28 resultados para Thieves
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
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Rembrandt van Rijn; 1 ft. 3 in.x 1 ft. 5 1/4 in.; drypoint printed on vellum
Too beautiful for thieves and pickpockets: a history of the Victorian convict prison on Spike Island
Spike Island holds a unique place among the world’s prisons: a welcome necessity for the prison authorities of Ireland, a remote and dangerous posting for its staff, a grand hell for those convicted to stay behind its walls. For almost four decades the Victorian prison on Spike Island was home to Ireland’s most serious and notorious criminals. Established in the midst of one of the worst famines in global history, this huge facility became the largest prison in what was then the United Kingdom, dwarfing institutions like Dartmoor, Pentonville, Mountjoy and Kilmainham. High death rates during its formative years meant that many of its malnourished inmates were laid to rest beneath its sod. Yet Spike Island was to become a beacon of penal reform, influencing modern correctional systems in countries as far apart as the USA and Germany. The story told in this book is one that is, in turn, dramatic, shocking, touching and humorous. The life of the prison was vibrant, peopled by the unfortunate of the society alongside those who committed serious, sometimes gruesome, crimes. This is the story of the establishment and evolution of the prison over 36 years, the often fascinating lives of prisoners and staff and of a time when a renowned Irish fortress of British military power entered the annals of penal infamy.
Dans l’espace réel, l’identité d’une personne est clairement circonscrite à l’état civil et pleinement protégée par le droit interne des pays. Alors que dans le cyberespace, les contours de la notion sont plutôt flous, voire incertains. Le développement du commerce électronique et la croissance des transactions en ligne ont donné naissance au « crime » de l’usurpation d’identité. Et si l’usurpation d’identité a pu émerger, c’est grâce à la spécificité du médium, qui s’est avéré un terrain fertile aux abus des usurpateurs d’identité. Ce présent article étudie et analyse la fraude, le vol et l’escroquerie en tant qu’infractions économiques commises dans le cyberespace par le biais du système informatique. Il constate la désuétude et l’inefficacité des infractions prévues dans le droit pénal canadien relativement à l’incrimination du crime de l’usurpation d’identité et propose une solution basée sur des approches réglementaires, législatives et techniques.
L’objectif de cette thèse est de comprendre de quelle manière le juge décide de la culpabilité de l’accusé, notamment dans les affaires de vol et de trafic de stupéfiants. En s’appuyant sur le programme ethnométhodologique et sur une enquête ethnographique, la recherche se penche sur l’ensemble de pratiques et raisonnements présents dans l’activité décisionnelle des juges, afin de rendre visibles les savoirs d’action mobilisés pour décider de la culpabilité. La thèse montre que la prise de décision est fortement marquée par la présomption de culpabilité qui découle d’un processus de catégorisation des justiciables en tant que « voleurs » et « trafiquants ». Ces catégories typiques sont associées à l’image de l’ennemi, c’est-à-dire, l’individu insoumis et incapable d’un modus vivendi commun (Jakobs, 2009). Prenant appui sur les analyses empiriques réalisées, l’étude fait une analogie entre la figure de l’ennemi et le concept d’homo sacer (Agamben, 1997; 2002) en proposant finalement que le verdict de culpabilité se construit à l’intérieur d’un « camp » - c’est-à-dire, un lieu de suspension de l’ordre juridique (Agamben, 1997) – qui se structure, paradoxalement, au sein même de la justice pénale. Mots-clés: sentencing ; vol ; trafic de stupéfiants ; verdict de culpabilité ; Brésil
Mutualism-network studies assume that all interacting species are mutualistic partners and consider that all links are of one kind. However, the influence of different types of links, such as cheating links, on network organization remains unexplored. We studied two flower-visitation networks (Malpighiaceae and Bignoniaceae and their flower visitors), and divide the types of link into cheaters (i.e. robbers and thieves of flower rewards) and effective pollinators. We investigated if there were topological differences among networks with and without cheaters, especially with respect to nestedness and modularity. The Malpighiaceae network was nested, but not modular, and it was dominated by pollinators and had much fewer cheater species than Bignoniaceae network (28% versus 75%). The Bignoniaceae network was mainly a plant-cheater network, being modular because of the presence of pollen robbers and showing no nestedness. In the Malpighiaceae network, removal of cheaters had no major consequences for topology. In contrast, removal of cheaters broke down the modularity of the Bignoniaceae network. As cheaters are ubiquitous in all mutualisms, the results presented here show that they have a strong impact upon network topology.
João Pessoa, the capital city of the state of Paraíba (Northeast Brazil), is reputed throughout the country as a quiet place, although it has been acquiring, over the past years, an urban character with social implications similar to those of major metropolitan Brazilian areas. The new situation is evident by the social inequalities, with the creation of confined spaces, which segregate and cause enclosure of the inhabitants, leading to death the public space. This study correlates accessibility in spatial structure with two types of crime data, burglary and robbery, recorded in 2008 and 2009, by the Secretaria de Segurança da Paraíba (The government agency public in charge of safety), in the district of Manaíra, an upper middle class neighborhood, which has, in recent times, been considered one of the most violent areas in João Pessoa. Sought to understand connections between these events and morpho-social aspects of the built environment, where examined the spatial properties, such as accessibility of the urban net, the presence of control measures, the safety of buildings and their uses. Spatial properties were also validated by the observation of pedestrian flows at strategic points of the study area. It was concluded that the presence of intense flows helps to attract potential thieves, physical security and control offers little protection
Com objetivo de avaliar as estratégias de polinização de espécies de Bignoniaceae, foram estudados a biologia floral e os visitantes florais de cinco espécies, três arbustivas do cerrado (Arrabidaea brachypoda (DC.) Bor., Jacaranda decurrens Cham. e Jacaranda oxyphylla Cham.) e duas lianas da orla da floresta estacional semidecidual (Arrabidaea samydoides (Cham.) Sandw. e Arrabidaea triplinervia H. Baill.), na região de Botucatu (22º52'20 S e 48(0)26'37 W), estado de São Paulo, sudeste do Brasil. Os períodos de florescimento, principalmente entre espécies do mesmo habitat, apresentaram sobreposição parcial. Observou-se que as cinco espécies são alogâmicas funcionais, melitófilas, nototríbicas, polinizadas principalmente por abelhas grandes de língua comprida. Algumas abelhas coletoras de pólen de tamanho médio e pequeno atuaram como polinizadoras ocasionais, enquanto outros visitantes foram pilhadores. Cada uma das Bignoniaceae apresentou um conjunto particular de polinizadores havendo apenas duas espécies comuns a mais de uma delas. Não houve partilha de polinizadores mesmo entre bignoniáceas que, no mesmo habitat, apresentaram períodos de florescimento simultâneo.
Many animals behave as robbers or thieves of floral resources, causing damage to floral tissues or consuming resources used to attract pollinators, or producing effects similar to emasculation by reducing the pollen load in the anthers (which generally results in losses in terms of sexual reproduction). The present work examined the direct and indirect impacts caused by nectar-robbing on the reproductive success of Sparattosperma leucanthum. Different manipulations of the flowers were tested to determine if fruit production was influenced by the perforations made in the floral tissues (direct damage), and if there were changes in visitation frequencies or in the behaviors of effective pollinators (indirect damage). Perforations made by nectar robbers did not lower the reproductive success of the plant species studied. The bee Trigona spinipes was the most frequent visitor and caused the largest perforations in the calyx and corolla of S. leucanthum. Additionally, we noted the occurrence of pollen theft by this same bee in flowers that had been protected against nectar-robbing. These results suggest that if S. leucanthum had developed a mechanism of resistance to robbery by T spinipes it would probably have experienced even lower pollination levels as a result of reductions in the quantities of pollen available for transfer by effective pollinators. We were not able to evaluate if nectar depletion through robbery modified the behavior of the effective pollinators (bumblebees of the genus Bombus).
Merostachys riedeliana Rupr. é uma espécie monocárpica com floração cíclica e muito freqüente em sub-bosques de fragmentos florestais do sul do estado de Minas Gerais, Brasil. Sua biologia floral e seu sistema de reprodução foram estudados e comparados com os de outros bambus. Devido ao complexo sistema de rizomas, formam touceiras vigorosas no interior da floresta, ocorrendo a interrupção na produção de novos colmos meses antes do aparecimento das primeiras inflorescências. O início da floração maciça e da morte da população ocorreu em outubro de 1998 e maio de 1999, respectivamente, com pico de floração durante a estação quente e chuvosa (dezembro e janeiro). As inflorescências espiciformes possuem, em média, 29 espiguetas. Estas são hermafroditas com três anteras poricidas e dois estigmas plumosos que se expõem durante a antese. O pólen é abundante e facilmente liberado das anteras pelo vento ou pelos visitantes. Apis mellifera L. e Trigona spinipes (F.) foram os visitantes mais freqüentes, atuando como pilhadores de pólen e, ocasionalmente, através de movimentos vibratórios, como elementos auxiliares para a dispersão do pólen. A alta pluviosidade durante a floração e a escassez de vento no sub-bosque da floresta, podem diminuir a efetividade da anemofilia. No entanto, vários caracteres morfológicos das espiguetas, queda de folhas e o hábito espacialmente agrupado, apontam para uma polinização pelo vento. Testes de polinização controlada, mostraram que M. riedeliana é autocompatível (ISI 0,99). A auto-incompatibilidade não favorece a formação de frutos em clones vegetais, ao passo que a autocompatibilidade poderia resultar em uma elevada produção de sementes. Assim, a possível ocorrência de clones de M. riedeliana nos fragmentos florestais, originados pelo crescimento vegetativo durante os intervalos reprodutivos de 30-32 anos, poderiam explicar o alto investimento na produção de espiguetas e a formação de frutos provenientes da autocompatibilidade.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
A study of the reproductive biology of B. chinensis (L.) DC. (Iridaceae) was realized comprising floral biology and breeding systems. The floral biology studies included analyses of nectar production, occurence of osmophores, corolla pigments, ultraviolet reflexion and absortion patterns, viability of pollen, pollinators and flower visitors. The breeding systems were studied taking into account the results of manual pollinators tests. B. chinensis is self-compatible bul cross-pollination is more frequent. The effective pollinators are Plebeia droryana (Friese, 1906) (45,7%), Trigona spinipes (Fabricius, 1793) (27,3%), Tetragonisca angustula (Latreille, 1811) (9,3%). Others insects visitors are considered nectar and pollen thieves. The flowering begins generally in January and February. The complete reproductive cicle, as here considered, begining with floral bud production ending with development of mature fruits, lasts January to June. Seed dispersion is ornitocoric.
Nectarivorous flower mites can reduce the volume of nectar available to pollinators. The effects of the flower mite Proctolaelaps sp. on nectar availability in flowers of a melittophilous bromeliad Neoregelia johannis (Bromeliaceae) was evaluated in a coastal rain forest in south-eastern Brazil. In a randomized block experiment utilizing 18 flower pairs, one per bromeliad ramet, pollinators (Bombus morio) and mites were excluded, and then nectar volume, sugar concentration and sugar mass were quantified over the anthesis period. Mites significantly reduced nectar volume early in the morning (6h00-8h00), but not later (10h00-12h00). Mites decreased total volume of nectar available up to 22%. Sugar concentration in nectar was higher earlier in the morning, and decreased between 10h00-12h00. The pronounced consumption of nectar by mites during the period of higher sugar concentration reduced the total amount of sugar available to pollinators by 31%. This is the first study showing that flower mites decrease nectar rewards in a melittophilous plant. Because nectar volume by itself incompletely describes nectar production rates and the effects of nectar removal by flower mites on the availability of sugar, our study highlights the inclusion of sugar content in future studies assessing the effects of thieves on nectar production rates. Copyright © 2010 Cambridge University Press.