990 resultados para Therapeutic practices


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This is a professional practice paper for Psychology practitioners to reflect on their skills and therapeutic practices. A Master- practitioner model or Artizan - apprentice analogy is used to understand the development of a practicing psychologist from his/her "salad days" (when we are green [Shakespeare- Anthony and Cleopatra]) to our Autumn years in the profession.


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Content analysis of text offers a method for exploring experiences which usually remain unquestioned and unexamined. In this paper the authors analyse a set of patient progress notes by re-framing them as a narrative account of a significant event in the experience of a patient, her family and attending health care workers. Examination of these notes provides insights into aspects of clinical practice which are usually dealt with at a taken-for-granted level. An interpretation of previously unexamined therapeutic practices within the social and political context of institutional health care is offered.


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A fibromialgia é uma síndrome reumática que atinge cerca de 2% da população brasileira, sendo 90% dos pacientes do gênero feminino. Os principais sintomas são dor crônica generalizada, depressão, desânimo e fadiga acentuada, provocando dificuldades sociais e afetivas cotidianas. Objetivo: O objetivo principal deste estudo foi apreender e interpretar sentidos e significados que mulheres com fibromialgia atribuem às práticas terapêuticas corporais realizadas no Projeto de Extensão: Tratamento Multidisciplinar para Pacientes Portadores de Fibromialgia realizado na Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (UERJ). Todas as mulheres foram diagnosticadas em ambulatórios públicos e privados e depois se inscreveram voluntariamente no tratamento gratuito disponibilizado. Nossa principal hipótese de estudo procura relacionar o adoecimento dessas mulheres com o regime social de trabalho, que aumenta o sofrimento e, por conseguinte, provoca somatização do mal-estar gerado. Métodos: Trata-se de um estudo socioantropológico com campo etnográfico, no qual foram observadas as práticas corporais semanais nos anos 2009-2010. Também foram realizadas fotografias e entrevistas em profundidade com todas as mulheres que participavam regularmente das práticas corporais. De igual modo, realizamos entrevistas por computador e por telefone com mulheres diagnosticadas por fibromialgia em diversas cidades brasileiras. Resultados: Foi possível compreender que estar em um local onde podem se relacionar com outras pessoas com os mesmos sinais e sintomas e que compartilhar situações de sofrimento semelhantes contribui para construção de uma identidade de grupo baseada no cuidado e no acolhimento. Assim, elas constroem coletivamente valores de cuidado com o corpo e com a saúde. Conclusões: A participação assídua no tratamento oferecido aumenta a qualidade de vida e a vitalidade de mulheres com fibromialgia, contribuindo para a promoção da saúde não apenas na sua dimensão físico-orgânica, mas em sua totalidade sócio-afetiva.


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O objetivo desse trabalho é analisar a singularidade das estratégias terapêuticas introduzidas pelo modelo das Clínicas da Dor, através de um estudo genealógico desse projeto terapêutico e sua contextualização no âmbito da racionalidade científica moderna. Mais especificamente, pretende-se analisar as transformações na racionalidade médica que permitiram, sucessivamente, a apreensão da dor pelo discurso médico, a concepção da dor como uma doença e a construção e a consolidação do modelo terapêutico das Clínicas da Dor. Para tal, inicialmente, analisamos o modelo terapêutico desenvolvido pelo médico anestesista John Bonica, idealizador do modelo das Clínicas da Dor, destacando as ferramentas conceituais que possibilitaram a compreensão da dor crônica como doença e como fenômeno biopsicossocial. Num segundo momento, realizamos uma descrição e análise dos principais eventos que permitiram a consolidação da medicina da dor como uma prática específica e multidisciplinar, dando destaque à inserção deste modelo no contexto do Sistema Único de Saúde Brasileiro. Finalmente, a partir de uma experiência clínico-institucional buscamos refletir sobre os limites e possibilidades da aplicação prática deste modelo, lançando luz sobre os impasses da clínica e tensões oriundas da problematização, do dualismo mente e corpo e das práticas terapêuticas interdisciplinares.


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This article draws on the author's experience of living and working in Belfast, Northern Ireland. Connections between the traumatic events of September 11 and the situation in the north of Ireland of ongoing civil conflict and violence are developed and aspects of therapeutic practice are described. Coping with the effects of trauma presents systemic therapists with multiple and complex challenges in whatever sociopolitical context they practice. A therapist stance that combines flexibility and openness of attitude with the creative use of therapeutic practices, including those from other modalities, will assist systemic therapists in rising to these challenges.


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Depuis la seconde moitié du 19e siècle, le paysage religieux guatémaltèque a subi d’importantes transformations. L’apparition et l’expansion phénoménale de nouveaux mouvements protestants ont entrainé une réorganisation progressive de l’espace religieux jusqu’alors homogène et déclenché l’affrontement idéologique de différents systèmes de croyances. Dans cette coexistence parfois tumultueuse, le chamanisme doit, à sa façon, lutter pour conserver une place de choix et éviter d’être relégué au passé. Par l’analyse de l’activité thérapeutique, ce mémoire vise la compréhension de la dynamique relationnelle chamanique/pentecôtiste. Le portrait du contexte religieux et l’historique des développements servent tout d’abord de base à l’étude des perceptions mutuelles entre chamanes, pasteurs et convertis. Cette dernière permet non seulement d’apporter un élément nouveau en se penchant sur la vision qu’ont développée curanderos et brujos à l’égard du pasteur pentecôtiste au sein du pluralisme médico-religieux guatémaltèque, mais permet également l’approfondissement et la compréhension de la perception dégradante et archaïsante de cette mouvance évangélique à l’égard des croyances ancestrales. Ce croisement des regards et l’observation des rituels curatifs respectifs m’amènent ainsi à considérer de près les prolongements entre ces deux univers à priori distincts alors que certaines continuations sur le plan thérapeutique sont perceptibles. L’enquête de terrain révèle finalement qu’en parallèle à ces opinions et concordances, des impacts négatifs sont engendrés sur les pratiques chamaniques, amenant les détenteurs du savoir traditionnel à opérer des modifications apparentes sur le plan de leurs propres pratiques rituelles et croyances en fonction du système de valeurs pentecôtiste.


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Full Text / Article complet


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Full Text / Article


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This paper discusses the experiences related to the treatment of children´s cancer which had children, their mothers and families as their main characters. They were mainly originated from areas in the countryside and urban poor areas in the State of Rio Grande do Norte. The non-governmental organization Grupo de Apoio à Criança com Câncer (GACC) was the privileged ethnographic location. In this setting, the mother, which was called acompanhante (companion), and the children, defined as pacientes (patients), were often sheltered in reason of therapeutic practices and the treatment undertaken by children in a nearby hospital. This study aims to focus on the therapeutic itinerary, beyond the children´s suffering, dealing with the family as a whole, since the moral values from these popular families imply the complete involvement of the family in relation to the illness and its treatment. Therefore, it is experienced as a family problem. We also intend to understand the construction of meanings to the illness, dealing with the ideological continuity in the relationships between the families and the GACC. These meanings were built in the intersection of these two spheres, which refer particularly to medical, religious and emotional explanations. Ethnographic methods were applied in this research at the entity and another social contexts, such as the family households. I also tried to retrieve the process of treatment outside the GACC, visiting the family context, when doing dense interviews or just having conversations with informants. It was found that the GACC, as a non-governmental organization, generates a negotiation of identities, which develops, then, through the family as a whole, but also through the child and especially the mother, affecting, in some way, their internal organization. Furthermore, the meanings of the experience of illness appeared to be shaped by the family sphere as well as by the logic of public health structures


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The present Master´s dissertation aims to study the practices of the rezadeiras, Brazilian women healers, through an anthropological perspective. Special attention will be given to the understanding of these practices as a dynamic process in relation to those women who heal in Cruzeta (Seridó, Rio Grande do Norte), where is located our ethnographic research. For this research, twenty four rezadeiras were contacted and colaborated with our work plan. Among them, two were pentecostal rezadeiras and another one was member of the Jurema cult, an afro-brazilian religious cult. Similarities among these women healers were perceived in the research process, mostly in terms of their learning process and the use of certain objects and ritual techniques. However, apparent differences among them gave us the chance for understanding and reflecting on the actual heterogeneity of this world of specialists. Furthermore, i tried to capture the relations between the rezadeiras and the therapeutic practices from health professionals or the religious practices of religious leaders (Catholic, pentecostal, etc). It is possible to ascertain about the complementarity between therapeutic practices from different cultural logics. This complementarity is also perceived through the religious interchanges and transits among different healers, including those who have different religious beliefs. In this work, rituals are also described and they are a crucial factor to the understanding of this particular religious and therapeutic practice conducted by women. Following these ideas, our basic aim is to understand how the rezadeiras make interpretations about health and illness, specially those ones which are particular associated with their practices, the so called "doenças de rezadeiras"


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The Brazilian Psychiatric Reform proposes creating linkages / interactions of the mentally ill with civil society , through promoting citizenship and assistance to the mentally ill. The deinstitutionalization of mental health advocates from the guidelines decreased supply of hospital beds and consequently the creation of substitute services for psychosocial care, especially with regard to therapeutic practices emancipatory. From this scenario, the present study aims to investigate the relevance and challenges of the process of nursing work in CAPS III in Natal / RN. It is descriptive research with a qualitative and exploratory. The subjects are employees of the nursing team in CAPS III East of Natal / RN. This service has actions for the psychosocial care of the subjects treated with daily multidisciplinary care by behaving the length of treatment and follow-up activities, industrial and cultural activities. Employ the semi-structured interview as a tool for data collection. The data analysis was done by means of thematic analysis proposed by Bardin. Thus, this sought to bring to the discussion of how this process is consolidated in the daily service. Thus, purposed to contribute to the debate on deinstitutionalization in psychosocial care as a guideline in the process of mental health nursing work in a CAPSIII, Natal / RN


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Pós-graduação em Psicologia - FCLAS


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This study explores the curriculum at Queen’s-affiliated medical colleges, specifically The Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons, Kingston, the Kingston Women’s Medical College, and Queen’s Medical College, from 1881 to 1910, using the textbooks prescribed by these institutions as primary sources. The central question encompasses what factors primarily motivated the curriculum at Queen’s-affiliated medical colleges to change. Within the historiographical scholarship on Queen’s College, this question has not yet been addressed and, to my knowledge, this is the first medical education history to specifically address textbooks as part of a medical school curriculum. During this period, these institutions experienced reorganizational shifts, such as the reunification of Queen’s Medical College with The Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons, Kingston, as well as the introduction and subsequent exclusion of female students. Within this context, this study examines how the forces of scientific innovation and co-education impacted the curriculum during the period under study, as measured by textbook change, specifically in the courses of obstetrics and gynaecology, the theory and practice of medicine, and surgery. To what degree was curriculum in these courses responsive to scientific inventions and discoveries, changing therapeutic practices, and possible gender biases? From 1881 to 1910, innovations such as x-ray and anaesthesia became commonplace within medical practice. Some technologies gained acceptance in the curriculum, while others fell out of favour. This study tracks these scientific discoveries through the textbooks used at Queen’s-affiliated medical colleges in order to demonstrate how the evolving nature of medicine was represented in the curriculum. To address how gender influenced the curriculum, textbooks from the Kingston Women’s Medical College and The Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons, Kingston, were compared. For two out of the three examined courses, it was found that sections of textbooks discussing various topics at the Kingston Women’s Medical College contained significantly more detail than their corresponding sections within The Royal College’s textbooks. It was speculated that the instructors preferred to teach their female students through textbooks, rather than lectures.


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This paper discusses the experiences related to the treatment of children´s cancer which had children, their mothers and families as their main characters. They were mainly originated from areas in the countryside and urban poor areas in the State of Rio Grande do Norte. The non-governmental organization Grupo de Apoio à Criança com Câncer (GACC) was the privileged ethnographic location. In this setting, the mother, which was called acompanhante (companion), and the children, defined as pacientes (patients), were often sheltered in reason of therapeutic practices and the treatment undertaken by children in a nearby hospital. This study aims to focus on the therapeutic itinerary, beyond the children´s suffering, dealing with the family as a whole, since the moral values from these popular families imply the complete involvement of the family in relation to the illness and its treatment. Therefore, it is experienced as a family problem. We also intend to understand the construction of meanings to the illness, dealing with the ideological continuity in the relationships between the families and the GACC. These meanings were built in the intersection of these two spheres, which refer particularly to medical, religious and emotional explanations. Ethnographic methods were applied in this research at the entity and another social contexts, such as the family households. I also tried to retrieve the process of treatment outside the GACC, visiting the family context, when doing dense interviews or just having conversations with informants. It was found that the GACC, as a non-governmental organization, generates a negotiation of identities, which develops, then, through the family as a whole, but also through the child and especially the mother, affecting, in some way, their internal organization. Furthermore, the meanings of the experience of illness appeared to be shaped by the family sphere as well as by the logic of public health structures


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The present Master´s dissertation aims to study the practices of the rezadeiras, Brazilian women healers, through an anthropological perspective. Special attention will be given to the understanding of these practices as a dynamic process in relation to those women who heal in Cruzeta (Seridó, Rio Grande do Norte), where is located our ethnographic research. For this research, twenty four rezadeiras were contacted and colaborated with our work plan. Among them, two were pentecostal rezadeiras and another one was member of the Jurema cult, an afro-brazilian religious cult. Similarities among these women healers were perceived in the research process, mostly in terms of their learning process and the use of certain objects and ritual techniques. However, apparent differences among them gave us the chance for understanding and reflecting on the actual heterogeneity of this world of specialists. Furthermore, i tried to capture the relations between the rezadeiras and the therapeutic practices from health professionals or the religious practices of religious leaders (Catholic, pentecostal, etc). It is possible to ascertain about the complementarity between therapeutic practices from different cultural logics. This complementarity is also perceived through the religious interchanges and transits among different healers, including those who have different religious beliefs. In this work, rituals are also described and they are a crucial factor to the understanding of this particular religious and therapeutic practice conducted by women. Following these ideas, our basic aim is to understand how the rezadeiras make interpretations about health and illness, specially those ones which are particular associated with their practices, the so called "doenças de rezadeiras"