1000 resultados para Termodinàmica del desequilibri
A kinetic model is derived to study the successive movements of particles, described by a Poisson process, as well as their generation. The irreversible thermodynamics of this system is also studied from the kinetic model. This makes it possible to evaluate the differences between thermodynamical quantities computed exactly and up to second-order. Such differences determine the range of validity of the second-order approximation to extended irreversible thermodynamics
The radiation distribution function used by Domínguez and Jou [Phys. Rev. E 51, 158 (1995)] has been recently modified by Domínguez-Cascante and Faraudo [Phys. Rev. E 54, 6933 (1996)]. However, in these studies neither distribution was written in terms of directly measurable quantities. Here a solution to this problem is presented, and we also propose an experiment that may make it possible to determine the distribution function of nonequilibrium radiation experimentally. The results derived do not depend on a specific distribution function for the matter content of the system
We present a non-equilibrium theory in a system with heat and radiative fluxes. The obtained expression for the entropy production is applied to a simple one-dimensional climate model based on the first law of thermodynamics. In the model, the dissipative fluxes are assumed to be independent variables, following the criteria of the Extended Irreversible Thermodynamics (BIT) that enlarges, in reference to the classical expression, the applicability of a macroscopic thermodynamic theory for systems far from equilibrium. We analyze the second differential of the classical and the generalized entropy as a criteria of stability of the steady states. Finally, the extreme state is obtained using variational techniques and observing that the system is close to the maximum dissipation rate
Domain growth in a system with nonconserved order parameter is studied. We simulate the usual Ising model for binary alloys with concentration 0.5 on a two-dimensional square lattice by Monte Carlo techniques. Measurements of the energy, jump-acceptance ratio, and order parameters are performed. Dynamics based on the diffusion of a single vacancy in the system gives a growth law faster than the usual Allen-Cahn law. Allowing vacancy jumps to next-nearest-neighbor sites is essential to prevent vacancy trapping in the ordered regions. By measuring local order parameters we show that the vacancy prefers to be in the disordered regions (domain boundaries). This naturally concentrates the atomic jumps in the domain boundaries, accelerating the growth compared with the usual exchange mechanism that causes jumps to be homogeneously distributed on the lattice.
In fluid dynamical models the freeze-out of particles across a three-dimensional space-time hypersurface is discussed. The calculation of final momentum distribution of emitted particles is described for freeze-out surfaces, with both spacelike and timelike normals, taking into account conservation laws across the freeze-out discontinuity.
We show that time-dependent couplings may lead to nontrivial scaling properties of the surface fluctuations of the asymptotic regime in nonequilibrium kinetic roughening models. Three typical situations are studied. In the case of a crossover between two different rough regimes, the time-dependent coupling may result in anomalous scaling for scales above the crossover length. In a different setting, for a crossover from a rough to either a flat or damping regime, the time-dependent crossover length may conspire to produce a rough surface, although the most relevant term tends to flatten the surface. In addition, our analysis sheds light into an existing debate in the problem of spontaneous imbibition, where time-dependent couplings naturally arise in theoretical models and experiments.
A Brownian pump of particles powered by a stochastic flashing ratchet mechanism is studied. The pumping device is embedded in a finite region and bounded by particle reservoirs. In the steady state, we exactly calculate the spatial density profile, the concentration ratio between both reservoirs and the particle flux. We propose a simulation framework for the consistent evaluation of such observable quantities.
We study analytically a thermal Brownian motor model and calculate exactly the Onsager coefficients. We show how the reciprocity relation holds and that the determinant of the Onsager matrix vanishes. Such a condition implies that the device is built with tight coupling. This explains why Carnot¿s efficiency can be achieved in the limit of infinitely slow velocities. We also prove that the efficiency at maximum power has the maximum possible value, which corresponds to the Curzon-Alhborn bound. Finally, we discuss the model acting as a Brownian refrigerator.
Thermal fluctuations around inhomogeneous nonequilibrium steady states of one-dimensional rigid heat conductors are analyzed in the framework of generalized fluctuating hydrodynamics. The effect of an external source of noise is also considered. External fluctuations come from temperature and position fluctuations of the source. Contributions of each kind of noise to the temperature correlation function are computed and compared through the study of its asymptotic behavior.
We compute nonequilibrium correlation functions about the stationary state in which the fluid moves as a consequence of tangential stresses on the liquid surface, related to a varying surface tension (thermocapillary motion). The nature of the stationary state makes it necessary to take into account that the system is finite. We then extend a previous analysis on fluctuations about simple stationary states to include some effects related to the finite size of the sample.
We have shown that finite-size effects in the correlation functions away from equilibrium may be introduced through dimensionless numbers: the Nusselt numbers, accounting for both the nature of the boundaries and the size of the system. From an analysis based on fluctuating hydrodynamics, we conclude that the mean-square fluctuations satisfy scaling laws, since they depend only on the dimensionless numbers in addition to reduced variables. We focus on the case of diffusion modes and describe some physical situations in which finite-size effects may be relevant.
We have shown that the mobility tensor for a particle moving through an arbitrary homogeneous stationary flow satisfies generalized Onsager symmetry relations in which the time-reversal transformation should also be applied to the external forces that keep the system in the stationary state. It is then found that the lift forces, responsible for the motion of the particle in a direction perpendicular to its velocity, have different parity than the drag forces.