949 resultados para The External Control of TCU on the current regulatory arrangement


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luoridation of the public water supplies is recognized as among the top ten public health achievements of the twentieth century. However, the positive aspects of this measure depend on the maintenance of fluoride concentrations within adequate levels. Objective: To report the results of seven years of external control of the fluoride (F) concentrations in the public water supply in Bauru, SP, Brazil in an attempt to verify, on the basis of risk/ benefit balance, whether the levels are appropriate. Material and Methods: From March 2004 to February 2011, 60 samples were collected every month from the 19 supply sectors of the city, totaling 4,641 samples. F concentrations in water samples were determined in duplicate, using an ion-speciflc electrode (Orion 9609) coupled to a potentiometer after buffering with TISAB II. After the analysis, the samples were classified according to the best risk-benefit adjustment. Results: Means (±standard deviation) of F concentrations ranged between 0.73±0.06 and 0.81±0.10 mg/L for the different sectors during the seven years. The individual values ranged between 0.03 and 2.63 mg/L. The percentages of the samples considered low risk for dental fluorosis development and of maximum benefit for dental caries prevention (0.55-0.84 mg F/L) in the first, second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth, and seventh years of the study were 82.0, 58.5, 37.4, 61.0, 89.9, 77.3, and 72.4%, respectively, and 69.0% for the entire period. Conclusions: Fluctuations of F levels were found in the public water supply in Bauru during the seven years of evaluation. These results suggest that external monitoring of water fluoridation by an independent assessor should be implemented in cities where there is adjusted fluoridation. This measure should be continued in order to verify that fluoride levels are suitable and, if not, to provide support for the appropriate adjustments.


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Fluoridation of the public water supplies is recognized as among the top ten public health achievements of the twentieth century. However, the positive aspects of this measure depend on the maintenance of fluoride concentrations within adequate levels. To report the results of seven years of external control of the fluoride (F) concentrations in the public water supply in Bauru, SP, Brazil in an attempt to verify, on the basis of risk/benefit balance, whether the levels are appropriate. From March 2004 to February 2011, 60 samples were collected every month from the 19 supply sectors of the city, totaling 4,641 samples. F concentrations in water samples were determined in duplicate, using an ion-specific electrode (Orion 9609) coupled to a potentiometer after buffering with TISAB II. After the analysis, the samples were classified according to the best risk-benefit adjustment. Means (±standard deviation) of F concentrations ranged between 0.73±0.06 and 0.81±0.10 mg/L for the different sectors during the seven years. The individual values ranged between 0.03 and 2.63 mg/L. The percentages of the samples considered “low risk” for dental fluorosis development and of “maximum benefit” for dental caries prevention (0.55-0.84 mg F/L) in the first, second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth, and seventh years of the study were 82.0, 58.5, 37.4, 61.0, 89.9, 77.3, and 72.4%, respectively, and 69.0% for the entire period. Fluctuations of F levels were found in the public water supply in Bauru during the seven years of evaluation. These results suggest that external monitoring of water fluoridation by an independent assessor should be implemented in cities where there is adjusted fluoridation. This measure should be continued in order to verify that fluoride levels are suitable and, if not, to provide support for the appropriate adjustments


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 The research investigated the efficacy of instructional methods on lower limb landing postures. The findings provided insight into the role of instructional methods that manipulate the focus of attention and the retention of motor learning, in the context of an ACL injury prevention program in an applied community based setting.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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The paralysis-by-analysis phenomenon, i.e., attending to the execution of one's movement impairs performance, has gathered a lot of attention over recent years (see Wulf, 2007, for a review). Explanations of this phenomenon, e.g., the hypotheses of constrained action (Wulf et al., 2001) or of step-by-step execution (Masters, 1992; Beilock et al., 2002), however, do not refer to the level of underlying mechanisms on the level of sensorimotor control. For this purpose, a “nodal-point hypothesis” is presented here with the core assumption that skilled motor behavior is internally based on sensorimotor chains of nodal points, that attending to intermediate nodal points leads to a muscular re-freezing of the motor system at exactly and exclusively these points in time, and that this re-freezing is accompanied by the disruption of compensatory processes, resulting in an overall decrease of motor performance. Two experiments, on lever sequencing and basketball free throws, respectively, are reported that successfully tested these time-referenced predictions, i.e., showing that muscular activity is selectively increased and compensatory variability selectively decreased at movement-related nodal points if these points are in the focus of attention.


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Transport accounts for 22% of greenhouse gas emissions in the United Kingdom and cars are expected tomore than double by 2050. Car manufacturers are continually aiming for a substantially reduced carbonfootprint through improved fuel efficiency and better powertrain performance due to the strict EuropeanUnion emissions standards. However, road tax, not just fuel efficiency, is a key consideration of consumerswhen purchasing a car. While measures have been taken to reduce emissions through stricter standards, infuture, alternative technologies will be used. Electric vehicles, hybrid vehicles and range extended electricvehicles have been identified as some of these future technologies. In this research a virtual test bed of aconventional internal combustion engine and a range extended electric vehicle family saloon car were builtin AVL’s vehicle and powertrain system level simulation tool, CRUISE, to simulate the New EuropeanDrive Cycle and the results were then soft-linked to a techno-economic model to compare the effectivenessof current support mechanisms over the full life cycle of both cars. The key finding indicates that althoughcarbon emissions are substantially reduced, switching is still not financially the best option for either theconsumer or the government in the long run.


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Com a criação das primeiras entidades reguladoras de infraestrutura, década de 90, surgiu uma nova maneira estratégica de o Estado atuar com intuito de melhorar a governança pública. O Estado brasileiro, que era responsável direto pelo desenvolvimento econômico e social, buscou se redefinir frente ao modelo de entidades reguladoras que emergia. Em decorrência dessa nova fisionomia estatal, a descentralização funcional ganhou ênfase resultando no aparecimento de estruturas mais flexíveis e autônomas sob a natureza de direito público com a finalidade de atuar em setores típicos de Estado. Assim, foram criadas as primeiras agências reguladoras brasileiras com objetivo de normatizar, incentivar e regular setores essenciais à sociedade. Por consequência de tais inovações, diversas áreas administrativas tiveram de serem adaptadas, sobretudo as relacionadas à atividade de controle no âmbito administrativo. Para tanto, tornou-se necessário conciliar, dentro de um escopo sistematizado, mecanismos capazes de atender as demandas oriundas do recente Estado regulador brasileiro. Com efeito, a função controle adquire relevo no sentido de evitar que tais agências reguladoras apartem-se de limites impostos por lei ou de que divirjam de suas missões institucionais. Assim, o presente trabalho investiga a atuação do controle externo exercido pelo Tribunal de Contas da União (TCU) no desempenho das agências reguladoras de Estado. Diante de o assunto permear várias áreas epistemológicas, entende-se que abordá-lo sob o enfoque interdisciplinar pode estender em contribuições sobre o objeto investigado. Nesse contexto, esta dissertação visa incorporar, também, outras áreas de conhecimento. Longe de defender um isomorfismo para o arranjo regulatório brasileiro ou de promover uma saída paradigmática, esta pesquisa busca, com amparo na metodologia qualitativa e sob os enfoques exploratórios e descritivos, reunir conhecimentos e constatações no sentido de propiciar maior aproximação acerca do assunto e concorrer para o delineamento de diretrizes futuras do controle externo sobre a regulação brasileira. Destaca-se que tanto a regulação como o controle sobre o ambiente regulatório são assuntos que se encontram em desenvolvimento no contexto brasileiro, o que enseja a pertinência desta pesquisa. Em face do exposto, esta dissertação visa investigar o estado atual do controle exercido pelo TCU sobre o desempenho nas agências reguladoras de Estado – infraestrutura - com intuito de analisar e promover um debate sobre limites e (im)possibilidades dessa atuação.


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Institutional Review Boards (IRBs) are the primary gatekeepers for the protection of ethical standards of federally regulated research on human subjects in this country. This paper focuses on what general, broad measures that may be instituted or enhanced to exemplify a "model IRB". This is done by examining the current regulatory standards of federally regulated IRBs, not private or commercial boards, and how many of those standards have been found either inadequate or not generally understood or followed. The analysis includes suggestions on how to bring about changes in order to make the IRB process more efficient, less subject to litigation, and create standardized educational protocols for members. The paper also considers how to include better oversight for multi-center research, increased centralization of IRBs, utilization of Data Safety Monitoring Boards when necessary, payment for research protocol review, voluntary accreditation, and the institution of evaluation/quality assurance programs. ^ This is a policy study utilizing secondary analysis of publicly available data. Therefore, the research for this paper focuses on scholarly medical/legal journals, web information from the Department of Health and Human Services, Federal Drug Administration, and the Office of the Inspector General, Accreditation Programs, law review articles, and current regulations applicable to the relevant portions of the paper. ^ Two issues are found to be consistently cited by the literature as major concerns. One is a need for basic, standardized educational requirements across all IRBs and its members, and secondly, much stricter and more informed management of continuing research. There is no federally regulated formal education system currently in place for IRB members, except for certain NIH-based trials. Also, IRBs are not keeping up with research once a study has begun, and although regulated to do so, it does not appear to be a great priority. This is the area most in danger of increased litigation. Other issues such as voluntary accreditation and outcomes evaluation are slowing gaining steam as the processes are becoming more available and more sought after, such as JCAHO accrediting of hospitals. ^ Adopting the principles discussed in this paper should promote better use of a local IRBs time, money, and expertise for protecting the vulnerable population in their care. Without further improvements to the system, there is concern that private and commercial IRBs will attempt to create a monopoly on much of the clinical research in the future as they are not as heavily regulated and can therefore offer companies quicker and more convenient reviews. IRBs need to consider the advantages of charging for their unique and important services as a cost of doing business. More importantly, there must be a minimum standard of education for all IRB members in the area of the ethical standards of human research and a greater emphasis placed on the follow-up of ongoing research as this is the most critical time for study participants and may soon lead to the largest area for litigation. Additionally, there should be a centralized IRB for multi-site trials or a study website with important information affecting the trial in real time. There needs to be development of standards and metrics to assess the performance of the IRBs for quality assurance and outcome evaluations. The boards should not be content to run the business of human subjects' research without determining how well that function is actually being carried out. It is important that federally regulated IRBs provide excellence in human research and promote those values most important to the public at large.^


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Background/Aim - People of south Asian origin have an excessive risk of morbidity and mortality from cardiovascular disease. We examined the effect of ethnicity on known risk factors and analysed the risk of cardiovascular events and mortality in UK south Asian and white Europeans patients with type 2 diabetes over a 2 year period. Methods - A total of 1486 south Asian (SA) and 492 white European (WE) subjects with type 2 diabetes were recruited from 25 general practices in Coventry and Birmingham, UK. Baseline data included clinical history, anthropometry and measurements of traditional risk factors – blood pressure, total cholesterol, HbA1c. Multiple linear regression models were used to examine ethnicity differences in individual risk factors. Ten-year cardiovascular risk was estimated using the Framingham and UKPDS equations. All subjects were followed up for 2 years. Cardiovascular events (CVD) and mortality between the two groups were compared. Findings - Significant differences were noted in risk profiles between both groups. After adjustment for clustering and confounding a significant ethnicity effect remained only for higher HbA1c (0.50 [0.22 to 0.77]; P?=?0.0004) and lower HDL (-0.09 [-0.17 to -0.01]; P?=?0.0266). Baseline CVD history was predictive of CVD events during follow-up for SA (P?of 7.4 years (95% CI 1.0 to 13.7 years), P?=?0.023. The adjusted odds ratio of CVD event or death from CVD was greater but not significantly so in SA than in WE (OR 1.4 [0.9 to 2.2]). Limitations - Fewer events in both groups and short period of follow-up are key limitations. Longer follow-up is required to see if the observed differences between the ethnic groups persist. Conclusion - South Asian patients with type 2 diabetes in the UK have a higher cardiovascular risk and present with cardiovascular events at a significantly younger age than white Europeans. Enhanced and ethnicity specific targets and effective treatments are needed if these inequalities are to be reduced.