6 resultados para Teredinidae


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Shipworms are important decomposers of wood, especially in mangrove forests where productivity is high. However, little emphasis has been given to the activity of shipworms in relation to the export of nutrients from mangroves to adjacent coastal areas. As a first step to obtaining such information, the frequency of colonized mangrove driftwood as well as shipworm density and length were studied by collecting washed up logs during a year at Ajuruteua beach, state of Pará, northern Brazil. A single species, Neoteredo reynei (Bartsch, 1920), was found colonizing driftwood. Although large colonized logs were most common on the beach, shipworm density was higher in small logs, especially during the dry season. In general, however, density was higher during the wet season (January to April) and lowest in July. Overall shipworm mean length was 9.66cm. In large logs, mean length increased between the wet and dry seasons. However, there was no difference in length among log size categories. Mean shipworm length was similar throughout most of the year but tended to be greater in July. Although salinity varied between 10.9 and 40 during the year, no relationship was found between salinity and density or length. The results suggest that shipworm activity in driftwood logs is relatively constant throughout the year. Increased air humidity and rainfall may promote survival during the wet season. Large logs may take longer to colonize and thus have lower densities than small ones which are scarce probably because they are destroyed rapidly by shipworm activity. However, data on the disintegration of logs would be necessary to test this hypothesis. Larger size of shipworms in the dry season may be related to growth after an earlier recruitment period. Shipworms in large logs during the dry season may be better protected from dessication and high temperatures by the insulating properties of the larger volume of wood.


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A ocorrência e o recrutamento larval de Teredinidae na região do Sistema Costeiro Cananéia-Iguape foram acompanhados por doze meses utilizando-se coletores laminados de pinho, instalados em três estações dentro do bosque de mangue (mediolitoral) e em uma estação, localizada no infralitoral. No manguezal, a colonização por larvas de teredinídeos ocorreu após quatro meses de permanência dos coletores na estação mais frequentemente inundada pela maré e somente após oito meses nas duas estações com menor frequência de inundação. No infralitoral, após quatro meses, os coletores já estavam consideravelmente danificados. Ao longo do experimento, houve um decréscimo no número de teredinídeos, especialmente no infralitoral, ocasionado possivelmente pela competição por alimento e espaço entre teredinídeos e foladídeos. Foram encontrados 2.658 indivíduos, sendo 704 de Teredinidae e 1.954 de Pholadidae. Entre os teredinídeos, Bankia fimbriatula foi a espécie mais abundante tanto no infralitoral quanto no manguezal, seguida de Bankia gouldi e Lyrodus floridanus que ocorreram somente no infralitoral, e Nausitora fusticula encontrada somente no manguezal. Martesia striata, único foladídeo, ocorreu somente no infralitoral.


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In order to evaluate the diversity and infestation level of Teredinidae wood-boring molluscs, ten satations were chosen along the coast of Rio de Janeiro State. Using five pine-wood panels in each station, it was possible to distinguish five areas according to species dominance. Ilha Grande Bay is characterized by the dominance of Lyrodus floridanus (Bartsch, 1922); Sepetiba Bay, by Bankia fimbriatula Moll & Roch, 1931, Tijuca Lagoon by Teredo navalis Linnaeus, 1758; Guanabara Bay by Notoredo knoxi (Bartsch, 1917) and Araruama Lagoon by Teredo furcifera Martens, 1894. Specific composition and dominance of these species were due mainly to abiotic factors such as salinity whereas infestation level was associated not only to salinity but also to other factors such as the quantity and quality of fouling, the presence of larval dispersion focus and the wood supply in each area.


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The current taxonomy of the Teredinidae (shipworms) is wholly based on morphology and up to now no molecular studies of the phylogeny of this group have been published. In the present study the relationships between four genera of the subfamilies Teredininae and Bankiinae were established and the efficiency of the 16S rRNA gene in characterizing four Teredinidae species was tested. Phylogenetic trees support the grouping of Bankia fimbriatula with Nausitora fusticula and of Neoteredo reynei with Psiloteredo healdi, but the genetic distances do not justify the classification of these species into two distinct subfamilies. The results show that B. fimbriatula, N. reynei and P. healdi specimens from the coast of the Brazilian state of Pará have five distinct 16S rRNA haplotypes, with one N. reynei haplotype differing from the other haplotypes in respect to at least seven sequences sites, indicating the existence of two very distinct sympatric lineages.


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Turus são importantes decompositores de madeira, especialmente em manguezais, onde a produtividade é alta. Entretanto, pouca ênfase tem sido dada à atividade de turus em relação à exportação de nutrientes de manguezais para as áreas costeiras adjacentes. Como um passo inicial para obter tais informações, a freqüência de madeira do mangue à deriva colonizada por turus, bem como a densidade e comprimento de turus, foram estudados através da coleta de troncos encalhados durante 12 meses na praia de Ajuruteua, Estado do Pará, norte do Brasil. Uma única espécie, Neoteredo reynei (Bartsch, 1920), foi encontrada colonizando a madeira à deriva. Embora troncos grandes colonizados fossem mais comuns na praia, a densidade de turus foi maior nos troncos menores, especialmente na estação seca. Em geral, a densidade foi maior durante a estação chuvosa (janeiro a abril) e menor em julho. O comprimento médio geral de turus foi de 9,66cm e, em troncos grandes, o comprimento médio aumentou entre as estações chuvosa e seca. Entretanto, não houve nenhuma diferença em comprimento entre as categorias de tamanho dos troncos. O comprimento médio dos turus foi semelhante ao longo do maior parte do ano, mas a tendência foi de comprimentos maiores em julho. Embora a salinidade tenha variado entre 10,9 e 40 durante o ano, nenhuma relação entre salinidade e densidade ou comprimento foi encontrada. Os resultados sugerem que a atividade de turus em madeira à deriva é relativamente constante ao longo do ano. Maior umidade do ar e precipitação podem promover sobrevivência durante a estação chuvosa. Troncos maiores podem levar mais tempo para serem colonizados e portanto podem ter densidades menores do que nos troncos menores. Estes últimos são incomuns talvez porque sejam rapidamente destruídos pela atividade dos turus. Dados sobre a desintegração de troncos, entretanto, seriam necessários para corroborar esta hipótese. O tamanho maior de turus na estação seca possivelmente esteja relacionado ao crescimento após um período anterior de recrutamento. Na estação seca, turus em troncos grandes podem ser melhor protegidos da dessecação e de altas temperaturas pelas propriedades isolantes do maior volume de madeira.


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Sperm ultrastructure in three representative species of the marine bivalve family Spondylidae (spiny or thorny oysters) is examined and compared with available data on other bivalves, especially other families of the subclass Pteriomorphia. Spondylid spermatozoa are of the externally fertilizing aquasperm. type (ect-aquasperm). The acrosomal vesicle is conical with a deep basal invagination extending almost the full length of the vesicle. Vesicle contents are divisible into an inner, highly electron-dense anterior layer and a less dense posterior layer. The anterior layer is folded back on itself posteriorly and exhibits radiating plates (best developed peripherally). The vesicle rests on, and is partially embedded in, an extensive granular deposit of subacrosomal. material at the nuclear apex. This deposit extends partly into acrosomal vesicle invagination and also fills a broad depression in the anterior of the nucleus. No pre-formed axial rod (perforatorium) is present. The nucleus is round-pyriform and its contents coarsely fibrogranular. At the base of the nucleus, four broad depressions partially accommodate the midpiece mitochondria. The midpiece consists the four spherical mitochondria and the proximal and distal centrioles. The centrioles are arranged at approximately 90degrees to each other, and each consists of nine, angularly-oriented, microtubular triplets embedded in a granular matrix. A short, periodically banded rootlet connects the proximal centriole to the nuclear fossa, whereas the distal centriole, which forms the basal body to the flagellar axoneme, is anchored to the plasma membrane by nine terminally forked satellite fibres. Extensive deposits of putative glycogen rosettes surround the centrioles and mitochondria. The flagellum consists of a 9+2 axoneme sheathed by the plasma membrane. Spondylid spermatozoa strongly resemble those of the Pectinidae, further confirming the traditional view (based on comparative anatomy and shell morphology) of a close relationship between the Spondylidae and the Pectinidae. Differences in acrosomal shape and dimensions were noted between the three species examined, indicating potential taxonomic utility for comparative sperm ultrastructure within the Spondylidae.