949 resultados para The Critical Incident Technique
BACKGROUND: The well-being of relatives of patients having chronic heart diseases (CHD) has been found to be negatively affected by the patient's condition. Studies examining relatives of patients with atrial fibrillation (AF) indicate that their well-being may be affected in a similar manner, but further research is needed. AIM: To explore and describe critical incidents in which relatives of patients experience how AF affects their well-being and what actions they take to handle these situations. DESIGN AND METHOD: An explorative, descriptive design based on the critical incident technique (CIT) was used. Interviews were conducted with 19 relatives (14 women and five men) of patients hospitalised in southern Sweden due to acute symptoms of the AF. RESULTS: The well-being of relatives was found to be affected by their worries (patient-related health), as well as the sacri-ficing of their own needs (self-related health). In handling their own well-being, these relatives adjusted to and supported the patient (practical involvement), along with adjusting their own feelings and responding to the mood of the patients (emotional involvement). CONCLUSION: The well-being of relatives of patients with AF was affected depending on the patients' well-being. In their attempt to handle their own well-being, the relatives adjusted to and supported the patients. Further research is needed in order to evaluate the effects of support to relatives and patients respectively and together.
As a teacher educator I consider myself an advocate for research-informed education, and strongly believe that it starts with one’s own critical self-reflection and analysis of one’s own teaching practice. Critical incident analysis is a pedagogical theory developed by Tripp (1993), whose analytical approaches allow reflection on teaching situations – ‘the critical incident’ – so that teachers can develop their professional judgments and practices. This article examines the concept of critical incident analysis through a teaching situation, with the aim of improving the teaching practice of students on teacher education programmes. I conclude that although critical incident analysis is a useful tool in navigating teaching practices, often challenges need to be addressed at much broader levels than the teaching context itself.
Depuis quelques années, les statistiques indiquent une croissance exponentielle de l’incidence de certaines infections transmissibles sexuellement chez les jeunes adultes. Certaines enquêtes témoignent en outre des comportements peu responsables en matière de santé sexuelle chez cette population, bien que l’offre d’information sur les conséquences de tels comportements soit importante et diversifiée. Par ailleurs, le comportement informationnel de cette population en matière de santé sexuelle demeure peu documenté. La présente étude porte sur le comportement informationnel de jeunes adultes québécois en matière de santé sexuelle. Plus spécifiquement, elle répond aux quatre questions de recherche suivantes : (1) Quelles sont les situations problématiques auxquelles les jeunes adultes sont confrontés en santé sexuelle?, (2) Quels sont les besoins informationnels exprimés par les jeunes adultes lors de ces situations problématiques?, (3) Quels sont les processus et les sources d’information qui soutiennent la résolution de ces besoins informationnels? et (4) Quelle est l’utilisation de l’information trouvée? Cette recherche descriptive a utilisé une approche qualitative. Le milieu retenu est l’Université de Montréal pour deux raisons : il s’agit d’un milieu cognitivement riche qui fournit un accès sur place à des ressources en santé sexuelle. Les huit jeunes adultes âgés de 18 à 25 ans qui ont pris part à cette étude ont participé à une entrevue en profondeur utilisant la technique de l’incident critique. Chacun d’entre eux a décrit une situation problématique par rapport à sa santé sexuelle et les données recueillies ont été l’objet d’une analyse de contenu basée sur la théorisation ancrée. Les résultats indiquent que les jeunes adultes québécois vivent des situations problématiques relatives à l’aspect physique de leur santé sexuelle qui peuvent être déclenchées par trois types d’éléments : un événement à risques, un symptôme physique subjectif et de l’information acquise passivement. Ces situations problématiques génèrent trois catégories de besoins informationnels : l’état de santé actuel, les conséquences possibles et les remèdes. Pour répondre à ces besoins, les participants se sont tournés en majorité vers des sources professionnelles, personnelles et verbales. La présence de facteurs contextuels, cognitifs et affectifs a particularisé leur processus de recherche d’information en modifiant les combinaisons des quatre activités effectuées, soit débuter, enchaîner, butiner et différencier. L’automotivation et la compréhension du problème représentent les deux principales utilisations de l’information. D’un point de vue théorique, les résultats indiquent que le modèle général de comportement informationnel de Choo (2006), le modèle d’environnement d’utilisation de l’information de Taylor (1986, 1991) et le modèle d’activités de recherche d’information d’Ellis (1989a, 1989b, 2005) peuvent être utilisés dans le contexte personnel de la santé sexuelle. D’un point de vue pratique, cette étude ajoute aux connaissances sur les critères de sélection des sources d’information en matière de santé sexuelle.
Introduction : L’approche par compétences est maintenant bien ancrée dans l’enseignement au niveau de la formation médicale postdoctorale. Dans ce contexte, un système de sélection également axé sur les compétences pourrait être avantageux. L’objectif principal de ce projet était de concevoir un TJS ciblant le rôle CanMEDS de collaborateur pour la sélection au niveau postdoctoral en médecine interne (MI) et en médecine familiale (MF). Méthodologie : Des entrevues d’incidents critiques ont été réalisées auprès de résidents juniors en MI ou en MF afin de générer les items du TJS. Trois leaders de l’approche par compétences ont révisé le contenu du test. Les items ont été analysés pour identifier la compétence principale du rôle CanMEDS de collaborateur, le contexte ainsi que les membres de l’équipe interprofessionnelle représentés dans les vignettes. La clé de correction a été déterminée par un panel composé de 11 experts. Cinq méthodes de notation ont été comparées. Résultats : Sept entrevues ont été réalisées. Après révision, 33 items ont été conservés dans le TJS. Les compétences clés du rôle CanMEDS de collaborateur, les contextes et les divers membres de l’équipe interprofessionnelle étaient bien distribués au travers des items. La moyenne des scores des experts variait entre 43,4 et 75,6 % en fonction des différentes méthodes de notation. Le coefficient de corrélation de Pearson entre les cinq méthodes de notation variait entre 0,80 et 0,98. Conclusion : Ce projet démontre la possibilité de concevoir un TJS utilisant le cadre CanMEDS comme trame de fond pour l’élaboration de son contenu. Ce test, couplé à une approche globale de sélection basée sur les compétences, pourrait éventuellement améliorer le pouvoir prédictif du processus de sélection au niveau de la formation médicale postdoctorale.
Aunque el concepto de sabiduría ha sido ampliamente estudiado por expertos de áreas como la filosofía, la religión y la psicología, aún enfrenta limitaciones en cuanto a su definición y evaluación. Por esto, el presente trabajo tiene como objetivo, formular una definición del concepto de sabiduría que permita realizar una propuesta de evaluación del concepto como competencia en los gerentes. Para esto, se realizó un análisis documental de tipo cualitativo. De esta manera, se analizaron diversos textos sobre la historia, las definiciones y las metodologías para evaluar tanto la sabiduría como las competencias; diferenciando la sabiduría de otros constructos y analizando la diferencia entre las competencias generales y las gerenciales para posteriormente, definir la sabiduría como una competencia gerencial. Como resultado de este análisis se generó un prototipo de prueba denominado SAPIENS-O, a través del cuál se busca evaluar la sabiduría como competencia gerencial. Como alcances del instrumento se pueden identificar la posibilidad de medir la sabiduría como competencia en los gerentes, la posibilidad de dar un nuevo panorama a las dificultades teóricas y empíricas sobre la sabiduría y la posibilidad de facilitar el estudio de la sabiduría en ambientes reales, más específicamente en ambientes organizacionales.
Syftet: Syftet med studien var att beskriva hur omvårdnadspersonal inom kommunens särskilda boende och korttidsboende upplever att vårda personer i livets slutskede.Metod: Studien bygger på åtta kvalitativa intervjuer med undersköterskor. Datainsamlingsmetoden baserades på Critical Incident Technique och som analysmetod användes kvalitativ innehållsanalys. Resultat: I intervjuerna framkom att samarbetet till de övriga i teamet och närstående hade en stor och avgörande betydelse för hur vården utvecklades. Omvårdnadspersonalen kände ibland att sjuksköterskan saknades i vissa omvårdnadssituationer. Fördelning av personal under dygnet bidrog till kontinuitet i samverkan. De upplevde att olika faktorer i miljön kunde vara både till hjälp eller till hinder i samspelet till den döende och närstående. De intervjuade talade också om vikten av att respektera patientens vilja. Omvårdnadspersonalen gav även stöd till de närstående och de kom familjerna nära. De upplevde att närvaro utan krav och stress var av betydelse för interaktionen till den döende och dess närstående. Det var viktigt att både den döende och de närstående var tillfreds med symtomlindringen. Det var viktigt att få ge ett värdigt omhändertagande efter döden. Slutsats: Det genomgåendet temat visade att interaktion och samverkan med vårdteamet, närstående och patienten var av avgörande betydelseför hur vården i livets slut skulle bli trygg och värdig.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
O trabalho em equipe representa estratégia para superação da frágil articulação entre profissionais, sendo potencializado pela prática colaborativa entre agentes e gestão participativa. Entretanto, os arranjos organizacionais não favorecem a interação entre os profissionais e dificultam o trabalho em equipe. A magnitude dos agravos cardiovasculares por serviços regulados e estruturados, pautados num enfoque multiprofissional em saúde, a carência de publicações científicas sobre trabalho em equipe na atenção hospitalar, a potência do trabalho em equipe para responder às demandas reais de saúde justificam investigações a respeito do trabalho em equipe de saúde em Unidade Coronariana, particularizando a compreensão de aspectos que dificultam e facilitam esse trabalho. Assim, esta pesquisa teve como objetivo analisar o trabalho em equipe, desenvolvido em unidade hospitalar de alta densidade tecnológica, segundo a perspectiva da equipe de saúde. É um estudo descritivo, utilizando dados qualitativos e quantitativos, realizado em Unidade Coronariana de um Hospital público, de ensino, de nível terciário, referência para atendimento de alta densidade tecnológica. A população constituiu-se de profissionais da equipe multiprofissional que atuavam na referida unidade há, pelo menos, um ano, sendo excluídos aqueles que se encontravam afastados do trabalho à época da coleta dos dados e os não localizados após três tentativas para agendamento da entrevista. Utilizou-se a Técnica do Incidente Crítico, e os dados primários foram coletados por meio de entrevista semiestruturada. A análise dos dados fundamentou-se em análise de conteúdo. Participaram do estudo 45 profissionais da equipe de saúde, sendo 20 técnicos/auxiliares de enfermagem; 11 médicos; nove enfermeiros; quatro fisioterapeutas e um psicólogo. Das entrevistas, emergiram 49 situações, das quais 38 (77,6%) receberam referências negativas e 11 (22,4%), positivas; 385 comportamentos, sendo 209 (54,2%) positivos e 176 (45,8%) negativos; além de 182 consequências que receberam 131 (71,9%) referências negativas e 51 (28,1%) positivas. As referências positivas indicam aspectos que facilitam o trabalho em equipe e as negativas, aqueles que dificultam. Foram considerados facilitadores do trabalho em equipe colaborar/relacionar-se com os outros profissionais, desenvolver assistência ao paciente conforme a competência profissional, relacionamento entre agentes pautado na prática colaborativa e comunicação. Aspectos como baixa colaboração entre profissionais, gerenciamento inadequado de agentes, despreparo profissional no atendimento à parada cardiorrespiratória/emergência, divergências nas condutas terapêuticas, limitação de recursos materiais e agir de maneira descomprometida com o trabalho dificultam o trabalho em equipe. Conclui-se que, apesar do predomínio de situações e consequências negativas relativas à dinâmica do trabalho em equipe nessa Unidade Coronariana, a ênfase em comportamentos positivos, favoráveis ao trabalho em equipe, evidencia investimento e esforço para superar dificuldades, na perspectiva da potência do trabalho em equipe para atingir a finalidade do trabalho em saúde. A partir dos resultados, acredita-se que aspectos relativos à formação/capacitação profissional e à organização do serviço precisam favorecer o trabalho em equipe, estando a centralidade do processo de trabalho dessa equipe nas relações entre agentes
This thesis begins with a review of the conflict literature. It continues with an illustration of the nature of intergroup conflict between British health care teams, by presenting results from an interview study using the critical incident technique. Within the theory testing part, drawing upon a sample of 53 British health care teams from five organisations, an empirical test of both intergroup contact and social identity theory is provided. In a next step, a measure of intergroup effectiveness, the effectiveness with which dyads of groups perform on collaborative tasks, is developed. Finally, the moderating role of both resource interdependence and group boundary spanners’ negotiation style for the relationship between intergroup competition and longitudinal change in group and intergroup effectiveness is examined.
The aim of this study was to identify key aspects in the exchange of information and to determine how nurses communicate news to hospitalised children. For this study, we applied the critical incident technique with 30 children aged between 8 and 14 years. Data were collected in paediatric units in a hospital in Alicante (Spain) using participant observation and semi-structured interviews. The analysis yielded three main categories: the children’s reaction to the information, nursing staff behaviour as a key aspect in the exchange of information and communication of news as well as children’s experience. This article emphasises the need to promote children’s consent and participation in nursing interventions. An analysis of these aspects will verify whether children’s rights are being respected and taken into account in order to promote children’s well-being and adaptation to hospitalisation.
Thermodiffusion in a lyotropic mixture of water and potassium laurate is investigated by means of an optical technique (Z scan) distinguishing the index variations due to the temperature gradient and the mass gradients. A phenomenological framework allowing for coupled diffusion is developed in order to analyze thermodiffusion in multicomponent systems. An observable parameter relating to the mass gradients is found to exhibit a sharp change around the critical micellar concentration, and thus may be used to detect it. The change in the slope is due to the markedly different values of the Soret coefficients of the surfactant and the micelles. The difference in the Soret coefficients is due to the fact that the micellization process reduces the energy of interaction of the ball of amphiphilic molecules with the solvent.
Forgiveness has been subject of interest, mainly in the psychology fields of study. Relatively to the organizational context, this topic has been somehow put aside and settled as something that is purely an intra-individual phenomenon which organizations cannot force, or even stimulate. As conflicts are common within organizations and being often difficult to overcome, eyes have turned into the role forgiveness might take in this scenario. Despite forgiveness being accepted as an intrapersonal decision and a result of predisposition as it is a result of education and culture. This study, as some already done, refuses to accept forgiveness as an unchangeable behavior that cannot be manipulated or induced by managers or by organizational context. Therefore, offering a set of incidents as well as their classification, that have been identified by individuals performing different types organizational roles in different organization which is believed as being a genuine way of delivering to the reader a set of actions and behaviors that if taken, may incentivize or inhibit forgiveness.
Objectives: The lack of durability in resin-dentine bonds led to the use of chlorhexidine as MMP-inhibitor to prevent the degradation of hybrid layers. Biomimetic remineralisation is a concept-proven approach in preventing the degradation of resin-dentine bonds. The purpose of this study is to examine the integrity of aged resin-dentine interfaces created with a nanofiller-containing etch-and-rinse adhesive after the application of these two approaches.Methods: The more established MMP-inhibition approach was examined using a parallel in vivo and in vitro ageing design to facilitate comparison with the biomimetic remineralisation approach using an in vitro ageing design. Specimens bonded without chlorhexidine exhibited extensive degradation of the hybrid layer after 12 months of in vivo ageing.Results: Dissolution of nanofillers could be seen within a water-rich zone within the adhesive layer. Although specimens bonded with chlorhexidine exhibited intact hybrid layers, water-rich regions remained in those hybrid layers and degradation of nanofillers occurred within the adhesive layer. Specimens subjected to in vitro biomimetic remineralisation followed by in vitro ageing demonstrated intrafibrillar collagen remineralisation within hybrid layers and deposition of mineral nanocrystals in nanovoids within the adhesive.Conclusions: The impact was realized by understanding the lack of an inherent mechanism to remove water from resin-dentine interfaces as the critical barrier to progress in bonding with the etch-and-rinse technique. The experimental biomimetic remineralisation strategy offers a creative solution for incorporating a progressive hydration mechanism to achieve this goal, which warrants its translation into a clinically applicable technique. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.