12 resultados para Tempestites


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The deposits of the Permian Teresina Formation are mainly characterized by fi ne-grained siliciclastic rocks and centimetric intercalations of tempestites (bioclastic sandstones and coquinas). Despite the relevance of the bivalve-rich carbonate beds of the Teresina Formation to paleoenvironmental studies, their taphonomy is still poorly studied. The fossil concentration studied in this work was found in a quarry in the city of Irati, Rio Preto district, Parana State. The fossil concentration is located in the middle/upper portion of the unit, far from the top. The studied bed is a bioclastic, intraclastic, peloidal, grainstone/ packstone, with abundant bivalve shell fragments, pelitic and micritic intraclasts, peloids, rare ooids and oncoids, as well as permineralized of Lycophyta microphylles and fish scales. The grains of this carbonate concentration show: high degree of time-averaging, variable degree of packing (dense to disperse), no sorting and chaotic orientation. Notably, the concentration includes a mixture of elements which are indicative of: a) restrictive, low energy, carbonate environment (peloids, ooids and oncoids); b) subaerial environment surrounding the main body of water (Lycophyta microphylles) and c) quiet-water environment punctuated by storm events, where the suspension-feeding bivalves thrived. At least four depositional events caused by storm fl ows were recorded. The amalgamated nature of the bed is a result of storm events in an intracratonic basin with very low seafl oor slope and low rates of sedimentation and subsidence.


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Herein, it is presented the first detailed taphonomic study on bivalve mollusk shells preserved in the oolitic limestones of the Teresina Formation (probably Kungurian-Roadian, Lower-Middle Permian) in the eastern margin of the Parana basin. The selected beds are located in two quarries (informally named PRU 1 and PRU 2) in Prudentopolis municipality (Center-South Parana State), and positioned approximately in the middle of the formation and probably in the Pinzonella illusa Zone. The PRU 1 limestone ([approximately]30 cm thick), which is partially silicified and intercalated with predominantly pelitic rocks, is classified as a bivalve oolitic grainstone. The basal contact is erosive and the top shows symmetrical ripple marks, which are draped by shale with mud cracks. There are two fining-upwards successions characterized by dense to dispersed packing of the shells, which are usually disarticulated, randomly oriented (many nested/stacked) and mixed with some Formapelitic intraclasts. Microhummocky cross-stratification occurs a little below the top of the bed. The PRU2 bed is classified as ooidbivalve rudstone[approximately] (~5 cm thick), where all shells are disarticulated and fragmented, showing dense packing. The bivalves probably inhabited a muddy substrate and were mixed (as parautochtonous and allochthonous bioclasts) with ooids during high-energy storm events, including posterior shell displacement as a result of bioturbation. Thus, the calcareous beds represent amalgamated proximal tempestites with a complex taphonomic history, strong temporal/spatial mixing of bioclasts and limited paleoecological resolution. They are a typical example of shell beds generated in a huge epeiric sea, which was not necessarily connected to the ocean and where very low depositional-slope gradient, very slow subsidence and minimum sediment accommodation space caused frequent sediment reworking by storm related processes.


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Tempestitos grossos constituem camadas delgadas de conglomerado gradando a arenito, com estratificação cruzada seguida de laminação ondulada truncante a simétrica e de drape/flaser de siltito/folhelho. Cinco exemplos extraídos do Permiano da bacia do Paraná ilustram esse tipo de depósito: três deles são de rochas siliciclásticas, contendo bioclastos de bivalves e vertebrados (Formação Rio Bonito-Membro Triunfo e Formação Palermo), enquanto os outros dois são de rochas carbonática e fosfática (respectivamente, formações Teresina e Corumbataí do Grupo Passa Dois). O componente tracional da base do tempestito grosso apresenta-se como arenite quartzoso/lítico ou grainstone oolítico com cimento calcífero preenchendo poros (casos das formações Palermo e Teresina). em sua maioria, os tempestitos grossos constituem pavimentos transgressivos intercalados em folhelhos ou tempestitos finos (arenitos muito finos a folhelhos com estratificação ondulada truncante-hummocky). em outro caso, extraído de subsuperfície, o pavimento transgressivo ocorre na base de uma sucessão progradante de barra de plataforma. O tempestito grosso da Formação Teresina constitui um evento transgressivo sobreposto a depósitos de barra de plataforma.


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Taphonomic analysis of pelecypod concentration in the part of the Teresina Formation (Passa Dois Group), Tiaraju region, State of Rio Grande do Sul, indicates its origins as due to high energy events (storms). The fauna include shallow-burrowing suspensivorous species, associated with this byssate semi-infauna species. Several taphonomic characteristics indicate that the fossiliferous assemblage was subject to little selective processes during transportation. These are: predominance of disarticulated valves (although articulated valves are frequent) and perpendicular, oblique, concordant and nested arrangement of bioclasts in the sedimentary matrix. Absence of fragmentation, bioerosion and incrustation of the bioclasts, suggest fast burial of shells due to high sedimentation rate events. Diagenetic features, indicate that the fossils were later submitted to refossilization and mixing with other non-coeval bioclasts, resulting in some degree of time-averaging.


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The Taciba and Rio Bonito (lower Triunfo Mbr) formations are divided into six depositional sequences based on cores, gamma-ray and electrical logs from shallow drillings from northern Santa Catarina State, Each sequence is formed by two systems tracts, a lower one, sandy (lowstand) and an upper one, shaly (highstand). The Taciba Formation has three sequences, S 0 to S 0 sequence S 0 has a thick turbidite sandstone at the base (Rio Segredo Member) that pinches out towards the eastern margin and even disappears in the Mafra outcrop area. Sequence S 1 varies from a thin fluvial-estuarine system to a thick turbidite sandstone of a channelized fan system; S 1 upper shaly system tract is marine in well PP-11, and it is glacially-influenced in well PP-10. Sequence S 2 is a thick sand-stone body of shallow marine origin, but restricted to one well (PP-11); its upper shaly tract is dominated by massive siltstones intercalated with thin, distal tempestites. The lower Triunfo Member (or Taciba-Triunfo transition) begins with the arrival of deltaic clastics of sequence S 3 lower tract, coarsening-up from medial- to proximal delta front sandstones. Sequence S 4 is quite similar to S 3, both showing sand-stone progradation from north to south, as opposed to the southwest-sourced transgressive diamictites. Sequence S 5 consists of fluvial deposits at well PP-12, and two transgressive cycles from wells PP-11 to PP-9, each one of them composed of fluvial-estuarine to marine systems. Well PP-10 is an exception, where the lower cycle presents deglaciation to marine deposits.


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Taphonomy of the pygocephalomorpha (Crustacea, Peracarida, Malacostraca), Permian, Paraná Basin, Brazil, and its paleoenvironmental meaning. Crustaceans (Pygocephalomorpha, Peracarida) are the main fossil invertebrates recorded in the Early Permian Assistência Formation, Irati Subgroup, State of São Paulo, Paraná Basin. For this study, samples taken from the base of the Ipeúna Member, Bairrinho Bed, State of São Paulo, were analyzed and complemented by fossils from the Irati Formation, State of Rio Grande do Sul. The taphonomic spectrum of the pygocephalomorphs includes three main preservational modes: Type 1. Complete pygocephalomorphs (with outstretched or flexed abdomen), which are associated to cream-colored mudstones and more commonly to black shales. In rare cases, molds of soft parts are preserved. They suffered rapid burial (hours to days) by mud blankets associated to storm events in anoxic bottoms, below storm wave base with minimum bottom disruption, followed by low rates of background sedimentation; Type 2. Partly articulated (carapace and abdomen, with or without caudal fan and without appendages) pygocephalomorphs, with extended or flexed abdomen, which are present in cream-colored pelites, associated with hummocky cross-stratifications, intercalated with black shales. These may represent individuals or remains lying in the sediment-water interface preserved by rapid burial associated to episodic sedimentation events; Type 3. Disarticulated pygocephalomorphs, with isolated carapaces, abdomen, or abdominal segments. This is the predominant preservational mode in our samples. The skeletal remains can be found isolated or in dense, bioclast-supported concentrations (micro-coquines), representing proximal to distal tempestites. Finally, the extreme preservational quality seen in crustaceans of the Type 1 recorded in black shales, occasionally with molds of soft parts, indicates that the host rocks may represent Konservat-Lagerstätten deposits, as already suggested to coeval occurrences of the Irati Formation in Uruguay. © 2013 by the Sociedade Brasileira de Paleontologia.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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O Grupo Tucuruí de idade do final do Neoproterozoico aflora na região de Tucuruí, nordeste do Pará, ao longo da zona de transição entre o Cráton Amazônico e o Cinturão Araguaia, e constitui uma sucessão vulcanossedimentar contendo derrames basálticos e sills de diabásio intercalados com depósitos siliciclásticos. A Falha de Tucuruí, por cavalgamento, projetou estes conjuntos rochosos para oeste, resultando em cisalhamento e percolação de fluidos. Os depósitos siliciclásticos são constituídos por subarcóseos e siltitos amalgamados, cujas camadas orientam-se na direção NNE-SSW com mergulho baixo para SE, além de apresentar granocrescência e espessamento ascendente. Foram reconhecidas duas associações de fácies sedimentares: depósitos de antepraia e tempestitos de face litorânea. Estas associações de fáceis sugerem processos de transporte e sedimentação ligados a um ambiente marinho raso, seguindo da zona de foreshore até a zona de shoreface, sob influência de onda de tempestade. A análise petrográfica revelou a imaturidade textural e composicional dos arenitos e siltitos arcosianos, indicando, sobretudo, área fonte com proveniência próxima, predominantemente constituída de rochas ígneas de composição máfica a intermediária que estiveram sujeitas a condições mesodiagenéticas. Assim, os depósitos siliciclásticos do Grupo Tucuruí representam a porção preservada de um segmento costeiro influenciado por ondas de tempestade em uma bacia do tipo rifte ou antepaís, com área fonte próxima, forte gradiente de relevo e deposição rápida, marcada predominantemente por intemperismo físico, e que foi atingida durante sua formação por vulcanismo efusivo.


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A Formação Rio Maria compreende uma sucessão sedimentar progradante depositada em mar epicontinental desenvolvido ao longo da borda leste da Província Carajás – a mais antiga província do Cráton Amazônico – tendo sido intrudida por granitos em torno de 1.88 Ga. Quatro associações de fácies foram reconhecidas: prodelta-barras distais, frente deltaica-shoreface, planície deltaica-distributários e canais fluviais. Estratificações cruzadas hummocky e swaley de grande porte (> 1 m) atestam influência de ondas de tempestade nos depósitos de shoreface (tempestitos) e estratificações bipolares com recobrimento argiloso indicam atuação de processos de maré. As composições modais dos componentes detríticos do quartzarenito, sublitarenito e arcóseo indicam fontes de blocos continentais (Cráton interior, segundo a classificação de Dickinson). Os minerais pesados (por exemplo, zircão, turmalina, estaurolita, epidoto, etc.) sugerem contribuições de rochas plutônicas félsicas e metamórfica. Grãos de zircão muito bem arredondados podem ser relacionados a sedimentos reciclados ou intensamente retrabalhados, ou fontes metamórficas. Esses litotipos podem ser atribuídos às rochas que constituem o Bloco Rio Maria, que inclui granitos e rochas metamórficas do terreno granito-greenstone de Rio Maria (3.0 – 2.86 Ga).


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This work focuses on a Messinian shallow-marine terrigenous unit, termed the La Virgen Formation, which forms part of the sedimentary infill of the Bajo Segura Basin (Betic margin of the western Mediterranean). This formation was deposited during a high sea level phase prior to the onset of the Messinian Salinity Crisis. Stratigraphically, it comprises a prograding stack of sandstone lithosomes alternating with marly intervals (1st-order cyclicity). These lithosomes are characterized by a homoclinal geometry that tapers distally, and interfinger with pelagic sediments rich in planktonic and benthic microfauna (Torremendo Formation). An analysis of sedimentary facies of each lithosome reveals a repetitive succession of sandy storm beds (tempestites), occasionally amalgamated, which are separated by thin marly layers (2nd-order cyclicity). Each storm bed contains internal erosional surfaces (3rd-order cyclicity) that delimit sets of laminae. Two categories of storm beds have been differentiated. The first one includes layers formed below storm wave base (SWB), characterized by traction structures associated to unidirectional flows (scoured base, planar lamination, and parting lineation). The second category consists of layers deposited above the SWB which display typical high regime oscillatory flow structures (swaley and hummocky cross lamination). In both cases, the ichnological record is characterized by an oligotypic association of Ophiomorpha nodosa, which can be interpreted as the result of allochthonous tracemakers (crustaceans) transported during storm events together with the sediment. The benthic microfauna in the marly intervals that separate the sandstone lithosomes (1st-order cyclicity) indicates that the storm ebb surges were deposited at depths ranging from those of inner shelf settings (with Elphidium spp. and Cibicides lobatulus) to those of outer shelf (with Valvulineria complanata and Uvigerina cylindrica). At the distal end of the sandstone lithosomes, the planktonic microfauna is characterized by a high content of taxa indicative of warm-oligotrophic waters (Globigerinoides obliquus and Globigerinoides bulloideus). In contrast, in the marly intervals, the microfauna is dominated by species typical of cold-eutrophic waters (Globigerina and Neogloboquadrina). This alternation of planktic foraminiferal assemblages is interpreted as being the expression of climatic cycles, in which every episode of progradation of tempestite-dominated lithosomes corresponds to maximum insolation and warm waters, whereas episodes of marly deposition correspond to minimal insolation and cold waters. The 1st-order cyclicity recorded in the La Virgen Formation, in a context of terrigenous storm-dominated shelf, corresponds to sapropel/homogeneous marl cycles formed in a pelagic basin (Torremendo Fm). These cycles in pelagic sediments are commonplace throughout the Mediterranean during the Messinian and reflect precession orbital changes: repeated periods of maximum insolation – minimum precession (sapropels) and minimal insolation – maximum precession (homogeneous marls). The fact that the example of terrigenous unit studied herein is coetaneous with the well-developed reef complexes in the Mediterranean basins points out the importance of sediment supply in the formation of large-scale sandy lithosomes. This is a crucial aspect to understanding reservoir genesis as well as lateral stratigraphic relationships with potential seal and/or source rocks.


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A 7.38 m-long sediment core was collected from the eastern part of the Rhone prodelta (NW Mediterranean) at 67 m water depth. A multi-proxy study (sedimentary facies, benthic foraminifera and ostracods, clay mineralogy, and major elements from XRF) provides a multi-decadal to century-scale record of climate and sea-level changes during the Holocene. The early Holocene is marked by alternative silt and clay layers interpreted as distal tempestites deposited in a context of rising sea level. This interval contains shallow infra-littoral benthic meiofauna (e.g. Pontocythere elongata, Elphidium spp., Quinqueloculina lata) and formed between ca. 20 and 50 m water depth. The middle Holocene (ca. 8.3 to 4.5 ka cal. BP), is characterized, at the core site, by a period of sediment starvation (accumulation rate of ca. 0.01 cm yr−1) resulting from the maximum landward shift of the shoreline and the Rhone outlet(s). From a sequence stratigraphic point of view, this condensed interval, about 35 cm-thick, is a Maximum Flooding Surface that can be identified on seismic profiles as the transition between delta retrogradation and delta progradation. It is marked by very distinct changes in all proxy records. Following the stabilization of the global sea level, the late Holocene is marked by the establishment of prodeltaic conditions at the core site, as shown by the lithofacies and by the presence of benthic meiofauna typical of the modern Rhone prodelta (e.g. Valvulineria bradyana, Cassidulina carinata, Bulimina marginata). Several periods of increased fluvial discharge are also emphasized by the presence of species commonly found in brackish and shallow water environments (e.g. Leptocythere). Some of these periods correspond to the multi-decadal to centennial late Holocene humid periods recognized in Europe (i.e. the 2.8 ka event and the Little Ice Age). Two other periods of increased runoffs at ca. 1.3 and 1.1 ka cal. BP are recognized, and are likely to reflect periods of regional climate deterioration that are observed in the Rhone watershed.