982 resultados para Thermal potential


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Portugal é um país dependente da energia do exterior, devido à elevada percentagem de consumo de energia a partir de fontes primárias, como por exemplo o gasóleo. Para colmatar este cenário, têm vindo a criar-se incentivos para o uso de energias renováveis e para intensificação de medidas de eficiência energética, como os sistemas de cogeração, de forma a tornar os processos industriais nacionais mais autónomos e mais competitivos. O presente trabalho, centra-se na determinação do potencial térmico disponível na central de trigeração da empresa Monteiro, Ribas-Indústria, SA, com a finalidade de identificar a quantidade de energia não utilizada, com vista ao aproveitamento dessa mesma energia nos processos mais problemáticos da empresa. Verificou-se que a água líquida era a fonte de maior energia não aproveitada, representando cerca de 30%, relativamente à energia disponível na água de refrigeração que é de 1890 kW. Assim, perante este facto, fez-se um estudo em dois setores autónomos da empresa, o setor dos revestimentos e o setor dos componentes técnicos da borracha. Pretendeu-se propor medidas para melhorar os seus processos produtivos, aproveitando essa energia. Para o efeito foi projetado um permutador de calor de placas com necessidade energética de 131,4 MWh, no setor dos revestimentos e um permutador compacto no setor de produção de placas de borracha, necessitando de uma energia de 335,2 MWh. Face à energia disponível na central de trigeração, de 161,9 MWh, verifica-se que esta apenas poderá ser aproveitada no setor dos revestimentos. Para tornar este objetivo real, a empresa Monteiro, Ribas- Indústria, SA necessitaria de efetuar um investimento no total de 49.390€. Além disso, foi contabilizado o rendimento das caldeiras da central térmica e da cogeração, ambas pelo método direto, apresentando estas os valores de 72% e 42%, respectivamente.


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Este trabalho discorre sobre como o município de Águas de São Pedro, situado no centro do Estado de São Paulo, constituído na década de 1930 como um espaço voltado à atividade turística, destaca-se pelo potencial termal. Até hoje a estância hidromineral tem no turismo a principal atividade econômica; entretanto, nossa pesquisa busca compreender se o atrativo primordial do Município está atrelado às águas medicinais, ou se outras características singulares da pequena cidade, como tranquilidade, beleza paisagística e segurança, o tornam um lugar propício ao passeio. Buscamos entender por que, dentre tantas opções de cidades interioranas disponíveis em São Paulo, Águas de São Pedro é escolhida como local de residência fixa, lugar de estabelecimento de casas de veraneio, sendo palco de um grande crescimento imobiliário; assim, desvendamos quais fatores da estância são responsáveis por atrair os turistas e veranistas/turistas de segunda residência. Os dados da pesquisa foram obtidos por meio de pesquisa bibliográfica, observação direta, conversas informais, aplicação de questionários e entrevistas com vários atores socioeconômicos, tais como moradores, turistas, veranistas, rede hoteleira, comércios, imobiliárias e gestores municipais. Os resultados apontam que o município já passou por vários ciclos turísticos e, apesar de a estância hidromineral de Águas de São Pedro ser uma referência regional e até nacional de águas termais, e do poder público estar investindo para apresentar à sociedade um lugar cheio de qualidade de vida, símbolo de bem-estar, grande parcela dos turistas procura a cidade pelo passeio, gastronomia e compras, caracterizando um turismo excursionista, sem pernoite. Este é o motivo pelo qual a cidade vem passando por grande reestruturação paisagística, orquestrada pelo poder público e porque recebe incrementos do poder privado no que se refere à variedade de produtos e serviços ofertados. Percebemos que a maior parcela de moradores e turistas não têm o hábito de utilizar as águas medicinais, mesmo sabendo que a água sulfurosa, também chamada de \"Fonte da Juventude\", utilizada para ingestão e banhos terapêuticos, é a segunda melhor do mundo, superada apenas pela fonte de Pergoli, em Tabiano, na Itália (CAMARGO, 1990), porém o reconhecimento da Cidade como cidade das águas, cidade termal, cidade saúde, é resiliente.


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The specialist tingid, Carvalhotingis visenda, is a biological control agent for cat's claw creeper, Macfadyena unguis-cati (Bignoniaceae). Cat's claw creeper is an invasive liana with a wide climatic tolerance, and for biological control to be effective the tingid must survive and develop over a range of temperatures. We evaluated the effect of constant temperatures (0-45°C) on the survival and development of C. visenda. Adults showed tolerance for wider temperature ranges (0-45°C), but oviposition, egg hatching and nymphal development were all affected by both high (>30°C) and low (<20°C) temperatures. Temperatures between 20°C and 30°C are the most favourable for adult survival, oviposition, egg hatching and nymphal development. The ability of adults and nymphs to survive for a few days at high (40°C and 45°C) and low (0°C and 5°C) temperatures suggest that extreme temperature events, which usually occur for short durations (hours) in cat's claw creeper infested regions in Queensland and New South Wales states are not likely to affect the tingid population. The potential number of generations (egg to adult) the tingid can complete in a year in Australia ranged from three to eight, with more generations in Queensland than in New South Wales.


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Inorganic–organic clays (IOCs), clays intercalated with both organic cations such as cationic surfactants and inorganic cations such as metal hydroxy polycations have the properties of both organic and pillared clays, and thereby the ability to remove both inorganic and organic contaminants from water simultaneously. In this study, IOCs were synthesised using three different methods with different surfactant concentrations. Octadecyltrimethylammonium bromide (ODTMA) and hydroxy aluminium ([Al13O4 (OH)24(H2O)12]7+ or Al13) are used as the organic and inorganic modifiers (intercalation agents). According to the results, the interlayer distance, the surfactant loading amount and the Al/Si ratio of IOCs strictly depend on the intercalation method and the intercalation agent ratio. Interlayers of IOCs synthesised by intercalating ODTMA before Al13 and IOCs synthesised by simultaneous intercalation of ODTMA and Al13 were increased with increasing the ODTMA concentration used in the synthesis procedure and comparatively high loading amounts could be observed in them. In contrast, Al/Si decreased with increasing ODTMA concentration in these two types of IOCs. The results suggest that Al-pillars can be fixed within the interlayers by calcination and any increment in the amount of ODTMA used in the synthesis procedure did not affect the interlayer distance of the IOCs. Overall the study provides valuable insights into the structure and properties of the IOCs and their potential environmental applications.


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Nonextremal solution with warped resolved-deformed conifold background is important to study the infrared limit of large N thermal QCD. Earlier works in this direction have not taken into account all the backreactions on the geometry, namely from the branes, fluxes, and black-hole carefully. In the present work we make some progress in this direction by solving explicitly the supergravity equations of motions in the presence of the backreaction from the black hole. The backreactions from the branes and the fluxes on the other hand and to the order that we study, are comparatively suppressed. Our analysis reveal, among other things, how the resolution parameter would depend on the horizon radius and how the renormalization group flows of the coupling constants should be understood in these scenarios, including their effects on the background three-form fluxes. We also study the effect of switching on a chemical potential in the background and, in a particularly simplified scenario, compute the actual value of the chemical potential for our case.


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The commercial development of ocean thermal energy conversion (OTEC) operations will involve some environmental perturbations for which there is no precedent experience. The pumping of very large volumes of warm surface water and cold deep water and its subsequent discharge will result in the impingement, entrainment, and redistribution of biota. Additional stresses to biota will be caused by biocide usage and temperature depressions. However, the artificial upwelling of nutrients associated with the pumping of cold deep water, and the artificial reef created by an OTEC plant may have positive effects on the local environment. Although more detailed information is needed to assess the net effect of an OTEC operation on fisheries, certain assumptions and calculations are made supporting the conclusion that the potential risk to fisheries is not significant enough to deter the early development of IDEe. It will be necessary to monitor a commercial-scale plant in order to remove many of the remaining uncertainties. (PDF file contains 39 pages.)


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There is potential to extract energy from wastewater in a number of ways, including: kinetic energy using micro-hydro systems, chemical energy through the incineration of sludge, biomass energy from the biogas produced after anaerobic sludge digestion, and thermal energy as heat. This paper considers the last option and asks how much heat could be recovered under UK climatic conditions and can this heat be used effectively by wastewater treatment plants to reduce their carbon footprint? Four wastewater treatment sites in southern England are investigated and the available heat that can be recovered at those sites is quantified. Issues relating to the environmental, economic and practical constraints on how energy can be realistically recovered and utilised are discussed .The results show there is a definite possibility for thermal energy recovery with potential savings at some sites of up to 35,000 tonnes of total long-cycle carbon equivalent (fossil fuel) emissions per year being achievable. The paper also shows that the financial feasibility of three options for using the heat (either for district heating, sludge drying or thermophilic heating in sludge digestion processes) is highly dependant upon the current shadow price of carbon. Without the inclusion of the cost of carbon, the financial feasibility is significantly limited. An environmental constraint for the allowable discharge temperature of effluent after heat-extraction was found to be the major limitation to the amount of energy available for recovery. The paper establishes the true potential of thermal energy recovery from wastewater in English conditions and the economic feasibility of reducing the carbon footprint of wastewater treatment operations using this approach.


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Ionic liquids generally have wide liquid ranges and negligible vapour pressures; attractive characteristics for use as media for heat transfer and short heat term storage systems. This review of the limited literature available shows that many common ionic liquids have heat capacities, and thus potential thermal energy storage capabilities, that surpass those of commercial hot-oil and synthetic heat transfer fluids and suggests that there is a role for ionic liquids as novel thermal fluids.


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Although the antimicrobial activity of atmospheric pressure non-thermal plasmas, including its capacity to eradicate microbial biofilms, has been gaining an ever increasing interest for different medical applications, its potential utilisation in the control of biofouling and biodeterioration has, to date, received no attention. In this study, the ability of atmospheric pressure plasma to eradicate biofilms of four biofouling bacterial species, frequently encountered in marine environments, was investigated. Biofilms were grown on both polystyrene and stainless steel surfaces before being exposed to the plasma source. Viability and biomass of biofilms were evaluated using colony count method and differential Live/Dead fluorescence staining followed by confocal laser scanning microscopy. Rapid and complete eradication of all biofilms under study was achieved after plasma exposures ranging from 60 to 120 s. Confocal microscopy examination showed that plasma treatment has mediated not only cell killing but also varying degrees of physical removal of biofilms. Further investigation and tailored development of atmospheric pressure non-thermal plasma sources for this particular application could provide an additional powerful and effective weapon in the current anti-biofouling armamentarium.


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Atmospheric pressure non-thermal plasma (APNTP) has been gaining increasing interest as a new alternative antibacterial approach. Although this approach has demonstrated promising antibacterial activity, its exact mechanism of action remains unclear. Mechanistic elucidation of the antimicrobial activity will facilitate development and rational optimisation of this approach for potential medical applications. In this study, the antibacterial efficacy of an in-house-built APNTP jet was evaluated alongside an investigation of the interactions between APNTP and major cellular components in order to identify the potential cellular targets involved in plasma-mediated bacterial destruction mechanisms. The investigated plasma jet exhibited excellent, rapid antibacterial activity against a selected panel of clinically significant bacterial species including Bacillus cereus, meticillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), Escherichia coli and Pseudomonas aeruginosa, all of which were completely inactivated within 2 min of plasma exposure. Plasma-mediated damaging effects were observed, to varying degrees, on all of the investigated cellular components including DNA, a model protein enzyme, and lipid membrane integrity and permeability. The antibacterial efficacy of APNTP appears to involve a multiple-target mechanism, which potentially reduces the likelihood of emergence of microbial resistance towards this promising antimicrobial approach. However, cellular membrane damage and resulting permeability perturbation was found to be the most likely rate-determining step in this mechanism. Crown Copyright © 2013.


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Natural-ventilation potential (NVP) value can provide the designers significant information to properly design and arrange natural ventilation strategy at the preliminary or conceptual stage of ventilation and building design. Based on the previous study by Yang et al. [Investigation potential of natural driving forces for ventilation in four major cities in China. Building and Environment 2005;40:739–46], we developed a revised model to estimate the potential for natural ventilation considering both thermal comfort and IAQ issues for buildings in China. It differs from the previous one by Yang et al. in two predominant aspects: (1) indoor air temperature varies synchronously with the outdoor air temperature rather than staying at a constant value as assumed by Yang et al. This would recover the real characteristic of natural ventilation, (2) thermal comfort evaluation index is integrated into the model and thus the NVP can be more reasonably predicted. By adopting the same input parameters, the NVP values are obtained and compared with the early work of Yang et al. for a single building in four representative cities which are located in different climates, i.e., Urumqi in severe cold regions, Beijing in cold regions, Shanghai in hot summer and cold winter regions and Guangzhou in hot summer and warm winter regions of China. Our outcome shows that Guangzhou has the highest and best yearly natural-ventilation potential, followed by Shanghai, Beijing and Urumqi, which is quite distinct from that of Yang et al. From the analysis, it is clear that our model evaluates the NVP values more consistently with the outdoor climate data and thus reveals the true value of NVP.


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The present study compares the impact of thermal and high pressure high temperature(HPHT) processing on volatile profile (via a non-targeted headspace fingerprinting) and structural and nutritional quality parameter (via targeted approaches) of orange and yellow carrot purees. The effect of oil enrichment was also considered. Since oil enrichment affects compounds volatility, the effect of oil was not studied when comparing the volatile fraction. For the targeted part, as yellow carrot purees were shown to contain a very low amount of carotenoids, focus was given to orange carrot purees. The results of the non-targeted approach demonstrated HPHT processing exerts a distinct effect on the volatile fractions compared to thermal processing. In addition, different colored carrot varieties are characterized by distinct headspace fingerprints. From a structural point of view, limited or no difference could be observed between orange carrot purees treated with HPHT or HT processes, both for samples without and with oil. From nutritional point of view, only in samples with oil, significant isomerisation of all-trans-β-carotene occurred due to both processing. Overall, for this type of product and for the selected conditions, HPHT processing seems to have a different impact on the volatile profile but rather similar impact on the structural and nutritional attributes compared to thermal processing.