26 resultados para Tensiometry
We developed a reproducible model of deep dermal partial thickness burn injury in juvenile Large White pigs. The contact burn is created using water at 92 degrees C for 15s in a bottle with the bottom replaced with plastic wrap. The depth of injury was determined by a histopathologist who examined tissue sections 2 and 6 days after injury in a blinded manner. Upon creation, the circular wound area developed white eschar and a hyperaemic zone around the wound border. Animals were kept for 6 weeks or 99 days to examine the wound healing process. The wounds took between 3 and 5 weeks for complete re-epithelialisation. Most wounds developed contracted, purple, hypertrophic scars. On measurement, the thickness of the burned skin was approximately 1.8 times that of the control skin at week 6 and approximately 2.2 times thicker than control skin at 99 days after injury. We have developed various methods to assess healing wounds, including digital photographic analysis, depth of organising granulation tissue, immunohistochemistry, electron microscopy and tensiometry. Immunohistochemistry and electron microscopy showed that our porcine hypertrophic scar appears similar to human hypertrophic scarring. The development of this model allows us to test and compare different treatments on burn wounds.
O estudo da estabilidade de emulsões de biocombustíveis destaca-se, dentre outros aspectos, pela necessidade de identificação das características destas. Esta necessidade reforça-se pela dificuldade de detecção de biodiesel e suas misturas quando estão fora de especificação, além de se aplicar aos processos de separação e purificação do biodiesel após a transesterificação. O entendimento deste problema poderá ser alcançado a partir de estudos de estabilidade associados aos modelos termodinâmicos de equilíbrio líquido-líquido (modelo NRTL) em sistemas ternários, que serão a base da modelagem proposta neste trabalho. O levantamento de dados envolve técnicas de observação direta em titulação, e ensaios de estabilidade e tensiometria, com algumas alterações das técnicas clássicas. Desta forma, o objetivo principal do trabalho é propor uma maneira de identificar e caracterizar as interfaces das emulsões formadas e estudar a estabilidade das fases envolvidas. Além disso, estuda-se a introdução de alcoóis como agentes tensoativos para viabilizar a utilização de misturas de combustíveis, mesmo na região de mais de uma fase. Para o desenvolvimento do trabalho, emulsões envolvendo os constituintes básicos serão combinadas entre si em diferentes proporções. A etapa inicial constitui-se de um mapeamento das misturas e proporções que formam as emulsões, baseadas nas curvas de equilíbrio. Em seguida, faz-se o estudo de caracterização e estabilidade destes sistemas. Com estas informações é possível mapear o sentido de incremento de tensão na interface e instabilidade da separação de fases das emulsões em relação aos diagramas ternários correspondentes. Por fim, propõe-se uma estratégia para estimar os parâmetros termodinâmicos do NRTL para as espécies presentes nos sistemas estudados e prever o comportamento dos mesmos e de sistemas similares. Este modelo matemático proposto tem como objetivo complementar a técnica experimental adotada para construção das curvas de equilíbrio, sendo bem sucedido
A novel class of anionic surfactants was prepared through the neutralization of pyrrolidine or imidazole by alkylcarboxylic acids. The compounds, namely the pyrrolidinium alkylcarboxylates ([Pyrr][CnH2n+1COO]) and imidazolium alkylcarboxylates ([Im][CnH2n+1COO]), were obtained as ionic liquids at room temperature. Their aggregation behavior has been examined as a function of the alkyl chain length (from n = 5 to 8) by surface tensiometry and conductivity. Decreases in the critical micelle concentration (cmc) were obtained, for both studied PIL families, when increasing the anionic alkyl chain length (n). Surprisingly, a large effect of the alkyl chain length was observed on the minimum surface area per surfactant molecule (Amin) and, hence the maximum surface excess concentration (Gmax) when the counterion was the pyrrolidinium cation. This unusual comportment has been interpreted in term of a balance between van der Waals and coulombic interactions. Conductimetric measurements permit determination of the degree of ionization of the micelle (a) and the molar conductivity (?M) of these surfactants as a function of n. The molar conductivities at infinite dilution in water (?8) of the [Pyrr]+ and [Im]+ cations have been then determined by using the classical Kohlraush equation. Observed change in the physicochemical, surface, and micellar properties of these new protonic ionic liquid surfactants can be linked to the nature of the cation. By comparison with classical anionic surfactants having inorganic counterions, pyrrolidinium alkylcarboxylates and imidazolium alkylcarboxylates exhibit a higher ability to aggregate in aqueous solution, demonstrating their potential applicability as surfactant.
The restoration of wetlands as bird habitats often involves the maintenance of a fluctuating water regime by careful, localised ditch water management using pumps and sluices. However, there is evidence in the literature to Suggest that alternate flood/drainage cycles can accelerate nutrient cycling and transport within the soil and, therefore, pose a threat to water quality through the process of eutrophication. This study focused on the dynamics and losses of soil P in a recently re-wetted, eutrophic fen peat developed on alluvium ill South west England. During the 2-year Study (2001 and 2002), soil water tensiometry revealed that the field water table (fluctuating annually between +20 and 60 cm relative to ground level) was extensively influenced across most of the 8.4 ha field site by the management of the adjacent ditch water levels. This conservation-led, prescribed water balance was facilitated by the high hydraulic conductivity (1.1 x 10(-s) ms(-1)) of the lower (70-140 cm), degraded layer of peat. However, only during a 7-day period of water table drawdown by intermittent pump drainage, approximately 45 g ha(-1) of dissolved reactive P (DRP) entered the pumped ditch from the field via this degraded layer. Summer rainfall events >35 mm d(-1) also coincided with significant peaks ill ditch water P concentration (up to 200 mu g L-1 DRP). Even larger peaks (Up to 700 mu g L-1 DRP) Occurred With the annual onset of autumn reflooding. These episodic P loss events pose a serious potential threat to biological water quality. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Critical micelle concentrations (cmc) of aqueous solutions of poly(methyl methacrylate)-block-poly(N-isopropylacrylamide) were determined at several temperatures by surface tensiometry. Below the lower critical solution temperature (LCST), the low Delta(mic) H-0 determined can be assigned to the PMMA block being tightly coiled in the dispersed molecular state, so that the unfavorable interactions of hydrophobic entities with water are minimized. Above the LCST the cmc value was found to increase; an anomalous behavior that can be directly related to the micelle-globule transition of the hydrophilic block. Interestingly, above the LCST the surface tension of relatively concentrated solutions was found to depend weakly on temperature not following the usual strong decrease with temperature expected for aqueous solutions. (C) 2007 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Three triblock copolymers of ethylene oxide and phenyl glycidyl ether, type E(m)G(n)E(m), where G = OCH2-CH(CH2OC6H5) and E = OCH2CH2, were synthesized and characterized by gel-permeation chromatography, matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry, and NMR spectroscopy. Their association properties in aqueous solution were investigated by surface tensiometry and light scattering, yielding values of the critical micelle concentration (cmc), the hydrodynamic radius, and the association number. Gel boundaries in concentrated micellar solution were investigated by tube inversion, and for one copolymer, the temperature and frequency dependence of the dynamic moduli served to confirm and extend the phase diagram and to highlight gel properties. Small-angle X-ray scattering was used to investigate gel structure. The overall aim of the work was to define a block copolymer micellar system with better solubilization capacity for poorly soluble aromatic drugs than had been achieved so far by use of block copoly(oxyalkylene)s. Judged by the solubilization of griseofulvin in aqueous solutions of the E(m)G(n)E(m) copolymers, this aim was achieved.
A cultura do feijoeiro apresenta elevada importância no contexto agrícola nacional. Além de ser uma cultura que atende às características da agricultura familiar, também é cultivada em áreas extensivas com alta tecnologia. Pesquisas relacionadas ao desenvolvimento do feijoeiro frente às variantes edafoclimáticas regionais vêm assumindo papel de destaque, principalmente por se tratar de uma planta sensível tanto ao déficit quanto ao excesso hídrico. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a cultura do feijoeiro de 'inverno' submetida a dois métodos de manejo de irrigação, em pivô central, um via solo por meio de tensiômetros, outro via clima por meio do tanque Classe 'A', em dois sistemas de plantio, convencional e direto, no primeiro ano. Foram avaliados o índice de área foliar (IAF), massa seca total (MS) de plantas e a variação do potencial mátrico de água no solo. Concluiu-se que os manejos de irrigação e os sistemas de plantio não resultaram em diferenças no IAF e nem no acúmulo de matéria seca total ao longo do ciclo da cultura; o manejo da irrigação por tensiometria acarretou maior variação no potencial mátrico de água no solo do que o método via clima por meio do tanque Classe 'A'.
O manejo inadequado do solo e da água é limitante à produtividade do feijoeiro irrigado. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar dois métodos de manejo da irrigação, um via solo (tensiometria) e outro via clima (tanque Classe A), conjugados com os sistemas plantio direto e convencional de manejo do solo com a cultura do feijoeiro de inverno, no segundo ano de plantio direto, em Jaboticabal - SP. Foi medido o potencial mátrico do solo e estimada a variação diária do armazenamento de água no solo, na camada de 0 a 0,40 m de profundidade, e avaliados os componentes de produtividade, além de determinadas a evapotranspiração real média e a eficiência média de uso de água pela cultura. O sistema de preparo convencional do solo com manejo de irrigação pelo tanque Classe A proporcionou maior produtividade de grãos, evapotranspiração média e eficiência de uso de água pela cultura, seguido pelo plantio direto com manejo de irrigação por tensiometria e por tanque Classe A. O sistema plantio direto foi menos suscetível às variações hídricas no solo decorrentes dos manejos de irrigação empregados do que o sistema de preparo convencional, resultando em menor variação na produtividade de grãos.
O objetivo deste trabalho foi analisar o consumo e o custo de energia elétrica em cultura do feijoeiro irrigado por pivô central, cultivar IAC-Carioca, submetida a dois manejos de irrigação: TENS - tensiometria; TCA - balanço hídrico-climatológico, baseado no tanque Classe A; e dois sistemas de cultivo em Latossolo Vermelho: PD - plantio direto; PC - plantio convencional, no ano de 2002. A pesquisa foi desenvolvida na Área Demonstrativa e Experimental de Irrigação - ADEI da FCAV/UNESP, Câmpus de Jaboticabal - SP. O consumo de energia elétrica do sistema de irrigação foi monitorado, e seu custo, analisado para dois grupos tarifários: A e B, sendo os preços do kWh dos sistemas tarifários de energia elétrica obtidos na CPFL (Companhia Paulista de Força e Luz). Os tratamentos em que o manejo da irrigação foi realizado pelo método do tanque Classe A, ocasionaram os maiores consumos e custos de energia elétrica, em relação aos tratamentos em que o manejo foi realizado por tensiometria; entre os sistemas de plantio, não foram observadas diferenças. A tarifa Horo-Sazonal (verde e/ou azul), com desconto, foi a melhor opção para os quatro tratamentos.
Latexes based on acrylic acid, acrylamide, ethyl methacrylate, and ethyl acrylate were synthesized via emulsion polymerization with different monomer compositions. The resultant latices were thickened with different molar ratios of NaOH to acrylic acid and were analyzed in terms of acid‐basis titrimetry, turbidimetry, rheology, and tensiometry. Titrimetry, turbidimetry, and rheometry were used to analyze factors such as carboxyl group availability and particle solubilization, tensiometry monitoring the influence of carboxyl neutralization on polymer‐surfactant interactions. For the acrylic acid content used in this work (20 wt%), the results indicated that as carboxyl groups distribution became more homogeneous, the process of latex thickening became more effective
Corrosion usually occurs in pipelines, so that it is necessary to develop new surface treatments to control it. Surfactants have played an outstanding role in this field due to its capacity of adsorbing on metal surfaces, resulting in interfaces with structures that protect the metal at low surfactant concentrations. The appearance of new surfactants is a contribution to the area, as they increase the possibility of corrosion control at specific conditions that a particular oil field presents. The aim of this work is to synthesize the surfactants sodium 12 hydroxyocadecenoate (SAR), sodium 9,10-epoxy-12 hydroxyocadecanoate (SEAR), and sodium 9,10:12,13-diepoxy-octadecanoate (SEAL) and apply them as corrosion inhibitors, studying their action in environments with different salinities and at different temperatures. The conditions used in this work were chosen in order to reproduce oil field reality. The study of the micellization of these surfactants in the liquid-gas interface was carried out using surface tensiometry. It was observed that cmc increased as salt concentration was increased, and temperature and pH were decreased, while cmc decreased with the addition of two epoxy groups in the molecule. Using the values of cmc and the Gibbs equation, the values of Gibbs free energy of adsorption, area per adsorbed molecule, and surface excess were calculated. The surface excess increases as salt concentration and temperature decreases, increasing as pH is increased. The area per adsorbed molecule and the free energy of adsorption decrease with salt concentration, temperature, and pH increase. SAXS results showed that the addition of epoxy group in surfactant structure results in a decrease in the repulsion between the micelles, favoring the formation of more oblong micellar structures, ensuring a better efficiency of metal coverage. The increase in salt and surfactant concentrations provides an increase in micellar diameter. It was shown that the increase in temperature does not influence micellar structure, indicating thermal stability that is advantageous for use as corrosion inhibitor. The results of inhibition efficiency for the surfactants SEAR and SEAL were considered the best ones. Above cmc, adsorption occurred by the migration of micelles from the bulk of the solution to the metal surface, while at concentrations below cmc film formation must be due to the adsorption of semi-micellar and monomeric structures, certainly due to the presence of the epoxy group, which allows side interactions of the molecule with the metal surface. The metal resistance to corrosion presented values of 90% of efficiency. The application of Langmuir and Frumkin isotherms showed that the later gives a better description of adsorption because the model takes into account side interactions from the adsorbing molecules. Wettability results showed that micelle formation on the solid surface occurs at concentrations in the magnitude of 10-3 M, which isthe value found in the cmc study. This value also justifies the maximum efficiencies obtained for the measurements of corrosion resistance at this concentration. The values of contact angle as a function of time suggest that adsorption increases with time, due to the formation of micellar structures on metal surface
Alkyl polyethoxylates are surfactants widely used in vastly different fields, from oil exploitation to pharmaceutical applications. One of the most interesting characteristics of these surfactants is their ability to form micellar systems with specific geometry, the so-called wormlike micelle. In this work, microemulsions with three distinct compositions (C/T = 40 %, 30 % and 25 %) was used with contain UNITOL / butanol / water / xylene, cosurfactant / surfactante (C/S) ratio equal to 0,5. The microemulsion was characterized by dynamic light scattering (DLS), capillary viscometry, torque rheometry and surface tensiometry experiments carried out with systems based on xylene, water, butanol (cosurfactant) and nonaethyleneglycolmonododecyl ether (surfactant), with fixed surfactant:cosurfactant:oil composition (with and without oil phase) and varying the overall concentration of the microemulsion. The results showed that a transition from wormlike micelles to nanodrops was characterized by maximum relative viscosity (depending on how relative viscosity was defined), which was connected to maximum effective diameter, determined by DLS. Surface tension suggested that adsorption at the air water interface had a Langmuir character and that the limiting value of the surfactant surface excess was independent of the presence of cosurfactant and xylene. The results of the solubilization of oil sludge and oil recovery with the microemulsion: C/S = 40%, 30% and 25% proved to be quite effective in solubilization of oil sludge, with the percentage of solubilization (%solubilization) as high as 92.37% and enhanced oil recovery rates up to 90.22% for the point with the highest concentration of active material (surfactant), that is, 40%.
The vesicle-micelle transition in aqueous mixtures of dioctadecyidimethylammonium and octadecyltrimethylammonium bromide (DODAB and C(18)TAB) cationic surfactants, having respectively double and single chain, was investigated by differential scanning calorimetry (DSQ, steady-state fluorescence, dynamic light scattering (DLS) and surface tension. The experiments performed at constant total surfactant concentration, up to 1.0 mM, reveal that these homologous surfactants mix together to form mixed vesicles and/or micelles, depending on the relative amount of the surfactants. The melting temperature T-m of the mixed DODAB-C(18)TAB vesicles is larger than that for the neat DODAB in water owing to the incorporation of C(18)TAB in the vesicle bilayer. The surface tension decreases sigmoidally with C(18)TAB concentration and the inflection point lies around (XDODAB) approximate to 0.4, indicating the onset of micelle formation owing to saturation of DODAB vesicles by C(18)TAB molecules. When XDODAB > 0.5 C(18)TAB molecules are mainly solubilised by the vesicles, but when XDODAB < 0.25 micelles are dominant. Fluorescence data of the Nile Red probe incorporated in the system at different surfactant molar fractions indicate the formation of micelle and vesicle structures. These structures have apparent hydrodynamic radius RH of about 180 and 500-800 nm, respectively, as obtained by DLS measurements. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Dois métodos de manejo de irrigação, por tensiometria e pelo balanço hídrico climatológico simplificado baseado no tanque Classe A, foram aplicados e avaliados os resultados no balanço de água no solo, na evapotranspiração e na produtividade de grãos da cultura do feijoeiro, cultivar IAC-Carioca, conduzida na estação seca com irrigação por pivô central, após uma cultura de milho (estação úmida), no primeiro ano de cultivo, nos sistemas de plantio direto e convencional em uma área de Latossolo Vermelho. Concluiu-se que ambos os métodos são possíveis de serem adotados por irrigantes ou técnicos com níveis médios de tecnologia e conhecimento, embora com a tensiometria seja possível um melhor entendimento das reais condições hídricas do solo na região do sistema radicular da cultura. Não foram verificadas diferenças importantes de armazenamento de água no solo e de produtividade de grãos entre os sistemas de plantio nesse primeiro ano; o manejo por tensiometria resultou em maiores variações na água disponível consumida do que o do balanço hídrico climatológico simplificado e resultou, em relação a esse, economia de 15% na água de irrigação aplicada, sem afetar a produtividade de grãos.
We used dynamic light scattering (DLS), a steady-state fluorescence, time resolved fluorescence quenching (TRFQ), tensiometry, conductimetry, and isothermal titration calorimetry (ITC) to investigate the self-assembly of the cationic surfactant cetyltrimethylammonium sulfate (CTAS) in aqueous solution, which has SO42- as divalent counterion. We obtained the critical micelled concentration (cmc), aggregation number (N-agg), area per monomer (a(0)), hydrodynamic radius (R-H), and degree of counterion dissociation (alpha) of CTAS micelles in the absence and presence of up to 1 M Na2SO4 and at temperatures of 25 and 40 degrees C. Between 0.01 and 0.3 M salt the hydrodynamic radius of CTAS micelle R-H approximate to 16 angstrom is roughly independent on Na2SO4 concentration; below and above this concentration range R-H increases steeply with the salt concentration, indicating micelle structure transition, from spherical to rod-like structures. R-H increases only slightly as temperature increases from 25 to 40 degrees C, and the cmc decreases initially very steeply with Na2SO4 concentration up to about 10 mM, and thereafter it is constant. The area per surfactant at the water/air interface, a(0), initially increases steeply with Na2SO4 concentration, and then decrases above ca. 10 mM. Conductimetry gives alpha = 0.18 for the degree of counterion dissociation, and N-agg obtained by fluorescence methods increases with surfactant concentration but it is roughly independent of up to 80 mM salt. The ITC data yield cmc of 0.22 mM in water, and the calculated enthalpy change of micelle formation, Delta H-mic = 3.8 kJ mol(-1), Gibbs free energy of micellization of surfactant molecules, Delta G(mic) = -38.0 kJ mol(-1) and entropy T Delta S-mic = 41.7 kJ mol(-1) indicate that the formation of CTAS micelles is entropy-driven. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.