991 resultados para Theory of Constrains (TOC), Internationalization, Colombian enterprises, Constraints


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Las empresas Colombianas tienen un potencial enorme para la internacionalización. Al hacer un análisis de la realidad actual del sector se puede observar como la mayoría de los problemas que tienen las empresas para iniciar procesos de internacionalización se derivan de procesos empresariales poco flexibles y la poca adaptación que esto conlleva en mercados internacionales mucho más competitivos que el mercado interno. Por esto es que las medidas que se toman para mejorar el sector en Colombia deben ir enfocadas en la creación de capacidades en las empresas para adaptar sus procesos a los nuevos estándares exigidos por el mundo. La lógica de causa y efecto propuesta por la Teoría de restricciones (TOC) permite validar este análisis y hacer un enfoque de mercadeo competitivo.


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Las decisiones en el mundo empresarial se basan en el supuesto de la existencia de recursos limitados. Sin importar el tamaño de las compañías, existen procesos cruciales que no pueden ser ejecutados dadas limitaciones de personal, activos físicos, financieros entre otros. Por lo anterior, propuestas como las Teoría de las Restricciones (Theory of Constraints - TOC) y el Manejo en base a Actividades (Activity-Based Management – AMB) se han posicionado como un marco de desarrollo dentro de los procesos administrativos y de producción de las compañías. En el presente proyecto se analizará el caso del proceso de reclamos presentados por los clientes en Salón Profesional, una de las Áreas de Negocio de la empresa Procter & Gamble, con el objetivo de formular una alternativa financieramente viable para mejorar el nivel de servicio en la resolución de reclamos para los clientes de Salón Profesional de Latinoamérica.


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A theory of available potential energy (APE) for symmetric circulations, which includes momentum constraints, is presented. The theory is a generalization of the classical theory of APE, which includes only thermal constraints on the circulation. Physically, centrifugal potential energy is included along with gravitational potential energy. The generalization relies on the Hamiltonian structure of the conservative dynamics, although (as with classical APE) it still defines the energetics in a nonconservative framework. It follows that the theory is exact at finite amplitude, has a local form, and can be applied to a variety of fluid models. It is applied here to the f -plane Boussinesq equations. It is shown that, by including momentum constraints, the APE of a symmetrically stable flow is zero, while the energetics of a mechanically driven symmetric circulation properly reflect its causality.


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As teorias de gestão da produção, como o Sistema Toyota de Produção e a Teoria das Restrições, têm apresentado resultados positivos, em realidades organizacionais muito diferenciadas. Contudo, é preciso garantir a efetividade das ações em provocar as mudanças desejadas. Neste sentido, métodos de pesquisa participativa, como a pesquisaação, promovem a participação e o comprometimento das pessoas implicadas no processo de mudança. Esta dissertação propõe a construção de um modelo de intervenção visando aumentar a competitividade de uma realidade organizacional específica. Foram utilizados a pesquisa-ação, como método de trabalho e a Teoria das Restrições (TOC) e o Sistema Toyota de Produção (STP), como embasamento teórico. Cabe ressaltar que este modelo foi construído a partir de uma intervenção realizada em uma indústria de cerâmica vermelha da região metropolitana de Porto Alegre. Assim, a presente dissertação foi organizada da seguinte maneira: revisão bibliográfica do método de condução da pesquisa e adaptação do mesmo para o presente trabalho, fundamentação teórica, composta pelos princípios básicos de sustentação do STP e da TOC, análise do contexto do segmento industrial em questão, descrição da intervenção realizada e apresentação do modelo construído, análise dos resultados finais, conclusões e recomendações para futuras pesquisas. A análise dos resultados obtidos e as conclusões do estudo revelam a possibilidade de generalização parcial do modelo proposto, desde que observadas as características específicas da realidade industrial em questão.


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El incumplimiento reiterado de la normatividad y políticas relacionadas con los tiempos de respuesta del proceso de contratación minera del país, desarrollado actualmente por la recién creada Agencia Nacional de Minería ANM, ha suscitado que la administración del recurso minero no se realice bajo los principios de eficiencia, eficacia, economía y celeridad. Estas debilidades manifiestas provocan represamientos en la resolución de trámites, congelación de áreas para contratar, sobrecostos, demoras en los tiempos de respuesta establecidos por la normatividad vigente y trae como consecuencia incertidumbre en los inversionistas mineros y pérdidas por concepto de recaudo de canon superficiario, entre otras. El objetivo del presente trabajo de investigación consiste en analizar el proceso de titulación minera de Colombia a partir de la filosofía de mejora continua desarrollado en la teoría de restricciones TOC (Theory Of Constraints), para poder identificar cuáles son los cuellos de botella que no permiten que el proceso fluya de manera adecuada y proponer alternativas de mejora, que con su implementación exploten y subordinen la limitaciones al sistema.


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This article documents an action research (AR) project aimed at identifying the practical steps needed to become an agile manufacturer through a combination of the theory of constraints (TOC) and resource- based view (RBV) approaches in a small to medium enterprise (SME) in the Australian manufacturing sector. To date, lean production has been highlighted as a possible catalyst for creating an agile manufacturer, despite the evidence suggesting that lean manufacturing lacks the responsiveness and adaptability to effectively handle a rapidly changing market place and only works well in a stable environment. A more flexible system of production is required to fully encompass the agile characteristics needed to attain a competitive advantage. This research provides empirical evidence that the TOC perspective can be used as a practical approach for becoming an agile manufacturer. The study provides a workable approach for small firms to achieve ‘Agility’ in practice.


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Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to systematically describe the key practical contributions of the theory of constraints (TOC) to outbound (distribution) logistics. Design/methodology/approach: Based on theoretical research, this paper presents the main practical aspects of the approach suggested by TOC to outbound logistics and discusses the assumptions upon which it is based. Findings: This paper corroborates the thesis defended by TOC, according to which the current ways of managing outbound logistics, based mainly on sales forecasts lead to difficulties in handling trade-offs between logistics (stock and transportation) costs and stock-out levels. Research limitations/implications: The reported research is of a theoretical nature. Practical implications: TOC offers a proposal that is complementary in many aspects and very distinguishable in others about the way some key processes and elements of supply chain management (SCM) are managed, especially outbound logistics. Originality/value: Considering the dearth of papers dealing with the conceptual articulation and organization of this subject, the paper contributes to systematize the knowledge currently available about the contributions of the TOC to outbound logistics, highlighting the practical implications of applying TOC to outbound logistics. © Emerald Group Publishing Limited.


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Perhaps due to its origins in a production scheduling software called Optimised Production Technology (OPT), plus the idea of focusing on system constraints, many believe that the Theory of Constraints (TOC) has a vocation for optimal solutions. Those who assess TOC according to this perspective indicate that it guarantees an optimal solution only in certain circumstances. In opposition to this view and founded on a numeric example of a production mix problem, this paper shows, by means of TOC assumptions, why the TOC should not be compared to methods intended to seek optimal or the best solutions, but rather sufficiently good solutions, possible in non-deterministic environments. Moreover, we extend the range of relevant literature on product mix decision by introducing a heuristic based on the uniquely identified work that aims at achieving feasible solutions according to the TOC point of view. The heuristic proposed is tested on 100 production mix problems and the results are compared with the responses obtained with the use of Integer Linear Programming. The results show that the heuristic gives good results on average, but performance falls sharply in some situations. © 2013 Copyright Taylor and Francis Group, LLC.


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This dissertation develops a process improvement method for service operations based on the Theory of Constraints (TOC), a management philosophy that has been shown to be effective in manufacturing for decreasing WIP and improving throughput. While TOC has enjoyed much attention and success in the manufacturing arena, its application to services in general has been limited. The contribution to industry and knowledge is a method for improving global performance measures based on TOC principles. The method proposed in this dissertation will be tested using discrete event simulation based on the scenario of the service factory of airline turnaround operations. To evaluate the method, a simulation model of aircraft turn operations of a U.S. based carrier was made and validated using actual data from airline operations. The model was then adjusted to reflect an application of the Theory of Constraints for determining how to deploy the scarce resource of ramp workers. The results indicate that, given slight modifications to TOC terminology and the development of a method for constraint identification, the Theory of Constraints can be applied with success to services. Bottlenecks in services must be defined as those processes for which the process rates and amount of work remaining are such that completing the process will not be possible without an increase in the process rate. The bottleneck ratio is used to determine to what degree a process is a constraint. Simulation results also suggest that redefining performance measures to reflect a global business perspective of reducing costs related to specific flights versus the operational local optimum approach of turning all aircraft quickly results in significant savings to the company. Savings to the annual operating costs of the airline were simulated to equal 30% of possible current expenses for misconnecting passengers with a modest increase in utilization of the workers through a more efficient heuristic of deploying them to the highest priority tasks. This dissertation contributes to the literature on service operations by describing a dynamic, adaptive dispatch approach to manage service factory operations similar to airline turnaround operations using the management philosophy of the Theory of Constraints.


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In this paper, we address the problem of defining the product mix in order to maximise a system's throughput. This problem is well known for being NP-Complete and therefore, most contributions to the topic focus on developing heuristics that are able to obtain good solutions for the problem in a short CPU time. In particular, constructive heuristics are available for the problem such as that by Fredendall and Lea, and by Aryanezhad and Komijan. We propose a new constructive heuristic based on the Theory of Constraints and the Knapsack Problem. The computational results indicate that the proposed heuristic yields better results than the existing heuristic.