567 resultados para Thiol


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Despite broad application, few silicone-based surfactants of known structure or, therefore, surfactancy have been prepared because of an absence of selective routes and instability of silicones to acid and base. Herein the synthesis of a library of explicit silicone-poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG) materials is reported. Pure silicone fragments were generated by the B(C(6)F(5))(3)-catalyzed condensation of alkoxysilanes and vinyl-functionalized hydrosilanes. The resulting pure products were coupled to thiol-terminated PEG materials using photogenerated radicals under anaerobic conditions.


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Copoly(2-oxazoline)s, prepared by cationic ring-opening polymerization of 2-(dec-9-enyl)-2-oxazoline with either 2-methyl-2-oxazoline or 2-ethyl-2-oxazoline, have been crosslinked with small dithiol molecules under UV-irradiation to form homogeneous networks. In-situ monitoring of the crosslinking reaction by photo-rheology revealed network formation within minutes. The degree of swelling in water was found to be tunable by the hydrophilicity of the starting macromers and the proportion of alkene side arms. Furthermore, degradable hydrogels have been prepared based on a hydrolytically cleavable dithiol crosslinker.


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Aerobic respiration is a fundamental energy-generating process; however, there is cost associated with living in an oxygen-rich environment, because partially reduced oxygen species can damage cellular components. Organisms evolved enzymes that alleviate this damage and protect the intracellular milieu, most notably thiol peroxidases, which are abundant and conserved enzymes that mediate hydrogen peroxide signaling and act as the first line of defense against oxidants in nearly all living organisms. Deletion of all eight thiol peroxidase genes in yeast (∆8 strain) is not lethal, but results in slow growth and a high mutation rate. Here we characterized mechanisms that allow yeast cells to survive under conditions of thiol peroxidase deficiency. Two independent ∆8 strains increased mitochondrial content, altered mitochondrial distribution, and became dependent on respiration for growth but they were not hypersensitive to H2O2. In addition, both strains independently acquired a second copy of chromosome XI and increased expression of genes encoded by it. Survival of ∆8 cells was dependent on mitochondrial cytochrome-c peroxidase (CCP1) and UTH1, present on chromosome XI. Coexpression of these genes in ∆8 cells led to the elimination of the extra copy of chromosome XI and improved cell growth, whereas deletion of either gene was lethal. Thus, thiol peroxidase deficiency requires dosage compensation of CCP1 and UTH1 via chromosome XI aneuploidy, wherein these proteins support hydroperoxide removal with the reducing equivalents generated by the electron transport chain. To our knowledge, this is the first evidence of adaptive aneuploidy counteracting oxidative stress.


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The role of invariant water molecules in the activity of plant cysteine protease is ubiquitous in nature. On analysing the 11 different Protein DataBank (PDB) structures of plant thiol proteases, the two invariant water molecules W I and W2 (W220 and W222 in the template 1PPN structure) were observed to form H-bonds with the Ob atom of Asn 175. Extensive energy minimization and molecular dynamics simulation studies up to 2 ns on all the PDB and solvated structures clearly revealed the involvement of the H-bonding association of the two water molecules in fixing the orientation of the asparagine residue of the catalytic triad. From this study, it is suggested that H-bonding of the water molecule at the W1 invariant site better stabilizes the Asn residue at the active site of the catalytic triad.


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We report the formation of dynamic, reversible cross-linked dendritic megamers and their dissociation to monomeric dendrimers, through a thiol-disulfide interchange reaction. For this study, poly(alkyl aryl ether) dendrimers up to three-generations presenting thiol functionalities, were prepared. The series from zero to three generations of dendrimers were installed with 3, 6, 12, and 24 thiol functionalities at their peripheries. Upon synthesis, cross-linking of the dendrimer was accomplished through disulfide bond formation. The cross-linking of dendrimers was monitored through optical density changes at 420 nm. Dense cross-linking led to visible precipitation of dendritic megamers and the morphologies of the megamers were characterized by transmission electron microscopy. The disulfide cross-links between megamer monomers could be dissociated readily upon reduction of disulfide bond by dithiothreitol reagent. Preliminary studies show that dendritic megamers encapsulate C-60 and the efficiency of encapsulation increased with increasing generation of dendritic megamer.


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Unlike the invertases from the mesophilic fungi and yeasts, invertase from a thermophilic fungus,Thermomyces lanuginosus,was unusually unstable bothin vivoandin vitro.The following observations suggested that the unstable nature of the enzyme activity in the cell-free extracts was due to the oxidation of the cysteine residue(s) in the enzyme molecule: (a) the addition of dithiothreitol or reduced glutathione stabilized invertase activity during storage of the extracts and also revived enzyme activity in the extracts which had become inactive with time; (b)N-ethylmaleimide, iodoacetamide, oxidized glutathione, cystine, or oxidized coenzyme A-inactivated invertase; (c) invertase activity was low when the ratio reduced/oxidized glutathione was lower and high when this ratio was higher, suggesting regulation of the enzyme by thiol/disulfide exchange reaction. In contrast to the activation of invertase by the thiol compounds and its inactivation by the disulfides in the cell-free extracts, the purified enzyme did not respond to these compounds. Following its inactivation, the purified enzyme required a helper protein in addition to dithiothreitol for maximal activation. A cellular protein was identified that promoted activation of invertase by dithiothreitol and it was called “PRIA” for theprotein which helps inrestoringinvertaseactivity. The revival of enzyme activity was due to the conversion of the inactive invertase molecules into an active form. A model is presented to explain the modulation of invertase activity by the thiol compounds and the disulfides, both in the crude cell-free extracts and in the purified preparations. The requirement of free sulfhydryl group(s) for the enzyme activity and, furthermore, the reciprocal effects of the thiols and the disulfides on invertase activity have not been reported for invertase from any other source. The finding of a novel invertase which shows a distinct mode of regulation demonstrates the diversity in an enzyme that has figured prominently in the development of biochemistry.


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Cobalt(III) complexes [Co(pnt)(B)(2)](NO3)(2) (1-3) of pyridine-2-thiol (pnt) and phenanthroline bases (B), viz. 1,10-phenanthroline (phen in 1), dipyrido[3,2-d: 2',3'-f]quinoxaline (dpq in 2) and dipyrido[3,2-a:2',3'-c] phenazine (dppz in 3), have been prepared, characterized and their photo-induced anaerobic DNA cleavage activity studied. The crystal structure of 1a as mixed ClO4- and PF6- salt of 1 shows a (CoN5S)-N-III coordination geometry in which the pnt and phen showed N,S- and N,N-donor binding modes, respectively. The complexes exhibit Co(III)/Co(II) redox couple near -0.3 V (vs. SCE) in 20% DMF-Tris-HCl buffer having 0.1 M TBAP. The complexes show binding propensity to calf thymus DNA giving K-b values within 2.2 x 10(4)-7.3 x 10(5) M-1. Thermal melting and viscosity data suggest DNA surface and/or groove binding of the complexes. The complexes show significant anaerobic DNA cleavage activity in red light under argon atmosphere possibly involving sulfide anion radical or thiyl radical species. The DNA cleavage reaction under aerobic medium in red light is found to involve both singlet oxygen and hydroxyl radical pathways. The dppz complex 3 shows non-specific BSA and lysozyme protein cleavage activity in UV-A light of 365 nm via both hydroxyl and singlet oxygen pathways. The dppz complex 3 exhibits photocytotoxicity in HeLa cervical cancer cells giving IC50 values of 767 nM and 19.38 mu M in UV-A light of 365 nm and in the dark, respectively. A significant reduction of the dark toxicity of the dppz base (IC50 = 8.34 mu M in dark) is observed on binding to the cobalt(III) center.


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The importance of selenium as an essential trace element is now well recognized. In proteins, the redox-active selenium moiety is incorporated as selenocysteine (Sec), the 21st amino acid. In mammals, selenium exerts its redox activities through several selenocysteine-containing enzymes, which include glutathione peroxidase (GPx), iodothyronine deiodinase (ID), and thioredoxin reductase (TrxR). Although these enzymes have Sec in their active sites, they catalyze completely different reactions and their substrate specificity and cofactor or co-substrate systems are significantly different. The antioxidant enzyme GPx uses the tripeptide glutathione (GSH) for the catalytic reduction of hydrogen peroxide and organic peroxides, whereas the larger and more advanced mammalian TrxRs have cysteine moieties in different subunits and prefer to utilize these internal cysteines as thiol cofactors for their catalytic activity. On the other hand, the nature of in vivo cofactor for the deiodinating enzyme ID is not known, although the use of thiols as reducing agents has been well-documented. Recent studies suggest that molecular recognition and effective binding of the thiol cofactors at the active site of the selenoenzymes and their mimics play crucial roles in the catalytic activity. The aim of this perspective is to present an overview of the thiol cofactor systems used by different selenoenzymes and their mimics.


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The dipole moments of thioglycollic (2.28 D), β-mereaptopropionic (2.25 D), thiomalic (2.47 D), malic (3.12 D), and dithiodiacetic (3.17 D) acids have been measured in dioxan at 35° C. Using the scheme of Smith, Ree, Magee and Eyring, the formal charge distribution in and hence the electric moments of these acids have been evaluated, compared with the theoretical moments, and discussed in terms of their various possible structures. Infrared spectra of these acids (liquid and nujol mull) indicate association through hydrogen bonding. These bonds are broken in solution. © 1969.


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The dipole moments of thioglycollic (2.28 D), β-mereaptopropionic (2.25 D), thiomalic (2.47 D), malic (3.12 D), and dithiodiacetic (3.17 D) acids have been measured in dioxan at 35° C. Using the scheme of Smith, Ree, Magee and Eyring, the formal charge distribution in and hence the electric moments of these acids have been evaluated, compared with the theoretical moments, and discussed in terms of their various possible structures. Infrared spectra of these acids (liquid and nujol mull) indicate association through hydrogen bonding. These bonds are broken in solution.


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Ca2+-sensitivity of sheep lung cyclic-3',5'-nucleotide phosphodiesterase is provided by endogenous tightly bound calmodulin. The calcium sensitivity of a highly purified enzyme was desensitized by increasing the assay temperature. It could also be desensitized to Ca2+-activation by thiols such as dithiothreitol. The thiol-induced desensitization could be partially reversed by dialysis and almost completely reversed by dilution. The results presented in this paper indicate that thiols are possibly involved in the interaction of calmodulin with cyclic-3',5'-nucleotide phosphodiesterase. This is the first report on temperature and thiol-induced desensitization of Ca2+-sensitivity of a cyclic-3',5'-nucleotide phosphodiesterase.


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Radical catalyzed thiol-ene reaction has become a useful alternative to the Huisgen-type click reaction as it helps to expand the variability in reaction conditions as well as the range of clickable entities. Thus, direct generation of hyper-branched polymers bearing peripheral allyl groups that could be clicked using a variety of functional thiols would be of immense value. A specifically designed AB(2) type monomer, that carries two allyl benzyl ethers groups and one alcohol functionality, was shown to undergo self-condensation under acid-catalyzed melt-transetherification to yield a hyperbranched polyether that carries numerous allyl end-groups. Importantly, it was shown that the kinetics of polymerization is not dramatically affected by the change of the ether unit from previously studied methyl benzyl ether to an allyl benzyl ether. The peripheral allyl groups were readily clicked quantitatively, using a variety of thiols, to generate an hydrocarbon-soluble octadecyl-derivative, amphiphilic systems using 2-mercaptoethanol and chiral amino acid (N-benzoyl cystine) derivatized hyperbranched structures; thus demonstrating the versatility of this novel class of clickable hyperscaffolds. (C) 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Polym Sci Part A: Polym Chem 49:1735-1744, 2011


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Cysteine residues in proteins serve many important functions such as stabilizing and maintaining the three-dimensional conformation of many proteins(1), in enzyme catalysis, as a residue undergoing post-translational 2 and in the formation of DNA-binding modification domain of a class of transcriptional activators(3), It is also involved in biological redox coupling(4) and xenobiotic metabolism(5). Disulphide bonds formed by xenobiotic metabolism oxidation of cysteine residues have been used as a probe to study the structure/function relationships of proteins, Introducing novel disulphide bonds in proteins to increase their thermal stability and, therefore, the shelf life is an important goal of protein engineering(6,7), In addition, the thiol group of cysteine residue participates in a reaction termed as thiol/disulphide exchange reaction, the biological significance of this reaction being the theme of this review.


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The design and synthesis of agents that can abstract zinc from their [CCXX] (C=cysteine; X=cysteine/histidine) boxes by thioldisulfide exchange-having as control, the redox parities of the core sulfur ligands of the reagent and the enzyme, has been illustrated, and their efficiency demonstrated by monitoring the inhibition of the transcription of calf thymus DNA by E. coli RNA polymerase, which harbors two zinc atoms in their [CCXX] boxes of which one is exchangeable. Maximum inhibition possible with removal of the exchangeable zinc was seen with redox-sulfanilamide-glutamate composite. In sharp contrast, normal chelating agents (EDTA, phenanthroline) even in a thousand fold excess showed only marginal inhibition, thus supporting an exchange mechanism for the metal removal. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.