374 resultados para Thornton
Many of the educational structures in public education today have their roots in the educational reforms of the industrial and Cold War eras. These educational structures served the United States well in a time of industrialization and two-state global superpowers. However, society has rapidly become more interconnected and globalized. K-12 education has not required that students develop the new skills and habits of mind needed for success in the twenty-first century. This study proposes three curricular and instructional changes to help students meet the needs of a global society in Adams Twelve Five-Star Schools located in Thornton, Colorado. These curricular and instructional reforms, while intended to address globalization, will also help the district stay competitive among local districts.
This folder contains copies of three brief letters from Croswell to Harvard President Kirkland, dated April 5, 1820, July 6, 1820, and August 28, 1820, requesting payment.
One letter regarding a stone chapel being built at Harvard, and one letter providing biographical information on James Otis.
Four letters written from Birmingham, England, in which Tudor suggests changes to Harvard’s grounds and facilities, hiring practices for tutors, and university publications. He also alludes to the War of 1812.
Four letters written from Boston regarding plans to establish a new literary periodical, the North American Review. Tudor asks Kirkland to contribute to the periodical and describes plans to establish a lecture series at the Boston Athenaum.