986 resultados para The American Dream
Pro gradu -tutkielmassani tarkastelen, miten amerikkalainen unelma on Yhdysvaltain historian saatossa kehittynyt yhteiskunnallisen kontrollin välineeksi. Amerikkalaisen unelman yksilölliset ja kollektiiviset kokemukset ovat ristiriidassa unelman sisäisten rakenteiden kanssa, jotka kätkeytyvät sen vahvan retoriikan taakse. Täten unelmasta muodostuu ideologia ja ideologinen valtakoneisto marxilaisen yhteiskuntateoreetikon Louis Althusserin määritelmien mukaisesti. Tutkielmassani tarkastelen amerikkalaisen unelman ilmenemistä amerikkalaisessa populaarikulttuurissa. Populaarikulttuuri tavoittaa laajan yleisön, ja sen arkipäiväiset aiheet välittävät ja uusintavat amerikkalaista unelmaa tehden siitä luonnollisen ja sisäistetyn osan amerikkalaisia toiminta- ja ajattelumalleja. Populaarikirjallisuutta esimerkkinä käyttäen pyrin selvittämään, miten amerikkalainen unelma ideologisena valtakoneistona käyttää hyväksi yksilön subjektiviteetin rakenteita taatakseen oman jatkuvuutensa. Teoreettisen viitekehyksen subjektiviteetin tarkastelulle luo ranskalaisen semiotiikantutkijan Julia Kristevan psykoanalyyttinen teoria, jonka mukaan subjektiviteetti rakentuu yksilön piilotajunnan ja tietoisuuden vuorovaikutuksesta. Amerikkalainen unelma hyödyntää tätä vuorovaikutusta peilaamalla yksilön piilotajuisia pelkoja ja haluja. Kristeva käsittelee piilotajuisia haluja käyttäen apunaan ranskankielistä termiä jouissance, joka viittaa sellaiseen tiedostamattomaan haluun tai tarpeeseen, joka toimii elämän elinehtona ja selviytymisviettinä. Pelkoja Kristeva puolestaan tarkastelee abjektion käsitteen kautta. Abjekti tarkoittaa sellaista tunnistamatonta pelkoa, joka purkautuu tietoisuuteen piilotajunnan ja tietoisuuden vuorovaikutuksen ansiosta. Sekä abjekti että jouissance ilmenevät tietoisuudessa ahdistuksen kokemuksena, johon amerikkalainen unelma tarjoaa ratkaisun asettamalla abstrakteja ja konkreettisia tavoitteita, jotka yksilön tulisi saavuttaa. Amerikkalainen unelma ei kuitenkaan koskaan toteudu. Se perustuu liikkeeseen jonka keskiössä on jatkuva muutos ja kehitys.
Neste artigo resenho o debate acadêmico suscitado nos Estados Unidos por causa dos argumentos de Huntington sobre a imigração hispânica, sobretudo a de mexicanos, para este país. Em suas obras "The Hispanic challenge" e Who are we?, Huntington argumenta que, por razões demográficas e políticas, os imigrantes mexicanos não se assimilariam ao core culture norte-americano fundado nos valores anglo-protestantes, o que dividiria os EUA em dois povos, duas culturas e duas linguagens. As pesquisas empíricas aqui resenhadas que testaram os argumentos empíricos de Huntington os negaram e os críticos teóricos destes concebem que eles são doutrinários porque expressam uma ideologia settler, bem como manifestam a teoria do conflito do pluralismo cultural e a do colonianismo interno.
In my thesis, I use historical and literary analysis to study how the concept of the American Dream was popularized during the Great Depression and how cultural understanding of the term has changed following the 2008 Recession. By comparing popular media, literature, and political documents within a historical framework from the 1930s and after 2008 through the present day, I analyze how the term ¿American Dream¿ has persisted as an element of the United States¿ national ethos. I explore why the language of the American Dream does not appear to carry the same resonance in American society as in the 1930s, even though the post-2008 economic environment is somewhat comparable to conditions created by the Great Depression and associated reform measures. This comparative historical approach in scholarly studies of the American Dream is unique because the two periods have not previously been discussed in relation to one another in order to show transformations in cultural understanding of the Dream. The American Dream, both embodying a dual identity as an aspiration to aspire to and also as a delusional fantasy which can lead to cynicism, is a highly complex idea in lived experience. The concept¿s ambiguous nature allows for individuals to interpret it differently, allowing for the term to remain resilient throughout different periods in United States history. While the meaning of the term has been subject to change, it is grounded upon an idealistic concept of American individualism and hope that through one¿s merit, one will be able to achieve one¿s vision of success. Through interdisciplinary analysis, I show that the American Dream will alter to suit the needs of contemporary society and the term¿s power will continue to endure in society despite evidence of rising cynicism since 2008.
Mode of access: Internet.
Mode of access: Internet.
Lo scopo di questo lavoro di tesi è quello di analizzare come, in una finestra di tempo di circa cento anni, si sia fissato nell’immaginario collettivo la figura dell’italoamericano come gangster. Partendo dalle questioni delle migrazioni, che caratterizzarono l’Italia meridionale a fine Ottocento, e che portarono migliaia di italiani negli Stati Uniti. Sin da subito vennero rappresentati su vignette satiriche come sporchi, ignoranti e ladri. Il cinema non tardò molto a dare la sua rappresentazione, con cortometraggi e successivamente film veri e propri. Con il passare del tempo questi personaggi italoamericani cominciarono ad essere sempre più caratterizzati dai cineasti, facendoli così diventare dei veri e propri miti, prendendo ispirazione dalla realtà, come accadde per i film degli anni Trenta Little Caesar e Scarface, che si basavano su Al Capone. Proprio sui protagonisti di questi due film vennero successivamente ricalcati i personaggi degli anni successivi, ovviamente apportando modifiche e caratterizzandoli maggiormente. Ci troviamo nel periodo del secondo dopoguerra e il genere gangster inizia a fondersi con il noir, caratterizzandosi da nuove sfaccettature, per ovviare anche al problema della censura del codice Hays, che vietava la rappresentazione di etnie in comportamenti immorali. Nella parte conclusiva di questo lavoro di tesi, mi occupo del periodo che va dagli anni Sessanta, caratterizzato da un clima di mutamento e di rivoluzione, sia per quanto riguarda la società americana che per il cinema stesso. Il codice Hays non ha più influenza sui cineasti e, adesso, cineasti italoamericani come Coppola e Scorsese, danno voce alle loro fantasie ed esperienze, abbracciando le loro origini.
The Mexican dream is the equivalent of the American Dream for Mexico. This thesis explores what is the equivalent of the American Dream for young Mexican adults (25 to 35 year old Mexicans). The aim of the study is to develop an understanding of the core values of young Mexican adults. The study is made for a case company, Expertos Patrimoniales Wealth Management Advisors, who intend to sell financial management services to these young Mexican adults in the next 5 to 10 years. This study implements a cross-cultural consumer behavior framework by David Luna, in order to consider factors like culture, and value systems to uncover the Mexican Dream for young Mexican adults. In order to gather data for this study, key informants were interviewed in specific areas, such as culture, financial consumer behavior and Mexican culture among others. The results suggest that independence is a strong driver for the young Mexican adults, independence from their family, from the corporate hierarchy and men. These core drivers differ from the traditional culture values where hierarchy and a secure job, family which includes the extended family and women´s economic dependency on men have been strong. Images of the future are created in order to understand the young Mexican adults Mexican Dream in the next 5 to 10 years, in order to provide useful information for the case company for the development of products and services that this segment of the Mexican market might find interesting in the near future.
Mode of access: Internet.
No abstract available
To attend and obtain the systems and. internal controls mechanisms proposed by Sarbanes-Oxley certifications is actually a big challenge,for most of the multinational companies registered in SEC (US Securities and Exchange Commission). This work has the objective of contributing to the analysis of this methodology, not only to attend the law but to reduce cost and generate value through the strengthen of the internal control systems, turning them into animating value generation process mechanisms. So, the idea is to identify the main gaps in the theory through the literature revision and a case study in order to put a question to the main deficiencies, strong points or contributions through the evaluation of the noticed practices. Finally, we can say that a a result of the research and the analyses made in. this case, the vast majority of executives and other employees recognize the benefit that Sarbanes-Oxley Act has brought to the company searched. Also recognize that, although there is still necessity for systemic adequacy and infrastructure, it helps and reinforce reducing and controlling the risks. the system of internal controls in all areas of expertise. They approach and understand that there is the need for a change in the other employees` culture to be inserted in the day-today routine as internal controls, attention to Sarbanes-Oxley and Corporate Governance, making the control cost smaller when compared to the benefits generated.