985 resultados para Tensile ruptures


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Natural rubber/gold nanoparticles membranes (NR/Au) were studied by ultrasensitive detection and chemical analysis through surface-enhanced Raman scattering and surface-enhanced resonance Raman scattering in our previous work (Cabrera et al., J. Raman Spectrosc. 2012, 43, 474). This article describes the studies of thermal stability and mechanical properties of SERS-active substrate sensors. The composites were prepared using NR membranes obtained by casting the latex solution as an active support (reducing/establishing agents) for the incorporation of colloidal gold nanoparticles (AuNPs). The nanoparticles were synthesized by in situ reduction at different times. The characterization of these sensors was carried out by thermogravimetry, differential scanning calorimetry, scanning electron microscopy (SEM) microscopy, and tensile tests. It is suggested an influence of nanoparticles reduction time on the thermal degradation of NR. There is an increase in thermal stability without changing the chemical properties of the polymer. For the mechanical properties, the tensile rupture was enhanced with the increase in the amount of nanoparticles incorporated in the material. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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Risers are flexible multilayered pipes formed by an inner flexible metal structure surrounded by polymer layers and spiral wound steel ligaments, also known as armor wires. Since these risers are used to link subsea pipelines to floating oil and gas production installations, and their failure could produce catastrophic consequences, some methods have been proposed to monitor the armor integrity. However, until now there is no practical method that allows the automatic non-destructive detection of individual armor wire rupture. In this work we show a method using magnetic Barkhausen noise that has shown high efficiency in the detection of armor wire rupture. The results are examined under the cyclic and static load conditions of the riser. This work also analyzes the theory behind the singular dependence of the magnetic Barkhausen noise on the applied tension in riser armor wires.


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Tensile and fatigue properties of as-rolled and annealed polycrystalline Cu foils with different thicknesses at the micrometer scale were investigated. Uniaxial tensile testing results showed that with decreasing foil thickness the uniform elongation decreases for both as-rolled and annealed foils, whereas the yield strength and ultimate tensile strength increase for as-rolled foils, but decrease for the annealed foils. For both the as-rolled or annealed foils, bending fatigue resistance decreases with decreasing the foil thickness. Deformation and fatigue damage behaviour of the free-standing foils were characterised as a function of foil thickness. In addition, the fatigue strength of various small-scale Cu foils was compared to understand they physical mechanisms of size effects on mechanical properties of the metallic material at micrometer scales.


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THERE is an increasing need for biodegradable plastics because they are environmentally friendly and can replace petroleum-based non-degradable plastics which pollute the environment. Starch-derived films reinforced with sugar cane bagasse fibre, which are biodegradable, have been prepared and characterised by gravimetric analysis for moisture uptake, X-ray powder diffraction for crystallinity, and tensile testing for mechanical properties. Results have shown that the addition of bagasse fibre (5 wt%, 10 wt% or 20 wt%) to either (modified) potato starch (Soluble starch) or hydroxypropylated maize starch reduced moisture uptake by up to 30% at 58% relative humidity (RH). Also, the tensile strength and the Young’s Modulus increased up to 63% and 80% respectively, with the maximum value obtained with 5 wt% fibre at 58% RH. However, the tensile strain of the films significantly decreased by up to 84%. The results have been explained based on the crystallinity of the films and the intrinsic properties of starch and bagasse fibres.


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This paper examines the paradoxical and ubiquitous nature of Butler’s heterosexual matrix, and opens it up to an alternative Deleuzian analysis. Drawing on stories and art works produced in a collective biography workshop on girls and sexuality this paper extends previous work on the subversion of the heterosexual matrix undertaken by Renold and Ringrose (2008). The paper moves, as they do, from a molar to a molecular analysis, but extends that work by re-thinking the girl/subject in terms of Deleuze and Guattari’s endlessly transforming multiplicities where “the self is only a threshold, a door, a becoming between two multiplicities” (Deleuze and Guattari, 1987: 249)


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This article analyzes a series of stories and artworks that were produced in a collective biography workshop. It explores Judith Butler’s concept of the heterosexual matrix combined with a Deleuzian theoretical framework. The article begins with an overview of Butler’s concept of the heterosexual matrix and her theorizations on how it might be disrupted. It then suggests how a Deleuzian framework offers other tools for analyzing these ruptures at the micro level of girls’ everyday interactions.


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In South and Southeast Asia, postharvest loss causes material waste of up to 66% in fruits and vegetables, 30% in oilseeds and pulses, and 49% in roots and tubers. The efficiency of postharvest equipment directly affects industrial-scale food production. To enhance current processing methods and devices, it is essential to analyze the responses of food materials under loading operations. Food materials undergo different types of mechanical loading during postharvest and processing stages. Therefore, it is important to determine the properties of these materials under different types of loads, such as tensile, compression, and indentation. This study presents a comprehensive analysis of the available literature on the tensile properties of different food samples. The aim of this review was to categorize the available methods of tensile testing for agricultural crops and food materials to investigate an appropriate sample size and tensile test method. The results were then applied to perform tensile tests on pumpkin flesh and peel samples, in particular on arc-sided samples at a constant loading rate of 20 mm min-1. The results showed the maximum tensile stress of pumpkin flesh and peel samples to be 0.535 and 1.45 MPa, respectively. The elastic modulus of the flesh and peel samples was 6.82 and 25.2 MPa, respectively, while the failure modulus values were 14.51 and 30.88 MPa, respectively. The results of the tensile tests were also used to develop a finite element model of mechanical peeling of tough-skinned vegetables. However, to study the effects of deformation rate, moisture content, and texture of the tissue on the tensile responses of food materials, more investigation needs to be done in the future.


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Semiconductor nanowires (NWs) show tremendous applications in micro/nano-electro-mechanical systems. In order to fulfill their promising applications, an understanding of the mechanical properties of NWs becomes increasingly important. Based on the large-scale molecular dynamics simulations, this work investigated the tensile properties of Si NWs with different faulted stacking layers. Different faulted stacking layers were introduced around the centre of the NW by the insertion or removal of certain stacking layers, inducing twins, intrinsic stacking fault, extrinsic stacking fault, and 9R crystal structure. Stress–strain curves obtained from the tensile deformation tests reveal that the presence of faulted stacking layers has induced a considerable decrease to the yield strength while only a minor decrease to Young's modulus. The brittle fracture phenomenon is observed for all tested NWs. In particular, the formation of a monatomic chain is observed for the perfect NW, which exists for a relatively wide strain range. For the defected NW, the monatomic chain appears and lasts shorter. Additionally, all defected NWs show a fracture area near the two ends, in contrast to the perfect NW whose fracture area is adjacent to the middle. This study provides a better understanding of the mechanical properties of Si NWs with the presence of different faulted stacking layers.


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Graphene has been reported with record-breaking properties which have opened up huge potential applications. A considerable research has been devoted to manipulate or modify the properties of graphene to target a more smart nanoscale device. Graphene and carbon nanotube hybrid structure (GNHS) is one of the promising graphene derivates, while their mechanical properties have been rarely discussed in literature. Therefore, such a studied is conducted in this paper basing on the large-scale molecular dynamics simulation. The target GNHS is constructed by considering two separate graphene layers that being connected by single-wall carbon nanotubes (SWCNTs) according to the experimental observations. It is found that the GNHSs exhibit a much lower yield strength, Young’s modulus, and earlier yielding comparing with a bilayer graphene sheet. Fracture of studied GNHSs is found to fracture located at the connecting region between carbon nanotubes (CNTs) and graphene. After failure, monatomic chains are normally observed at the front of the failure region, and the two graphene layers at the failure region without connecting CNTs will adhere to each other, generating a bilayer graphene sheet scheme (with a layer distance about 3.4 Å). This study will enrich the current understanding of the mechanical performance of GNHS, which will guide the design of GNHS and shed lights on its various applications.