997 resultados para Theme approach


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Dissertação de Mestrado em Engenharia Informática


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Abstract The therapeutic alliance (TA) is the most studied process of adult psychotherapeutic change (Zack et al., 2007) and has been found to have a moderate but robust relationship with therapeutic outcome regardless of treatment modality (Horvath, 2001). The TA is loosely described as the extent to which the therapist and the participant connect emotionally and work together towards goals. Conceptualizations of the TA with children have relied on adult models, even though it is widely acknowledged that the pediatric population will rarely willingly commit to therapy, nor readily admit to any challenges that they may be experiencing (Keeley, Geffken, McNamara & Storch, 2011). For children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) the therapeutic alliance may require an even greater retheorizing considering the communicative and social difficulties of this particular population. Despite this need, research on children with ASD and the therapeutic TA is almost non-existent. In this qualitative study, transcripts from semi-structured interviews with mothers of children with ASD were analyzed using Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA). IPA closely examines how individual people make sense of their life experiences using a theme-by-theme approach. The three interviewees were mothers whose children were participants in a nine-week Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT) group for obsessive-compulsive behaviours (OCB). A total of four superordinate themes were identified: (i) Centralization and disremembering the TA, (ii) Qualities of the therapist, (iii) TA and the importance of time, and (iv) Signs of a healthy TA. The mothers’ perspectives on the TA suggest that, for them and their children, a strong TA was a required component of the therapy. Implications for clinicians and researchers are discussed.


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The National Program of Professional Education Integration with Basic Education for Youngsters and Adults (PROEJA) Technical Professional Education Ensino Médio has opened a new chapter in the history of education in Brazil, making possible the integration of basic education and professional education. This new form of education, which is still in its early implementation, presents a series of challenges to be overcome. Specifically about the teaching of Chemistry, didactic material to match PROEJA s specific needs is practically inexistent. Thus, this work has the purpose of developing didactic material for the teaching of Chemistry for Professional and Technological Education of Youngsters and Adults in the courses of Electronics, Technical Electronics and Maintenance and Support for Computing at Instituto Federal de Educação,Ciência e Tecnologia do Rio Grande do Norte. This material aims at working chemical concepts of oxi-reduction reactions through a theme approach following Freire s conceptions for the teaching of Youngsters and Adults


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Assuntos como vestibular, escolha profissional ocupam espaço na mídia impressa especializada principalmente no final do ano. Evidentemente, o adolescente está inserido nesse contexto. Este estudo teve como objetivo geral investigar como essa mídia representa o adolescente na etapa da escolha profissional e do vestibular, pesquisando que aspectos da vida desse jovem são mais focalizados. Para tanto, foram analisadas algumas publicações da mídia especializada - revistas GUIA DO ESTUDANTE, ALMANAQUE DO ESTUDANTE e os suplementos teens FOVEST e FOLHATEEN, veiculados pelo jornal Folha de SP. Tomando-se por base a teoria evolutiva da adaptação humana de Ryad Simon,que procura analisar quatro setores adaptativos: Afetivo-Relacional, Produtividade,Sócio-Cultural e Orgânico, procurou-se verificar se a mídia leva em conta todos os setores ou se procura dar maior destaque apenas ao setor da produtividade. O período de análise escolhido foi o que antecede a época do vestibular, de meio e de final de ano. A pesquisa foi quantitativa e qualitativa, buscando-se utilizar, como método, a análise de conteúdo por meio da EDAO, um instrumento da Psicologia que avalia os quatro setores da adaptação humana, segundo a teoria proposta por Simon (1989). Os resultados obtidos mostraram que a mídia especializada dá maior ênfase aos aspectos produtivos, portanto ao setor Produtividade. Os demais setores, confirmando as hipóteses formuladas, foram pouco abordados, tanto pelas revistas quanto pelos suplementos.Outro dado observado foi a pouca profundidade na abordagem dos temas. O estudo concluiu, também, que a EDAO - Escala Diagnóstica Adaptativa Operacionalizada pode ser utilizada como instrumento de análise de conteúdo em pesquisas envolvendo a mídia impressa especializada e os aspectos psicossociais do indivíduo.(AU)


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Assuntos como vestibular, escolha profissional ocupam espaço na mídia impressa especializada principalmente no final do ano. Evidentemente, o adolescente está inserido nesse contexto. Este estudo teve como objetivo geral investigar como essa mídia representa o adolescente na etapa da escolha profissional e do vestibular, pesquisando que aspectos da vida desse jovem são mais focalizados. Para tanto, foram analisadas algumas publicações da mídia especializada - revistas GUIA DO ESTUDANTE, ALMANAQUE DO ESTUDANTE e os suplementos teens FOVEST e FOLHATEEN, veiculados pelo jornal Folha de SP. Tomando-se por base a teoria evolutiva da adaptação humana de Ryad Simon,que procura analisar quatro setores adaptativos: Afetivo-Relacional, Produtividade,Sócio-Cultural e Orgânico, procurou-se verificar se a mídia leva em conta todos os setores ou se procura dar maior destaque apenas ao setor da produtividade. O período de análise escolhido foi o que antecede a época do vestibular, de meio e de final de ano. A pesquisa foi quantitativa e qualitativa, buscando-se utilizar, como método, a análise de conteúdo por meio da EDAO, um instrumento da Psicologia que avalia os quatro setores da adaptação humana, segundo a teoria proposta por Simon (1989). Os resultados obtidos mostraram que a mídia especializada dá maior ênfase aos aspectos produtivos, portanto ao setor Produtividade. Os demais setores, confirmando as hipóteses formuladas, foram pouco abordados, tanto pelas revistas quanto pelos suplementos.Outro dado observado foi a pouca profundidade na abordagem dos temas. O estudo concluiu, também, que a EDAO - Escala Diagnóstica Adaptativa Operacionalizada pode ser utilizada como instrumento de análise de conteúdo em pesquisas envolvendo a mídia impressa especializada e os aspectos psicossociais do indivíduo.(AU)


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Assuntos como vestibular, escolha profissional ocupam espaço na mídia impressa especializada principalmente no final do ano. Evidentemente, o adolescente está inserido nesse contexto. Este estudo teve como objetivo geral investigar como essa mídia representa o adolescente na etapa da escolha profissional e do vestibular, pesquisando que aspectos da vida desse jovem são mais focalizados. Para tanto, foram analisadas algumas publicações da mídia especializada - revistas GUIA DO ESTUDANTE, ALMANAQUE DO ESTUDANTE e os suplementos teens FOVEST e FOLHATEEN, veiculados pelo jornal Folha de SP. Tomando-se por base a teoria evolutiva da adaptação humana de Ryad Simon,que procura analisar quatro setores adaptativos: Afetivo-Relacional, Produtividade,Sócio-Cultural e Orgânico, procurou-se verificar se a mídia leva em conta todos os setores ou se procura dar maior destaque apenas ao setor da produtividade. O período de análise escolhido foi o que antecede a época do vestibular, de meio e de final de ano. A pesquisa foi quantitativa e qualitativa, buscando-se utilizar, como método, a análise de conteúdo por meio da EDAO, um instrumento da Psicologia que avalia os quatro setores da adaptação humana, segundo a teoria proposta por Simon (1989). Os resultados obtidos mostraram que a mídia especializada dá maior ênfase aos aspectos produtivos, portanto ao setor Produtividade. Os demais setores, confirmando as hipóteses formuladas, foram pouco abordados, tanto pelas revistas quanto pelos suplementos.Outro dado observado foi a pouca profundidade na abordagem dos temas. O estudo concluiu, também, que a EDAO - Escala Diagnóstica Adaptativa Operacionalizada pode ser utilizada como instrumento de análise de conteúdo em pesquisas envolvendo a mídia impressa especializada e os aspectos psicossociais do indivíduo.(AU)


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Dissertação de Mestrado para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Arquitectura, apresentada na Universidade de Lisboa - Faculdade de Arquitectura.


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The understanding of complex physiological processes requires information from many different areas of knowledge. To meet this interdisciplinary scenario, the ability of integrating and articulating information is demanded. The difficulty of such approach arises because, more often than not, information is fragmented through under graduation education in Health Sciences. Shifting from a fragmentary and deep view of many topics to joining them horizontally in a global view is not a trivial task for teachers to implement. To attain that objective we proposed a course herein described Biochemistry of the envenomation response aimed at integrating previous contents of Health Sciences courses, following international recommendations of interdisciplinary model. The contents were organized by modules with increasing topic complexity. The full understanding of the envenoming pathophysiology of each module would be attained by the integration of knowledge from different disciplines. Active-learning strategy was employed focusing concept map drawing. Evaluation was obtained by a 30-item Likert-type survey answered by ninety students; 84% of the students considered that the number of relations that they were able to establish as seen by concept maps increased throughout the course. Similarly, 98% considered that both the theme and the strategy adopted in the course contributed to develop an interdisciplinary view.


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This paper is part of a large study to assess the adequacy of the use of multivariate statistical techniques in theses and dissertations of some higher education institutions in the area of marketing with theme of consumer behavior from 1997 to 2006. The regression and conjoint analysis are focused on in this paper, two techniques with great potential of use in marketing studies. The objective of this study was to analyze whether the employement of these techniques suits the needs of the research problem presented in as well as to evaluate the level of success in meeting their premisses. Overall, the results suggest the need for more involvement of researchers in the verification of all the theoretical precepts of application of the techniques classified in the category of investigation of dependence among variables.


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É possível assistir nos dias de hoje, a um processo tecnológico evolutivo acentuado por toda a parte do globo. No caso das empresas, quer as pequenas, médias ou de grandes dimensões, estão cada vez mais dependentes dos sistemas informatizados para realizar os seus processos de negócio, e consequentemente à geração de informação referente aos negócios e onde, muitas das vezes, os dados não têm qualquer relacionamento entre si. A maioria dos sistemas convencionais informáticos não são projetados para gerir e armazenar informações estratégicas, impossibilitando assim que esta sirva de apoio como recurso estratégico. Portanto, as decisões são tomadas com base na experiência dos administradores, quando poderiam serem baseadas em factos históricos armazenados pelos diversos sistemas. Genericamente, as organizações possuem muitos dados, mas na maioria dos casos extraem pouca informação, o que é um problema em termos de mercados competitivos. Como as organizações procuram evoluir e superar a concorrência nas tomadas de decisão, surge neste contexto o termo Business Intelligence(BI). A GisGeo Information Systems é uma empresa que desenvolve software baseado em SIG (sistemas de informação geográfica) recorrendo a uma filosofia de ferramentas open-source. O seu principal produto baseia-se na localização geográfica dos vários tipos de viaturas, na recolha de dados, e consequentemente a sua análise (quilómetros percorridos, duração de uma viagem entre dois pontos definidos, consumo de combustível, etc.). Neste âmbito surge o tema deste projeto que tem objetivo de dar uma perspetiva diferente aos dados existentes, cruzando os conceitos BI com o sistema implementado na empresa de acordo com a sua filosofia. Neste projeto são abordados alguns dos conceitos mais importantes adjacentes a BI como, por exemplo, modelo dimensional, data Warehouse, o processo ETL e OLAP, seguindo a metodologia de Ralph Kimball. São também estudadas algumas das principais ferramentas open-source existentes no mercado, assim como quais as suas vantagens/desvantagens relativamente entre elas. Em conclusão, é então apresentada a solução desenvolvida de acordo com os critérios enumerados pela empresa como prova de conceito da aplicabilidade da área Business Intelligence ao ramo de Sistemas de informação Geográfica (SIG), recorrendo a uma ferramenta open-source que suporte visualização dos dados através de dashboards.


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The experience described here is part of an extensive program that aims to stimulate schools to develop health integrated projects from theme generators, i.e., themes that have a meaning for the community. It was developed in Jaboticatubas, a town in the metropolitan region of Belo Horizonte, capital of the state of Minas Gerais, Brazil, and the focus was schistosomiasis. The selection was based on the expressive and historical prevalence of this disease in the county, which has been known as the "capital of schistosomiasis", in a national press release since the 1960's. Schistosomiasis is also a theme pointed out by teachers as requiring more information and methodologies to work with their students, most of them living in areas of high risk of transmission. In addition, during the last years, this disease has been transmitted silently through an increasing rural tourism in that region, requiring integrated and effective control actions. The developed strategy included four schools, whose teachers, students, and families took part in the process. It emphasizes in a critical pedagogy approach, which focuses on health issues as themes that may mobilize the school community and awake the population to a work which integrates environment, health, and citizenship. The results demonstrate that teachers and students not only acquired new knowledge and methodological skills, but also gained confidence in their ability to improve their health conditions. Thus, the project promotes a critical education that can result a more permanent effect on the control of schistosomiasis as well as other benefits for the schools and for the population.


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This study aimed at analyzing nipple trauma resulted from breastfeeding based on dermatological approach. Two integrative reviews of literature were conducted, the first related to definitions, classification and evaluation methods of nipple trauma and another about validation studies related to this theme. In the first part were included 20 studies and only one third defined nipple trauma, more than half did not defined the nipple’s injuries reported, and each author showed a particular way to assess the injuries, without consensus. In the second integrative review, no validation study or algorithm related to nipple trauma resulted from breastfeeding was found. This fact demonstrated that the nipple’s injuries mentioned in the first review did not go through validation studies, justifying the lack of consensus identified as far as definition, classification and assessment methods of nipple trauma.


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Objective To analyze the methodological aspects used for the preparation of terminology subsets of the International Classification for Nursing Practice (ICNP®), in dissertations and theses in the Brazilian nursing. Method This is an integrative review of the Brazilian dissertations and theses defended in the period from 2007 to 2013, which were included seven dissertations. Results The increasing production of studies on the theme by Brazilian nurses shows a concern for a unified language for the profession. However, the results demonstrate the lack of uniformity in the conduct of studies, especially in relation to the stages of content validation. The initiatives of some authors to systematize alternative methods for creating these subsets also stood out. Conclusion We suggest the development of new terminology subsets, following standards of methodological rigor, as well as its application and validation by the selected clientele, to ensure greater reliability of results and desired changes for the profession.


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Visual art practice has generally been described as a lonely affair, thinking about what an artist has experienced in the outside world. This study is an inquiry into a visual art practice of another kind: the relational one. The research purpose is twofold. The first purpose is to shed light on a visual artist’s conceptions of art, education and scholarship. The second purpose is to by reasoning on imagination and a rhizomatic formation interpret the relations created between art, multimodality and literacy learning as an aesthetic approach to education. By inquiry into a specific collaborated long-term art practice, the study conveys how the meaning making elements of an arts based learning practice gradually transform an artist’s and a teacher’s concepts of art education to an aesthetic approach to education. In the art practice examined the typical Finnish rye bread and a poem have represented a cultural theme that has been elaborated through art conventions. The poem and the rye bread have in the art practice been articulated as cultural representations of as well as symbolic projections on the Swedishspeaking minority culture in Finland. The study connects art informed inquiry to a hermeneutic research rationale where the research reasoning is generated through a rhizomatic alliance between empiric data and theories. The reasoning is constructed as an interpretation pattern that expands throughout the study. The study arguments that the rhizome as an aesthetic formation can be appropriate to refer to when articulating arts based meaning making and when creating arts based educational strategies, dialogues, aesthetic learning and multimodal literacy in education. The study investigates an aesthetic approach to research in education, which means that the art practice surveyed is interpreted through articulation appropriate to poetic aspects of art, education and research.


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Human trafficking is not a new phenomenon. It has existed in various forms for ages around the world. Some researchers have even compared it to slavery, calling it the modern form of slavery in the 21st century. This study is particularly interested in the role of work-related human trafficking in Finnish business. In order for something to be called work-related human trafficking, the concepts of forced labour and human trafficking have to overlap. From the economic point of view, human trafficking is governed by the laws of supply and demand. In many countries the global pressure on cutting costs has created two trends: the increased supply of migrant workers and the deregulation of labour markets. These competitive pressures can have an adverse impact on the conditions of employment and, in the worst cases, can lead to forced labour and trafficking. In fact, trafficking has become one of the most profitable illicit industries worldwide, generating tremendous profits due to its low costs and huge profits. Therefore, it is important to investigate the phenomenon from the business point of view. This study is a qualitative research conducted by using theme interviews as a research approach. Altogether 13 interviews have been conducted and some secondary data has been used in order to find out what the role of human trafficking is in Finnish business. The special sectors investigated are the Finnish construction and service sectors. The theory framework used in this study follows the stakeholder approach. The relevant stakeholder groups for this study are: ‘institutions and authorities’, ‘law enforcement’, ‘management’ and ‘employees – potential victims’ of trafficking. With the help of these stakeholder groups, a holistic picture of the phenomenon is formed. It can be concluded that the role of human trafficking is complicated but it does exist in Finnish business. It appears in low-cost business sectors where the demand for cheap labour is high. Thus, often the victims are foreigners who do not know the culture or the Finnish conditions of employment. Especially smaller Finnish companies are at risk of getting involved in human trafficking or related exploitation cases since monitoring is much more scarce in these firms than in larger companies. The risk of human trafficking and exploitation is also higher at the bottom of the complicated subcontracting chains or when using foreign recruitment agencies. Thus, the study believes that active and intensive collaboration between the company’s different stakeholder groups is needed in order to prevent work-related human trafficking from flourishing in Finland.