999 resultados para Tetanus patients


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The authors propose a clinical classification to monitor the evolution of tetanus patients, ranging from grade I to IV according to severity. It was applied on admission and repeated on alternate days up to the 10th day to patients aged > or = 12 years admitted to the State University Hospital, Recife, Brazil. Patients were also classified upon admission according to three prognostic indicators to determine if the proposed classification is in agreement with the traditionally used indicators. Upon admission, the distribution of the 64 patients among the different levels of the proposed classification was similar for the groups of better and worse prognosis according to the three indicators (P > 0.05), most of the patients belonging to grades I and II of the proposed classification. In the later reclassifications, severe forms of tetanus (grades III and IV) were more frequent in the categories of worse prognosis and these differences were statistically significant. There was a reduction in the proportion of mild forms (grades I and II) of tetanus with time for the categories of worse prognostic indicators (chi-square for trend: P = 0.00006, 0.03, and 0.00000) whereas no such trend was observed for the categories of better prognosis (grades I and II). This serially used classification reflected the prognosis of the traditional indicators and permitted the comparison of the dynamics of the disease in different groups. Thus, it becomes a useful tool for monitoring patients by determining clinical category changes with time, and for assessing responses to different therapeutic measures.


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When looking at developing countries, the prolonged intensive medical and nursing care required by many patients places extra demands on an already stretched healthcare budget. The purpose of this study was to verify the effectiveness of a systematic rehabilitative program for swallowing and oral-motor movements in intensive care unit patients with the diagnosis of tetanus. Forty-five patients who were clinically diagnosed with tetanus were included in the study. Participants were divided in two groups: Cl - consisted of 18 tetanus patients who were consecutively admitted to the infectious disease ICU from January 2002 to December 2005, prior to the existence of a systematic swallowing and oral-motor intervention: GII - consisted of 27 tetanus patients who were consecutively admitted to the infectious disease ICU from January 2006 to December 2009 and were submitted to a specific rehabilitative management of swallowing and of the oral-motor movements. Results indicate that the proposed rehabilitative program reduced by approximately 50% the time patients remained in the ICU. The significant improvement observed in patients with tetanus who were submitted to the rehabilitative program for swallowing and oral-motor movements occurred in conjunction with a reduction in the amount of time necessary to reintroduce oral feeding, to decannulate and to remove the feeding tubes. In conclusion, swallowing/muscle exercise, in patients with severe/very severe tetanus, seem to promote the remission of muscle tension and seem to maximize functional swallowing. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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A total of 868 (84.89%) patients diagnosed with tetanus were studied, out of the 1,024 tetanus patients hospitalized at Couto Maia Hospital (Salvador, Bahia, Brazil), during the period between 1986 and 1997. Of this group (n = 868), 63.5% (n = 551) were discharged, 35.4% (n = 307) died, and 1.1% (n = 10) were transferred. The average age of the deceased patients (38.73 ± 23.31 years) was significantly greater (p < 0.0001) than the age of those who survived (29.21 ± 20.05 years). Analyzing the variables of the logistic regression model with statistic significance (p £ 0.25) for univariate analysis, we observed a greater association of risk for worst prognosis (death) in patients aged ³ 51 years; time of illness < 48 hours; time of incubation < 168 hours; neck rigidity; spasms; opisthotonos; body temperature ³ 37.7 ºC; heart beat ³ 111 beats/minute; sympathetic hyperactivity and association with pneumonia. Among the group of those who survived, patients with 1 to 5 of those variables (n = 398; 76.8%) were more frequent, while among patients of the group of the deceased, 70.3% (n = 206) presented 6 to 10 of those variables, with a highly significant difference (p < 10-8). In conclusion, the indicators described provide early information that may guide the prognosis and medical and nurse care.


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As a result of the advances in the control of pulmonary insufficiency in tetanus, the cardiovascular system has increasingly been shown to be a determining factor in morbidity and mortality but detailed knowledge of the cardiovascular complications in tetanus is scanty. The 24h-Holter was carried out in order to detect arrhythmias and sympathetic overactivity in 38 tetanus patients admitted to an ICU. The SDNN Index (standard deviation from the normal R-to-R intervals), was useful in detecting adrenergic tonus, and ranged from 64.1 ± 27 in the more severe forms of tetanus to 125 ± 69 in the milder ones. Sympathetic overactivity occurred in 86.2% of the more severe forms of the disease, but was also detected in 33% of the milder forms. Half the patients had their sympathetic overactivity detected only by the Holter. The most frequent arrhythmias were isolated supraventricular (55.2%) and ventricular (39.4%) extrasystoles. There was no association of the arrhythmias with the clinical form of tetanus or with the presence of sympathetic overactivity. The present study demonstrated that major cardiovascular dysfunction, particularly sympathetic overactivity, occurs in all forms of tetanus, even in the milder ones. This has not been effectively detected with traditional monitoring in ICU and may not be properly treated.


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The medical records of ten pediatric patients with a clinical diagnosis of tetanus were reviewed retrospectively. The heart rate and blood pressure of all tetanus patients were measured noninvasively every hour during the first two weeks of hospitalization. Six of ten tetanus patients presented clinical evidence of sympathetic hyperactivity (group A) and were compared with a control group consisting of four children who required mechanical ventilation for diseases other than tetanus (group B). Heart rate and blood pressure simultaneously and progressively increased to a maximum by day 7. The increase over baseline was 43.70 ± 11.77 bpm (mean ± SD) for heart rate (P<0.01) and 38.60 ± 26.40 mmHg for blood pressure (P<0.01). These values were higher and significantly different from those of the control group (group B) at day 6, which had an average heart rate increase over baseline of 19.35 ± 12.26 bpm (P<0.05) and blood pressure of 10.24 ± 13.30 mmHg (P<0.05). By the end of the second week of hospitalization, in group A the increase of systolic blood pressure over baseline had diminished to 9.60 ± 15.37 mmHg (P<0.05), but the heart rate continued to be elevated (27.80 ± 33.92 bpm, P = NS), when compared to day 7 maximal values. The dissociation of these two cardiovascular variables at the end of the second week of hospitalization suggests the presence of asymmetric cardiac and vascular sympathetic control. One possible explanation for these observations is a selective and delayed action of tetanus toxin on the inhibitory neurons which control sympathetic outflow to the heart.


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The characterisation of oral-motor movements and speech of patients with tetanus were investigated to determine the existence of possible signs that are characteristic of this pathology. Thirteen patients clinically diagnosed with tetanus (10 with severe tetanus and three with very severe tetanus) and admitted to an intensive care unit underwent clinical evaluation of oral-motor movements and speech. Statistical analysis indicated significant between-group differences for speech motor functions, suggesting that individuals with very severe tetanus present rigidity as a characteristic interfering in articulatory precision (P = 0 035) and movement rate (P = 0 038). For lip closure, tongue movement, palatal elevation, gag reflex and voice quality, no between-group differences were identified for the specific abnormal characteristics. The observed abnormal results indicate that muscle strength and functional status of the oral-motor system presented by most of the participants of the study did not ensure the necessary integrity for satisfactory performance. The characterisation of the oral myofunctional aspects of patients with tetanus provides medical teams, patients and families with a wider and better description of the clinical situation, giving support to the diagnosis, prognostics and treatment.


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Tetanus still remains a significant health problem in developing countries; it is a serious disease with a high mortality rate. The purpose of this study was to characterize the oral sensorimotor function for feeding in patients with tetanus. Thirteen patients clinically diagnosed with tetanus and admitted to an intensive care unit between December of 2005 and May of 2007 underwent a screening too) for dysphagia, involving the assessment of clinical features and 2 swallowing tests. Results indicate that the oral sensorimotor function for feeding in these patients is severely compromised, with the exception for the clinical feature of palate elevation and performance in the saliva swallowing test. The factor analysis indicated that the evaluation of tongue movement change in the oromotor examination is important in predicting alterations of cough/voice in the water swallowing test, thus suggesting that oral feeding might be unsafe. When looking at developing countries, the prolonged intensive medical and nursing care required by many patients with tetanus places extra demands on an already stretched healthcare budget. Intervention by a speech pathologist could mean that time in the ICU would be reduced as well as the number of re-admissions due to complications. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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INITIO is an open-labelled randomized trial evaluating first-line therapeutic strategies for human immunodeficiency virus-1 (HIV-1) infection. In an immunology substudy a tetanus toxoid booster (TTB) immunization was planned for 24 weeks after initiation of highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART). All patients had received tetanus toxoid immunization in childhood. Generation of proliferative responses to tetanus toxoid was compared in two groups of patients, those receiving a protease inhibitor (PI)-sparing regimen (n = 21) and those receiving a PI-containing (n = 54) regimen. Fifty-two participants received a TTB immunization [PI-sparing (n = 15), PI-containing (n = 37)] and 23 participants did not [PI-sparing (n = 6) or PI-containing (n = 17)]. Cellular responses to tetanus antigen were monitored by lymphoproliferation at time of immunization and every 24 weeks to week 156. Proportions with a positive response (defined as stimulation index > or = 3 and Delta counts per minute > or = 3000) were compared at weeks 96 and 156. All analyses were intent-to-treat. Fifty-two participants had a TTB immunization at median 25 weeks; 23 patients did not. At weeks 96 and 156 there was no evidence of a difference in tetanus-specific responses, between those with or without TTB immunization (P = 0.2, P = 0.4). There was no difference in the proportion with response between those with PI-sparing or PI-containing regimens at both time-points (P = 0.8, P = 0.7). The proliferative response to tetanus toxoid was unaffected by initial HAART regimen. Anti-tetanus responses appear to reconstitute eventually in most patients over 156 weeks when treated successfully with HAART, irrespective of whether or not a TTB immunization has been administered.


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Background. Despite systematic vaccination of the population, tetanus continues to be a health problem in Albania, as in some other developing countries. In this study, our intent was to evaluate prognostic factors relating to death in adult patients with generalized tetanus. Methodology and patients. All the patients (60) included in the study were hospitalized at the regional hospitals of Shkodra and Korça, and the University Hospital Centre “Mother Theresa” of Tirana, Albania, during the period of 1984-2004. They had a mean age of 49.1+14.4 years, 43 (71.7%) were males and 40 (66.6%) of them lived in rural areas. The mean incubation period was 12 days and the case-fatality rate (CFR) was 38.3%. Results. The CFR in patients with an onset period ≥2 days was 21.7% and in those with <2 days was 48.6%, OR=0.29 (p<0.05). Patients >50 years old had a CFR=60.87% (OR=7, p<0.05). We found the high CFR to be significantly associated with urban residency, male gender, complicated wound, head localization, fever ≥ 38.4 °C, tachycardia > 120 beats/min, and hypertension. Discussion. The main prognostic factor of those analyzed in our study appeared to be the onset period and the age of the patients. We didn’t find significant differences in CFR in patients with different incubation periods. Clinicians must take into account that wound complication and localization, tachycardia and hypertension, high fever, male gender and urban residency significantly influence the prognoses of adults with generalized tetanus.


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Conclusion: Functional endoscopic sinus surgery (FESS) was found to be effective in treating fever of unknown origin (FUO) in intensive care unit (ICU) patients with rhinosinusitis, with 62% of patients showing improvement within 5 days of the procedure. Objective: To correlate improvement in FUO with FESS drainage of the paranasal sinuses. Methods: Fifty patients that developed FUO during ICU stay, with CT findings suggestive of rhinosinusitis, and showed no improvement in fever after clinical treatment underwent FESS for drainage of the paranasal sinuses and were evaluated for postoperative improvement of fever. Results: The study sample consisted of 50 patients (74% of whom were male, mean age 48.1 years). The most frequent diagnoses at ICU admission were tetanus, pulmonary disease, and cardiovascular disease. In all, 68% of patients underwent nasogastric or enteral intubation. CT scanning most commonly showed involvement of the sphenoid sinus. In 54% of cases, sinusitis was bilateral and extended throughout the maxillary, ethmoidal, and sphenoidal sinuses. Sinusectomy was performed in all patients, and pathological secretion in the paranasal sinuses was seen in 52% of patients during surgery. Gram-negative bacteria were the most commonly isolated organisms, followed by Gram-positive bacteria and fungi. Improvement of fever was found in 82% of patients after FESS; 38% of these improved within the first 48 h post-procedure, and the remaining 62% within the first 5 postoperative days.


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To study the frequency and examine the role of rhabdomyolysis in the acute renalfailure in tetanus 18 patients with the diagnosis of generalized tetanus consecutively admitted to the infectious disease hospital were evaluated. Ofthese 14 were male and 4female with mean age of 31.8± 2.0 years. Except for mild proteinuria recorded in 9 patients, the urinalysis were unremarkable. Serum creatinine higher than 1.4mg/dl was recorded in 39% of the patients, abnormal levels of CPK in 87,5% and serum myoglobin greater than 120µg/l in 39% of the patients. Oliguria was documented in one patient and none required diafysis therapy. No correlation wasfound between renal failure and myoglobin and/or CPK serum levels. Acute renalfailure in tetanus was not infrequent; usualfy it was non-oliguric, mild and transient and not related to the severity of the disease or to serum levels of myoglobin and/or CPK.


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Treatment of B cell lymphoma patients with MoAbs specific for the common B cell marker (CD20) has shown a good overall response rate, but the number of complete remissions is still very low. The use of MoAbs coupled to radioisotopes can improve the results, but induces undesirable myelodepression. As an alternative, we proposed to combine the specificity of MoAbs with the immunogenicity of T cell epitopes. We have previously shown that an anti-Ig lambda MoAb coupled to an MHC class II-restricted universal T cell epitope peptide P2 derived from tetanus toxin induces efficient lysis of a human B cell lymphoma by a specific CD4+ T cell line. Here we demonstrate that the antigen presentation properties of the MoAb peptide conjugate are maintained using a MoAb directed against a common B cell marker, CD19, which is known to be co-internalized with the B cell immunoglobulin receptor. In addition, we provide evidence that B cell lysis is mediated by the Fas apoptosis pathway, since Fas (CD95), but not tumour necrosis factor receptor (TNFr) or TNF-related receptors, is expressed by the target B cells, and FasL, but not perforin, is expressed by the effector T cells. These results show that B cell lymphomas can be 'foreignized' by MoAb-peptide P2 conjugates directed against the common B cell marker CD19 and eliminated by peptide P2-specific CD4+ T cells, via the ubiquitous Fas receptor. This approach, which bridges the specificity of passive antibody therapy with an active T cell immune response, may be complementary to and more efficient than the present therapy results with unconjugated chimeric anti-CD20 MoAbs.


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Anti-idiotype antibody therapy of B-cell lymphomas, despite numerous promising experimental and clinical studies, has so far met with limited success. Tailor-made monoclonal anti-idiotype antibodies have been injected into a large series of lymphoma patients, with a few impressive complete tumour remissions but a large majority of negative responses. The results presented here suggest that, by coupling to antilymphoma idiotype antibodies a few molecules of the tetanus toxin universal epitope peptide P2 (830-843), one could markedly increase the efficiency of this therapy. We show that after 2-hr incubation with conjugates consisting of the tetanus toxin peptide P2 coupled by an S-S bridge to monoclonal antibodies directed to the lambda light chain of human immunoglobulin, human B-lymphoma cells can be specifically lysed by a CD4 T-lymphocyte clone specific for the P2 peptide. Antibody without peptide did not induce B-cell killing by the CD4 T-lymphocyte clone. The free cysteine-peptide was also able to induce lysis of the B-lymphoma target by the T-lymphocyte clone, but at a molar concentration 500 to 1000 times higher than that of the coupled peptide. Proliferation assays confirmed that the antibody-peptide conjugate was antigenically active at a much lower concentration than the free peptide. They also showed that antibody-peptide conjugates required an intact processing function of the B cell for peptide presentation, which could be selectively inhibited by leupeptin and chloroquine.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)


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BACKGROUND: Dysphagia is seldom caused by tetanus; however, it is a common symptom of tetanus. Treating patients with tetanus is a rare event in industrialized countries and awareness is needed to recognize early signs of this serious disease. In Switzerland, the most recently reported tetanus cases occurred in elderly women with insufficient seroprotection. PATIENTS: We report on three elderly women presenting with dysphagia as an initial symptom of tetanus. RESULTS: Generalized tetanus was diagnosed in two patients upon admission, the third presented with cephalic tetanus with secondary generalization. All three patients had undetectable levels of tetanus antibodies and had no documented prior tetanus immunizations. Cultures of wound swabs grew Clostridium tetani in all cases. Electromyography was highly suggestive for tetanus in two patients. Treatment involved mechanical ventilation, intravenous benzodiazepine and metronidazole therapy, and active and passive tetanus immunization. The disease had a favorable outcome in two cases and was fatal in one. CONCLUSION: Tetanus remains a threat in patients with insufficient seroprotection and efforts are needed to improve tetanus immunization in these individuals. Tetanus should be considered in the differential diagnosis of dysphagia.


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The aim of the study was to analyze the frequency of epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) mutations in Brazilian non-small cell lung cancer patients and to correlate these mutations with response to benefit of platinum-based chemotherapy in non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC). Our cohort consisted of prospective patients with NSCLCs who received chemotherapy (platinum derivates plus paclitaxel) at the [UNICAMP], Brazil. EGFR exons 18-21 were analyzed in tumor-derived DNA. Fifty patients were included in the study (25 with adenocarcinoma). EGFR mutations were identified in 6/50 (12 %) NSCLCs and in 6/25 (24 %) adenocarcinomas; representing the frequency of EGFR mutations in a mostly self-reported White (82.0 %) southeastern Brazilian population of NSCLCs. Patients with NSCLCs harboring EGFR exon 19 deletions or the exon 21 L858R mutation were found to have a higher chance of response to platinum-paclitaxel (OR 9.67 [95 % CI 1.03-90.41], p = 0.047). We report the frequency of EGFR activating mutations in a typical southeastern Brazilian population with NSCLC, which are similar to that of other countries with Western European ethnicity. EGFR mutations seem to be predictive of a response to platinum-paclitaxel, and additional studies are needed to confirm or refute this relationship.