907 resultados para Território usado


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Transport systems involved the use of territory in different Brazilian cities with regard to the occupation of road systems in urban areas. The implementation of systems engineering and transport infrastructure such as roads (roads), signs, stops, stations and complex road (bridges, viaducts and tunnels) are not used in the same way in the area. The subway is not even use the bus and vice versa. The time spent in travel, the time to access and the number of trips made by passengers in each way of transport is not the same. The use of transport systems in the territory, therefore, takes place through a whole in the current period we are in the technicalscientific and informational. This work addresses, however, the area used as a synonym of geographical area, analyzed by two categories of analysis, systems of objects formed by the fixed and the systems formed by the action flows. The system analyzed is the public transport by bus and population displacement that makes using this medium with source destination from home to work and has as empirical cut the Lagoa Azul located in the district administrative area north of Natal / RN. The general objective of this research is to understand the extent to which public transport has contributed to the socio-spatial accessibility of the residents of Barrio Blue Lagoon, located in Natal-RN, emphasizing the way home and the workplace. To reach the general objective of this dissertation, a study was made in light of the line which the methodological empirical facts, statistical data and theoretical knowledge of the events that occur in the quarter related to the Lagoa Azul economic aspects. Use for this, the concepts of mobility and Accessibility


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The Área de Proteção Ambiental de Jenipabu was created by Decreto 12,620/95, covering the beaches of Redinha Nova, Santa Rita and Jenipabu and Campina communities in the municipality of Extremoz, and Africa community fragment, in Natal. This protected area was created in the context of expansion of tourism in Rio Grande do Norte, in the 1990s, in which PRODETUR investments made possible the installation of infrastructure equipment, mainly in the Via Costeira and Ponta Negra beach in Natal by inserting it in the sun and sea tourism route to Northeast Brazil. In this context the beach Jenipabu in Extremoz, became one of the main attractions for those visiting Natal, due to the natural elements of its landscape, its dune field, which is offered to tourists the buggy ride. In December 1994 the excess buggy rides held in these dunes led to IBAMA ban their access to buggy for carrying out environmental study. This measure resulted in the creation of APAJ in 1995 with the goal of ordering the use and occupation to protect its ecosystems, especially the dunes, the disordered tourism. Given this context, this work aims to analyze the process of creating the APAJ and changes in the geographic space of its beaches, Redinha Nova, Santa Rita and Jenipabu, from the materialization of tourism process, as well as their implications for its residents. To this end, this paper presents a discussion of environmental currents that developed in the western portion of the globe, focusing on the need to regulate small areas of the national territory in protected areas, and an analysis of public policies that enabled the implementation tourism in APAJ as well as the laws and decrees governing the process of creation and management. Using the theory of circuits of urban economy of the Santos (2008) to analyze the territory used by tourism on the beaches of Redinha Nova, Santa Rita and Jenipabu, showing their dependent relationship with the territory used by the upper circuit on the Via Costeira and in the Ponta Negra beach and its influence on the APAJ urbanization process. Ending with the analysis of the influence of the materialization of tourism in the transformation of stocks ways of being-in-space and space-be of the Santa Rita and Jenipabu beaches in each geographical situation of APAJ among the first decades of the twentieth century to the 2014. Fieldwork was conducted between 2012 and 2014, performing actions of qualitative interviews with older residents of Santa Rita and Jenipabu beaches, interviews with structured questionnaire with merchants of APAJ and collecting GPS points trades, identifying and mapping the territory used by the lower circuit in APAJ beaches.


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Este trabalho busca apresentar uma discussão acerca da constituição do território brasileiro a partir de sua estrutura estatal federativa e organização política. Para tanto, a idéia de território usado (SANTOS, 1994, 1996; SANTOS; SILVEIRA, 2001) se apresenta como instrumento analítico de suma relevância. Conforme Santos e Silveira (2001, p. 20) o “que interessa discutir é, então, o território usado, sinônimo de espaço geográfico. Essa categoria, território usado, aponta para necessidade de um esforço destinado a analisar sistematicamente a constituição do território. Como se trata de uma proposta totalmente empiricizável, segue-se daí o enriquecimento da teoria”. Entender o território usado implica entender que existe um conjunto de ações – ou seja, um evento – que dinamizam este território e que, quando dinamizado, este mesmo território retorna como um condicionante das ações sociais. Seguindo pelo mesmo partido de método proposto por Santos (1996), entendemos aqui território usado como conjunto indissociável de sistema de objetos (materialidades) e de sistemas de ações (eventos). A federação no Brasil pode ser tratada, teoricamente, como um evento, isto é, a instituição da federação foi um conjunto de acontecimentos que atingiram e transformaram o território e, a partir desse momento esse mesmo território se tornou uma norma para a vigência dessa federação. No país, os mecanismos de distribuição e de redistribuição de recursos entre os entes federados adquirem grande importância pelo fato de serem eles os elementos que permitem uma maior ou menor autonomia na administração pública. Parcelas do território recebem mais recursos do que outras proporcionando, assim, uma difusão seletiva do meio técnico-científico-informacional (SANTOS, 1996) pelo território.


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Natal é uma cidade bastante antiga, data desde o ano de 1599. Durante seus três primeiros séculos de existência ela praticamente não cresceu, porém teve um significativo aumento populacional e crescimento urbano na década de 1940, a partir da Segunda Guerra Mundial. Nos últimos anos, Natal tem passado por um intenso processo de urbanização, que exigiu da cidade um acompanhamento na sua infraestrutura, principalmente por ser uma cidade turística; o que aumenta bastante a sua demanda. O esgotamento sanitário entra como um dos problemas que Natal tem que resolver. A cidade possui apenas cerca de 32% do seu território servido por um sistema de coleta de esgotos. O serviço de esgotamento sanitário é de extrema importância para a manutenção da saúde e da qualidade de vida da população, assim como os demais serviços que compõem o saneamento básico. Tal serviço tem sido um grande desafio para a população e para os administradores públicos. Este trabalho tem como principal objetivo analisar os impactos socioespaciais causados pelas diferentes formas de esgotamento sanitário existentes em Natal. Durante a elaboração deste trabalho, foram realizadas pesquisas bibliográfica e de campo através de estudos documentais, visitas aos órgãos públicos, entrevistas, aplicação de formulários junto à população e observação direta. O embasamento teórico parte dos estudos de Milton Santos sobre território usado, adotando também, ao longo do desenvolvimento do trabalho, as contribuições de outros autores. O território usado foi escolhido como categoria de análise deste trabalho, por entendermos que as questões do esgotamento sanitário passam pelo uso do território, e este se dá pela sociedade como um todo


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The study done has as objective the comprehension of the constructed territorial spaces through the commercial perspective, because it is a social practice which enables the dynamic of the space and the appearing of territories. Related to the territory, we emphasized the interest for the idea of used territory treated by Milton Santos, because we agreed with him believing that is the use of the territory which warrants its legitimacy. Then, the spatial dimension chose concentrates itself into the district of Alecrim, localized at the east zone of Natal/RN, where it is recognized by its strong commercial dynamic which was built during years, facing some events which happened in the context of the city. However, this dynamic counts with a hard dichotomy which involves as the considered by the State formal activities, as the informal one. About the commerce of the district, it has characteristics into its activities whose make him to be considered popular, as by the existing products, as by the strong presence of informal workers that constitutes the district s landscape. The informal workers practice expresses one of the multiples constructed alternative territorialities. We believe that this fact has direct relation with the growing process of the exclusion from the formal jobs market. Still talking about the spatial dimension, this real example of the Alecrim district shows how the techniques changes, together with the capitalism process, may influence one entire spatial dynamic across years, involving many agents, since the transient people from somewhere, until the State. Shall the Geography understand the multiple forms from the space, face to the relations that occur into it and also how new territories have been built


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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The evolution of Brazilian federalism (result of the influence and power of oligarchic elites, the different constitutional texts made and policies designed to collect taxes) shows one of the forms of how the Brazilian government uses the territory to effect the exercise of power. In the country, this use takes place by the imposition of rules that regulate and create tension among the entities, and mechanisms of distribution and redistribution of resources among federal agencies acquire great importance because they allow a bigger or lesser autonomy in public administration. The text aims to analyze the voluntary transfers of resources from the Federal Government to the municipalities. These Covenants act as a mechanism that can be configured in promoter of new selectivity and hierarchies between places. With the aim to understand the materialization of public resources in the territory, our analysis intends to identify how the Brazilian government makes use of constitutional mechanisms to enlarge and improve the urban infrastructure in the municipal scale.


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This work studies the territorial dynamics of the trade modern retailer in the North Zone of Natal/RN, undertaken by the expansion of that following of the tertiary section in the researched space. For so much, we accomplished bibliographical and documental research during whole the process of construction of the work and the field research based close to in interviews the responsible for the establishments of the modern retail and application of questionnaires with the residents and consumers of the area in subject. Leaving of the understanding that the territory is used by the society producing the movement of capitalist reproduction in the places, we inferred that the expansion of the modern retail in the North Zone has been promoting a new dynamics in your territory, fact that has been valuing the space and attracted investors to the place. Therefore, we organized the study in this dissertation in three chapters: the first, "North Zone: use and occupation of the soil ", brings us the process of historical and social formation of the North Zone inserted in the context of the urban expansion of Natal; the second chapter, " Expansion of the tertiary section: the growth of the modern retail trade in the North Zone", makes direct reference to the tertiary section and the expansion of the I trade modern retailer; and finally, the third surrender, " The territorial dynamics and the modern retail trade in the North Zone of Natal", in which we expose all the results of the field research, looking for to understand the territorial dynamics that the expansion of the modern retail trade has been producing in the study area


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This paper focuses public bus service as an essential component to urban dynamics in Natal, RN. Thereby, the approach of public bus service in Natal City, capital of Rio Grande do Norte State, has as analytical category the concept of territory used, in which techniques are seen as space elements allowing man and nature interact together. The result of this interaction, systematically analyzed in different historical phases, makes space to a geographical assessment of the theme. On a second moment, it is investigated how public bus system came to be and how it functions today in Natal City. In this sense, this paper looks for the main elements that contributed to explain the subject under investigation. For example, how public bus service has accompanied Natal s socio-spatial changes, and eventually, the use of territory carried out in the context of public bus system. These questions are highlighted in this paper because they play a fundamental role to an explanation about public bus circulation, urban vehicle policies and how they affect the use of territory nowadays.


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This study was based on the analysis and understanding of the dynamics of the lower circuit of the economy and the size of the street trading in the city of Mossoro (RN). The operationalization of the theory of the two circuits of the urban economy, based on Santos (2008a) was essential to understand the street trading as part of the entire city of Mossoro. It was given emphasis on the study of the lower circuit of the economy and its coverage in the street trading in the commercial center of the city, specifically in street trading in Coronel Gurgel. The dynamics of that street reveals the different ways that the territory is used simultaneously by different social actors as pedestrians, consumers, business owners, and especially by street vendors. These vendors occupy the spaces along the streets of the city commercial center, placing their tents or stalls, especially on sidewalks, excellent strategic locations for the marketing of their products, due to the large influx of people seeking goods and services nearby. As methodological and technical procedures for gathering primary data, we opted for the use of questionnaires and interviews, with many users of the lower circuit, both consumers and vendors. The analysis of these questionnaires, along with the theoretical background, has revealed that there are several social and political conflicts related to the use of public spaces, such as sidewalks and flowerbeds, in the city commercial center, and that these conflicts are increasingly demonstrating that vendors need a space endowed with infrastructure to conduct their activities. The lack of efficiency of the government, as well as the slowness of their actions to organize a space that is able to properly fit salespersons, constitutes one of the main problems faced by these small traders who have limited financial resources and materials to get their activities through in the globalized world. At the same time, this study revealed the importance of these agents, as the last link of the urban economy, in the distribution of various consumer goods, enabling the satisfaction of some needs of the population, especially the poorer people


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)