70 resultados para Tetrapterys mucronata


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The family Malpighiaceae is considered monophyletic, but the intra-family classification is conflicting. Analyses of floral vasculature allow the identification of reductions, connations and adnations and can even reveal evolutionary steps prior to current floral morphology. The present work analysed the floral vasculature of Janusia mediterranea, Mascagnia cordifolia and Tetrapterys chamaecerasifolia using material processed by traditional methods for light microscopy. A general pattern was observed of three bundle traces supplying each sepal and one trace per petal and stamen; Mascagnia is an exception, as its eglandular sepal has only a median trace but shares lateral traces with adjacent sepals. No dorsal traces are emitted to the carpels; however, three intercarpellary complexes are emitted that divide into six ventral bundles, supplying the ovule. Mascagnia demonstrates connation between the anterior and adjacent sepal glands; reductions of the anterior sepal glands were registered in Tetrapterys and Janusia. This work reveals two distinct processes for gland loss in non-related groups of the family that resulted in similar present appearances. Our evaluation of the number of calyx glands and the processes of glandular loss in species with less than ten glands improves our understanding of the evolution of calyx glands in Malpighiaceae. © 2013 Elsevier GmbH.


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Para determinar a reversibilidade das lesões neurológicas e cardíacas nas intoxicações por Ateleia glazioviana e Tetrapterys multiglandulosa, as duas plantas foram administradas por via oral a 3 grupos de quatro ovinos cada. Nos Grupos 1, 2 e 3, quando os animais apresentaram sinais neurológicos de intoxicação com agravamento substancial do quadro clínico e possibilidade de morte, suspendeu-se a administração da planta. O Grupo 4 com dois ovinos foi utilizado como controle. Os ovinos do Grupo 1, que receberam A. glazioviana fresca colhida no outono na dose de 10g/kg por dia durante 6 dias e foram eutanasiados aos 8, 11, 16 e 21 dias após o início do experimento, apresentaram regressão dos sinais nervosos e progressão das lesões cardíacas. Os ovinos do Grupo 2, que receberam a mesma dose de A. glazioviana fresca, colhida na primavera por 8 dias e foram eutanasiados aos 9, 23, 38 e 68 dias apresentaram regressão dos sinais nervosos e não apresentaram lesões cardíacas, sugerindo que a planta é menos tóxica na primavera do que no outono. Os ovinos do Grupo 3, que receberam T. multiglandulosa seca e moída misturada à ração na dose de 10 g/kg durante 11 dias e foram eutanasiados aos 33, 33, 92 e 92 dias, apresentaram regressão dos sinais nervosos e as lesões cardíacas aos 92 dias foram menos severas que aos 33 dias. Esses resultados demonstraram que as lesões do sistema nervoso central são reversíveis após o fim da ingestão. Pelo contrário as lesões cardíacas são progressivas após o fim da ingestão, ocorrendo regressão somente após um período se os animais não apresentarem sinais clínicos e morte. Os resultados deste e de outros trabalhos, analisados em conjunto, comprovam que as lesões do sistema nervoso ocorrem com doses menores e em menor tempo do que as lesões cardíacas. Isto sugere que, em casos espontâneos, sempre que se observam lesões cardíacas estas são precedidas por sinais nervosos e podem ocorrer sinais nervosos sem evidências de lesões cardíacas.


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Em uma propriedade no município de Roseira Velha, São Paulo, com histórico de doença cardíaca, abortos e sinais nervosos em bovinos, associados à ingestão de Tetrapterys multiglandulosa, foi observada fibrose cardíaca em um bezerro de uma semana de idade que apresentava apatia, fraqueza e insuficiência respiratória. Os objetivos desse trabalho foram determinar se a espécie ovina é sensível à intoxicação por T. multiglandulosa, descrever as alterações clínicas e patológicas da intoxicação e avaliar a utilização dessa espécie como modelo experimental para a intoxicação. Para determinar a toxicidade de T. multiglandulosa a ser utilizada em ovinos, foi realizado um experimento prévio em um bovino, sendo administrado 22g por kg de peso vivo (g/kg/pv) da planta verde durante 9 dias. Após 9 dias de ingestão o animal apresentou sinais nervosos e no 12º dia foi eutanasiado. Na necropsia não foram observadas lesões. No estudo histológico observou-se vacuolização (status spongiosus, espongiose) da camada profunda da substância cinzenta do córtex cerebral e da substância branca subcortical. Para a reprodução da enfermidade em ovinos foram utilizados 6 ovinos, machos, divididos em 3 grupos de 2 animais cada. Os Ovinos 1 e 2 do Grupo 1 receberam doses diárias de 6 g/kg/pv da planta seca por um período de 30 dias; os Ovinos 3 e 4 do Grupo 2 receberam doses diárias de 3 g/kg/pv por um período de 60 dias; e os Ovinos 5 e 6 do Grupo 3 serviram como controle. O Ovino 1 foi sacrificado aos 30 dias de administração da planta. Apresentou somente arritmia cardíaca e não foram observadas lesões significativas na necropsia. Os Ovinos 2, 3 e 4 apresentaram arritmia a partir dos dias 9, 12 e 18 do início do experimento, respectivamente. A partir do 52º dia iniciaram a apresentar depressão, relutância em locomover-se e incoordenação. Esses sinais foram se agravando e os ovinos foram sacrificados, com sinais clínicos acentuados, aos 60, 70 e 80 dias após o início do experimento, respectivamente. Na necropsia apresentaram hidropericárdio, ascite, hidrotórax, fígado em noz moscada e miocárdio endurecido e esbranquiçado, especialmente no septo interventricular e ventrículo esquerdo. Microscopicamente, o coração dos Ovinos 2, 3 e 4 apresentava áreas de fibrose associadas a infiltrado inflamatório mononuclear. Não foram observadas lesões cardíacas no coração do Ovino 1. No cérebro e tronco encefálico de todos os animais que receberam a planta observou-se espongiose, principalmente na camada profunda da córtex e da substância branca subcortical. No cerebelo observou-se espongiose da substância branca e na medula cervical havia espongiose da substância branca e espongiose discreta da substância cinzenta. Essa lesões eram discretas no Ovino 1 e moderadas a acentuadas nos Ovinos 2, 3 e 4. Na microscopia eletrônica da substância branca cerebelar foi observado que o status spongiosus observado na microscopia de luz é causado por edema intramielínico. Os dois ovinos do grupo controle, sacrificados aos 80 dias após o início do experimento, não apresentaram sinais clínicos nem lesões macroscópicas ou histológicas significativas.


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Discussion Conclusions Materials and Methods Acknowledgments Author Contributions References Reader Comments (0) Figures Abstract The importance of mangrove forests in carbon sequestration and coastal protection has been widely acknowledged. Large-scale damage of these forests, caused by hurricanes or clear felling, can enhance vulnerability to erosion, subsidence and rapid carbon losses. However, it is unclear how small-scale logging might impact on mangrove functions and services. We experimentally investigated the impact of small-scale tree removal on surface elevation and carbon dynamics in a mangrove forest at Gazi bay, Kenya. The trees in five plots of a Rhizophora mucronata (Lam.) forest were first girdled and then cut. Another set of five plots at the same site served as controls. Treatment induced significant, rapid subsidence (−32.1±8.4 mm yr−1 compared with surface elevation changes of +4.2±1.4 mm yr−1 in controls). Subsidence in treated plots was likely due to collapse and decomposition of dying roots and sediment compaction as evidenced from increased sediment bulk density. Sediment effluxes of CO2 and CH4 increased significantly, especially their heterotrophic component, suggesting enhanced organic matter decomposition. Estimates of total excess fluxes from treated compared with control plots were 25.3±7.4 tCO2 ha−1 yr−1 (using surface carbon efflux) and 35.6±76.9 tCO2 ha−1 yr−1 (using surface elevation losses and sediment properties). Whilst such losses might not be permanent (provided cut areas recover), observed rapid subsidence and enhanced decomposition of soil sediment organic matter caused by small-scale harvesting offers important lessons for mangrove management. In particular mangrove managers need to carefully consider the trade-offs between extracting mangrove wood and losing other mangrove services, particularly shoreline stabilization, coastal protection and carbon storage.


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Se estudian 44 poblaciones de 7 táxones ibéricos del género Serratula L. Se obtienen como resultado los números cromosomáticos siguientes: S. tinctoria L., 2n=22; S. nudicaulis (L.) DC., 2n= 30 + (0-4) B; S. flavescens (L.) Poiret subsp. flavescens, 2n=30; S. flavescens subsp. leucantha (Cav.) Cantó & Costa stat. nov., 2n=30; S. flavescens subsp. mucronata (Desf.) Cantó stat. nov., 2n=60; S. pinnatifida (Cav.) Poiret, 2n=60, 90; S. legionensis Lacaita, 2n=30.


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Survival, growth, above ground biomass accumulation, soil surface elevation dynamics and nitrogen accumulation in accreted sediments were studied in experimental treatments planted with four different densities (6.96, 3.26, 1.93 and 0.95 seedlings m-2) of the mangrove Rhizophora mucronata in Puttalam Lagoon, Sri Lanka. Measurements were taken over a period of 1171 days and were compared with those from unplanted controls. Trees at the lowest density showed significantly reduced survival, whilst measures of individual tree growth did not differ significantly among treatments. Rates of surface sediment accretion (means ± S.E.) were 13.0 (±1.3), 10.5 (±0.9), 8.4 (±0.3), 6.9 (±0.5) and 5.7 (±0.3) mm yr-1 at planting densities of 6.96, 3.26, 1.93, 0.95, and 0 (unplanted control) seedlings m-2, respectively, showing highly significant differences among treatments. Mean (± S.E.) rates of surface elevation change were much lower than rates of accretion at 2.8 (±0.2), 1.6 (±0.1), 1.1 (±0.2), 0.6 (±0.2) and -0.3 (±0.1) mm yr-1 for 6.96, 3.26, 1.93, 0.95, and 0 seedlings m-2, respectively. All planted treatments appeared to accumulate greater nitrogen concentrations in the sediment compared to the unplanted control, and suggests one potential causal mechanism for the facilitatory effects observed; high densities of plants potentially contribute to the accretion of greater amounts of nutrient rich sediment. While this potential process needs further study, this study demonstrated how higher densities of mangroves enhance rates of sediment accretion and surface elevation, processes that may be crucial in mangrove ecosystem adaptation to sea level rise. There was no evidence that increasing plant density evoked a trade-off with growth and survival of the planted trees. Rather facilitatory effects enhanced survival at high densities, suggesting that local land managers may be able to take advantage of plantation densities to help mitigate sea-level rise effects by encouraging positive soil surface elevation increment, and perhaps even greater nutrient retention to promote mangrove growth and ameliorate nearshore eutrophication in tropical island environments.


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Se analizan las características biológicas de la merluza, vocador y cabrilla observándose diferencias respecto al invierno de 1994, para la misma área de estudio. La merluza presentó una distribución latitudinal estratificada por tamaños, ubicándose los ejemplares más pequeños al sur de 7° S y los más grandes al norte de éste. El rango de tamaños estuvo entre 10 y 77 cm de longitud total, con una moda en 22 cm y otra en 34 cm. Predominaron los ejemplares de 1 y 2 años de edad. La longitud promedio de los machos por área varió entre 23,4 y 36,3 cm y en las hembras entre 22,8 y 49,7 cm. El proceso de maduración sexual se presentó algo adelantado al norte de los 6° S. La alimentación de merluza estuvo constituida por 24 tipos de presa, siendo los grupos de peces y crustáceos dos de mayor importancia, destacando Engraulis ringens, Euphausia mucronata y la misma merluza.


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Se analiza la dieta de Engraulis ringens, Sardinops sagax sagax, Trachurus picturatus murphyi, Scomber japonicus peruanus durante el verano de 1996. La ración diaria se determinó mediante el modelo de SAINSBURY (1986), utilizando el Software MAXIMS y el espectro alimentario siguiendo lo descrito por HYSLOP (1980). En la anchoveta y sardina los items presa estuvieron compuestos por copépodos de los géneros Centropages, Oncaea, Eucalanus y el crustáceo planctónico Euphausia mucronata entre los más importantes y por los grupos diatomeas, dinoflagelados y silicoflagelados. La fracción zooplanctónica observada durante la época, ha sido superior a la observada en los estudios de serie de tiempo. En las especies jurel y caballa predominaron los crustáceos planctónicos e incluyeron en su dieta peces de las familias Myctophidae y Sciaenidae. No se observaron anchoveta ni sardina, a pesar que, tradicionalmente, estas especies has sido sus presas favoritas. La ración diaria de anchoveta ha sido determinada en 0,97 g.día-1, sardina 14,52 g.día-1, jurel 37,75 g.día-1 y caballa 49,17 g.día-1.


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En el crucero de Evaluación Hidroacústica de Recursos Pelágicos 0611-12, el biovolumen de zooplancton varió entre 0,8 y 50,0 mL/muestra, mayores núcleos se detectaron fuera de la plataforma. Los eufáusidos, más frecuentes fueron Euphausia mucronata (37,1%), E. eximia (19,3%) y Stylocheiron affine (15,5%). El máximo desove de anchoveta fue en aguas costeras frías y aguas de mezcla; las larvas alcanzaron hasta 200 mn de la costa frente al Callao. Entre los mictófidos destacaron Diogenichthys laternatus, Lampanyctus parvicauda y Triphoturus oculeus.


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Mangroves are specialised ecosystems developed along estuarine sea coasts and river mouths in tropical and subtropical regions of the world, mainly in the intertidal zone. Hence, the ecosystem and its biological components is under the influence of both marine and freshwater conditions and has developed a set of physiological adaptations to overcome problems of anoxia, salinity and frequent tidal inundations. This has led to the assemblage of a wide variety of plant and animal species of special adaptations suited to the ecosystem. The path of photosynthesis in mangroves is different from other glycophytes. There are modifications or alterations in other physiological processes such as carbohydrate metabolism or polyphenol synthesis. As they survive under extreme conditions of salinity, temperature, tides and anoxic soil conditions they may have chemical compounds, which protect them from these destructive elements. Mangroves are necessarily tolerant of high salt levels and have mechanisms to take up water despite strong osmotic potentials. Some also take up salts, but excrete them through specialised glands in the leaves. Others transfer salts into senescent leaves or store them in the bark or the wood. Still others simply become increasingly conservative in their water use as water salinity increases. A usual transportation or biosynthetic path as other plants cannot be expected in mangrove plants. In India, the states like West Bengal, Orissa, Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, Andaman and Nicobar Islands, Kerala, Goa, Maharashtra, and Gujarat occupy vast area of mangroves. Kerala has only 6 km2 total mangrove area with Rhizophora apiculata, Rhizophora mucronata, Bruguiera gymnorrhiza, Bruguiera cylindrica, Avicennia officinalis, Sonneratia caseolaris, Sonneratia apetala and Kandelia candal, as the important species present, most of which belong to the family Rhizophoraceae.Rhizophoraceae mangroves are ranked as “major elements of mangroves” as they give the real shape of this unique and interesting ecosystem and these mangrove species most productive and typical characteristic ecosystem of World renowned. It was found that the Rhizophoraceae mangrove extracts exhibit several bioactive properties. Various parts of these mangroves are used in ethnomedicinal practices. Even though extracts from these mangroves possess therapeutic activity against humans, animal and plant pathogens, the specific metabolites responsible for these bioactivities remains to be elucidated. Various parts of these mangroves are used in ethnomedicinal practices. There is a gap of information towards the chemistry of Rhizophoraceae mangroves from Kerala. Thorough phytochemical investigation can achieve the validity of ethnomedicines as well as apply the use of mangrove plants in the development of new drugs. Such studies can pave a firm base for their use in biomarker and chemotaxonomic studies as well as for the better management of the existing mangrove ecosystem. In this study, the various chemical parameters including minerals, biochemical components, bioactive and biomarker molecules were used to classify and assess the possible potentials of the mangrove plants of the true mangrove family Rhizophoraceae from Kochi.


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Identifying a periodic time-series model from environmental records, without imposing the positivity of the growth rate, does not necessarily respect the time order of the data observations. Consequently, subsequent observations, sampled in the environmental archive, can be inversed on the time axis, resulting in a non-physical signal model. In this paper an optimization technique with linear constraints on the signal model parameters is proposed that prevents time inversions. The activation conditions for this constrained optimization are based upon the physical constraint of the growth rate, namely, that it cannot take values smaller than zero. The actual constraints are defined for polynomials and first-order splines as basis functions for the nonlinear contribution in the distance-time relationship. The method is compared with an existing method that eliminates the time inversions, and its noise sensitivity is tested by means of Monte Carlo simulations. Finally, the usefulness of the method is demonstrated on the measurements of the vessel density, in a mangrove tree, Rhizophora mucronata, and the measurement of Mg/Ca ratios, in a bivalve, Mytilus trossulus.


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This paper deals with the morphological features of the tracheary elements of the vegetative organs in four Portulaca species (Portulaca hirsutissima Camb., P. halimoides L., P. wedermannii Poelln. and P. mucronata Link.) occurring in Southeast and Northeast Brazil. The vessel elements are small (< 25 mu m) and with simple perforation plate. The pattern of wall thickening varied from bordered pitting (in roots) to scalariform and helicoidal (stem and leaves). Statistical methods show variation in vessel-element diameter in different vegetative organs; wider elements were observed in roots. Tracheids occurring in leaves of P. hirsutissima and P. wedermannii, have morphological features that are similar to terminal tracheids or tracheoid idiolasts frequently associated with xerophytes. The paedomorphic features (juvenlism) observed here may be related, in part, to aspects of water transport and storage as described in Cactaceae.