999 resultados para Thorium Bromate


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Th(BrO3)3·H2O single crystals were grown from its aqueous solution at room temperature. Single crystal XRD, Raman and FTIR techniques were used to investigate the crystal structure. The crystal structure was solved by Patterson method. The as grown crystals are in monoclinic system with space group P21/c. The unit cell parameters are a = 12.8555(18) Å, b = 7.8970(11) Å, c = 9.0716(10) Å,  = 90°,  = 131.568° and  = 90° and unit cell volume is 689.1(2) Å3. Z = 8, R factor is 5.9. The Raman and FTIR studies indicate the lowering of symmetry of bromate anion from C3V to C1. Hydrogen bonds with varying strengths are present in the crystal. The centrosymmetric space group P21/c of the crystal is confirmed by the non-coincidence of majority of Raman and IR bands


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The elastic constants of NaBrO3 and NaClO3 are evaluated from ultrasonic velocity measurements using pulse superposition techniques. The values of C11, C12 and C44 for NaBrO3 at 298°K are 5.578, 1.705, 1.510 (x 1010 N/m2) and for NaClO3 the values are 4.897, 1.389, 1.174. The values at 77°K are respectively 6.35, 1.98 and 1.65 for NaBrO3 and 6.15, 2.16 and 1.32 for NaClO3.


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Ethanol oxidation in the vapor phase was studied in an isothermal flow reactor using thorium molybdate catalyst in the temperature range 220–280 °C. Under these conditions the catalyst was highly selective to acetaldehyde formation. The rate data were well represented by a steady state two-stage redox model given by the equation: View the MathML source The parameters of the above model were estimated by linear and nonlinear least squares methods. In the case of nonlinear estimation the sum of the squares of residuals decreased. The activation energies and preexponential factors for the reduction and oxidation steps of the model, estimated by nonlinear least squares technique are: 9.47 kcal/mole, 9.31 g mole/ (sec) (g cat) (atm) and 9.85 kcal/mole, 0.17 g mole/(sec) (g cat) (atm)0.5, respectively. Oxidations of ethanol and methanol over thorium molybdate catalyst were compared under similar conditions.


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U, Th and K contents of gneisses, granites and pegmatites of the Precambrian shield complex of S. E. Mysore have been determined by gamma ray spectrometry. Th/U ratios in most gneisses and granites are found to have values in the range 5–15, being higher than the accepted value of about 3.5 for crustal material.


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Antipyrine complexes of TiO2+, ZrO2+, Zr4+, Th4+ and UO2+2 perchlorates with molecular formulae TiO(Apy)4(ClO4)2, ZrO(Apy)3(ClO4)2, Zr(Apy)6(ClO4)4, Th(Apy)7(ClO4)4 and UO2(Apy)5(ClO4)2 have been prepared and characterized. The complexes are stable in air at room temperature and decompose exothermally at ~3OO °C. The i.r. study indicates the bonding of the antipyrine to the metal ion through its carbonyl oxygen. The nature of the bonding of the perchlorate and the stereochemistry of the complexes are discussed in the light of infrared spectra, conductivity in solvents of different polarity, and molecular weight measurements. From the UO2+2 group frequencies, the force constant K and rU-o are found to be 6.29 × 105 dynes/ cm-1 and 1.74 Å, respectively.


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TiO·5DMSO(ClO4)2, ZrO·8DMSO(ClO4)2 and Th·12DMSO(ClO4)4 are prepared by reaction of the respective metal perchlorates with an excess of dimethyl sulphoxide. The last two complexes yield ZrO·6DMSO(ClO4)2 and Th·6DMSO(ClO4)4 on heating around 185°C, while the titanyl complex explodes at 190°C. The extra DMSO molecules in the zirconyl and thorium complexes seem to be held in the lattice. In the parent complexes, the co-ordinated DMSO molecules are bonded by oxygen to the metal atoms while in the DMSO complexes of zirconyl and thorium perchlorates, obtained by heating at 185°C, the bonding involves the sulphur, indicating a change in the bonding during the process of heating.


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Thorium(IV) is known to form high coordination-number complexes. An attempt has therefore been made to determine the effect of anions on the coordination complexes of diphenyl sulphoxide (DPSO) with thorium(IV). The complexes formed have the formulae [Th(DPSO)6](ClO4)4, [Th(DPSO)4Cl4], [Th(DPSO)4Br4], [Th(DPSO)6I2]I2, [Th(DPSO)4(NCS)4]and [Th(DPSO)3(NO3)4]. In all the complexes, DPSO is coordinated to the metal ion through its oxygen. The electrical conductances in nitrobenzene and in nitromethane, and ebullioscopic molecular weights in acetonitrile, show that the perchlorate and iodide complexes behave as 1:4 and 1:2 electrolytes, respectively; while the other complexes are monomeric and non-electrolytes. The infrared spectra of the solid complexes indicate the ionic nature of the perchlorate, the bidentate nature of the nitrate and the coordination of the thiocyanate through its nitrogen. [Th(DPSO)4Cl4], [Th(DPSO)4Br4]and [Th-(DPSO)3 (NO3)4]decompose endothermically while [Th(DPSO)6](ClO4)4 and [Th(DPSO)4(NCS)4]decompose exothermically, both in air and in nitrogen. The perchlorate complex has octahedral symmetry around the thorium, the halo- and the thiocyanato complexes are 8-coordinate, probably with square antiprismatic structures, while the nitrate complex is 11-coordinate


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Three new phosphonoacetate hybrid frameworks based on the actinide elements uranium and thorium have been synthesized. The compounds [C4N2H14][(UO2)(2)(O3PCH2COO)(2)]center dot H2O, I,[C4N2H14][(UO2)(2)(C2O4)(O3PCH2COOH)(2)], II, and Th(H2O)(2)(O3PCH2COO)(C2O4)(0.5). H2O, III, are built up from the connectivity between the metal polyhedra and the phosphonoacetate/oxalate units. Compound II has been prepared using a solvent-free approach, by a solid state reaction at 150 degrees C. It has been shown that II can also be prepared through a room temperature mechanochemical (grinding) route. The layer arrangement in III closely resembles to that observed in I. The compounds have been characterized by powder X-ray diffraction, IR spectroscopy, thermogravimetric analysis, and fluorescence studies.


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Co-ordination complexes of the diphosphazane dioxides Ph(2)P(O)N(Pr-i)P(O)Ph(2) L(1). Ph(2)P(O)N(Pr-i)P(O)Ph(OC(6)H(4)Me-4) L(2) and Ph(2)P(O)N(Pr-i)P(O)(O2C12H8) L(3) with UO22+ or Th4+ ions have been synthesised and characterised by IR and NMR spectroscopy. The structures of [UO2(NO3)(2)L(1)] and [Th(NO3)(2)L(3)(1)][Th(NO3)(6)] are established by X-ray crystallography. In the former, the uranyl ion is bonded to two bidentate nitrate groups and the two phosphoryl groups of the ligand L(1); the co-ordination polyhedron around the metal is a hexagonal bipyramid. The cationic moiety in the thorium complex contains three bidentate diphosphazane dioxide ligands and two bidentate nitrate groups around the ten-co-ordinated metal.


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Part one of this thesis consists of two sections. In the first section the fluorine chemical shift of a single crystal CaF_2 has been measured as a function of external pressure up to 4 kilobar at room temperature using multiple pulse NMR techniques. The pressure dependence of the shift is found to be -1.7 ± 1 ppm/kbar, while a theoretical calculation using an overlap model predicts a shift of -0.46 ppm/kbar. In the second section a separation of the chemical shift tensor into physically meaningful "geometrical" and "chemical" contributions is presented and a comparison of the proposed model calculations with recently reported data on hydroxyl proton chemical shift tensors demonstrates, that for this system, the geometrical portion accounts for the qualitative features of the measured tensors.

Part two of the thesis consists of a study of fluoride ion motion in β-PbF_2 doped with NaF by measurement of the ^(19)F transverse relaxation time (T_2), spin lattice relaxation time (T_1) and the spin lattice relaxation time in the rotating frame (T_(1r)). Measurements over the temperature range of -50°C to 160°C lead to activation energies for T_1, T_(1r) and T_2 of 0.205 ± 0.01, 0.29 + 0.02 and 0.27 ± 0.01 ev/ion, and a T_(1r) minimum at 56°C yields a correlation time of 0.74 μsec. Pressure dependence of T_1 and T_2 yields activation volumes of <0.2 cm^3/g-mole and 1.76 ± 0.05 cm^3/g-mole respectively. These data along with the measured magnetic field independence of T_1 suggest that the measured T_1's are not caused by ^(19)F motion, but by thermally excited carriers.

Part three of the thesis consists of a study of two samples of Th_4H_(15), prepared under different conditions but both having the proper ratio of H/Th (to within 1%). The structure of the Th_4H_(15) as suggested by X-ray measurements is confirmed through a moment analysis of the rigid lattice line shape. T_1 and T_2 measurements above 390 K furnish activation energies of 16.3 ± 1.2 kcal/mole and 18.0 ± 3.0 kcal/mole, respectively. Below 350 K, T_(1r) measurements furnish an activation energy of 10.9 ± 0.7 kcal/mole, indicating most probably more than a single mechanism for proton motion. A time-temperature hysteresis effect of the proton motion was found in one of the two samples and is strongly indicative of a phase change. T_1 at room temperature and below is dominated by relaxation due to conduction electrons with the product T_1T being 180 ± 10 K-sec. Using multiple pulse techniques to greatly reduce homonuclear dipolar broadening, a temperature-dependent line shift was observed, and the chemical shift anisotropy is estimated to be less than 16 ppm.


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The production of long-lived transuranic (TRU) waste is a major disadvantage of fission-based nuclear power. Incineration, and virtual elimination, of waste stockpiles is possible in a thorium (Th) fuelled critical or subcritical fast reactor. Fuel cycles producing a net decrease in TRUs are possible in conventional pressurised water reactors (PWRs). However, minor actinides (MAs) have a detrimental effect on reactivity and stability, ultimately limiting the quality and quantity of waste that can be incinerated. In this paper, we propose using a thorium-retained-actinides fuel cycle in PWRs, where the reactor is fuelled with a mixture of thorium and TRU waste, and after discharge all actinides are reprocessed and returned to the reactor. To investigate the feasibility and performance of this fuel cycle an assembly-level analysis for a one-batch reloading strategy was completed over 125 years of operation using WIMS 9. This one-batch analysis was performed for simplicity, but allowed an indicative assessment of the performance of a four-batch fuel management strategy. The build-up of 233U in the reactor allowed continued reactive and stable operation, until all significant actinide populations had reached pseudo-equilibrium in the reactor. It was therefore possible to achieve near-complete transuranic waste incineration, even for fuels with significant MA content. The average incineration rate was initially around 330 kg per GW th year and tended towards 250 kg per GW th year over several decades: a performance comparable to that achieved in a fast reactor. Using multiple batch fuel management, competitive or improved end-of-cycle burn-up appears achievable. The void coefficient (VC), moderator temperature coefficient (MTC) and Doppler coefficient remained negative. The quantity of soluble boron required for a fixed fuel cycle length was comparable to that for enriched uranium fuel, and acceptable amounts can be added without causing a positive VC or MTC. This analysis is limited by the consideration of a single fuel assembly, and it will be necessary to perform a full core coupled neutronic-thermal-hydraulic analysis to determine if the design in its current form is feasible. In particular, the potential for positive VCs if the core is highly or locally voided is a cause for concern. However, these results provide a compelling case for further work on concept feasibility and fuel management, which is in progress. © 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.