1000 resultados para Thomas Cole


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Pour respecter les droits d'auteur, la version électronique de ce mémoire a été dépouillée de ses documents visuels et audio-visuels. La version intégrale du mémoire a été déposée au Service de la gestion des documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal.


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Back row: coach Dave Strack, Charles Higgs, James Ludwig, Douglas Greenwald, Dana Baldwin, Thomas Cole, John Harris, John Oosterbaan, David Kroll, asst. coach James Skala, asst. coach Tom Jorgenson

Front Row: Hiram Jackson, Thomas Withrow, Thomas Eveland, captain Jon Hall, Robert Cantrell, Douglas Herner, Steven Schoenherr, Barry Andrews


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Back Row:asst. coach Tom Jorgenson, Richard Hildreth, John Oosterbaan, George Pomey, George Thomas Cole, Bill Buntin, Douglas Greenwald, John Harris, Lawrence Tregoning, Paul Schuldt, asst. coach James Skala

Front Row: Edward Petrick, Robert Cantrell, Horace Thomas Ludwig, coach Dave Strack, Charles Adams, Hiram Jackson, Douglas Herner


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Back Row: mngr. Bruce Lanard, Charles Higgs, George Thomas Cole, Robert M. Brown

Front Row: Steve Schoenherr, Richard Donley, captain John Tidwell, coach Dave Strack, Jon Hall, Thomas Eveland, Robert M. Brown, Donald Scott Maentz


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Back Row: George Pomey, Richard Hildreth, Lawrence Tregoning, William Buntin, Douglas Greenwald,

Middle Row: asst. coach Tom Jorgenson, Horace Ludwig, Charles Adams, Paul Schuldt, Edward Petrick, asst. coach Tom Skala

Front Row: Douglas Herner, John Harris, captain George Thomas Cole, coach Dave Strack, Robert Cantrell, John Oosterbaan, Thomas Eveland


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Contient : « Sancti Thome de Aquino super libris Boecii de Conso latione philosophie comentum cum expositione feliciter incipit. Philosophie servias oportet... — ... judicis cuncta cernentis. Gloria Deo sempiterno » ; « Cy commence le prologue ou proheme du livre de Boece de Consolacion, lequel maistre Jehan de Meun translata de latin en françoys, si comme se contient cy après, et l'envoya au roy Phelippe le quart. » (Cf. le mémoire de M. Delisle, dans la Bibliothèque de l'École des Chartes, 1873, t. XXXIV, p. 8-10)


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Mode of access: Internet.


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v. 1. Preface. Biographical notice. Headlong hall. Melincourt. Nightmare abby.--v. 2. Maid Marian. Misfortunes of Elphin. Crotchet castle. Gryll grange--v. 3. Poetry. Miscellanies. Four ages of poetry. Horæ dramaticæ, no. 1-3 . Shelley. Shelley letters.


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A novel karyotype with 2n = 50, FN = 48, was described for specimens of Thaptomys collected at Una, State of Bahia, Brazil, which are morphologically indistinguishable from Thaptomys nigrita, 2n = 52, FN = 52, found in other localities. It was hence proposed that the 2n = 50 karyotype could belong to a distinct species, cryptic of Thaptomys nigrita, once chromosomal rearrangements observed, along with the geographic distance, might represent a reproductive barrier between both forms. Phylogenetic analyses using maximum parsimony and maximum likelihood based on partial cytochrome b sequences with 1077 bp were performed, attempting to establish the relationships among the individuals with distinct karyotypes along the geographic distribution of the genus; the sample comprised 18 karyotyped specimens of Thaptomys, encompassing 15 haplotypes, from eight different localities of the Atlantic Rainforest. The intra-generic relationships corroborated the distinct diploid numbers, once both phylogenetic reconstructions recovered two monophyletic lineages, a northeastern clade grouping the 2n = 50 and a southeastern clade with three subclades, grouping the 2n = 52 karyotype. The sequence divergence observed between their individuals ranged from 1.9% to 3.5%.


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We present measurements of J/psi yields in d + Au collisions at root S(NN) = 200 GeV recorded by the PHENIX experiment and compare them with yields in p + p collisions at the same energy per nucleon-nucleon collision. The measurements cover a large kinematic range in J/psi rapidity (-2.2 < y < 2.4) with high statistical precision and are compared with two theoretical models: one with nuclear shadowing combined with final state breakup and one with coherent gluon saturation effects. In order to remove model dependent systematic uncertainties we also compare the data to a simple geometric model. The forward rapidity data are inconsistent with nuclear modifications that are linear or exponential in the density weighted longitudinal thickness, such as those from the final state breakup of the bound state.


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Measurements of electrons from the decay of open-heavy-flavor mesons have shown that the yields are suppressed in Au+Au collisions compared to expectations from binary-scaled p+p collisions. These measurements indicate that charm and bottom quarks interact with the hot dense matter produced in heavy-ion collisions much more than expected. Here we extend these studies to two-particle correlations where one particle is an electron from the decay of a heavy-flavor meson and the other is a charged hadron from either the decay of the heavy meson or from jet fragmentation. These measurements provide more detailed information about the interactions between heavy quarks and the matter, such as whether the modification of the away-side-jet shape seen in hadron-hadron correlations is present when the trigger particle is from heavy-meson decay and whether the overall level of away-side-jet suppression is consistent. We statistically subtract correlations of electrons arising from background sources from the inclusive electron-hadron correlations and obtain two-particle azimuthal correlations at root s(NN) = 200 GeV between electrons from heavy-flavor decay with charged hadrons in p+p and also first results in Au+Au collisions. We find the away-side-jet shape and yield to be modified in Au+Au collisions compared to p+p collisions.


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The PHENIX experiment at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider has measured the invariant differential cross section for production of K(S)(0), omega, eta', and phi mesons in p + p collisions at root s 200 GeV. Measurements of omega and phi production in different decay channels give consistent results. New results for the omega are in agreement with previously published data and extend the measured p(T) coverage. The spectral shapes of all hadron transverse momentum distributions measured by PHENIX are well described by a Tsallis distribution functional form with only two parameters, n and T, determining the high-p(T) and characterizing the low-p(T) regions of the spectra, respectively. The values of these parameters are very similar for all analyzed meson spectra, but with a lower parameter T extracted for protons. The integrated invariant cross sections calculated from the fitted distributions are found to be consistent with existing measurements and with statistical model predictions.


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The PHENIX experiment at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider has performed systematic measurements of phi meson production in the K(+)K(-) decay channel at midrapidity in p + p, d + Au, Cu + Cu, and Au + Au collisions at root s(NN) = 200 GeV. Results are presented on the phi invariant yield and the nuclear modification factor R(AA) for Au + Au and Cu + Cu, and R(dA) for d + Au collisions, studied as a function of transverse momentum (1 < p(T) < 7 GeV/c) and centrality. In central and midcentral Au + Au collisions, the R(AA) of phi exhibits a suppression relative to expectations from binary scaled p + p results. The amount of suppression is smaller than that of the pi(0) and the. in the intermediate p(T) range (2-5 GeV/c), whereas, at higher p(T), the phi, pi(0), and. show similar suppression. The baryon (proton and antiproton) excess observed in central Au + Au collisions at intermediate p(T) is not observed for the phi meson despite the similar masses of the proton and the phi. This suggests that the excess is linked to the number of valence quarks in the hadron rather than its mass. The difference gradually disappears with decreasing centrality, and, for peripheral collisions, the R(AA) values for both particle species are consistent with binary scaling. Cu + Cu collisions show the same yield and suppression as Au + Au collisions for the same number of N(part). The R(dA) of phi shows no evidence for cold nuclear effects within uncertainties.


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Large parity-violating longitudinal single-spin asymmetries A(L)(e+) = 0.86(-0.14)(+0.30) and Ae(L)(e-) = 0.88(-0.71)(+0.12) are observed for inclusive high transverse momentum electrons and positrons in polarized p + p collisions at a center-of-mass energy of root s = 500 GeV with the PHENIX detector at RHIC. These e(+/-) come mainly from the decay of W(+/-) and Z(0) bosons, and their asymmetries directly demonstrate parity violation in the couplings of the W(+/-) to the light quarks. The observed electron and positron yields were used to estimate W(+/-) boson production cross sections for the e(+/-) channels of sigma(pp -> W(+)X) X BR(W(+) -> e(+) nu(e)) = 144.1 +/- 21.2(stat)(-10.3)(+3.4)(syst) +/- 21.6(norm) pb, and sigma(pp -> W(-)X) X BR(W(-) -> e(-) (nu) over bar (e)) = 3.17 +/- 12.1(stat)(-8.2)(+10.1)(syst) +/- 4.8(norm) pb.