970 resultados para Tetraammine- and pentaammine ruthenium complexes


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Se han sintetizado dos nuevos complejos mononucleares de Ru, con formula [RuCl2(Hbpp)(dmso)2], a partir de la reacción entre [RuCl2(dmso)4] y Hbpp (3,5-bis(2-piridil)pirazola). El hecho que sólo tres de los seis posibles estereoisómeros se obtengan a partir de esta reacción, se ha racionalizado en base a factores estructurales y electrónicos. Estos complejos se han caracterizado de forma estructural, espectroscópica y electroquímica. En acetonitrilo en medio básico, el isómero trans,cis-[RuCl2(Hbpp)(dmso)2] da lugar a procesos de isomerización de enlace de un ligando dmso cuando el Ru(II) se oxida a Ru(III). Las constantes termodinámicas y cinéticas para el proceso se han determinado por voltametria cíclica. La irradiación de trans,cis-[RuCl2(Hbpp)(dmso)2] y cis(out),cis-[RuCl2(Hbpp)(dmso)2] con luz UV o solar da lugar a reacciones de fotosustitución de un ligando dmso por una molécula de acetonitrilo para dar un nuevo compuesto el cual ha sido caracterizado en solución por técnicas espectroscópicas y electroquímicas. Ambos complejos resultan catalizadores útiles en la transferencia de hidrógeno de isopropanol a acetofenona, obteniéndose 1-feniletanol como único producto y un 42.1% de conversión (36.1 ciclos metálicos) a 80ºC con el isómero trans,cis-[RuCl2(Hbpp)(dmso)2], que resulta significativamente más eficaz que el complejo cis(out),cis-[RuCl2(Hbpp)(dmso)2]. La reacción de cis(out),cis-[RuCl2(Hbpp)(dmso)2] con trpy (2,2':6',2"-terpiridina) da lugar a los dos isómeros geométricos del complejo [Ru(Hbpp)(trpy)(Cl)]+, el in y el out. Estos complejos se han aislado y caracterizado por técnicas estructurales, espectroscópicas y electroquímicas. Estos cloro complejos han sido utilizados como precursores para la síntesis de los complejos análogos con ligandos aqua (in,out-[Ru(Hbpp)(trpy)(H2O)]2+) y piridina (in,out-[Ru(Hbpp)(trpy)(py)]2+), los cuales también han sido aislados y caracterizados. Las propiedades ácido-base de los aqua complejos, y del complejo out-py se han estudiado detalladamente por voltametria cíclica y mediante valoraciones espectrofotométricas ácido-base. El tratamiento matemático de los datos así obtenidos nos ha permitido determinar los valores de pKa para los distintos equilibrios de protonación de los complejos en los estados de oxidación II y III. El complejo out-aqua ha demostrado ser un buen catalizador para la oxidación electroquímica del alcohol benzílico, presumiblemente a benzaldehido. La constante de velocidad de segundo orden para el proceso ha sido determinada como 17.1 M-1 s-1, por simulación matemática. El dímero con un puente cloro, [Ru2Cl(bpp)(trpy)2]2+ ha sido preparado por dos rutas sintéticas diferentes. El dímero análogo con un puente acetato se ha obtenido por reacción del cloro dímero con un exceso de acetato sódico. El dímero con dos ligandos aqua [Ru2(bpp)(trpy)2(OH2)2]3+ puede obtenerse por hidrólisis ácida del complejo con un acetato puente o por hidrólisis básica del complejo con un puente cloro. Estos complejos han sido caracterizados por técnicas estructurales, espectroscópicas y electroquímicas. Las soluciones del dímero con dos ligandos aqua en medio ácido resultan inestables a la coordinación de aniones de la solución con el tiempo. Las propiedades ácido-base del dímero con dos aguas coordinadas han sido estudiadas por voltametria cíclica y mediante experimentos de electrólisis a potencial controlado. El pKa para la desprotonación de uno de los ligandos aqua ha sido determinado mediante una valoración espectrofotométrica ácido-base como 6.7. Este valor tan bajo de pKa se atribuye a la formación de la entidad {Ru2O2H3}, favorable termodinámicamente. Los espectros UV-vis para los distintos estados de oxidación del aqua dímero, de RuIIRuII a RuIIIRuIV, han sido obtenidos por oxidación química y electroquímica del complejo. Se han llevado a cabo estudios cinéticos de la oxidación, paso a paso, de RuII,II a RuIV,IV , y se han determinado las constantes de oxidación de segundo orden para los distintos procesos de oxidación. La capacidad del aqua dímero en la oxidación del agua a oxígeno molecular ha sido investigada en solución homogénea utilizando CeIV como oxidante. La evolución de oxígeno se ha demostrado por cromatografia de gases. Se ha obtenido una eficiencia del 73% y 18.6 ciclos catalíticos, cuando 1.83 x 10-6 moles de dímero se han mezclado con un exceso de 100 equivalentes de cerio. El dímero con dos aguas cataliza también la oxidación del agua de forma heterogénea, con el complejo adsorbido sobre una membrana de nafion, aunque la eficiencia es menor. Se ha propuesto un mecanismo intramolecular para la reacción de oxidación del agua. Consiste en la oxidación a 4 electrones del dímero, de RuII,II a RuIV,IV, el cual reacciona con el agua para formar oxígeno y revierte nuevamente al estado de oxidación II,II. Este modelo es consistente con estudios catalíticos de la evolución de oxígeno en función de las concentraciones de cerio y catalizador, llevados a cabo en solución ácida homogénea, que demuestran que la oxidación a 4 electrones del agua se encuentra catalizada por una sola molécula de complejo bajo concentraciones elevadas de cerio. La constante de pseudo-primer-orden para la evolución de oxígeno tiene un valor de 1.4 x 10-2 s-1, que es uno de los valores de constante más elevados obtenidos hasta la fecha. Desafortunadamente, el aqua dímero se desactiva durante el proceso de catálisis dando lugar a una especie naranja, la cual estamos actualmente tratando de caracterizar.


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The reactivity of the mer-[RuCl3(dppb)H2O] complex (1) with di-hydrogen shows that the products formed depend on the conditions of the reaction, i.e., solvents and presence or absence of a base. The new mixed-valence complexes [(diop)ClRu-(h-Cl)(3)-RuCl(dppb)] (3), [(binap)CIRu-(p-Cl)(3)-RuCl(dppb)] (4), [(PPh3)(2)ClRu-(mu-Cl)(3)-RuCl(dppb)] (6), [(dppn)ClRu-(mu-Cl)(3)-RuCl(dppb)] (7), [(P-ptol(3))(2)ClRu-(mu-Cl)(3)-RuCl(dppb)] (8), [(SbPh3)(2)ClRu-(mu-Cl)(3)-RuCl(dppb)] (9), [(eta(6)-C6H6)Ru-(mu-Cl)(3)-RuCl(dppb)] (11) and the known mixed-valence [(dppb)CIRu-(mu-Cl)(3)-RuCl(dppb)] (5) and [(diop)ClRu-(mu-Cl)(3)-RuCl(diop)] (10) were synthesized from complexes (1) or (2) using a methodology developed in our research group. The known complexes [(dppb)ClRu-(mu-Cl)(2)-RuCl(dppb)] (12), [(dppb)(CO)Ru-(mu-Cl)(3)-RuCl(dppb)] (13) and [H2NEt2][(dppb)ClRu-(mu-Cl)(3)-RuCl(dppb)] (14) were synthesized by changing the reaction conditions between mer-[RuCl3(dppb)H2O] (1) and dihydrogen. The crystal structures of (5) and (11) were determined by single-crystal X-ray diffraction. Some of the complexes described here are effective pre-catalysts for the hydrogenation of imines. Preliminary results on the homogeneous hydrogenation of the imines Ph-CH2-N=CH-Ph and Ph-N=CH-Ph are presented. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Despite the resistance developed by the Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MTb) strains, isoniazid (INK) has been recognized as one of the best drug for treatment of Tuberculosis (Tb). The coordination of INH to ruthenium metal centers was investigated as a strategy to enhance the activity of this drug against the sensitive and resistant strains of MTb. The complexes trans-[Ru(NH3)(4)(L)(INH)](2+) (L = SO2 or NH3) were isolated and their chemical and antituberculosis properties studied. The minimal inhibitory concentration (MIC) data show that [Ru(NH3)(5)(INH)](2+) was active in both resistant and sensitive strains, whereas free INK (non-coordinated) showed to be active only against the sensitive strain. The coordination of INH to the metal center in both [Ru(NH3)(5)(INH)](2+) and trans-[Ru(NH3)(4)(SO2)(INH)](2+) complexes led to a shift in the INH oxidation potential to less positive values compared to free INH. Despite, the ease of oxidation of INH did not lead to an increase in the in vitro INH activity against MTb, it might have provided sensitivity toward resistant strains. Furthermore, ruthenium complexes with chemical structures analogous to those described above were synthesized using the oxidation products of INK as ligands (namely, isonicotinic acid and isonicotinamide). These last compounds were not active against any strains of MTb. Moreover, according to DFT calculations the formation of the acyl radical, a proposed intermediate in the INH oxidation, is favored in the [Ru(NH3)(5)(INH)](2+) complex by 50.7 kcal mol(-1) with respect to the free INH. This result suggests that the stabilization of the acyl radical promoted by the metal center would be a more important feature than the oxidation potential of the INH for the antituberculosis activity against resistant strains. (C) 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Reaction of [CpRu(PPh3)(2)Cl] (1) {Cp = eta(5)-(C5H5)} with X2PN(CHMe2) PYY' {X = Y = Y' = Ph (L-1); X = Y = Ph, Y' = OC6H4Me-4 (L-4); X = Y = Ph, Y' = OC6H3Me2- 3,5 (L-5); X = Y = Ph, Y' = N2C3HMe2 (L-6)} yields the cationic chelate complexes, [CpRu(eta(2)-(X2PN(CHMe2) PYY')) PPh3] Cl. On the other hand, the reaction of 1 with X2PN(CHMe2)PYY' {X = Ph, YY' = O2C6H4(L-3)} gives the complex, [CpRu(eta(1)-L-2)(2)PPh3] Cl. Both types of complexes are formed with X2PN(CHMe2) PYY' {X = Ph, YY' = O2C6H4 (L-3)}. The reaction of 1 with (R),(S)-(H12C20O2) PN(CHMe2) PPh2 (L-7) yields both cationic and neutral complexes, [CpRu{eta(2)-(L-7)} PPh3] Cl and [CpRu{eta(1)-(L-7)}(2)PPh3] Cl and [CpRu{eta(2)-(L-7)}Cl]. The reactions of optically pure diphosphazane, Ph2PN(*CHMePh) PPhY (Y = Ph (L-8); Y = N2C3HMe2-3,5 (L-9)) with 1 give the neutral and cationic ruthenium complexes, [CpRu{eta(2)-(Ph2PN(R) PPhY)} Cl] and [CpRu{eta(2)-(Ph2PN(R)PPhY)} PPh3] Cl. "Chiral-at-metal" ruthenium complexes of diphosphazanes have been synthesized with high diastereoselectivity. The absolute configuration of a novel ruthenium complex, (SCSPRRu)-[(eta(5)-C5H5) Ru*{eta(2)-(Ph2PN(*CHMePh)P*Ph( N2C3HMe2-3,5))} Cl] possessing three chiral centers, is established by X-ray crystallography. The reactions of [CpRu{eta(2)-(L-8)} Cl] with mono or diphosphanes in the presence of NH4PF6 yield the cationic complexes, [CpRu{eta(2)-(L-8)}{eta(1)-(P)}] PF6 {P = P(OMe)(3), PPh3, Ph2P(CH2)(n)PPh2 (n = 1 or 2)}.


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A more direct and efficient route to the syntheses of [Ru(NH3)(4)(X-Y)](BF4)(2), where X-Y can be 2-acetylpyridine (2-acpy) or 2-benzoylpyridine (2-bzpy), based on the reactions of [RuCl(NH3)(5)]Cl-2 with these ortho-substituted azines is described. The [Ru(2-acpy)(NH3)(4)](BF4)(2) and [Ru(NH3)(5)(2-bzpy)](BF4)(2) complexes have a molar conductance of 328 and 292 Ohm(-1) cm(2) mol(-1), respectively, corresponding to a 1:2 species in solution. These complexes showed two intense absorption bands around 620-650 and 380 nm, the energies of which are solvent dependent, decreasing with the increase of the Gutman's donor number of the solvent, and were assigned as metal-to-ligand charge transfer (MLCT). The complexes have oxidation potentials (Ru-II/III) of +0.380 V vs. Ag/AgCl (2-acpy) and +0.400 V vs. Ag/AgCl (2-bzpy), and reduction potentials (X-Y0/-) of -1.10 V vs. Ag/AgCl (2-acpy) and -0.950 V vs. Ag/AgCl (2-bzpy) on CF3COOH/NaCF3COO at pH=3.0, scan rate 100 mV s(-1), [Ru]=1.0x10(-3) mol l(-1). Both processes show a coupled chemical reaction. Upon oxidation of the metal center, the MLCT absorption bands are bleached and restored upon subsequent reduction. In order to confirm the structure of the complexes a detailed LH NMR investigation was performed in d(6)-acetone. Further confirmation of the structure was obtained by recording the N-15 NMR spectrum of [Ru(NH3)(4)(2-bzpy)](2+) in d(6)-DMSO using the INEPT pulse sequence improving the sensitivity of N-15 by polarization transfer from the protons to the N-15. The Nuclear Overhauser Effect (NOE) experiments were made qualitatively for [Ru(NH3)(4)(2-acpy)](2+), and showed that H-6 of the pyridine is close to a NH3 proton, which should then be in a cis position, and, hence, confirming that acpy is acting as a bidentate ligand. (C) 1999 Elsevier B.V. Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Arene ruthenium(II) Schiff base complexes of formulations [(η -p-cymene)RuCl(C5H4N-2-CH=NC6H4-p-X)](ClO4) (1) and [(η6-p-cymene)RuCl(O-o-C6H4CH=NC6H4-p-X)] (2) (X = H, Me, OMe, NO2, Cl) were prepared by reacting [(η6-p-cymene)RuCl2]2 with corresponding pyridine-2-carboxaldimines and sodium salts of salicylaldimines in dry THF, respectively. Complex 1 is isolated as a perchlorate salt. The molecular structure of [(η6-p-cymene)RuCl(C5H4 N-2-CH=NC6H4-p-Me)]Cl·C6H6·H2O has been determined by X-ray crystallography. The complex contains an η6-p-cymene group, a chloride and a bidentate chelating Schiff base ligand.


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The anionic tripod ligand NaLoMe (L_(oMe) - = [(η^5-C_5H_5)Co{P(O)(OCH_3)_2}_3]^-) reacts with RuO_4 in a biphasic reaction mixture of 1% H_2SO_4 and CCI_4 to afford [(L_(oMe) (HO)Ru^(IV) (µ-O)_2Ru ^(IV)(OH)(L_(oMe)] (1), which is treated with aqueous CF_3S0_3H to generate [(L_(oMe)(H_2O)Ru^(IV) (µ-O)_2R^(IV) (OH_2)(L_(oMe)][CF_3SO_3]_2 ([H_21][CF_3SO_3]_2). Addition of iodosobenzene to an acetonitrile solution of this salt yields [(L_(oMe)(O)Ru^v(µ-0)2Ru^v-(O)(_(LoMe)] (2). The dimer 1 can be reduced chemically or electrochemically to the Ru^(III)- Ru^(III) dimers [(L_(oMe)(H_20)Ru^(III) (µ-OH)_2Ru^(III) (OH_2)(L_(oMe)) ]^2+ and [(L_(oMe)) ^(III) (µ-0Hh(µ-0H2)Ru^(III) (L_(oMe)]^2+ which interconvert in aqueous media. Two electron processes dominate both the bulk chemistry and the electrochemistry of 1. Among these processes are the quasi-reversible Ru^(IV) - Ru^(IV)/Ru^(III)- Ru^(III) and Ru^(III)- Ru^(III)/ Ru^(II)- Ru^(II) reductions and a largely irreversible Ru^(V) - Ru^(V)/ Ru^(IV) - Ru^(IV)/oxidation. The dioxo dimer 2 oxidizes alcohols and aldehydes in organic media to afford 1 and the corresponding aldehydes and acids. Analogously, the Ru^(V) - Ru^(V)/ Ru^(IV)- Ru^(IV) redox wave mediates the electrooxidation of alcohols and aldehydes in aqueous buffer. In this system, substrates can be oxidized completely to CO_2. The kinetic behavior of these oxidations was examined by UV-vis and chronoamperometry, respectively, and the chemistry is typical of metal-oxo complexes, indicating that electronic coupling between two metal centers does not dramatically affect the metal-oxo chemistry. Dimer [H_21]^(2+) also reacts with alcohols, aldehydes, and triphenylphosphine in CH_3CN to afford Ru^(III)- Ru^(III) products including [(L_(oMe))CH_3CN) Ru^(III) (µ-OH)_2 Ru^(III) (NCCH_3)( L_(oMe))][CF_3SO_3]2 (characterized by X-ray crystallography) and the corresponding organic products. Reaction of 1 with formaldehyde in aqueous buffer quantitatively affords the triply bridged dimer [(L_(oMe)Ru^(III) (µ-OH)2- (µ-HCOO) Ru^(III) (L_(oMe)][CF_3SO_3] (characterized by X-ray crystallography). This reaction evidently proceeds by two parallel inner-sphere pathways, one of which is autocatalytic. Neither pathway exhibits a primary isotope effect suggesting the rate determining process could be the formation of an intermediate, perhaps a Ru^(IV) - Ru^(IV) formate adduct. The Ru^(III)- Ru^(III)formate adduct is easily oxidized to the Ru^(IV) - Ru^(IV) analog [(L_(oMe)Ru^(IV)(µ-OH)_2-(µ-HCOO) Ru^(IV) (L_(oMe)][CF_3SO_3], which, after isolation, reacts slowly with aqueous formaldehyde to generate free formate and the Ru^(III)- Ru^(III) formate adduct. These dimers function as catalysts for the electrooxidation of formaldehyde at low anodic potentials (+0.0 V versus SCE in aqueous buffer, pH 8.5) and enhance the activity of Nafion treated palladium/carbon heterogeneous fuel cell catalysts.


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A series of seven ruthenium complexes with different ligands were synthesized and their optical, electrochemical and photoluminescent properties were characterized. Electroluminescent properties of these complexes were further evaluated using a light-emitting electrochemical cell with a configuration of indium tin oxide (ITO)/complex (100 nm)/Au (100 nm).


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A series of oligoaniline-functionalized mono- and bis-topic terpyridine ligands, i.e. C6H5[N(R)C6H4](n)TPY (R = H, butyl, tert-butyloxycarbonyl; n = 1-4; TPY = 2,2':6',2"-terpyridyl) and TPYC6H4[N(R)C6H4](m)TPY (R = H, tert-butyloxycarbonyl; m = 2, 4), and the corresponding monoand bis-nuclear ruthenium(II) complexes have been synthesized and verified. The spectroscopic results indicate that two kinds of pi-pi* transitions from TPY and oligoaniline fragments of ligands strongly shift to lower energy, and the metal-to-ligand charge-transfer transition ((MLCT)-M-1) bands of all obtained complexes are considerably red-shifted (Delta lambda(max) = 22-64 nm) and their intensities become much more intense (approximately 4-6 times), compared with those of the reported complex [Ru(TPY)(2)](2+). Moreover, the spectroscopic properties of the ligands and complexes with longer oligoaniline units (n = 3, 4) are markedly influenced by the external stimulus, such as the oxidation and proton acid doping.


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In chloroform, [RuCl2(nbd)(py)(2)] (1) (nbd = norbornadiene; py = pyridine) reacts with 1,4-bis(diphenylphosphino)-1,2,3,4-tetramethyl-1,3-butadiene (1,2,3,4-Me-4-NUPHOS) to give the dimer [Ru2Cl3(eta(4)-1,2,3,4-Me-4-NUPHOS)(2)]Cl (2a), whereas, in THF [RuCl2(1,2,3,4-Me-4-NUPHOS)(PY)(2)] (3) is isolated as the sole product of reaction. Compound 2 exists as a 4:1 mixture of two noninterconverting isomers, the major with C, symmetry and the minor with either C, or C-2 symmetry. A single-crystal X-ray analysis of [Ru2Cl3 (eta(4)-1,2,3,4-Me-4-NUPHOS)(2)] [SbF6] (2b), the hexafluoroantimonate salt of 2a, revealed that the diphosphine coordinates in an unusual manner, as a eta(4)-six-electron donor, bonded through both P atoms and one of the double bonds of the butadiene tether. Compounds 2a and 3 react with 1,2-ethylenediamine (en) in THF to afford [RuCl2(1,2,3,4-Me-4-NUPHOS)(en)] (4), which rapidly dissociates a chloride ligand in chloroform to give [RuCl(eta(4)-1,2,3,4-Me-4-NUPHOS)(en)] [Cl] (5a). Complexes 4 and 5a cleanly and quantitatively interconvert in a solvent-dependent equilibrium, and in THF 5a readily adds chloride to displace the eta(2)-interaction and re-form 4. A single-crystal X-ray structure determination of [RuCl(eta(4)-1,2,3,4-Me-4-NUPHOS)(en)][ClO4] (5b) confirmed that the diphosphine coordinates in an eta(4)-manner as a facial six-electron donor with the eta(2)-coordinated double bond occupying the site trans to chloride. The eta(4)-bonding mode can be readily identified by the unusually high-field chemical shift associated with the phosphorus atom adjacent to the eta(2)-coordinated double bond. Complexes 2a, 2b, 4, and 5a form catalysts that are active for transfer hydrogenation of a range of ketones. In all cases, catalysts formed from precursors 2a and 2b are markedly more active than those formed from 4 and 5a.


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A series of dinuclear (bipyridine)tricarbonylrhenium(I) and tris(bipyridine)ruthenium(II) complexes have been isolated and characterised, bridged by a flexible diamido ethylene glycol chain. A new stepwise synthetic pathway has been investigated to heterometallic complexes, with the rhenium(I) complexes exhibiting an unusual configuration and inequivalence of the metal centres potentially arising from a surprising hydrogen-bonding interaction between an Re–CO group and an amide proton in low-polarity solvents. This interaction appears to be broken by competing hydrogen-bonding species such as dihydrogen phosphate. This effect was not observed in the corresponding ruthenium(II) complexes, which showed very little interaction with anions. The photophysical characterisation shows that the inclusion of two ester/amide groups to the rhenium centre effectively quenches the fluorescence at room temperature. The ruthenium(II) complexes have considerably stronger fluorescence than the rhenium species, and are less affected by theinclusion of ester and amide groups to the 2,2'-bipyridine chelating group.


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The synthesis of three new homoleptic trischelate ruthenium( II) complexes bearing new 2,2'-bipyridine ligands, 5,5'-dibenzylamido-2,2'-bipyridine (L1) and 5-benzylamido-2,2'- bipyridine (L2) has been achieved. In the case of [Ru(L2)(3)](2+), the mer and fac isomers have been separated. H-1 NMR spectroscopic anion binding studies indicate that the two C-3-symmetric pockets provided by [ Ru(L1)(3)](2+) is conducive to receive a range of anions, although this is not readily reflected in the photophysical behaviour. The fac-isomer of [Ru(L2)(3)](2+) does appear to have an enhancement in the binding interactions over the mer form with dihydrogenphosphate salts, although the difference is much less marked with the spherical chloride ions. From X-ray crystallographic evidence, the ability to hold water in the "anion" binding cleft can inhibit the strength of the interactions with anions, giving rise to the observed selectivity for directional oxoanions such as dihydrogen phosphate.


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Síntesi de nous complexos de Ruteni amb lligands no quirals que tenen per fórmula [Ru(phen)([9]aneS3)X] (on X = H2O, py i MeCN). Caracterització espectroscòpica electroquímica i estructural d'aquesta família de complexos. Estudi de les seves propietats catalítiques en front a l'oxidació de substrats orgànics com l'alcohol benzílic en reaccions d'electrocatàlisi. Avaluació cinètica dels mecanismes de substitució entre els complexos Ru-py i Ru-MeCN. Generació d'un interruptor molecular foto-induït. Síntesi de nous complexos quirals de Ru atropoisomèricament purs amb lligands oxazolínics que tenen per fórmula [Ru(trpy)(Ph-box-R)X] on (X = Cl, H2O, py, MeCN, 2-OH-py). Caracterització estructural exhaustiva en estat sòlid (Raig-X) en solució (RMN) i en fase gas (càlculs DFT). Avaluació de la seva activitat catalítica en reaccions asimmetriques d'epoxidació de substrats proquirals. Síntesi de nous lligands polipiridílics quirals amb simetria C3. Estudi de la seva química de coordinació i avaluació de la seva activitat catalítica en reaccions asimmetriques d'oxidació i reducció.


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Three new ruthenium complexes of the formulae cis-[Ru(PPh3)(2)(BzTscbz)(2)] (1a), [Ru-2(PPh3)(2)(BzTscbz)(4)] (1b) and [Ru(PPh3)(2)(BzTscHbz)(2)](ClO4)(2) (2) [BzTscHbz = 4-(phenyl) thiosemicarbazone of benzaldehyde] have been synthesized and characterized by various physicochemical methods including X-ray structure determinations for 1a and 1b. The relative stabilities of the four-membered versus five-membered chelate rings formed by the deprotonated ligand BzTscbz are discussed on the basis of the experimental results and some semi-empirical as well as DFT calculations. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The complex [Ru(C&3bond; CC&3bond; N)(dppe)Cp*] (1) is readily obtained (ca. 70%) from the sequential reaction of [Ru(C=CH2)(dppe)Cp*]PF6 with (BuLi)-Bu-n and phenyl cyanate. The complex behaves as a typical transition metal acetylide upon reaction with tetracyanoethene, affording a metallated pentacyanobutadiene. Complex I is a useful metalloligand, and its reactions with [W(thf)(CO)5], [RuCl(PPh3)(2)Cp], [RuCl(dppe)Cp*] or cis-[RuCl2(dppe)(2)] all afforded products featuring the M-C&3bond; CC&3bond; N-M' motif, for which ground state structures indicate a degree of polarisation. Electrochemical and spectroelectrochemical studies reveal moderate interactions between the metal centres in the 35-electron dications [{Cp*(dppe)Ru}(mu-C&3bond; CC&3bond; N){RuL2Cp'}](2+) Ru(PPh3)(2)CP, Ru(dppe)Cp*).