997 resultados para The Apartments


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The first live appearance of The Apartments after many years was at Brisbane's Pig City, a live music event curated to coincide with the release of Andrew Stafford's book of the same name.


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Mode of access: Internet.


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The thesis examines homeowners associations as a part of the large-scale housing reform, implemented in Russia since 2005. The reform transferred housing management from the public sector to the private sector and to the citizens responsibility. The reform is a continuation to the privatisation of the housing stock that was started in Russia in the beginning of the 1990s, aiming to build a market-oriented housing sector in the country. The reform makes a fundamental change to the Soviet system, in which ownership along with management and maintenance of housing were monopolised by the state. Homeowners are now responsible for the management of the common areas in privatised houses, which is often realised by establishing a homeowners association. Homeowners associations are examined by using the so-called common-pool resource regime approach, with the main question being the ways in which taking care of common property collectively succeeds in practice. The study is based on interview data of St. Petersburg s homeowners associations. Using the common-pool resource theory the study demonstrates why implementation of the housing reform has not succeeded as expected. Certain elements that characterise a successful common-pool resource regime do not fulfill sufficiently in St. Petersburg s homeowners associations. Firstly, free-riding, that is, withdrawal from the association s joint decision-making and not making the housing payments is common, as effective sanctions to prevent it are missing in the legislation. That is, eviction or expelling a non-paying member from the association is not possible. Secondly, ownership of the land plot and common areas of the house, such as basements and attics, are often disputed between the associations and authorities. In the Soviet era, these common areas were public property along with the apartments, but in privatised houses they should, according to the legislation, belong to the associations property. Thirdly, solution of disputes between the associations and authorities and within the associations is difficult, as the court system tends to be bureaucratic and inefficient. In addition to the common-pool resource approach, the study also examines how social capital contributes to the associations effectiveness and democratic governance. The study finds that although homeowners associations have increased cooperation and tightened social relations between neighbours, social capital has not been able to prevent free-riding. The study shows that unlike it is often claimed, the so-called Soviet mentality , that is, residents passiveness and unwillingness to participate, is not the most important obstacle to the reform. Instead, the reform is impeded most of all by imperfect institutional arrangements and local authorities that prevent the associations from working as independent, self-governing associations.


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‘Ghost Wash’ unveils the past in a contemporary context. It is a blending of video projection, sound, music and performance that reconstructs the anger, the angularity, and the angst of Brisbane music from the late 70s through the 80s. The music is contained within an ongoing story about Brisbane music history.


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7' vinyl single and digital download


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The study focuses on the Finnish home makeover shows Inno (2004 , Nelonen) and Kodin kääntöpiiri (2001 2005; YLE TV2) and their episodes broadcast in spring 2004. The research material also includes the websites of both shows and messages concerning Inno from an online discussion forum. As people decorate their homes and reflect on them, they engage in negotiations of taste and in the construction of the ideal self. The main question of the study is: how are representations of the gendered self produced in home makeover shows? The broader theoretical and methodological context of the study is based on intersectionality, or simultaneous study of different identity categories. In this study, the main focus is on the intersections of gender, class and sexuality. Hence, the secondary research question is: how do ways of doing gender intersect with producing the ideas of class and sexuality in the representations of home makeover shows? The theoretical framework of the study combines Judith Butler s theory of gender performativity and Pierre Bourdieu s theory of taste. The analysis is founded upon a close reading focusing on the details and ambiguous meanings contained in the televisual representation. Home makeover shows are explored as a part of contemporary television culture, which is characterised by a significant increase in the number of both television channels and global television formats, as well as the hybridisation of programme types. Researchers on lifestyle television have paid attention to male designers and their ability to reconstruct meanings related to domesticity and home decoration as feminine spheres. The dissertation contributes to this discussion by analysing the representations of the male interior decorator in Inno and the four female interior decorators in Kodin kääntöpiiri. The focus is on the professional self and how it is both gendered and defined as an arbiter of taste. The programme concepts produce the impression that the makeover homes and their occupants are ordinary . The manufactured sense of ordinariness often conceals differences between the participants. One argument of the study is that the ordinariness of participants on lifestyle television should not be taken for granted without further reflection on the implications of labeling something as ordinary. Updating of interior decoration in home makeover shows can be interpreted as an area of doing gender that requires deliberation, effort, expert knowledge and a sufficient budget. The ideal lay decorator is portrayed as culturally omnivorous, brave and receptive to new ideas. The ability to reflect on ways of representing masculinity and femininity through decoration is also implied. In home makeover shows, greater self-awareness regarding the ways in which gender is produced does not lead to repeating gender differently. The idea of normative heterosexuality is in a hegemonic position in the representations of the participants. In Inno and Kodin kääntöpiiri questions of class are not made explicit. However, the idea of class is produced indirectly e.g. by describing the apartments and houses of the participants, by discussing their hobbies or interest in cultural products. In Inno, home decoration is primarily depicted as an individualistic consumer choice, while in Kodin kääntöpiiri it is often defined as a way to strengthen the ties of nuclear families. In Kodin kääntöpiiri, the ethos of familism is combined with pleasures gained from consumption and DIY activities. As a whole, the multidisciplinary study indicates a great number of differences between the two shows.


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This work investigates the using of kitchens of the apartments of PLANO 100 in Natal-RN, through one method s set of the functional and behavior evaluation. The theme was selected through of the emergence of the many questions that sought to understand what manners how individuals relates to the constructed space, what was the possible changes caused by these relation, also verifying how this space interferes in a daily life of theirs users. This research to search answers what to improve of the study s object and in futures production s architectonic too. The used approach combined an overview of new kinds of familiar arrangements and the evolution process of the brazilian s kitchens within social context of Brazil, with APO (Post-Occupation Evaluation), techniques through a physical space survey, questionnaires and interviews with users. Beyond to APO s implements were applied behavior setting s techniques too, what presented the most knowledge about to satisfactions levels pointed by the users


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The aim of this work is to analyse the tourism events and the performance of this segment from market as strategy in the combat of Natal's hotel seasonality, in the executives/managers's vision from this sector. Two searches were realized to turn available this study: Inicialy a bibliographic search involving the concepts associated with the tematic in question so that it arranges the embasament theoric-scientific and a survey from facts through the country search, where it was applicable in the establishments of work's population with the auxiliary from a formulary answered by a personal interview. The analyses techniques through facts were: estatistic descritive and Kolmogorov-smirnov test.Among the results found, it was verified that the main reasons alleged by the hotels to ingress in the segment from the events were the alinement from the competitive company, the diversification in the options in the sense of occupy the establishments during the period of low season and answer to the demand of market. Investigated the profile from the events occured in the Natal hotels referring to the port, public origin , kinds of events and frequency from their realizations, as well as , the capacity from these establishments to attend this segment.It was noticed that in spite of the hotels agree that the events are important estrategies to combat the seasonality, the establishments still suffer with the flutuation, what can be justified from the moment that it's considered that the events also behave from seasonal manner, having more concentration in certain periods from the year. It was evaluated that the main advantage noticed by the realization from the hotels's events is the utilization from alimentation and drinking services, surpassing the advantage from elevation of taxes occupation from the apartments


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The energy efficiency of buildings should be a goal at the pre-design phase, though the importance of the design variables is often neglected even during the design process. Highlighting the relevance of these design variables, this research studies the relationships of building location variables with the electrical energy consumption of residential units. The following building design parameters are considered: orientation, story height and sky view factor (SVF). The consideration of the SVF as a location variable contributes to the originality of this research. Data of electrical energy consumption and users' profiles were collected and several variables were considered for the development of an Artificial Neural Network model. This model allows the determination of the relative importance of each variable. The results show that the apartments' orientation is the most important design variable for the energy consumption, although the story height and the sky view factor play a fundamental role in that consumption too. We pointed out that building heights above twenty-four meters do not optimize the energy efficiency of the apartments and also that an increasing SVF can influence the energy consumption of an apartment according to their orientation.


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La aparición de varias fotografías del Café Samt & Seide no publicadas hasta 2008 en las que se observaba la luz natural de la exposición; los planos a escala de la nave donde se realizó la exposición textil; y los croquis inéditos de la instalación de la seda localizados durante el transcurso de la Tesis Doctoral por el doctorando en el plano de la Sala de Cristal, han sido las principales aportaciones de la búsqueda documental que ha tenido por objeto el conocimiento espacial e interpretación gráfica del proyecto expositivo realizada durante el transcurso de la Tesis Doctoral para poder profundizar en el alcance de la propuesta protoarquitectónica y, a través de ella, en la obra y pensamiento de Mies van der Rohe. Material, espacio y color son elementos propuestos como capítulos que estructuran la disertación y que son empleados por Mies van der Rohe como factores de una nueva expresión espacial en la exposiciones como ensayos identificados con su idea de arquitectura. En el Café Samt & Seide, Mies van der Rohe y Lilly Reich proponen una sensibilidad en el empleo del material y color trasladada al espacio mediante una atmósfera rítmica y en movimiento de superficies abstraídas e iluminadas. La estructura visual de opuestos nace del doble material textil de la exposición desplegándose en un orden espacial y constructivo de elementos independientes iniciado en los apartamentos de la Colonia Weissenhof y Sala de Cristal de Stuttgart 1926-1927, y que será trasladado desde los espacios experimentales de 1927 a las series de mármoles y cristales del Pabellón Alemán 1928-1929. La síntesis intelectual (arte-ciencia-filosofía) guía el proceso de formalización y la técnica en una intención que será trasladada a su arquitectura en el empleo de la tecnología. La creatividad y repercusión de las vanguardias en la instalación muestra la voluntad integradora de la exposición y arquitectura como arte total. Los aspectos interpretativos de las artes plásticas, visuales y musicales se integran como criterios y sensibilidades aplicadas a las estructuras yuxtapuestas material, espacial y de color. Modernidad y tradición tectónica convergen en este espacio construido cuyas superficies cubren un armazón metálico oculto. La construcción mínima textil será incorporada como idea de forma en la futura construcción del pilar metálico, la pared flotante de sus viviendas y pabellones abiertos a la naturaleza, y la gran fachada tecnológica del espacio público de sus agrupaciones en la ciudad. El espacio total del Café Samt & Seide dentro de la gran nave de Berlín anticipa las exposiciones artísticas e industriales realizadas junto a Lilly Reich en el interior de las espaciosas salas de estructura metálica como instalaciones conceptuales de gravedad y luz antecedentes de los pabellones de grandes dimensiones y espacio universal. Arquitectura, construcción y lugar son integrados en la instalación por el principio estructural como propuesta de una idea de arquitectura que es desarrollada en las exposiciones. Oscilador y bastidor son construcciones escaladas dentro de la gran nave iluminada, expresando el conjunto un orden de partes que reflejan un todo integrado en la naturaleza y lo universal. Las múltiples relaciones espaciales, constructivas y conceptuales de la exposición con su arquitectura desvelan al Café Samt & Seide como un exponente y antecedente de su obra e idea a la que definió como una propuesta estructural. La estructura, entendida como un conjunto de valores culturales y medios técnicos, es el concepto con el que Mies van der Rohe identifica la síntesis intelectualtecnológica de su tiempo, constituyendo la finalidad de su expresión material, espacial y de color. ABSTRACT The unpublished pictures of the Café Samt & Seide appeared in 2008 in which the natural light in the exhibition can be seen; the scaled plan of the nave where the textile exhibition was held; and the unpublished sketches of the silk exhibition located by the doctoral candidate while preparing his dissertation have been the main input of the data search aiming at a better understanding of the space and a graphic interpretation of the exhibition project made by the doctoral candidate during the dissertation as a basic requirement to deepen in the scope of this protoarchitectural proposal and, though it, into Mies van der Rohe’s work and thinking. Material, space and colour are the elements put forward as the chapters structuring this dissertation and were used by Mies van der Rohe as factors of a new spatial expression in expositions as tests identified with his idea of architecture. In Café Samt & Seide, Mies van der Rohe and Lilly Reich present material and colour sensitivity transferred to space though a rhythmic and moving atmosphere made up by abstracted and lit surfaces. Such a visual grammar and oppositions unfolds into a space and constructive order of independent elements originated with the apartments of the Weissenhof Colony and Glass Room in Stuttgart 1926-1927, and which were transferred these test spaces 1927 to the series of marble and glass in the German Pavilion 1928-1929. The intellectual and formal will (art-science-philosophy) guides the technical expression, which is transferred to architecture through technology. The creativity and impact of avant-gardes in the installation reflects exhibition and architecture’s will to integrate as a Total Art. The interpretative aspects of plastic, visual and musical arts are part of a sensitivity applied to the overlapped structures of material, space and colour. Tectonic modernity and tradition converge in this space built with surfaces covering a hidden metal framework. The minimal textile construction is integrated as a shape idea in his subsequent construction of the metal pillar, floating wall in his housing and pavilions open to nature, and the great technological façade of the public space of his urban clusters. The total space of the exhibition inside the great nave in Berlin anticipates the artistic and industrial exhibitions done together with Lilly Reich inside the spacious Halls built with exposed metal structures as conceptual installation of gravity and light prior to the big-dimensioned pavilions and universal space. Architecture, construction and place are integrated by the structural principle. Oscillator and framework are scaled constructions integrated inside the great, lit nave, and the whole conveys order of its parts reflecting a whole integrated in nature and the universal. The many conceptual, space and constructive link of the textile exhibition to his European and American architecture add a greater knowledge of the time when Mies van der Rohe stated he gained a “new awareness” 1926, revealing Café Samt & Seide as a valuable example and the experimental precursor of his work and idea defined by himself as a “structural proposal”. The structure, understood as a set of cultural and material values expressed by architecture, is the notion used by Mies van der Rohe to identify the intellectual-technological synthesis as the idea of a time and which is the goal of its material, space and colour expression.


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Diferentemente de muitas cidades europeias, a urbanização da cidade de São Paulo ocorreu na medida de seu crescimento econômico e populacional, formando um desenho urbano heterogêneo, sem padrões. A falta de um planejamento eficaz somada à priorização do transporte individual geraram problemas urbanos tais como congestionamentos, degradação ambiental, transporte público incipiente, etc. O novo plano diretor estratégico de São Paulo surge com uma proposta para reorganização da cidade, adensando regiões providas de maior infraestrutura e limitando a densidade populacional das outras regiões. Responsável pelo desenvolvimento imobiliário, o setor de real estate é afetado diretamente pelas novas diretrizes do plano diretor. Neste trabalho, são discutidos os impactos do novo plano diretor no planejamento de produtos residenciais, identificando os efeitos na formação de preços e das tipologias que passarão a ser ofertadas de acordo com as novas diretrizes de uso do solo, bem como as possíveis respostas do mercado, ou seja, empreendedores e a população. A metodologia de pesquisa contou com estudos bibliográficos, coleta de dados em uma incorporadora tradicional da cidade de São Paulo, e estudos de qualidade de investimento. Uma base de dados de terrenos foi submetida ao modelo de modo a comparar os resultados de empreender considerando a legislação anterior e a atual imposta pelo plano. Como resultado, verificou-se que a consequência indireta do plano será o aumento de preço de venda de apartamentos. Para minimizar esse efeito, será necessário: reduzir as taxas de retorno do empreendedor, reduzir as áreas privativas, custos de obra e os custos de terreno. Para os empreendedores, o planejamento de produtos se tornará ainda mais importante, diante das novas limitações e da provável redução de seus resultados financeiros. Ainda, a tendência é que terrenos localizados próximos dos eixos de transporte tenham seus preços de comercialização elevados, e a oferta de apartamentos nessas regiões será de produtos de até 80 metros quadrados. Já os terrenos localizados em regiões de baixo aproveitamento poderão ter a atividade de incorporação inviabilizada, a não ser que haja reduções consideráveis dos custos de terreno.


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O principal objectivo deste estudo centra-se na compreensão das relações entre autonomia, satisfação com a vida e a satisfação com a instituição em jovens institucionalizados. Analisaram-se estes três conceitos nas suas relações com a idade, sexo e tipo de resposta social, incidindo a atenção nas diferenças existentes num acolhimento em lar de infância e juventude [LIJ] e apartamento de autonomização [AA]. Participaram neste estudo 181 jovens, de ambos os sexos, com idades compreendidas entre os 13 e os 21 anos. Em LIJ estavam acolhidos 155 jovens e 26 em AA. Para avaliar a autonomia utilizou-se o Questionário de Autonomia dos Adolescentes e para a satisfação com a vida a Escala de Satisfação com a Vida. Foi elaborado um questionário com o intuito de avaliar a satisfação com a instituição. De uma forma geral, os resultados indicam-nos que a satisfação com a vida está relacionada positivamente com a autonomia, na sua forma geral, com a dimensão autonomia funcional e com a satisfação com a instituição. A autonomia funcional encontra-se igualmente relacionada positivamente com a satisfação com a instituição. Os rapazes manifestam-se mais satisfeitos com a vida e com a instituição, assim como se sentem mais autónomos do que as raparigas. Os jovens mais velhos mostram-se mais autónomos que os mais novos, e a nível da resposta social é nos AA que se verifica maior autonomia, satisfação com a vida e com a instituição. Podemos salientar que os jovens institucionalizados apresentam níveis de satisfação com a vida baixos, sejam eles jovens mais novos ou mais velhos. Verificámos também que a satisfação com a vida destes jovens é influenciada positivamente pela percepção de competência face à escolha de uma estratégia e sua concretização para atingir um objectivo. Finalmente, podemos perceber que os jovens acolhidos em AA se mostram menos insatisfeitos com a vida e com a instituição, assim como manifestam uma percepção de autonomia superior, aos acolhidos em LIJ. / The main objective of this study focuses on understanding the relationship between autonomy, life satisfaction and institution satisfaction for institutionalized youngters. The analysis was based in these three concepts related to their age relations, sex and type of social care, focuses the attention on the differences between residential care and apartment care. In this study participated 181 youngsters, of both sexes, aged between 13 and 21 years old. Of the 181 youngsters, 155 were placed in residential care and 26 in the apartments care (apartments focused in autonomy development). In order to evaluate autonomy was used the Adolescent Autonomy Questionnaire, for evaluate life satisfaction was used the Students’ Life Satisfaction Scale. To access satisfaction with the institution, was developed a questionnaire, Satisfaction with the Institution Scale. In a general way, the results indicate that life satisfaction is positively related to autonomy, in its general form, with functional autonomy dimension and satisfaction with the institution. Functional autonomy is also positively related to satisfaction with the institution. The boys manifest, themselves, more satisfied with life and the institution as well as feel more autonomous than girls. The older youngsters appear to be more autonomous than younger ones. Analyzing the type of care, is in the apartment care that appear to be greater autonomy, satisfaction with life and with the institution. We point out that institutionalized youngsters have low life satisfaction, low levels whether they be younger or older youngsters. We also observed that life satisfaction of these youngsters is positively influenced by the perception of competence given the choice of a strategy and its implementation to achieve a goal. Finally, we can observe that youngsters in apartment care are less dissatisfied with life and the institution as well as express a greater sense of autonomy to those living in residential care.


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This work investigates the using of kitchens of the apartments of PLANO 100 in Natal-RN, through one method s set of the functional and behavior evaluation. The theme was selected through of the emergence of the many questions that sought to understand what manners how individuals relates to the constructed space, what was the possible changes caused by these relation, also verifying how this space interferes in a daily life of theirs users. This research to search answers what to improve of the study s object and in futures production s architectonic too. The used approach combined an overview of new kinds of familiar arrangements and the evolution process of the brazilian s kitchens within social context of Brazil, with APO (Post-Occupation Evaluation), techniques through a physical space survey, questionnaires and interviews with users. Beyond to APO s implements were applied behavior setting s techniques too, what presented the most knowledge about to satisfactions levels pointed by the users


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This work investigates the using of kitchens of the apartments of PLANO 100 in Natal-RN, through one method s set of the functional and behavior evaluation. The theme was selected through of the emergence of the many questions that sought to understand what manners how individuals relates to the constructed space, what was the possible changes caused by these relation, also verifying how this space interferes in a daily life of theirs users. This research to search answers what to improve of the study s object and in futures production s architectonic too. The used approach combined an overview of new kinds of familiar arrangements and the evolution process of the brazilian s kitchens within social context of Brazil, with APO (Post-Occupation Evaluation), techniques through a physical space survey, questionnaires and interviews with users. Beyond to APO s implements were applied behavior setting s techniques too, what presented the most knowledge about to satisfactions levels pointed by the users