302 resultados para Tevatron
We examine the possibility that a new strong interaction is accessible to the Tevatron and the LHC. In an effective theory approach, we consider a scenario with a new color-octet interaction with strong couplings to the top quark, as well as the presence of a strongly coupled fourth generation which could be responsible for electroweak symmetry breaking. We apply several constraints, including the ones from flavor physics. We study the phenomenology of the resulting parameter space at the Tevatron, focusing on the forward-backward asymmetry in top pair production, as well as in the production of the fourth-generation quarks. We show that if the excess in the top production asymmetry is indeed the result of this new interaction, the Tevatron could see the first hints of the strongly coupled fourth-generation quarks. Finally, we show that the LHC with root s = 7 TeV and 1 fb(-1) integrated luminosity should observe the production of fourth-generation quarks at a level at least 1 order of magnitude above the QCD prediction for the production of these states.
The Tevatron has measured a discrepancy relative to the standard model prediction in the forward-backward asymmetry in top quark pair production. This asymmetry grows with the rapidity difference of the two top quarks. It also increases with the invariant mass of the t (t) over bar pair, reaching, for high invariant masses, 3.4 standard deviations above the next-to-leading order prediction for the charge asymmetry of QCD. However, perfect agreement between experiment and the standard model was found in both total and differential cross section of top quark pair production. As this result could be a sign of new physics we have parametrized this new physics in terms of a complete set of dimension six operators involving the top quark. We have then used a Markov chain Monte Carlo approach in order to find the best set of parameters that fits the data, using all available data regarding top quark pair production at the Tevatron. We have found that just a very small number of operators are able to fit the data better than the standard model.
Recerca de producció de gravitons en escenaris amb dimensions extres al Tevatron amb el detector CDF
Les dimensions extres plantegen una solució al problema de la jerarquia de les forces i proposen una explicació a l’aparent feblesa de la força de la gravetat en front de les altres forces. Utilitzant dades simulades i dades proporcionades pel detector CDF situat en l’accelerador Tevatron a Fermilab (Chicago, EEUU), s’ha realitzat una recerca de dimensions extres i de producció de gravitons.
We estimate the attainable limits on the coefficients of dimension-6 operators from the analysis of Higgs boson phenomenology, in the framework of a SUL(2)UY(1) gauge-invariant effective Lagrangian. Our results, based on the data sample already collected by the collaborations at Fermilab Tevatron, show that the coefficients of Higgs-vector boson couplings can be determined with unprecedented accuracy. Assuming that the coefficients of all blind operators are of the same magnitude, we are also able to impose more restrictive bounds on the anomalous vector-boson triple couplings than the present limit from double gauge boson production at the Tevatron collider.
Supersymmetric extensions of the standard model exhibiting bilinear R-parity violation can generate naturally the observed neutrino mass spectrum as well as mixings. One interesting feature of these scenarios is that the lightest supersymmetric particle (LSP) is unstable, with several of its decay properties predicted in terms of neutrino mixing angles. A smoking gun of this model in colliders is the presence of displaced vertices due to LSP decays in large parts of the parameter space. In this work we focus on the simplest model of this type that comes from minimal supergravity with universal R-parity conserving soft breaking of supersymmetry augmented with bilinear R-parity breaking terms at the electroweak scale (RmSUGRA). We evaluate the potential of the Fermilab Tevatron to probe the RmSUGRA parameters through the analysis of events possessing two displaced vertices stemming from LSP decays. We show that requiring two displaced vertices in the events leads to a reach in m(1/2) twice the one in the usual multilepton signals in a large fraction of the parameter space.
We present a search for supersymmetry in the R-parity violating resonant production and decay of smuons and muon sneutrinos in the channels mu ->chi(0)(1)mu, mu ->chi(0)(2,3,4)mu, and nu(mu)->chi(+/-)(1,2)mu. We analyzed 0.38 fb(-1) of integrated luminosity collected between April 2002 and August 2004 with the D0 detector at the Fermilab Tevatron Collider. The observed number of events is in agreement with the standard model expectation, and we calculate 95% C.L. limits on the slepton production cross section times branching fraction to gaugino plus muon, as a function of slepton and gaugino masses. In the framework of minimal supergravity, we set limits on the coupling parameter lambda(')(211), extending significantly previous results obtained in Run I of the Tevatron and at the CERN LEP collider.
We show that the usual vector meson dominance method does not apply directly to the mixing of a color-octet vector boson (color-octet technirho) with the gluon because of gauge invariance. We propose a gauge invariant method where one works in a physical basis with mass eigenstate fields, As a result, we show that the physical technirho does not couple to two gluons, contrary to the general belief, Consequences for the production of a pair of color-octet, isosinglet technipions (technietas) at Fermilab is analyzed by means of a simulation of the signal and background, including kinematical cuts. We find that the signal is too small to be observed. (C) 2001 Published by Elsevier B.V. B.V.
Within a wide class of models, the CERN LEP2 lower limit of 95 GeV on the chargino mass implies gluinos are heavier than similar to 300 GeV. In this case electroweak (W) over tilde(1)(W) over tilde(1) production and (W) over tilde(1)(Z) over tilde(2) production are the dominant supersymmerry (SUSY) processes at the Fermilab Tevatron, and the extensively examined isolated trilepton signal From (W) over tilde(1)(Z) over tilde(2) production assumes an even greater importance. We update our previous calculations of the SUSY reach of luminosity upgrades of the Fermilab Tevatron in this channel incorporating (i) decay matrix elements in the computation of the momenta of leptons from chargino and neutralino decays, (ii) the trilepton background from W*Z* and W*gamma* production which, though neglected in previous analyses, turns out to be the dominant background, and finally, (iii) modified sets of cuts designed to reduce these new backgrounds and increase the range of model parameters for which the signal is observable. We show our improved projections for the reach for SUSY of both the Fermilab Main Injector and the proposed TeV33 upgrade. We also present opposite sign same flavor dilepton invariant mass distributions as well as the p(T) distributions of leptons in SUSY trilepton events, and comment upon how the inclusion of decay matrix elements impacts upon the Tevatron reach, as well as upon the extraction of neutralino masses.
We study the process p (p) over bar --> gammagammagamma as a signal for associated photon-technipion production at the Tevatron. This is a clean signature with relatively low background. Resonant and non-resonant contributions are included and we show that technicolor models can be effectively probed in this mode. (C) 2002 Elsevier B.V. B.V. All rights reserved.
We study the neutral Higgs boson production via the gluon fusion process with the tau(+)tau(-) final state at the upgraded Fermilab Tevatron, including a complete simulation of signal channels and leading background processes. For the SM Higgs boson, this h --> tau(+)tau(-) channel may provide important addition for the Higgs boson discovery in the mass range 120 - 140 GeV. In minimal supersymmetric models, natural enhancement for the signal rate over the SM expectation makes the h, H, A --> tau(+)tau(-) signal observable for large tan beta and low MA, which may lead to full coverage for SUSY Higgs parameters at the Tevatron with a moderate integrated luminosity.
We estimate the attainable limits on the coefficients of dimension-6 operators from the analysis of Higgs boson phenomenology, in the framework of a SUL(2) x U-Y(1) gauge-invariant effective Lagrangian. Our results, based on the data sample already collected by the collaborations at Fermilab Tevatron, show that the coefficients of Higgs-vector boson couplings can be determined with unprecedented accuracy. Assuming that the coefficients of all blind operators are of the same magnitude, we are also able to impose more restrictive bounds on the anomalous vector-boson triple couplings than the present limit from double gauge boson production at the Tevatron collider.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
We combine results from searches by the CDF and D0 collaborations for a standard model Higgs boson (H) in the process gg -> H -> W+W- in p (p) over bar collisions at the Fermilab Tevatron Collider at root s = 1.96 TeV. With 4.8 fb(-1) of integrated luminosity analyzed at CDF and 5.4 fb(-1) at D0, the 95% confidence level upper limit on sigma(gg -> H) x B(H -> W+W-) is 1.75 pb at m(H) = 120 GeV, 0.38 pb at m(H) = 165 GeV, and 0.83 pb at m(H) = 200 GeV. Assuming the presence of a fourth sequential generation of fermions with large masses, we exclude at the 95% confidence level a standard-model-like Higgs boson with a mass between 131 and 204 GeV.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)