61 resultados para Thoracocharax stellatus
The karyotypic and chromosomal characteristics of the hatchetfish Thoracocharax stellatus from the Araguaia River, Brazil (Araguaia-Tocantins basin) were analyzed using Giemsa, AgNO3, and CMA(3) fluorescent staining, and C-banding. The diploid chromosome number was 54 and the karyotypes of females and males were composed of six metacentrics, six submetacentrics, six subtelocentrics and 36 acrocentrics. Two impaired acrocentric chromosomes were detected in the female karyotype. C-banding showed heterochromatic blocks at several chromosomes and an entirely heterochromatic acrocentric chromosome in females that was lacking in the male karyotype. This discovery indicated a heteromorphic sex chromosome system of the ZZ/ZW type. Ag-staining and CMA(3) fluorescence revealed one major chromosome pair bearing the NORs with the presence of additional signals in some metaphases. Both heterochromatic segments associated with Ag-NORs and the W chromosome were positively stained by CMA(3). Considering the present data and previous findings it is hypothesized that the occurrence of ZW sex chromosome system is widespread in the genus Thoracocharax.
Thoracocharax stellatus (Characiformes, Gasteropelecidae) is a small Neotropical species of fish, widely distributed in several rivers of South America. Evidence for karyotype heteromorphysm in populations from different geographical regions has been reported for this species. In this way, populations of T. stellatus from the Paraguay River basin were cytogenetically characterized and the results were compared with other studies performed in the same species but from different basins. The results showed a diploid number of 2n = 54 for T. stellatus, with chromosomes arranged in 6 metacentric (m), 6 submetacentric (sm), 2 subtelocentric (st) and 40 acrocentric (a), for both sexes, with a simple Nucleolus Organiser Region (NOR) system reported by the techniques of silver nitrate impregnation and fluorescent in situ hybridisation (FISH) using 18S rDNA sequences as probe. The distribution of constitutive heterochromatin, observed by the C-band technique and Chromomycin A3 staining showed great similarity among the analyzed populations and consists mainly of discrete blocks in the pericentromeric and telomeric regions of most chromosomes. The presence of female heterogamety was alsoobserved indicating a ZZ/ZW system with W chromosome almost totally heterochromatic. The results also show cytogenetic diversity of the group and are useful to understand the mechanisms of karyotype evolution of the family. © Edson Lourenço da Silva et al.
The characiform family Gasteropelecidae, the so-called freshwater hatchetfishes, is comprised of three genera and nine species found in Panama and all South American countries except Chile. Our goal was to investigate the molecular characteristics, phylogenetic relationships among the species and genera of Gasteropelecidae and phylogenetic relationships between the Gasteropelecidae family with other Characiformes. DNA fragments from two mitochondrial (16S rRNA and Cytochrome B) and three nuclear genes (Rag1, Rag2 and Myh6) were sequenced. Our results corroborate the morphology-based hypothesized monophyly of the Gasteropelecidae family and most of the relationships among its genera. However, the genus Gasteropelecus is polyphyletic because G. maculatus is placed as the sister group to all other gasteropelecids, whereas G. sternicla is more closely related to species of Carnegiella. Similarly, the species Carnegiella strigata is not monophyletic, which suggests that the family needs a taxonomic review. Moreover, the species Thoracocharax stellatus was composed by four distinct lineages suggesting the this species may represents a species complex. © 2013 Elsevier Inc.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Presenta los resultados obtenidos del seguimiento de la pesquería artesanal del pampanito pintado de la zona de Huacho, entre los meses de enero a setiembre de 1999, con el objetivo de conocer la biología, pesquería y la relación recurso-ambiente. Asimismo, se realizó el estudio de las condiciones biológicas, desembarques, captura, esfuerzo y de las condiciones oceanográficas del recurso pampanito pintado.
Novos táxons descritos: Tethystola cincta sp. nov. e Rosalba formosa sp. nov. da Bolívia (Santa Cruz); Adetus stellatus sp. nov. da Costa Rica (Cartago); Acrepidopterum capilosum sp. nov. de Honduras (Ilha Roatán); Irundiaba gen. nov. espécie-tipo, I. waorani sp. nov. do Equador (Napo). Novo nome Neopoticatuca é proposto para Potiatuca Martins & Galileo, 2007 (Cerambycinae, Ibidionini) non Potiatuca Galileo & Martins, 2006 (Lamiinae, Apomecynini); Neopotiatuca brevis (Martins & Galileo, 2007) comb. nov.
DNA sequences of the second internal transcribed spacer (ITS2) of ribosomal DNA (rDNA) were determined for 11 species from four genera of Didymozoinae (Indodidymozoon, Helicodidymozoon, Rhopalotrema and Neometadidymozoon) and a species of the Lecithasteridae, Lecithaster stellatus. Sequences were used to test the validity of species recognised on morphological criteria and to infer phylogenetic relationships. Sequences of the 11 didymozoids differed by 0.5% to 19%. Our phylogenetic analyses: (i) indicate that species in the genera Helicodidymozoon and Rhopalotrema are a monophyletic group; (ii) support separation of the genus Helicodidymozoon from the genera Indodidymozoon and Neometadidymozoon; and (iii) support recognition of Rhopalotrema as a genus distinct from Neometadidymozoon. We found the gonochoristic species, I. pearsoni and I. suttiei, to be genetically similar to the hermaphroditic species in the genus Indodidymozoon and found no evidence to indicate that they belong in a separate genus.
The genera Lobatocreadium, Pseudocreadium, Hypocreadium and Dermadena are redefined and host lists given. Provisional keys to species of Lobatocreadium, Hypocreadium and Dermadena are presented. The following species are described from (1) the Great Barrier Reef: Lobatocreadium exiguum from Balistapus undulatus and Sufflamen bursa; Hypocreadium cavum n. sp. from Abalistes stellatus (type-host) and Cantheschenia grandisquamis; H. grandisquamis n. sp. from Cantheschenia grandisquamis; Dermadena spatiosa n. sp, from Cantheschenia grandisquamis; and (2) southwestern Australia: D. stirlingi n. sp. from Meeschenia hippocrepis. The following new combinations are made: Lobatocreadium vitellosum (Ozaki, 1936) n. comb. (originally Leptocreadium); Hypocrendium balistes (Nagaty, 1942) n. comb. (originally Pseudocreadium); H. biminensis (Sogandares-Bernal, 1959) n. comb. (originally Pseudocreadium); H. indicum (Madhavi, 1972) n. comb. (originally Pseudocreadium); and H. galapagoensis (Manter, 1945) n. comb. (originally Pseudocreadium). Several nominal species of Pseudocreadium and Hypocreadium are considered incertae sedis.
Two new species of Pseudocreadium are described from off northern Tasmania, P maturini sp. nov. from Meuschenia freycineti and P aubreyi sp. nov. from Acanthaluteres vittiger. They differ from the only other recognised species in the genus by the number of ovarian lobes and by size, and they differ from each other by size, shape, caecal length, forebody length, pre-oral lobe size, uterine position, excretory vesicle length and oral sucker shape. Lobatocreadium exiguum is redescribed from Sufflamen bursa, off Moorea, French Polynesia and Abalistes stellatus, Swain Reefs, Great Barrier Reef, Queensland. Records and measurements are given for Hypocreadium cavum from Sufflamen fraenatus and Lepotrema clavatum from Melichthys vidua, both off Heron Island, Great Barrier Reef, Queensland.
Novos táxons descritos da Costa Rica: Erana cretaria sp. nov., Itumbiara denudata sp. nov., Hilaroleopsis coloratus sp. nov., Alampyris flavicollis sp. nov., Cotycuara viridis sp. nov., Adesmus stellatus sp. nov., A. pilatus sp. nov. (também do Panamá); do Panamá: Eulachnesia amoena sp. nov., Cotycuara crinita sp. nov.; da Venezuela: Abanycha fasciata sp. nov.; do Equador: Mariliana hovorei sp. nov., Adesmus ocellatus sp. nov.; do Peru: Susuanycha gen. nov., espécie-tipo, S. susua sp. nov., Malacoscylus elegantulus sp. nov., Adesmus guttatus sp. nov., A. calca sp. nov.; do Brasil (Minas Gerais): Sybaguasu cornutum sp. nov. Acrescenta-se chave para as espécies de Cotycuara.
A new neotropical species of the genus Tanypus Meigen, 1803, misidentified by Oliveira (1944) as Tanypus stellatus Coquillett, 1902, is described.
The genus Anisocerus and the two species, A. scopifer (Germar, 1824) and A. stellatus Guérin-Ménéville, 1855, are redescribed and illustrated. A new synonym is proposed: A. stellatus Guérin-Méneville, 1855 = A. onca White, 1855 syn. nov. The two species are redescribed and illustrated.
Se presentan los resultados del monitoreo oceanográfico pesquero en áreas seleccionadas (MOPAS 9611) en donde se aprecia que el ambiente oceanográfico ha mostrado cierta tendencia a la normalización con respecto a las condiciones frías observadas durante el año 1996, principalmente entre Huacho a la frontera sur.
Durante el periodo de estudio se iniciaba la segunda fase del fenómeno El Niño 1997-98, el área prospectada se encontraba invadida por las Aguas Subtropicales Superficiales con un pequeño afloramiento a la altura de Huacho, éste fue atípico ya que presentó aguas relativamente cálidas y salinidades mayores de 35,1%. La intromisión de las Aguas Subtropicales Superficiales hacia la costa se evidenció por las mayores capturas de anchoveta dentro de las 10 mn, así como por la presencia de la sardina, jurel y caballa que suelen encontrarse normalmente en las proximidades del frente oceánico en áreas costeras. Las mayores capturas estuvieron dadas por la anchoveta Engraulis ringens y en mucho menor porcentaje fueron halladas las otras especies pelágicas importantes: sardina Sardinops sagax, la caballa Scomber japonicus y el jurel Trachurus picturatus murphyi. Las anchovetas eran en su mayoría individuos adultos; la sardina, jurel y caballa, mayormente individuos juveniles. La anchoveta se encontraba en pleno desove, pero con un porcentaje alto de individuos que ya habían desovado. En el caso de la sardina el desove estaba finalizando y para la caballa se encontró un alto porcentaje de individuos en desove. Las especies más incidentes en los lances de comprobación, independientemente de los principales recursos pelágicos, fueron el calamar, el espejo (Selene peruvianus), la cachema (Cynoscion analis), el pámpano (Trachinotus paitensis) y el pampanito (Stromateus stellatus). Con respecto a las especies incidentalmente encontradas, como el pampano, el pampanito, el falso volador, el espejo, podrían estar indicando el desplazamiento de las Aguas Ecuatoriales al sur de su distribución habitual.