10 resultados para Thoracoscopy
Spontaneous pneumothorax in children is an emergency. A rapid and structured treatment is necessary. Indicating clinical signs are dyspnoea with unilateral reduced breath sounds and hypersonic percussion note. Chest x-ray confirms diagnosis. CT scan shows detailed information's of pathological changes in lung tissue and offers important considerations for the therapy. Today video assisted thoracoscopic surgery (VATS) takes a central role in the treatment of spontaneous pneumothorax. Thoracoscopy completes diagnosis detecting the pathologies, which were missed in imaging procedures. Definitive surgical treatment is performed simultaneously in the same anaesthesia.
Background This is the first ever evaluation of narrow band imaging (NBI), an innovative endoscopic imaging procedure, for the visualisation of pleural processes. Methods The pleural cavity was examined in 26 patients with pleural effusions using both white light and narrow band imaging during thoracoscopy under local anaesthesia. Results In the great majority of the patients narrow band imaging depicted the blood vessels more clearly than white light, but failed to reveal any differences in number, shape or size. Only in a single case with pleura thickened by chronic inflammation and metastatic spread of lung cancer did narrow band imaging show vessels that were not detectable under white light. Conclusion It is not yet possible to assess to what extent the evidence provided by NBI is superior to that achieved with white light. Further studies are required, particularly in the early stages of pleural processes.
Lung cancer accounts for more cancer-related deaths than any other cancer. In Finland, five-year survival ranges from 8% to 13%. The main risk factor for lung cancer is long-term cigarette smoking, but its carcinogenesis requires several other factors. The aim of the present study was to 1) evaluate post-operative quality of life, 2) compare clinical outcomes between minimally invasive and conventional open surgery, 3) evaluate the role of oxidative stress in the carcinogenesis of non-small lung cancer (NSCLC), and 4) to identify and characterise targeted agents for therapeutic and diagnostic use in surgery. For study I, pneumonectomy patients replied to 15D quality of life and baseline dyspnea questionnaires. Study III involved a prospective quality of life assessment using the 15D questionnaire after lobectomy or bi-lobectomy. Study IV was a retrospective comparison of clinical outcomes between 212 patients treated with open thoracotomy and 116 patients who underwent a minimally invasive technique. Study II measured parameters of oxidative metabolism (myeloperoxidase activity, glutathione content and NADPH oxidase activity) and DNA adducts. Study V employed the phage display method and identified a core motif for homing peptides. This method served in cell-binding, cell-localisation, and biodistribution studies. Following both pneumonectomy and lobectomy, NSCLC patients showed significantly decreased long-term quality of life. No significant correlation was noted between post-operative quality of life and pre-operative pulmonary function tests. Women suffered more from increased dyspnea after pneumonectomy which was absent after lobectomy or bi-lobectomy. Patients treated with video-assisted thoracoscopy showed significantly decreased morbidity and shorter periods of hospitalization than did open surgery patients. This improvement was achieved even though the VATS patients were older and suffered more comorbid conditions and poorer pulmonary function. No significant differences in survival were noted between these two groups. An increase in NADPH oxidase activity was noted in tumour samples of both adenocarcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma. This increase was independent from myeloperoxidase activity. Elevated glutathione content was noted in tumour tissue, especially in adenocarcinoma. After panning the clinical tumour samples with the phage display method, an amino acid sequence of ARRPKLD, the Thx, was chosen for further analysis. This method proved selective of tumour tissue in both in vitro and in vivo cell-binding assay, and biodistribution showed tumour accumulation. Because of the significantly reduced quality of life following pneumonectomy, other operative strategies should be implemented as an alternative (e.g. sleeve-lobectomy). To treat this disease, implementation of a minimally invasive surgical technique is safe, and the results showed decreased morbidity and a shorter period of hospitalisation than with thoracotomy. This technique may facilitate operative treatment of elderly patients with comorbid conditions who might otherwise be considered inoperable. Simultaneous exposure to oxidative stress and altered redox states indicates the important role of oxidative stress in the pathogenesis and malignant transformation of NSCLC. The studies showed with great specificity and with favourable biodistribution that Thx peptide is specific to NSCLC tumours. Thx thus shows promise in imaging, targeted therapy, and monitoring of treatment response.
Introducción: el hemotórax coagulado es de las complicaciones más frecuentes en pacientes con hemotórax que reciben manejo convencional con toracostomía. Los pacientes con drenajes entre 500 y 1000cc de sangre al paso del tubo de tórax, tienen una incidencia mayor cercana al 20%1, aumentando tiempos de hospitalización, reingresos y costos. Con la disponibilidad de videotoracoscopia se ha aumentado su uso en el manejo del trauma de tórax. Objetivo: el estudio pretende comparar el resultado de dos tipos de manejo toracostomía y toracoscopia en el tratamiento de este tipo de pacientes. Métodos: por medio de un estudio de cohortes retrospectivo se recopilaron historias clínicas de 134 pacientes con hemotórax traumático del servicio de cirugía del Hospital de Kennedy, entre enero de 2008 y diciembre de 2009 que recibieron uno de dos manejos descritos. El análisis estadístico de los datos permitió determinar el desenlace de cada una de las variables en relación con la intervención. Resultados: la toracoscopia temprana conlleva una mayor posibilidad de reexpansión pulmonar (p 0,057), menor Estancia Hospitalaria (p 0,001), y menor riesgo de hemotórax coagulado (p0.088) al compararla con la toracostomía. Conclusiones: pacientes con hemotórax traumático con drenaje de sangre entre 500 y 1000cc, requieren intervenciones adicionales. Se sugiere la toracoscopia temprana en estos pacientes, para disminuir hemotórax coagulado, estancia hospitalaria y favorecer reexpansión pulmonar. Se necesitan estudios adicionales en otras instituciones, que permitan evaluar si los resultados son reproducibles, y aportar mayor evidencia sobre el tema con el fin de protocolizar este manejo.
Hyperhidrosis is an idiopathic condition characterized by excessive sweating. Symptoms generally begin in childhood or early adolescence, and rarely improve with age. The excessive localized sweating generally occurs either spontaneously, or in association with stressful or emotionally charged situations. This prospective study aimed to investigate predictive factors for compensatory hyperhidrosis after thoracoscopic sympathicotomy. From 2000 to 2002, 80 patients (53 female and 27 male) underwent hyperhidrosis surgery. The patients, ranging from 12 to 56 years old, were studied and followed-up for 42.51 ±5.98 months. A satisfaction grading using a visual analogue scale -VAS (0 = not at all satisfied, and 10 = fully satisfied) was used. The surgical procedure was performed bilaterally on the second ganglion (T2) for facial hyperhidrosis, on the third and fourth ganglia (T3 and T4) for axillary hyperhidrosis, and on the third ganglion (T3) for palmar hyperhidrosis. The results showed that, 68 patients (85%) presented with compensatory sweating (CS), which was classified as mild (33.8%), moderate (33.8%) and severe (32.4%). Considering the final surgical results, 70 patients (87.5%) were satisfied with the outcome of the operation, while 10 patients (12.5%) were dissatisfied. Degrees of satisfaction varied according to sex, age, BMI and extent of denervation. Moreover, the compensatory hyperhidrosis was more severe in abdomen and back than in legs. In conclusion, although CS is a frequent adverse effect of sympathicotomy, the degree of patient satisfaction was high. Some factors were related to the occurrence and severity of CS and the most adequate patients to be submitted to this operation are young adult women whose BMI is less than 24.9
OBJETIVO: Comparar a analgesia tradicionalmente utilizada para simpatectomia videotoracoscópica à injeção intrapleural de ropivacaína em duas doses diferentes. MÉTODOS: Vinte e quatro pacientes foram distribuídos em três grupos semelhantes, e todos eles receberam dipirona endovenosa. O grupo A recebeu tramadol endovenoso e injeção intrapleural de solução salina. O grupo B recebeu injeção intrapleural de ropivacaína a 0,33%, e Grupo C ropivacaína a 0,5%. Os aspectos analisados foram: capacidade inspiratória, freqüência respiratória e dor. A dor foi avaliada no período pós-operatório por meio da escala visual analógica e durante o período de uma semana. RESULTADOS: Nos grupos A e B, a redução da capacidade inspiratória foi observada no período pós-operatório. Nas primeiras 12 horas de pós-operatório, apenas 12,5% dos pacientes nos grupos B e C apresentaram dor intensa em comparação a 25% no Grupo A. Na semana seguinte, apenas um paciente do grupo A apresentou dor leve, enquanto o restante relatou dor intensa. No Grupo B, metade dos pacientes apresentou dor intensa, e no Grupo C, apenas um apresentou intensa dor. CONCLUSÃO: A analgesia intrapleural com ropivacaína resultou em menos dor no pós-operatório tardio com os melhores resultados analgésicos nas doses mais altas, proporcionando um melhor padrão ventilatório.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
INTRODUCTION: This case report describes the anaesthetic management of exploratory thoracoscopy and alternating one lung ventilation (OLV) in a dog with a pulmonary bulla, and the application of continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) to the non-ventilated lung for preventing and treating hypoxia. CASE HISTORY: A 6-year-old, male castrated Border collie was scheduled for exploratory thoracoscopy to investigate spontaneous pnemothorax that had not resolved with repeated suction. Specific requirements for the thoracoscopy were alternating OLV to allow the surgical access to the right middle lobe and its removal, and the examination of the left hemithorax to rule out the presence of other lesions. DIAGNOSIS AND MANAGEMENT: Selective lung ventilation was performed with a double lumen endobronchial tube (DLT), inserted under endoscopic guidance. After a short period of two lung ventilation during preparation of the surgical field, alternating OLV was performed, combining CPAP, provided to the non-ventilated lung via a Mapleson D breathing system, and positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP) applied to the ventilated lung. Left OLV occurred first and resection of the right middle pulmonary lobe was successfully performed; right OLV followed to allow the examination of the left hemithorax. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSIONS: The combination of CPAP and PEEP resulted in a satisfactory intra-operative management of hypoxemia. Alternating OLV can be performed successfully by using a DLT. CPAP, commonly employed in human medicine, should be considered an important tool in the anaesthetic management of OLV in small animals.
Primary spontaneous pneumothorax (PSP) affects young healthy people with a significant recurrence rate. Recent advances in treatment have been variably implemented in clinical practice. This statement reviews the latest developments and concepts to improve clinical management and stimulate further research.The European Respiratory Society's Scientific Committee established a multidisciplinary team of pulmonologists and surgeons to produce a comprehensive review of available scientific evidence.Smoking remains the main risk factor of PSP. Routine smoking cessation is advised. More prospective data are required to better define the PSP population and incidence of recurrence. In first episodes of PSP, treatment approach is driven by symptoms rather than PSP size. The role of bullae rupture as the cause of air leakage remains unclear, implying that any treatment of PSP recurrence includes pleurodesis. Talc poudrage pleurodesis by thoracoscopy is safe, provided calibrated talc is available. Video-assisted thoracic surgery is preferred to thoracotomy as a surgical approach.In first episodes of PSP, aspiration is required only in symptomatic patients. After a persistent or recurrent PSP, definitive treatment including pleurodesis is undertaken. Future randomised controlled trials comparing different strategies are required.