929 resultados para Third-generation mobile communication systems
Tämä diplomityö käsittelee kolmannen sukupolven matkaviestinjärjestelmien kuljetuskerroksen mitoitusta. Nykyisten matkapuhelinverkkojen korvaajiksi suunnitellut kolmannen sukupolven matkaviestinjärjestelmät tulevat yhdistämään perinteisen puhelinviestinnän ja uudenlaiset datapalvelut. Uudet verkot tulevat perustumaan pakettivälitteiseen tiedonsiirtoon joka mahdollistaa molempien liikennetyyppien, puheen sekä datan, siirtämisen samassa verkossa. Tämän ratkaisun uskotaan tarjoavan paremmat mahdollisuudet uusien palvelujen luomiseen ja parantavan tiedonsiirtokapasiteettia. Siirtyminen pakettivälitteiseen tiedonsiirtoon aiheuttaa kuitenkin suuria muutoksia verkkoarkkitehtuurissa. Tässä diplomityössä tarkastellaan tulevien runkoverkkojen mitoitukseen liittyviä näkökohtia sekä muodostetaan alustavia kuljetuskerroksen mitoitusohjeita. Diplomityö on tehty osaksi diplomi-insinöörin tutkintoa Lappeenrannan teknillisessä korkeakoulussa. Työ on tehty Nokia Networksin palveluksessa Helsingissä, vuoden 2000 toisella puoliskolla.
Third Generation cellular communication systems are expected to support mixed cell architecture in which picocells, microcells and macrocells are used to achieve full coverage and increase the spectral capacity. Supporting higher numbers of mobile terminals and the use of smaller cells will result in an increase in the number of handovers, and consequently an increase in the time delays required to perform these handovers. Higher time delays will generate call interruptions and forced terminations, particularly for time sensitive applications like real-time multimedia and data services. Currently in the Global System for Mobile communications (GSM), the handover procedure is initiated and performed by the fixed part of the Public Land Mobile Network (PLMN). The mobile terminal is only capable of detecting candidate base stations suitable for the handover; it is the role of the network to interrogate a candidate base station for a free channel. Handover signalling is exchanged via the fixed network and the time delay required to perform the handover is greatly affected by the levels of teletraffic handled by the network. In this thesis, a new handover strategy is developed to reduce the total time delay for handovers in a microcellular system. The handover signalling is diverted from the fixed network to the air interface to prevent extra delays due to teletraffic congestion, and to allow the mobile terminal to exchange signalling directly with the candidate base station. The new strategy utilises Packet Reservation Multiple Access (PRMA) technique as a mechanism to transfer the control of the handover procedure from the fixed network to the mobile terminal. Simulation results are presented to show a dramatic reduction in the handover delay as compared to those obtained using fixed channel allocation and dynamic channel allocation schemes.
This paper analyzes the asymptotic performance of maximum likelihood (ML) channel estimation algorithms in wideband code division multiple access (WCDMA) scenarios. We concentrate on systems with periodic spreading sequences (period larger than or equal to the symbol span) where the transmitted signal contains a code division multiplexed pilot for channel estimation purposes. First, the asymptotic covariances of the training-only, semi-blind conditional maximum likelihood (CML) and semi-blind Gaussian maximum likelihood (GML) channelestimators are derived. Then, these formulas are further simplified assuming randomized spreading and training sequences under the approximation of high spreading factors and high number of codes. The results provide a useful tool to describe the performance of the channel estimators as a function of basicsystem parameters such as number of codes, spreading factors, or traffic to training power ratio.
Despite extensive progress on the theoretical aspects of spectral efficient communication systems, hardware impairments, such as phase noise, are the key bottlenecks in next generation wireless communication systems. The presence of non-ideal oscillators at the transceiver introduces time varying phase noise and degrades the performance of the communication system. Significant research literature focuses on joint synchronization and decoding based on joint posterior distribution, which incorporate both the channel and code graph. These joint synchronization and decoding approaches operate on well designed sum-product algorithms, which involves calculating probabilistic messages iteratively passed between the channel statistical information and decoding information. Channel statistical information, generally entails a high computational complexity because its probabilistic model may involve continuous random variables. The detailed knowledge about the channel statistics for these algorithms make them an inadequate choice for real world applications due to power and computational limitations. In this thesis, novel phase estimation strategies are proposed, in which soft decision-directed iterative receivers for a separate A Posteriori Probability (APP)-based synchronization and decoding are proposed. These algorithms do not require any a priori statistical characterization of the phase noise process. The proposed approach relies on a Maximum A Posteriori (MAP)-based algorithm to perform phase noise estimation and does not depend on the considered modulation/coding scheme as it only exploits the APPs of the transmitted symbols. Different variants of APP-based phase estimation are considered. The proposed algorithm has significantly lower computational complexity with respect to joint synchronization/decoding approaches at the cost of slight performance degradation. With the aim to improve the robustness of the iterative receiver, we derive a new system model for an oversampled (more than one sample per symbol interval) phase noise channel. We extend the separate APP-based synchronization and decoding algorithm to a multi-sample receiver, which exploits the received information from the channel by exchanging the information in an iterative fashion to achieve robust convergence. Two algorithms based on sliding block-wise processing with soft ISI cancellation and detection are proposed, based on the use of reliable information from the channel decoder. Dually polarized systems provide a cost-and spatial-effective solution to increase spectral efficiency and are competitive candidates for next generation wireless communication systems. A novel soft decision-directed iterative receiver, for separate APP-based synchronization and decoding, is proposed. This algorithm relies on an Minimum Mean Square Error (MMSE)-based cancellation of the cross polarization interference (XPI) followed by phase estimation on the polarization of interest. This iterative receiver structure is motivated from Master/Slave Phase Estimation (M/S-PE), where M-PE corresponds to the polarization of interest. The operational principle of a M/S-PE block is to improve the phase tracking performance of both polarization branches: more precisely, the M-PE block tracks the co-polar phase and the S-PE block reduces the residual phase error on the cross-polar branch. Two variants of MMSE-based phase estimation are considered; BW and PLP.
The future broadband information network will undoubtedly integrate the mobility and flexibility of wireless access systems with the huge bandwidth capacity of photonics solutions to enable a communication system capable of handling the anticipated demand for interactive services. Towards wide coverage and low cost implementations of such broadband wireless photonics communication networks, various aspects of the enabling technologies are continuingly generating intense research interest. Among the core technologies, the optical generation and distribution of radio frequency signals over fibres, and the fibre optic signal processing of optical and radio frequency signals, have been the subjects for study in this thesis. Based on the intrinsic properties of single-mode optical fibres, and in conjunction with the concepts of optical fibre delay line filters and fibre Bragg gratings, a number of novel fibre-based devices, potentially suitable for applications in the future wireless photonics communication systems, have been realised. Special single-mode fibres, namely, the high birefringence (Hi-Bi) fibre and the Er/Yb doped fibre have been employed so as to exploit their merits to achieve practical and cost-effective all-fibre architectures. A number of fibre-based complex signal processors for optical and radio frequencies using novel Hi-Bi fibre delay line filter architectures have been illustrated. In particular, operations such as multichannel flattop bandpass filtering, simultaneous complementary outputs and bidirectional nonreciprocal wavelength interleaving, have been demonstrated. The proposed configurations featured greatly reduced environmental sensitivity typical of coherent fibre delay line filter schemes, reconfigurable transfer functions, negligible chromatic dispersions, and ease of implementation, not easily achievable based on other techniques. A number of unique fibre grating devices for signal filtering and fibre laser applications have been realised. The concept of the superimposed fibre Bragg gratings has been extended to non-uniform grating structures and into Hi-Bi fibres to achieve highly useful grating devices such as overwritten phase-shifted fibre grating structure and widely/narrowly spaced polarization-discriminating filters that are not limited by the intrinsic fibre properties. In terms of the-fibre-based optical millimetre wave transmitters, unique approaches based on fibre laser configurations have been proposed and demonstrated. The ability of the dual-mode distributed feedback (DFB) fibre lasers to generate high spectral purity, narrow linewidth heterodyne signals without complex feedback mechanisms has been illustrated. A novel co-located dual DFB fibre laser configuration, based on the proposed superimposed phase-shifted fibre grating structure, has been further realised with highly desired operation characteristics without the need for costly high frequency synthesizers and complex feedback controls. Lastly, a novel cavity mode condition monitoring and optimisation scheme for short length, linear-cavity fibre lasers has been proposed and achieved. Based on the concept and simplicity of the superimposed fibre laser cavities structure, in conjunction with feedback controls, enhanced output performances from the fibre lasers have been achieved. The importance of such cavity mode assessment and feedback control for optimised fibre laser output performance has been illustrated.
Diplomityön tavoitteena oli kehittää kolmannen sukupolven fyysistä protokollakerrosta matkapuhelimen ohjelmistoarkkitehtuurille. Kolmannen sukupolven matkapuhelinjärjestelmät ovat aikaisempia järjestelmiä monimutkaisempia. Ohjelmiston koon ja monimutkaisuuden sekä aikataulujen kiireellisyyden vuoksi on tullut tarve ottaa käyttöön formaaleja menetelmiä ohjelmiston kehitystyöhön. Formaalit kuvauskielet mahdollistavat tarkan, yksiselitteisen ja simuloitavissa olevan järjestelmäkuvauksen muodostamisen. Fyysinen protokollakerros tarjoaa tiedon siirtoa ylemmille protokollakerroksille. Tämän tiedonsiirron hallinta vaatii protokollakerrosten välistä viestinvälitystä. Formaaleja kuvauskieliä käyttämällä voidaan viestinvälityksen toteutusta automatisoida ja siinä tarvittavaa logiikkaa havainnollistaa. Työssä suunniteltiin, toteutettiin ja testattiin ylempien protokollakerrosten kanssa kommunikoivaa osaa fyysisestä protokollakerroksesta. Tuloksena saatiin solunvalintatoiminnallisuuden vaatiman kommunikoinnin ja tilakoneen toteutus ohjelmistoarkkitehtuurissa. Ohjelmistonkehityksen alkuvaiheiden havaittiin olevan fyysisen kerroksen suorituskyvyn kannalta merkittävässä asemassa, koska tällöin viestinvälityksen optimointi on helpointa. Formaalit kuvauskielet eivät ole sellaisenaan täysin soveltuvia tarkoin määritellyn ohjelmistoarkkitehtuurin osien kehitykseen.
Third Generation Partnership Project (3GPP) on organisaatio, joka määrittelee ja ylläpitää kolmannen sukupolven matkapuhelinverkon standardeja. Organisaatio luotiin monien eri standardointielinten toimesta havaittaessa, ettei maailmanlaajuista kolmannen sukupolven matkapuhelinteknologiaa voitaisi määritellä ilman laajaa yhteistyötä. 3GPP:ssä standardointityö on jakautunut usealle tekniselle määrittelyryhmälle. Jokaisen ryhmän tehtävänä on kehittää määrittelyjä ja raportteja omalla vastuualueellaan. 3GPP:ssä määrittelytyötä tehdään samanaikaisesti teknillisten määrittelyryhmien välillä. Tämä vaatii tiukkoja sääntöjä määrittelyjen luonti-, hyväksyntä- ja ylläpitotehtäviin. Vain siten on mahdollista hallita määrittelyihin tulevia muutoksia ja tarvittavaa kokonaistyömäärää. Tämä diplomityö kuvaa 3GPP:n määrittelemän UMTS-teknologian. Työssä keskitytään tarkemmin 3GPP-organisaation rakenteeseen, määritysten tekemiseen ja työskentelytapoihin. Tämä diplomityö osoittaa millainen organisaatio ja säännöt vaaditaan maailmanlaajuisen matkapuhelinjärjestelmän kehittämiseen.
The advent of personal communication systems within the last decade has depended upon the utilization of advanced digital schemes for source and channel coding and for modulation. The inherent digital nature of the communications processing has allowed the convenient incorporation of cryptographic techniques to implement security in these communications systems. There are various security requirements, of both the service provider and the mobile subscriber, which may be provided for in a personal communications system. Such security provisions include the privacy of user data, the authentication of communicating parties, the provision for data integrity, and the provision for both location confidentiality and party anonymity. This thesis is concerned with an investigation of the private-key and public-key cryptographic techniques pertinent to the security requirements of personal communication systems and an analysis of the security provisions of Second-Generation personal communication systems is presented. Particular attention has been paid to the properties of the cryptographic protocols which have been employed in current Second-Generation systems. It has been found that certain security-related protocols implemented in the Second-Generation systems have specific weaknesses. A theoretical evaluation of these protocols has been performed using formal analysis techniques and certain assumptions made during the development of the systems are shown to contribute to the security weaknesses. Various attack scenarios which exploit these protocol weaknesses are presented. The Fiat-Sharmir zero-knowledge cryptosystem is presented as an example of how asymmetric algorithm cryptography may be employed as part of an improved security solution. Various modifications to this cryptosystem have been evaluated and their critical parameters are shown to be capable of being optimized to suit a particular applications. The implementation of such a system using current smart card technology has been evaluated.
Neljännen sukupolven mobiiliverkot yhdistävät saumattomasti televerkot, Internetin ja niiden palvelut. Alkuperin Internetiä käytettiin vain paikallaan pysyviltä tietokoneilta perinteisten televerkkojen tarjotessa puhelin- ja datapalveluita. Neljännen sukupolven mobiiliverkkojen käyttäjät voivat käyttää sekä Internetiin perustuvia että perinteisten televerkkojen palveluita liikkuessaankin. Tämä diplomityö esittelee neljännen sukupolven mobiiliverkon yleisen arkkitehtuurin. Arkkitehtuurin perusosat kuvaillaan ja arkkitehtuuria verrataan toisen ja kolmannen sukupolven mobiiliverkkoihin. Aiheeseen liittyvät Internet-standardit esitellään ja niiden soveltuvuutta mobiiliverkkoihin pohditaan. Langattomia, lyhyen kantaman nopeita liitäntäverkkotekniikoita esitellään. Neljännen sukupolven mobiiliverkoissa tarvittavia päätelaitteiden ja käyttäjien liikkuvuuden hallintamenetelmiä esitellään. Esitelty arkkitehtuuri perustuu langattomiin, lyhyen kantaman nopeisiin liitäntäverkkotekniikoihin ja Internet-standardeihin. Arkkitehtuuri mahdollistaa yhteydet toisiin käyttäjiin ilman tietoa heidän senhetkisestä päätelaitteesta tai sijainnista. Internetin palveluitavoidaan käyttää missä tahansa neljännen sukupolven mobiiliverkon alueella. Yleiskäytöistä liikkuvuuden hallintamenetelmää yhden verkon alueelle ehdotetaan. Menetelmää voidaan käyttää yhdessä esitellyn arkkitehtuurin kanssa.
Mobile technology plays an increasing role in interpersonal communication,representing a useful resource for different age cohorts. While the usage ofmobile communication by younger people has received a wide attention fromcommunication scholars, its usage by older people is less explored. Thegoal of our research project is to analyse the usage of mobile phones by theelderly in Italy. We conducted 51 semi-structured interviews in Rome and in amid-range town located in Umbria, between October 2013 and February 2014.Our study explores older users¿ motivations and usage practices, their perceptions of mobile phones, theiradoption and domestication of mobile phones, their usage skills. More specifically,our analysis focuses on: - personal characteristics - personal networks (personalnetwork composition, self-perceived social life, communication channels) -adoption of mobile telephone - consumption patterns of mobile devices - usedmobile services - location and mobility of mobile telephone - current mobilecharacteristics - attitude and opinions towards mobile technology Our preliminaryresults show major differences in users¿ behaviours and perceptions, that canbe related to age cohorts (younger olds vs older olds); socio-cultural levels;vital trajectories (in terms of professional and familiar status); and gender.
The service quality of any sector has two major aspects namely technical and functional. Technical quality can be attained by maintaining technical specification as decided by the organization. Functional quality refers to the manner which service is delivered to customer which can be assessed by the customer feed backs. A field survey was conducted based on the management tool SERVQUAL, by designing 28 constructs under 7 dimensions of service quality. Stratified sampling techniques were used to get 336 valid responses and the gap scores of expectations and perceptions are analyzed using statistical techniques to identify the weakest dimension. To assess the technical aspects of availability six months live outage data of base transceiver were collected. The statistical and exploratory techniques were used to model the network performance. The failure patterns have been modeled in competing risk models and probability distribution of service outage and restorations were parameterized. Since the availability of network is a function of the reliability and maintainability of the network elements, any service provider who wishes to keep up their service level agreements on availability should be aware of the variability of these elements and its effects on interactions. The availability variations were studied by designing a discrete time event simulation model with probabilistic input parameters. The probabilistic distribution parameters arrived from live data analysis was used to design experiments to define the availability domain of the network under consideration. The availability domain can be used as a reference for planning and implementing maintenance activities. A new metric is proposed which incorporates a consistency index along with key service parameters that can be used to compare the performance of different service providers. The developed tool can be used for reliability analysis of mobile communication systems and assumes greater significance in the wake of mobile portability facility. It is also possible to have a relative measure of the effectiveness of different service providers.
En el present projecte s'exposa el disseny, la implementació i l'alliberament d'una aplicació de programari lliure denominada MACsim. Aquesta eina permet simular el funcionament dels protocols MAC (Medium Acces Control) de les xarxes de comunicacions mòbils de tercera generació. En concret, s'implementa el protocol WISPER.
Tällä hetkellä haastavin telekommunikaatioteollisuuden tutkimus – ja kehitystoiminta on keskittynyt kolmannen sukupolven matkapuhelinjärjestelmien ympärille. Järjestelmien standardointityössä on saatu aikaiseksi ensimmäiset vakaat spesifikaatioversiot ja kaupallista toimintaa ollaan parhaillaan aloittelemassa Japanissa ja Euroopassa. Eräs kolmannen sukupolven järjestelmistä on UMTS (Universal Mobile Telecommunications System). Tämä diplomityö antaa yleiskuvan UMTS järjestelmästä ja sen eri verkkoelementtien toiminnallisuuksista. Päähuomio on kiinnitetty radioverkkojärjestelmään (UMTS Terrestrial Radio Access Network) ja erityisesti sen radioaliverkkojärjestelmään (Radio Network Subsystem), joka koostuu radioverkonohjaimesta (Radio Network Controller) ja joukosta siihen kuuluvia tukiasemia (Node B). Radioverkonohjain ja tukiasemat on yhdistetty avoimen rajapinnan kautta jota kutsutaan Iub -rajapinnaksi. Rajapinta tarjoaa radioverkonohjaimelle mahdollisuuden kontrolloida tukiasemia signalointiviestien avulla ja mahdollistaa tehokkaan ja luotettavan käyttäjätiedon siirron radioaliverkkojärjestelmän sisällä. Tämän diplomityön pääasiallinen sisältö on siirtoresurssien hallinta Iub -rajapinnan ylitse. Työssä esitellään ja selitetään siirtoverkon arkkitehtuuri. Myös kaikki Iub:ssä sijaitsevat protokollat ja toiminnalliset yksiköt jotka vaikuttavat siirtoresurssien hallintaan esitellään ja kuvataan yksityiskohtaisesti. Päähuomio on kiinnitetty sovellusprotokolliin sekä rajapinnan siirtoverkko- että radioverkkokerroksella sekä näiden protokollien väliseen vuorovaikutukseen. Kyseiset protokollat ovat Node B Application Part (NBAP) ja Access Link Control Application Part (ALCAP). Työn toteutusosassa käydään lävitse NBAP –protokollan prototyypin ja Node B Manager –toiminnallisen yksikön prototyypin implementaatio.
Recently, wireless network technology has grown at such a pace that scientific research has become a practical reality in a very short time span. Mobile wireless communications have witnessed the adoption of several generations, each of them complementing and improving the former. One mobile system that features high data rates and open network architecture is 4G. Currently, the research community and industry, in the field of wireless networks, are working on possible choices for solutions in the 4G system. 4G is a collection of technologies and standards that will allow a range of ubiquitous computing and wireless communication architectures. The researcher considers one of the most important characteristics of future 4G mobile systems the ability to guarantee reliable communications from 100 Mbps, in high mobility links, to as high as 1 Gbps for low mobility users, in addition to high efficiency in the spectrum usage. On mobile wireless communications networks, one important factor is the coverage of large geographical areas. In 4G systems, a hybrid satellite/terrestrial network is crucial to providing users with coverage wherever needed. Subscribers thus require a reliable satellite link to access their services when they are in remote locations, where a terrestrial infrastructure is unavailable. Thus, they must rely upon satellite coverage. Good modulation and access technique are also required in order to transmit high data rates over satellite links to mobile users. This technique must adapt to the characteristics of the satellite channel and also be efficient in the use of allocated bandwidth. Satellite links are fading channels, when used by mobile users. Some measures designed to approach these fading environments make use of: (1) spatial diversity (two receive antenna configuration); (2) time diversity (channel interleaver/spreading techniques); and (3) upper layer FEC. The author proposes the use of OFDM (Orthogonal Frequency Multiple Access) for the satellite link by increasing the time diversity. This technique will allow for an increase of the data rate, as primarily required by multimedia applications, and will also optimally use the available bandwidth. In addition, this dissertation approaches the use of Cooperative Satellite Communications for hybrid satellite/terrestrial networks. By using this technique, the satellite coverage can be extended to areas where there is no direct link to the satellite. For this purpose, a good channel model is necessary.