967 resultados para Test structure


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One of the challenges for structural engineers during design is considering how the structure will respond to crowd-induced dynamic loading. It has been shown that human occupants of a structure do not simply add mass to the system when considering the overall dynamic response of the system, but interact with it and may induce changes of the dynamic properties from those of the empty structure. This study presents an investigation into the human-structure interaction based on several crowd characteristics and their effect on the dynamic properties of an empty structure. The dynamic properties including frequency, damping, and mode shapes were estimated for a single test structure by means of experimental modal analysis techniques. The same techniques were utilized to estimate the dynamic properties when the test structure was occupied by a crowd with different combinations of size, posture, and distribution. The goal of this study is to isolate the occupant characteristics in order to determine the significance of each to be considered when designing new structures to avoid crowd serviceability issues. The results are presented and summarized based on the level of influence of each characteristic. The posture that produces the most significant effects based on the scope of this research is standing with bent knees with a maximum decrease in frequency of the first mode of the empty structure by 32 percent atthe highest mass ratio. The associated damping also increased 36 times the damping of the empty structure. In addition to the analysis of the experimental data, finite element models and a two degree-of-freedom model were created. These models were used to gain an understanding of the test structure, model a crowd as an equivalent mass, and also to develop a single degree-of-freedom (SDOF) model to best represent a crowd of occupants based on the experimental results. The SDOF models created had an averagefrequency of 5.0 Hz, within the range presented in existing biomechanics research, and combined SDOF systems of the test structure and crowd were able to reproduce the frequency and damping ratios associated with experimental tests. Results of this study confirmed the existence of human-structure interaction andthe inability to simply model a crowd as only additional mass. The two degree-offreedom model determined was able to predict the change in natural frequency and damping ratio for a structure occupied by multiple group sizes in a single posture. These results and model are the preliminary steps in the development of an appropriate methodfor modeling a crowd in combination with a more complex FE model of the empty structure.


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Vibration serviceability is a widely recognized design criterion for assembly-type structures, such as stadiums, that are likely subjected to rhythmic human-induced excitation. Human-induced excitation of a structure occurs from the movement of the occupants such as walking, running, jumping, or dancing. Vibration serviceability is based on the level of comfort that people have with the vibrations of a structure. Current design guidance uses the natural frequency of the structure to assess vibration serviceability. However, a phenomenon known as human-structure interaction suggests that there is a dynamic interaction between the structure and passive occupants, altering the natural frequency of the system. Human-structure interaction is dependent on many factors, including the dynamic properties of the structure, posture of the occupants, and relative size of the crowd. It is unknown if the shift in natural frequency due to humanstructure interaction is significant enough to warrant consideration in the design process. This study explores the interface of both structural and crowd characteristics through experimental testing to determine if human-structure interaction should be considered because of its potential impact on serviceability assessment. An experimental test structure that represents the dynamic properties of a cantilevered stadium structure was designed and constructed. Experimental modal analysis was implemented to determine the dynamic properties of the empty test structure and when occupied with up to seven people arranged in different locations and postures. Comparisons of the dynamic properties were made between the empty and occupied testing configurations and analytical results from the use of a dynamic crowd model recommended from the Joint Working Group of Europe. Data trends lead to the development of a refined dynamic crowd model. This dynamic model can be used in conjunction with a finite element model of the test structure to estimate the dynamic influence due to human-structure interaction due to occupants standing with straight knees. In the future, the crowd model will be refined and can aid in assessing the dynamic properties of in-service stadium structures.


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The effects of human-structure interaction on the dynamic performance of occupied structures have long been observed. The inclusion of the effects of human-structure interaction is important to ensure that the dynamic response of a structure is not overestimated. Previous observations, both in service and in the laboratory, have yielded results indicating that the effects are dependent on the natural frequency of the structure, the posture of the occupants, and the mass ratio of the occupants to the structure. These results are noteworthy, but are limited in their application,because the data are sparse and are only pertinent to a specific set of characteristics identified in a given study. To examine these characteristics simultaneously and consistently, an experimental test structure was designed with variable properties to replicate a variety of configurations within a controlled setting focusing on the effects of passive occupants. Experimental modal analysis techniques were employed to both the empty and occupied conditions of the structure and the dynamic properties associated with each condition were compared. Results similar to previous investigations were observed, including both an increase and a decrease in natural frequency of the occupied structure with respect to the empty structure, as well as the identification of a second mode of vibration. The damping of the combined system was higher for all configurations. Overall, this study provides a broad data set representing a wide array of configurations. The experimental results of this study were used to assess current recommendations for the dynamic properties of a crowd to analytically predict the effects of human-structure interaction. The experimental results were used to select a set of properties for passive, standing occupants and develop a new model that can more accurately represent the behavior of the human-structure system as experimentally measured in this study.


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This paper deals with the problem of identification and semiactive control of smart structures subject to unknown external disturbances such as earthquake, wind, etc. The experimental setup used is a 6-story test structure equipped with shear-mode semiactive magnetorheological actuators being installed in WUSCEEL. The experimental results obtained have verified the effectiveness of the proposed control algorithms


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This paper deals with the problem of semiactive vibration control of civil engineering structures subject to unknown external disturbances (for example, earthquakes, winds, etc.). Two kinds of semiactive controllers are proposed based on the backstepping control technique. The experimental setup used is a 6-story test structure equipped with shear-mode semiactive magnetorheological dampers being installed in the Washington University Structural Control and Earthquake Engineering Laboratory (WUSCEEL). The experimental results obtained have verified the effectiveness of the proposed control algorithms


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The functional method is a new test theory using a new scoring method that assumes complexity in test structure, and thus takes into account every correlation between factors and items. The main specificity of the functional method is to model test scores by multiple regression instead of estimating them by using simplistic sums of points. In order to proceed, the functional method requires the creation of hyperspherical measurement space, in which item responses are expressed by their correlation with orthogonal factors. This method has three main qualities. First, measures are expressed in the absolute metric of correlations; therefore, items, scales and persons are expressed in the same measurement space using the same single metric. Second, factors are systematically orthogonal and without errors, which is optimal in order to predict other outcomes. Such predictions can be performed to estimate how one would answer to other tests, or even to model one's response strategy if it was perfectly coherent. Third, the functional method provides measures of individuals' response validity (i.e., control indices). Herein, we propose a standard procedure in order to identify whether test results are interpretable and to exclude invalid results caused by various response biases based on control indices.


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Tässä työssä tutkittiin Ruukin valmistamista lujista Optim 700 MC Plus sekä Optim 700 QL teräksistä tehtyjen hitsattujen palkkirakenteiden vikasietoisuutta sekä murtumiskäyttäytymistä laboratoriossa suoritettujen täyden mittakaavan kokeiden avulla. Koerakenteet suunniteltiin siten, että rakenteen kylmämuovauksen sekä hitsauksen vaikutukset yhdessä rakenteen geometrian vaikutuksen kanssa heikentävät rakenteen murtumissitkeyttä rakenteeseen tehdyn teräväkärkisen alkusärön tasossa. Suunnitellussa koesarjassa varioidaan testauslämpötilan lisäksi hitsauksen lämmöntuontia sekä koerakenteeseen tehtävän alkusärön kokoa. Tässä työssä tavoitteena oli yleisesti esittää menettely hitsatun säröllisen teräsrakenteen kestävyyden arviointia varten. Optim 700 MC Plus teräksestä tehdyn koerakenteen käyttäytymistä tutkittiin laskennallisesti murtumismekaniikan avulla. Laadittujen FEM - mallien avulla laskettiin rakenteen murtumisparametrien arvot kummallekin tutkittavalle teräkselle. Optim 700 MC Plus materiaalista valmistetuille koerakenteen säröalueen rakennedetaljia vastaavalle koekappaleille suoritettiin murtumissitkeyskokeita. Murtumissitkeyskokeista saatujen tulosten avulla pystyttiin kuvaamaan täyden mittakaavan koerakenteessa olevan särön murtumiskäyttäytymistä mitoitusmenetelmissä. Koerakenteelle laskettiin tässä työssä kriittisen särökoon ja sitä vastaavan kuorman arvot perustuen rakenteen oletettuun hauraaseen, epästabiiliin sitkeään sekä plastiseen murtumiskäyttäytymiseen. Tässä työssä testattiin molemmista tutkittavista materiaaleista valmistetut täyden mittakaavan koerakenteet -40 °C lämpötilassa. Molemmat testatut rakenteet käyttäytyvät mitattujen siirtymätulosten perusteella melko hauraasti. Optim 700 MC Plus materiaalille saatujen laskentatulosten voidaan todeta testatun koekappaleen perusteella soveltuvan hauraasti käyttäytyvän rakenteen mitoitukseen.


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This paper concerns the development of drives that use electromechanical rotative motor systems. It is proposed an experimental drive test structure integrated to simulation softwares. The objective of this work is to show that an affordable model validation procedure can be obtained by combining a precision data acquisition with well tuned state-of-the-art simulation packages. This is required for fitting, in the best way, a drive to its load or, inversely, to adapt loads to given drive characteristics.


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Pikamallinnustekniikat ovat kehittyneet viime vuosina nopeasti. Tämä antaa jo lähes rajat-tomat mahdollisuudet tuottaa 3D-tulostamalla erilaisia tuotteita. 3D-tulostuksen hyödyntä-minen on yleistynyt erityisesti teollisuuden ja teknologian aloilla. Tässä työssä tutkittiin miten 3D-tulostamista voidaan hyödyntää diagnostisten pikatestien tuotekehityksessä. Immunologinen lateral flow-testi on vasta-aineisiin perustuva, nopea ja helppokäyttöinen mittausmenetelmä pienten ainemäärien havaitsemiseen. Tässä työssä kehitettiin lateral flow-testikotelo, jonka suunnitteluun ja rakenteen mallintamiseen käytettiin 3D-tulostustekniikkaa. Testikotelon toimivuus lateral flow- testissä varmistettiin kehittämällä testikoteloon sopiva pikatesti, jonka suorituskykyä analysoitiin sekä visuaalisesti että Actim 1ngeni-lukulaitteella. Työ aloitettiin tutkimalla eri pikavalmistustekniikoita, joista testikotelon tulostamiseen valittiin SLA-tekniikka sen tulostustarkkuuden ja tuotteen pinnan laadun perusteella. Testikotelon suunnittelu aloitettiin määrittämällä millaisia ominaisuuksia testikotelolta haluttiin. Näitä ominaisuuksia olivat lateral flow-testin suojaaminen sekä testissä kulkevan näytteen virtauksen varmistamien. Lateral flow- testin kehityksessä hyödynnettiin osin aiemmin kehitetystä pikatestistä saatuja tietoja. Lateral flow- kasettitestin valmistusprosessi koostui seitsemästä eri prosessivaiheesta jotka olivat: Vasta-aineen/kontrollireagenssin konjugointi, näytetyynyn käsittely, konjugointityynyn käsittely, konjugointityynylle annostelu, membraanille annostelu, tikkujen laminointi ja leikkaus sekä kasettitestin kokoonpano. Kehitetyn lateral flow- kasettitestin toimivuus varmistettiin tutkimalla testin reaktiokinetiikkaa ja analyyttistä herkkyyttä sekä visuaalisesti että lukulaitteen avulla. Tutkimustulosten perusteella 3D-tulostus on erittäin hyödyllinen menetelmä pikatestien tuotekehityksessä suunniteltaessa testikotelorakenteita, näytteen annosteluvälineitä ja näiden yhdistelmiä.


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This paper deals with the problem of identification and semiactive control of smart structures subject to unknown external disturbances such as earthquake, wind, etc. The experimental setup used is a 6-story test structure equipped with shear-mode semiactive magnetorheological actuators being installed in WUSCEEL. The experimental results obtained have verified the effectiveness of the proposed control algorithms


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This paper deals with the problem of semiactive vibration control of civil engineering structures subject to unknown external disturbances (for example, earthquakes, winds, etc.). Two kinds of semiactive controllers are proposed based on the backstepping control technique. The experimental setup used is a 6-story test structure equipped with shear-mode semiactive magnetorheological dampers being installed in the Washington University Structural Control and Earthquake Engineering Laboratory (WUSCEEL). The experimental results obtained have verified the effectiveness of the proposed control algorithms


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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This paper presents an approach for structural health monitoring (SHM) by using adaptive filters. The experimental signals from different structural conditions provided by piezoelectric actuators/sensors bonded in the test structure are modeled by a discrete-time recursive least square (RLS) filter. The biggest advantage to use a RLS filter is the clear possibility to perform an online SHM procedure since that the identification is also valid for non-stationary linear systems. An online damage-sensitive index feature is computed based on autoregressive (AR) portion of coefficients normalized by the square root of the sum of the square of them. The proposed method is then utilized in a laboratory test involving an aeronautical panel coupled with piezoelectric sensors/actuators (PZTs) in different positions. A hypothesis test employing the t-test is used to obtain the damage decision. The proposed algorithm was able to identify and localize the damages simulated in the structure. The results have shown the applicability and drawbacks the method and the paper concludes with suggestions to improve it. ©2010 Society for Experimental Mechanics Inc.


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We analysed Mg/Ca, Sr/Ca and Ca isotope ratios of benthonic foraminifers from sediment core tops retrieved during several research cruises in the Atlantic Ocean, in order to improve the understanding of isotope fractionation and element partitioning resulting from biomineralisation processes and changes in ambient conditions. Species include foraminifers secreting tests composed of hyaline low magnesium calcite, porcelaneous high magnesium calcite as well as aragonite. Our results demonstrate systematic isotope fractionation and element partitioning patterns specific for these foraminiferal groups. Calcium isotope fractionation is similar in porcelaneous and hyaline calcite tests and both groups demonstrate the previously described anomaly with enrichment of heavy isotopes around 3 - 4 °C (Gussone and Filipsson, 2010). Calcium isotope ratios of the aragonitic species Hoeglundina elegans, on the other hand, are about 0.4 per mil lighter compared to the calcitic species, which is in general agreement with stronger fractionation in inorganic aragonite compared to calcite. However, the low and strongly variable Sr content suggests additional processes during test formation, and we propose that transmembrane ion transport or a precursor phase to aragonite may be involved. Porcelaneous tests, composed of high Mg calcite, incorporate higher amounts of Sr compared to hyaline low Mg calcite, in agreement with inorganic calcite systematics, but also porcelaneous tests with reduced Mg/Ca show high Sr/Ca. While calcium isotopes, Sr/Ca and Mg/Ca in benthonic foraminifers primarily appear to fractionate and partition with a dominant inorganic control, d44/40Ca temperature and growth rate dependencies of benthonic foraminifer tests favour a dominant contribution of light Ca by transmembrane transport relative to unfractionated seawater Ca to the calcifying fluid, thus controlling the formation of foraminiferal d44/40Ca and Sr/Ca proxy signals.