombélastographie (TEG®) et de la génération de thrombine (GT) chez des beagles en santé recevant de la prednisone ainsi que chez des chiens atteints d’hyperadrénocorticisme (HAC). Dans un premier temps, six beagles adultes en santé ont été évalués dans une étude prospective longitudinale au courant de laquelle chaque individu recevait 1 mg/kg/jour de prednisone par la voie orale pendant 2 semaines. Après un arrêt de traitement d’une durée de 6 semaines, ils ont finalement reçu 4 mg/kg/jour de prednisone pour encore 2 semaines. Les tracés TEG® et les mesures de la GT ont été obtenus au temps 0, à la fin des 6 semaines d’interruption de traitement, ainsi qu’à la suite des 2 dosages de prednisone. Suite aux 2 traitements avec la prednisone, des résultats significatifs,lorsque comparés aux valeurs de base, ont été obtenus pour la cinétique du caillot (« clot kinetics » ou K), l’angle alpha (α) et l’amplitude maximale (« maximal amplitude » ou MA). La GT avait augmenté de manière significative mais seulement après la dose de 1 mg/kg/jour de prednisone. Dans un deuxième temps, 16 chiens atteints d’HAC ont été évalués avant l’initiation d’un traitement pour leur condition. Quinze chiens ont été évalués par TEG® et 15 par GT. Les données obtenues ont ensuite été comparées aux valeurs normales. L’analyse par TEG® a démontré que 12/15 chiens avaient au moins un paramètre suggérant un état d’hypercoagulabilité. L’analyse par GT a démontré que 4/15 chiens avaient des changements compatibles avec un état d’hypercoagulabilité. Un test t-pairé pour des valeurs de variance inégales a démontré que le groupe de chiens atteints d’HAC avait des tracés hypercoagulables et un potentiel endogène de thrombine (« endogenous thrombin potential » ou ETP) plus élevé, lorsque comparé à la population de référence.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
AIM: First to assess coagulation changes after surgery in children below 6 months of age. Second to detect differences attributable to the extent of surgery and postoperative infection. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Blood counts, haemoglobin concentration (Hb), haematocrit (Ht), prothrombine time (PT), activated partial thromboplastine time (aPTT) and thrombelastography (TEG) were studied pre- and 2+/-1/2 d postoperatively. Patients were divided in 3 groups. I: minor surgery without access to the abdomen or thorax (n=51); II: abdominal or thoracic interventions (n=24); III: abdominal surgery with postoperative sepsis (n=11). RESULTS: Preoperative values of Hb, Ht and INR were related to the age of the infant. Postoperatively clot strength and formation rate increased in gr. I (p<0.05). In gr. II, clot formation was initiated earlier (p<0.05) even though PT decreased (p<0.05). In group III, patients postoperatively developed a tendency for hypocoagulability in all TEG-parameters, but not in plasmatic coagulation. Postoperative TEG measurements were significantly inferior in gr. III when compared to gr. I and II. CONCLUSION: Our findings suggest activation of whole blood coagulation in the uncomplicated postoperative period despite of a decrease in plasmatic coagulation. In sepsis, only thrombelastography, but not plasmatic coagulation was affected.
Hypothesis: Early recognition of coagulopathy may improve the care of patients with multiple injuries. Rapid thrombelastography (RapidTEG) is a new variant of thrombelastography (TEG), in which coagulation is initiated by the addition of protein tissue factor. The kinetics of coagulation and the times of measurement were compared for two variants of TEG--RapidTEG and conventional TEG, in which coagulation was initiated with kaolin. The measurements were performed on blood samples from 20 patients with multiple injuries. The RapidTEG results were also compared with conventional measurements of blood coagulation. The mean time for the RapidTEG test was 19.2 +/- 3.1 minutes (mean +/- SD), in comparison with 29.9 +/- 4.3 minutes for kaolin TEG and 34.1 +/- 14.5 minutes for conventional coagulation tests. The mean time for the RapidTEG test was 30.8 +/- 5.72 minutes, in comparison with 41.5 +/- 5.66 minutes for kaolin TEG and 64.9 +/- 18.8 for conventional coagulation tests---measured from admission of the patients to the resuscitation bay until the results were available. There were significant correlations between the RapidTEG results and those from kaolin TEG and conventional coagulation tests. RapidTEG is the most rapid available test for providing reliable information on coagulopathy in patients with multiple injuries. This has implications for improving patient care.
To explore relevant changes in unexplained intraoperative bleeding, we evaluated elements of the final steps of the coagulation cascade in 226 consecutive patients undergoing elective surgery. Patients were stratified for the occurrence of unexplained intraoperative bleeding according to predefined criteria. Twenty patients (8.8%) developed unexplained bleeding. The median intraoperative blood loss was 1350 mL (bleeders) and 400 mL (nonbleeders) (P < 0.001). Fibrinogen and Factor XIII (F. XIII) were more rapidly consumed in bleeders (P < 0.001). Soluble fibrin formation (fibrin monomer) was increased in bleeders throughout surgery (P < or = 0.014). However, F. XIII availability per unit thrombin generated was significantly decreased in bleeders before, during, and after surgery (P < or = 0.051). Computerized thrombelastography showed a parallel, significant reduction in clot firmness. We suggest that mild preexisting coagulopathy is not rare in surgical patients and probably can result in clinically relevant intraoperative bleeding. This hemostatic disorder shows impaired clot firmness, probably secondary to decreased cross-linking (due to a loss of F. XIII, both in absolute measures and per unit thrombin generated). We suggest that the application of F. XIII might be worthwhile to test in a prospective clinical trial to increase clot firmness in patients at risk for this intraoperative coagulopathy.
Mannan-binding lectin-associated serine protease-1 (MASP-1), a protein of the complement lectin pathway, resembles thrombin in terms of structural features and substrate specificity, and it has been shown to activate coagulation factors. Here we studied the effects of MASP-1 on clot formation in whole blood (WB) and platelet-poor plasma (PPP) by thrombelastography and further elucidated the underlying mechanism. Cleavage of prothrombin by MASP-1 was investigated by SDS-PAGE and N-terminal sequencing of cleavage products. Addition of MASP-1 or thrombin to WB and PPP shortened the clotting time and clot formation time significantly compared to recalcified-only samples. The combination of MASP-1 and thrombin had additive effects. In a purified system, MASP-1 was able to induce clotting only in presence of prothrombin. Analysis of MASP-1-digested prothrombin confirmed that MASP-1 cleaves prothrombin at three cleavage sites. In conclusion, we have shown that MASP-1 is able to induce and promote clot formation measured in a global setting using the technique of thrombelastography. We further confirmed that MASP-1-induced clotting is dependent on prothrombin. Finally, we have demonstrated that MASP-1 cleaves prothrombin and identified its cleavage sites, suggesting that MASP-1 gives rise to an alternative active form of thrombin by cleaving at the cleavage site R393.
BACKGROUND Cell-derived plasma microparticles (<1.5 μm) originating from various cell types have the potential to regulate thrombogenesis and inflammatory responses. The aim of this study was to test the hypothesis that microparticles generated during hepatic surgery co-regulate postoperative procoagulant and proinflammatory events. METHODS In 30 patients undergoing liver resection, plasma microparticles were isolated, quantitated, and characterized as endothelial (CD31+, CD41-), platelet (CD41+), or leukocyte (CD11b+) origin by flow cytometry and their procoagulant and proinflammatory activity was measured by immunoassays. RESULTS During liver resection, the total numbers of microparticles increased with significantly more Annexin V-positive, endothelial and platelet-derived microparticles following extended hepatectomy compared to standard and minor liver resections. After liver resection, microparticle tissue factor and procoagulant activity increased along with overall coagulation as assessed by thrombelastography. Levels of leukocyte-derived microparticles specifically increased in patients with systemic inflammation as assessed by C-reactive protein but are independent of the extent of liver resection. CONCLUSIONS Endothelial and platelet-derived microparticles are specifically elevated during liver resection, accompanied by increased procoagulant activity. Leukocyte-derived microparticles are a potential marker for systemic inflammation. Plasma microparticles may represent a specific response to surgical stress and may be an important mediator of postoperative coagulation and inflammation.
Mannan-binding lectin-associated serine protease-1 (MASP-1), a protein of the complement lectin pathway, resembles thrombin in terms of structural features and substrate specificity. Due to its interplay with several coagulation factors, it has the ability to induce fibrin clot formation independent of the usual coagulation activation pathways. We have recently shown that MASP-1 activates prothrombin and identified arginine (R) 155, R271, and R393 as potential cleavage sites. FXa cleaves R320 instead of R393, and thrombin cleaves R155 and R284 in prothrombin. Here we have used three arginine-to-glutamine mutants of prothrombin, R271Q, R320Q, R393Q and the serine-to-alanine active site mutant S525A to investigate in detail the mechanism of MASP-1 mediated prothrombin activation. Prothrombin wildtype and mutants were digested with MASP-1 and the cleavage products were analysed by SDS-PAGE and N-terminal sequencing. A functional clotting assay was performed by thrombelastography. We have found that MASP-1 activates prothrombin via two simultaneous pathways, either cleaving at R271 or R393 first. Both pathways result in the formation of several active alternative thrombin species. Functional studies confirmed that both R393 and R320 are required for prothrombin activation by MASP-1, whereas R155 is not considered to be an important cleavage site in this process. In conclusion, we have described for the first time a detailed model of prothrombin activation by MASP-1.