25 resultados para Theridiidae
A first case of subsociality is reported for the genus Latrodectus. Individuals were found sharing the same web and feeding together. In captivity they showed mutual tolerance and communal feeding. This finding is remarkable for two reasons. First, widow spiders, even compared with other spiders, are famously aggressive and cannibalistic so that social behavior in the genus was unexpected. Second, the genus nests outside the ""Anelosimus + lost colulus"" clade where all the other social theridiids are found.
We investigated whether or not different degrees of refuge for prey influence the characteristic of functional response exhibited by the spider Nesticodes rufipes on Musca domestica, comparing the inherent ability of N. rufipes to kill individual houseflies in such environments at two distinct time intervals. To investigate these questions, two artificial habitats were elaborated in the laboratory. For 168 h of predator-prey interaction, logistic regression analyses revealed a type 11 functional response, and a significant decrease in prey capture in the highest prey density was observed when habitat complexity was increased. Data from habitat 1 (less complex) presented a greater coefficient of determination than those from habitat 2 (more complex), indicating a higher variation of predation of the latter. For a 24 h period of predator-prey interaction, spiders killed significantly fewer prey in habitat 2 than in habitat 1. Although prey capture did not enable data to fit properly in the random predator equation in this case, predation data from habitat 2 presented a higher variation than data from habitat 1, corroborating results from 168 h of interaction. The high variability observed on data from habitat 2 (more complex habitat) is an interesting result because it reinforces the importance of refuge in promoting spatial heterogeneity, which can affect the extent of predator-prey interactions.
Nesticodes rufipes is widely distributed in tropical and subtropical regions, being strongly associated with humans. However, few behavioral and ecological studies have investigated interspecific interactions between these spiders and insects of medical and veterinary importance. Here, we have investigated prey choice by N. rufipes when two different prey species, Musca domestica and Dermestes ater, were offered simultaneously. We also quantified the capture of these prey types by this predator in a poultry house and analyzed the association between prey-choice with physical characteristics of the prey. Finally, we discuss whether there is an antagonistic intraguild interaction in such a system composed of N. rufipes (top predator), D. ater (predator of larvae of M. domestica and prey of N. rufipes) and M. domestica (N. rufipes' prey). We found that Musca domestica were more abundant than D. ater in N. rufipes webs in the poultry house. Spiders given a choice of adults of M. domestica plus adults of D. ater, and also on adults plus larvae of M. domestica, preyed more on adult flies than on the other prey types. This preference was probably associated with the lesser mass and shorter lengths of adult flies. Our experiments demonstrated that the predation impact of N. rufipes on D. ater is low when compared to M. domestica. This result provides evidence that an antagonistic interaction between these predators does not occur, suggesting that they are in fact acting either synergistically or additively on M. domestica prey.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Crematogaster cf. victima is a common inhabitant in the sheet web nests of the social spider Anelosimus eximius in the central Amazon basin near Manaus. A number of other ant species were found foraging on the non-sticky webs of A. eximius, but none of these reached the web occupation frequency found in C. cf. victima, nor, with the exception of an unidentified species of Pheidole, did they form satellite nests in the web, as did this species. Many prey which escaped the knock-down threads of the sheet web of A. eximius colonies were captured by ants in the lower web portions which they dominated. Furthermore, prey which were rejected by A. eximius, especially large, heavily sclerotized beetles, were also consumed by this ant. Repeated observations and experiments suggest that C. cf. victima is able to deter A. eximius activity through aerial venom release. Resources lost by A. eximius colonies to ants, especially C. cf. victima, in colonial web area and prey, may pose significant costs and may reduce colony growth.
No presente trabalho, seis espécies de aranhas pertencentes às famílias Oxyopidae e Theridiidae foram examinadas citogeneticamente, através de técnicas de coloração convencional e impregnação pelo íon prata. A análise de células mitóticas e meióticas coradas com Giemsa de quatro espécies de Oxyopidae, Hamataliwa sp., Peucetia flava, Peucetia rubrolineata e Oxyopes salticus revelou informações citogenéticas inéditas para a família. Metáfases espermatogoniais de Hamataliwa sp. mostraram o cariótipo 2n=26+X1X2, o qual corresponde ao maior número diplóide já descrito para a família. Células mitóticas de P. flava e P. rubrolineata exibiram 2n♂=20+X1X2 e 2n♂=20+X, respectivamente, indicando a ocorrência de uma variabilidade cariotípica dentro desse gênero. Os cromossomos dessas três espécies apresentaram morfologia acro/telocêntrica. Os resultados obtidos em O. salticus foram surpreendentes, pois revelaram 2n♂=10+X, o menor número cromossômico encontrado para Oxyopidae e o segundo menor registrado para aranhas do grupo Entelegynae, bem como morfologia meta/submetacêntrica da maioria dos cromossomos. Além disso, um indivíduo da amostra de O. salticus examinada apresentou um heteromorfismo nos elementos que constituem o primeiro par do cariótipo e um cromossomo B em algumas células. Em Hamataliwa sp. e O. salticus, as regiões organizadoras de nucléolo estavam localizadas sobre dois e três pares autossômicos, respectivamente. Em relação às duas espécies de Theridiidae, Argyrodes elevatus apresentou um cariótipo totalmente discrepante, quando comparado com aqueles já descritos para a família, uma vez que mostrou o número diplóide 2n♂=21, sistema cromossômico sexual do tipo X/XX e morfologia cromossômica meta/submetacêntrica. No entanto, as características cariotípicas verificadas na maioria dos exemplares de Nesticodes rufipes foram semelhantes aquelas mais freqüentes em aranhas ...
Spiders are thought to play a significant role in limiting pest outbreaks in agroecosystems such as vineyards, orchards and cotton. The diversity and impact of spiders in vegetable crops are less well understood, although there is evidence that predators may be important for suppression of lepidopteran pests in Brassica crops, particularly early in the season before parasitoids become established. Sampling was conducted in early season plantings of Brassicas in the Lockyer Valley (South East Queensland, Australia) in order to determine the most commonly occurring spider families. The most numerous were Theridiidae, which were more strongly associated with cauliflower and poorly associated with cabbage. The Lycosidae and Clubionidae/Miturgidae (formerly in the ‘catch-all’ family Clubionidae) also occurred commonly. Lycosidae (and to a lesser extent Salticidae) had above average abundance in Chinese cabbage and below average abundance in broccoli compared with average abundance for these spider families; Clubionidae/Miturgidae had above average abundance in cauliflower. Laboratory studies were then conducted to explore the predatory capacity of these three most commonly occurring spider families. All three were capable of feeding on larvae of the diamondback moth, Plutella xylostella (Linnaeus), and cabbage cluster caterpillar, Crocidolomia pavonana (Fabricius), under laboratory conditions. Theridiidae, which are thought to prey on small pests such as leafhoppers and aphids, were able to successfully attack larvae up to five times their body size. Predation rates varied from an average of 1.7 (SE = 0.47) (1.6 control corrected) larvae consumed over a 24 h period in the case of the Theridiidae, to 3.3 (SE = 0.60) larvae for the Clubionidae/Miturgidae.
Many of the controversies around the concept of homology rest on the subjectivity inherent to primary homology propositions. Dynamic homology partially solves this problem, but there has been up to now scant application of it outside of the molecular domain. This is probably because morphological and behavioural characters are rich in properties, connections and qualities, so that there is less space for conflicting character delimitations. Here we present a new method for the direct optimization of behavioural data, a method that relies on the richness of this database to delimit the characters, and on dynamic procedures to establish character state identity. We use between-species congruence in the data matrix and topological stability to choose the best cladogram. We test the methodology using sequences of predatory behaviour in a group of spiders that evolved the highly modified predatory technique of spitting glue onto prey. The cladogram recovered is fully compatible with previous analyses in the literature, and thus the method seems consistent. Besides the advantage of enhanced objectivity in character proposition, the new procedure allows the use of complex, context-dependent behavioural characters in an evolutionary framework, an important step towards the practical integration of the evolutionary and ecological perspectives on diversity. (C) The Willi Hennig Society 2010.
This work was developed in three remnants of Atlantic forest in southeastern Brazil. We aimed to assess edge effects in the spider community in a well conserved fragment and to study the variation of spider diversity among fragments of different sizes. The spider families with the highest richness were Theridiidae (38 sp), Araneidae (31 sp) and Salticidae (25 sp). The control area showed the highest diversity (D=0.98) and exclusive species (58.9%). We concluded that spider richness is higher in the large and best preserved fragment. In addition, we found that species richness and abundance increased towards the interior.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Um inventário da fauna de aranhas foi realizado na Serra do Cachimbo, dentro do Campo de Provas Brigadeiro Venoso, município de Novo Progresso, Pará. As coletas ocorreram em duas expedições, uma na estação seca (agosto e setembro de 2003) e outra na chuvosa (março e abril de 2004). Cada expedição contou com a participação de três coletores. O esforço de amostragem foi de 240 amostras, sendo 96 através de guarda-chuva entomológico e rede de varredura, 96 através de coleta manual noturna e 48 por triagem manual e extratores de Winkler. Foi comparada a diversidade de aranhas de quatro tipos de vegetação, compreendendo áreas de floresta ombrófila aberta, a mata de galeria ao entorno do Rio Formiga, áreas de cerrado (savana arbórea) e áreas de campina. As coletas resultaram em um total de 4964 indivíduos, dos quais 2724 adultos. Foram identificadas 397 morfoespécies em 37 famílias, sendo as mais abundantes Theridiidae, Salticidae e Araneidae e as mais especiosas Salticidae, Araneidae e 'Theridiidae. As espécies representadas por apenas um indivíduo somaram 40% do total e apenas duas espécies apresentaram mais de cem indivíduos. As curvas de riqueza de espécies estimadas atingiram entre 473 (bootstrap) e 674 (jackknife2) espécies. A maior diversidade alfa (índice de Shannon-Wiener) foi encontrada em floresta ombrófila, seguida pela mata de galeria, campina e cerrado. A maior diversidade beta (índices de Jaccard e Morisita-Horn.) foi encontrada entre a floresta e a campina e as menores entre a floresta, cerrado e mata de galeria. A estação seca apresentou mais espécies que a chuvosa, porém essa diferença não foi detectada na campina. Uma análise de componentes principais revelou que algumas espécies demonstraram especificidade pelas vegetações fechadas e outras pela vegetação aberta da campina. Estas diferenças na diversidade e na composição taxonômica entre as vegetações podem ser explicadas devido à variações de recursos alimentares (presas), recursos espaciais (refúgios e substrato para fixação de teias) e fatores microclimáticos (temperatura e umidade) de cada fitofisionomia. O coletor mais experiente coletou mais espécies e os demais amostraram números de espécies semelhantes. As diferenças de abundancia entre as amostras de cada coletor não foram significativas. As coletas noturnas mostraram-se mais eficientes para detectar as diferenças entre a riqueza das fisionomias. Os métodos guarda-chuva entomológico/rede de varredura e coleta de serapilheira não apresentaram diferenças significativas para riqueza de espécies.