981 resultados para Terminal patients


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Objective. To identify the perception of nurses with regard to the process of providing care to patients in the context of hospice care. Method. Qualitative study using the methodological framework Collective Subject Discourse. A total of 18 nursing professionals of the adult intensive care unit of a public hospital in São Paulo, Brazil were interviewed between June and August 2012. Results. The process of providing care to terminal patients is permeated by negative, conflictive and mixed feelings. As regards communication, while the participants acknowledge its importance as a therapeutic resource, they also admit a lack of professional qualification. Conclusion. The interviewees have difficulties to deal with care provided to terminal patients. The qualification of these professionals needs to be improved, starting in the undergraduate program.


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Resumen: Los conceptos de dolor, enfermedad y enfermedad terminal exceden plenamente el ámbito meramente biológico y solo pueden abordarse acabadamente desde una perspectiva hilemorfista de persona humana. El enfoque integral de estos conceptos permite descubrir un significado antropológico de los mismos. Su comprensión adecuada constituye un imperativo moral en el cuidado del paciente terminal. En este sentido, es posible rescatar el valor de los cuidados paliativos como una modalidad de atención integral del paciente. En este contexto surge el proyecto de la Casa de la Bondad Salta, que pertenece a la Fundación Manos Abiertas. La Casa de la Bondad tiene como objetivo implementar cuidados paliativos a enfermos terminales. Se parte de la necesidad de realizar un abordaje integral del enfermo desde un enfoque transdisciplinar.


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O objetivo deste estudo foi compreender os significados que alunos de medicina atribuem à experiência de cuidar de pacientes em fase terminal. Os dados foram coletados mediante entrevistas individuais com vinte e quatro estudantes de medicina de uma universidade paulista. As convergências dos depoimentos dos participantes foram agrupadas em três categorias: a) deparando-se com o mundo da doença terminal/morte; b) relação com o paciente e sua família; c) reflexão sobre o cuidar do paciente terminal. Nos depoimentos, os estudantes expressam ansiedade ao cuidar deste tipo de paciente, assim como as dificuldades em lidar com os próprios sentimentos. Consideram-se pouco preparados para relacionar-se com esses pacientes, mas aprenderam com a experiência vivida. Os resultados do estudo apontam para a necessidade de se introduzirem, na formação médica, conteúdos visando desenvolver competências interpessoais e capacidade de reflexão sobre questões de ética e deontologia médica, envolvendo a terminalidade da vida.


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Este estudo busca compreender como alunos de graduação em Enfermagem percebem a si mesmos ao cuidar de pacientes em fase terminal e expor os significados da experiência vivida. Foram entrevistados 14 alunos, respondendo à questão: Como se mostra a você o cuidar do paciente na fase terminal? Para os alunos, é sempre uma experiência dolorosa, que os coloca face a face com suas fragilidades e inseguranças. Eles atribuem suas dificuldades à própria incapacidade de aceitar a morte e ao despreparo e inexperiência. Relatam que falta apoio dos profissionais com quem compartilham esse cuidado. No que se refere à formação profissional, para alguns a experiência foi positiva, apesar das dificuldades; outros a avaliam negativamente, resultando em rejeição a situações semelhantes. Novas investigações sobre o tema são necessárias para aprofundar e ampliar a reflexão para o âmbito da formação dos enfermeiros em nível nacional.


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Esse trabalho é um estudo descritivo de campo com fins exploratórios que permitam situar a problemática da perda do filho, em famílias de crianças leucêmicas, com o objetivo de explicitar um atendimento psicológico para apoiar essas famílias. Nesse intuito, procurou-se observar os padrões de comportamento encontrados nessas famílias desde o aparecimento da doença, as mudanças que surgiram devido à ameaça de morte e o falecimento. Estudos feitos por médicos, enfermeiras, psiquiatras assistentes sociais e psicólogos que trabalham com doentes graves e pacientes terminais, forneceram parâmentros para nortearem o que foi observado em campo. O estudo foi realizado no IPPMG, hospital-escola pertencente à UFRJ. Observou-se a situação de quatorze famílias de crianças leucêmicas no decorrer da doença através de entrevistas individuais não diretivas e observações no contexto da Instituição. Baseando-se em padrões de comportamento que foram encontrados por vários autores em trabalhos com pacientes terminais e também observados nesse estudo, levantou-se a hipótese que a partir desses padrões de comportamento é possível desenvolver meios de acompanhamento psicológico para ajudar essas famílias a viverem esse período de crise - a perda do filho. Foi constatado que a própria equipe de saúde também está vivendo essa crise e passa pelos mesmos padrões de comportamento que a família. Assim sendo, seria necessário ulteriormente prever um trabalho com a equipe de saúde para que essa possa lidar mais com as famílias e com o impacto da morte.


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A proposta do presente trabalho é abordar as principais questões referentes às relações entre o câncer e sua expressão psicológica, através do trabalho realizado durante a fase de tratamento e reabilitação de pacientes do Instituto Nacional de Câncer -R.J. portadores de câncer de laringe, submetidos à laringectomia total. Tal objetivo deve-se a verificação de que diversas publicações específicas apontam para avaliações das relações citadas ou pela vertente da busca de etiologia psicológica do câncer, ou pela tentativa da formulação de métodos para assistência de pacientes terminais e que mesmo com o avanço da medicina, com o aumento do tempo de vida de seus portadores, ainda constata-se a escassez de investigações no campo da psicologia que -incidam sobre as possibilidades de planejamento terapêutico que visem o problema do tratamento e da readaptação dos pacientes às suas novas condições. Cabe, contudo, o esclarecimento de que esta dissertação não pretende atender à formulação de uma nova teoria sobre a assistência psicológica a pacientes com câncer, ou até a laringectomizados, mas tentará propor formulações, que colhidas através da verificação empírica, possam contribuir para a elaboração de novos estudos e pesquisas no interior desta perspectiva.


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It has been reflected on Science and spirituality having as focus the relation between them and the process lived by terminal patients after the confirmation of the finitude of their lives. It has searched with this research to excite discussions that corroborate the tematization of a possible dialogue between science and spirituality, signaling perspectives of debates and formation of an understanding of the problematic that involves these human constructs in the development of alternatives for the understanding of the life finitude. We point out the moment of split between science and spirituality through the cartesian paradigm from a historical approach and after focusing the illness and death as foundation for our discussion. We use as methodological strategy, focal talks with terminal patients having as guidance a guideline with five punctuations: the singular citizen, diagnosis impacts, indicators of science, spirituality marks and death fear that served of base for analysis and data interpretation in according to selected theoretical foundations. Thus, it was possible to perceive that science, although not to keep an explicit dialogue with spirituality, it has pointed through is representation forms to the process indicatives that will culminate with the death. And these indicators had shown that in this direction it is efficient. We believe that the confrontation of the death can happen through of a new science that dialogues with the spirituality, where does not have separation between reason and emotion on the part of science; as well as it does not have reason disdain on the part of the spirituality


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Pós-graduação em Direito - FCHS


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Patients with primary malignant brain tumor endure several motor and cognitive dysfunctions, demanding the presence of a caregiver even more because the time necessary for their assistance increases considerably. Usually this task is performed by a family relative, whose activities include taking care of the patient’s personal hygiene, escorting them to medical appointments, managing their money and performing their housework. All of this overwhelms the caregiver both physical and psychologically. This bibliographic research intends to analyze the role in which a caregiver plays in the quality of life of those kinds of patients, the complications of such task, the caregivers’ needs and the daily life of those terminal patients. It was used CAPES, PubMed and Google Academic databases for researching articles related to family caregivers who assisted adult patients with primary malignant brain tumor. The study concluded that being a caregiver of patients in such conditions harms one’s quality of life, with consequences such as stress, insomnia, financial problems and lack of social support. Theirs needs include: having someone to talk to about the matter, attending programs for reducing stress and increasing their knowledge about the disease. In advanced phases of the condition, the patient shows great mobility problems, aphasia and regular seizures, which end up overwhelming the caregiver. The level of quality of life found was above other types of cancer’s caregivers. Therefore, they represent a group with special needs, which should be especially handled by health professionals.


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Relatório de Estágio apresentado à Escola Superior de Saúde Dr. Lopes Dias do Instituto Politécnico de Castelo Branco para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de Mestre em Cuidados Paliativos, realizada sob a orientação científica do Professor Doutor Manuel Luís Capelas e Mestre Eduardo Manuel Neves Oliveira Carqueja, Professores Convidados pela Escola Superior de Saúde Dr. Lopes Dias do Instituto Politécnico de Castelo Branco.


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Background. There is considerable debate regarding the clinical issues surrounding the wish to hasten death (WTHD) in the terminally ill. The clinical factors contributing to the WTHD need further investigation among the terminally ill in order to enhance understanding of the clinical assessment and treatment needs that underlie this problem. A more detailed understanding may assist with the development of appropriate therapeutic interventions. Method. A sample of terminally ill cancer patients (N=256) recruited from an in-patient hospice unit, home palliative care service and a general hospital palliative care consulting service from Brisbane Australia between 1998–2001 completed a questionnaire assessing psychological (depression and anxiety), social (family relationship, social support, level of burden on others) and the impact of physical symptoms. The association between these factors and the WTHD was investigated. Results. A high WTHD was reported by 14% of patients. A discriminant function analysis revealed that the following variables were associated with a high WTHD (P<0·001): higher levels of depressive symptoms, being admitted to an in-patient hospice setting, a greater perception of being a burden on others, lower family cohesion, lower levels of social support, higher levels of anxiety and greater impact of physical symptoms. Conclusions. Psychological and social factors are related to a WTHD among terminally ill cancer patients. Greater attention needs to be paid to the assessment of psychological and social issues in order to provide appropriate therapeutic interventions for terminally ill patients.


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This paper examines the extent to which patients who have been diagnosed as having terminal cancer choose to use non-medical therapies. In particular it is concerned with the illness behaviour of patients who are receiving conventional cytotoxic drug and radiation treatments, who also decide to use a wide range of ‘alternative’ medications and therapies. The paper discusses the findings of a study of 152 patients with metastatic cancer that examined the extent to which they used alternative cancer therapies, as well as the beliefs and attitudes they have about their cancer, its treatment, and the practitioners providing that treatment. Four groups of users of alternative therapies, who differ according to their commitment to and the type of therapies they use, were identified. Results of logistic regression analyses indicate that those using alternative therapies were different in range of social attitudes. These differences were primarily their greater reported ‘will to live’ and desire for control over treatment decisions, and the differing beliefs they hold about their disease.


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BACKGROUND: The use of nonstandardized N-terminal pro-B-type natriuretic peptide (NT-proBNP) assays can contribute to the misdiagnosis of heart failure (HF). Moreover, there is yet to be established a common consensus regarding the circulating forms of NT-proBNP being used in current assays. We aimed to characterize and quantify the various forms of NT-proBNP in the circulation of HF patients. METHODS: Plasma samples were collected from HF patients (n = 20) at rest and stored at -80 degrees C. NT-proBNP was enriched from HF patient plasma by use of immunoprecipitation followed by mass spectrometric analysis. Customized homogeneous sandwich AlphaLISA (R) immunoassays were developed and validated to quantify 6 fragments of NT-proBNP. RESULTS: Mass spectrometry identified the presence of several N- and C-terminally processed forms of circulating NT-proBNP, with physiological proteolysis between Pro2-Leu3, Leu3-Gly4, Pro6-Gly7, and Pro75-Arg76. Consistent with this result, AlphaLISA immunoassays demonstrated that antibodies targeting the extreme N or C termini measured a low apparent concentration of circulating NT-proBNP. The apparent circulating NT-proBNP concentration was increased with antibodies targeting nonglycosylated and nonterminal epitopes (P < 0.05). CONCLUSIONS: In plasma collected from HF patients, immunoreactive NT-proBNP was present as multiple N- and C-terminally truncated fragments of the full length NT-proBNP molecule. Immunodetection of NT-proBNP was significantly improved with the use of antibodies that did not target these terminal regions. These findings support the development of a next generation NT-proBNP assay targeting nonterminal epitopes as well as avoiding the central glycosylated region of this molecule. (c) 2013 American Association for Clinical Chemistry


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Whether a terminally ill cancer patient should be actively fed or simply hydrated through subcutaneous or intravenous infusion of isotonic fluids is a matter of ongoing controversy among clinicians involved in the care of these patients. Under the auspices of the European Association for Palliative Care, a committee of experts developed guidelines to help clinicians make a reasonable decision on what type of nutritional support should be provided on a case-by-case basis. It was acknowledged that part of the controversy related to the definition of the terminal cancer patient, since this is a heterogeneous group of patients with different needs, expectations, and potential for a medical intervention. A major difficulty is the prediction of life expectancy and the patient's likely response to vigorous nutritional support. In an attempt to reach a decision on the type of treatment support (artificial nutrition vs. hydration) which would best meet the needs and expectations of the patient, we propose a three-step process: Step I: define the eight key elements necessary to reach a decision: Step II: make the decision; and Step III: reevaluate the patient and the proposed treatment at specified intervals. Step I involves assessing the patient concerning the following: 1) oncological/clinical condition; 2) symptoms; 3) expected length of survival; 4) hydration and nutritional status; 5) spontaneous or voluntary nutrient intake; 6) psychological profile; 7) gut function and potential route of administration; and 8) need for special services based on type of nutritional support prescribed. Step II involves the overall assessment of pros and cons, based on information determined in Step I, in order to reach an appropriate decision based on a well-defined end point (i.e. improvement of quality of life; maintaining patient survival; attaining rehydration). Step III involves the periodic reevaluation of the decision made in Step II based on the proposed goal and the attained result.