5 resultados para Termopsidae


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本文研究分为两部分,第一部分主要对原白蚁科古白蚁属及云南大白蚁亚科白蚁进行了分类学研究,第二部分主要是云南地区某些白蚁生物学研究。 第一部分:1. 古白蚁属Archotermopsis隶属于等翅目Isoptera,原白蚁科Termopdidae,是中国新记录属,本文详细描述了古白蚁属中国新记录种罗夫顿古白蚁Archotermopsis wronghtoni特征,同时编写了原白蚁属分种检索表以及整理了等翅目分科、原白蚁科分亚科、原白蚁亚科分属检索表。 2. 检视了中国科学院昆明动物研究所昆虫标本馆大白蚁亚科白蚁Macrotermitidae馆藏标本,发现3新记录种,分别为:近三型大白蚁Macrotermes peritrimorphus,海南大白蚁M. hainanensis 和 梯头大白蚁M. trapezoides. 第二部分:1. 大白蚁亚科白蚁是一类与蚁巢伞共生的白蚁,作者通过在云南绿春观察大白蚁亚科4种土白蚁的分飞活动,得知:大白蚁亚科不同种类的白蚁分飞孔形状亦不相同,分飞时分布于孔口周围的白蚁型、数目和扩散范围存在差异,这些蚁巢外露部分的特征可以作为白蚁种类识别的辅助依据。 2. 采集了32巢白蚁及其巢上生长的蚁巢伞,结果显示大白蚁亚科每一个白蚁巢仅生长一种蚁巢伞子实体。与小果蚁巢伞共生的白蚁也与其他蚁巢伞共生,据此推测真菌能改变白蚁的行为。对白蚁种类和蚁巢伞种类对应关系研究表明在小地域内,白蚁和蚁巢伞不仅存在属间高度专一性,而且种间也显示较高的共生专一性。 3. 本文还对大白蚁亚科白蚁对蚁巢伞是否存在共生选择进行了初步研究,当海南土白蚁新建巢的第一个工蚁出巢觅食时,提供真根蚁巢伞、盾形蚁巢伞孢子与其取食,结果表明,海南土白蚁工蚁并不仅仅消极的取食含有孢子的木材而获得蚁巢伞,它能主动识别蚁巢伞孢子并取食之,从而增大白蚁新建巢成活的机会。海南土白蚁工蚁对与其共生的真根蚁巢伞孢子的主动取食率为30%,对与其非共生的盾形蚁巢伞孢子的取食率同样为30%,两者取食率无差异,P值为0.634在同时提供两种蚁巢伞孢子的培养皿中,20%白蚁巢的工蚁同时取食了真根蚁巢伞孢子和盾形蚁巢伞孢子,而10%白蚁巢的工蚁仅取食了盾形蚁巢伞孢子,两者取食率也无显著性差异(P=0.376),表明在工蚁出巢觅食这个阶段,白蚁对蚁巢伞并无选择作用。


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Although “polymorphic castes” in social insects are well known as one of the most important phenomena of polyphenism, few studies of caste-specific gene expressions have been performed in social insects. To identify genes specifically expressed in the soldier caste of the Japanese damp-wood termite Hodotermopsis japonica, we employed the differential-display method using oligo(dT) and arbitrary primers, compared mRNA from the heads of mature soldiers and pseudergates (worker caste), and identified a clone (PCR product) 329 bp in length termed SOL1. Northern blot analysis showed that the SOL1 mRNA is about 1.0 kb in length and is expressed specifically in mature soldiers, but not in pseudergates, even in the presoldier induction by juvenile hormone analogue, suggesting that the product is specific for terminally differentiated soldiers. By using the method of 5′- and 3′-rapid amplification of cDNA ends, we isolated the full length of SOL1 cDNA, which contained an ORF with a putative signal peptide at the N terminus. The sequence showed no significant homology with any other known protein sequences. In situ hybridization analysis showed that SOL1 is expressed specifically in the mandibular glands. These results strongly suggest that the SOL1 gene encodes a secretory protein specifically synthesized in the mandibular glands of the soldiers. Histological observations revealed that the gland actually develops during the differentiation into the soldier caste.


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记述分布于云南绿春和沧源的原白蚁科1新记录属:古白蚁属Archotermopsis Desneux 及1新记录种:罗夫顿古白蚁Archotermopsis wroughtoni Desneux.详细描述了其形态特征,提供了罗夫顿古白蚁的整体、头部、前胸背板和上颚照片,以及古白蚁属和国内发现的另一古老白蚁属:原白蚁属Hodotermopsis的区别特征.研究标本保存于中国科学院昆明动物所昆虫标本馆.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The structure of the spermatheca was investigated in specimens of five termite families with the aid of light microscopy. In longitudinal section, the spermatheca of Zootermopsis nevadensis (Termopsidae) showed the shape of an umbrella with a secretory portion and duct. The other termite species, which belong to the families Kalotermitidae, Serritermitidae, Rhinotermitidae and Termitidae showed a spermatheca constituted only by the secretory portion. This structure was an elongate, fingerlike tube with a recurved and blind extremity. The spermatheca wall was composed of a single epithelium formed by class 3 secretory cells with a lumen lined by cuticle. The cuticle was thin and smooth or thick with digitiform projections in the species examined. All the termite females showed bundles of musculature outside of the spermatheca.