978 resultados para Television news
Foreign News about events that takes place in other country Actors are defined as people who appear in the item (as individuals or as representing some entity) speaking or being quoted (directly or indirectly)
This work analyses the political news of eight Spanish television channels in order to see what image is built of politics, and particularly how the news of corruption affects the image of politics in Spanish news broadcasts. Different cases of corruption such as Gürtel, Palma Arena and those associated with judge Baltasar Garzón in his final stage in office, occupy part of the study. A new methodology is therefore proposed that enables the quality of the political information emitted from inside and outside the political content of the news programmes to be observed. Particular attention is paid to the news broadcasts of Televisión Española and Cuatro as those which offer a more balanced view of politics, and channels such as La Sexta, which give priority to a narrative construction of politics in the news programmes around causes of corruption.
Tässä opinnäytetyössä käsittelen tavallisia ihmisiä televisiouutisten jutuissa käyttäen esimerkkeinä uutisjuttuja Nelosen ja MTV3:n kotimaan uutisista. Tavoitteeni on tutkia tavallisen ihmisen rooleja ja tehtäviä television uutisjutuissa, sekä tarkastella ”rivikansalaisten” käyttämistä uutisjutuissa toimittajantyön kannalta. Valotan sitä, mitä MTV3 ja Nelonen uutisillaan tavoittelevat, millaisista lähtökohdista kanavat toimivat ja miten kanavien arvot vaikuttavat tavallisten ihmisen esiintymiseen uutisjutuissa. Esittelen ja analysoin erilaisia juttutyyppejä, joissa tavallisia ihmisiä uutisissa esiintyy, pohdin millaisia tarinoita ja sisältöjä heidän kannaltaan kerrotaan ja millaisissa rooleissa he esiintyvät. Pohdin myös sitä, mitä lisäarvoa tavallisilla ihmisillä uutisjuttuihin haetaan ja sitä, voisiko arjen näkökulmaa laajentaa niistä juttutyypeistä, joissa se nyt jo esiintyy. Tarkastelen omien kokemuksieni pohjalta myös, millaisia käytännöllisiä, moraalisia ja journalistisia pulmia ja mahdollisuuksia tavallisten ihmisten käyttämiseen television uutisjutuissa liittyy. Käsittelen myös sitä, mihin tavalliset ihmiset asettuvat uutisten hierarkiassa, ja miten heidän esiintymisensä uutisjutuissa vaikuttaa uutisen objektiivisuuteen. Tavallinen ihminen on uutisjutussa elävöittävä kokija, toimija tai passiivinen toiminnan kohde. Hän voi esiintyä lähes minkä tahansa tyyppisessä uutisjutussa kuvittajana, kommentoijana, uutiskuorman keventäjänä tai jutulle rakenteen antavana tapauksena. Tavalliset ihmiset esiintyvät televisiouutisten gallupeissa tai avaamassa keskustelunaiheita elämäntilanteellaan. Usein he esiintyvät toimittajan tai toimituksen alter egoina, ottavat kantaa asioihin vapaina uutishuoneen objektiivisen totuuden oletusarvosta. Televisio on arkinen, perhekeskeinen ja tasa-arvoinen väline, joka joutuu taistelemaan huomiosta kodin muiden tapahtumien kanssa. Viihtymisen kannalta on olennaista kuvata ihmiskasvoja, tehdä uutisista tarinoita ja tarjota samaistuttavia elementtejä katsojalle. Vaikka monet tutkijat sijoittavat tavallisen ihmisen uutishierarkian alimmalle portaalle, heillä on uutisjutuissa viihdyttäjän osan ohella tärkeä tehtävä totuudenpuhujina.
Pós-graduação em Educação - FFC
The goal of my study is to investigate the relationship between selected deictic shields on the pronoun ‘I’ and the involvement/detachment dichotomy in a sample of television news interviews. I focus on the use of personal pronouns in political discourse. Drawing upon Caffi’s (2007) classification of mitigating devices into bushes, hedges and shields, I focus on deictic shields on the pronoun ‘I’: I examine the way a selection of ‘I’-related deictic shields is employed in a collection of news interviews broadcast during the electoral campaign prior to the UK 2015 General Election. My purpose is to uncover the frequencies of each of the linguistic items selected and the pragmatic functions of those linguistic items in the involvement/detachment dichotomy. The research is structured as follows. Chapter 1 provides an account of previous studies on the three main areas of research: speech event analysis, institutional interaction and the news interview, and the UK 2015 General Election television programmes. Chapter 2 is centred on the involvement/detachment dichotomy: I provide an overview of nonlinguistic and linguistic features of involvement and detachment at all levels of sentence structure. Chapter 3 contains a detailed account of the data collection and data analysis process. Chapter 4 provides an accurate description of results in three steps: quantitative analysis, qualitative analysis and discussion of the pragmatic functions of the selected linguistic features of involvement and detachment. Chapter 5 includes a brief summary of the investigation, reviews the main findings, and indicates limitations of the study and possible inputs for further research. The results of the analysis confirm that, while some of the linguistic items examined point toward involvement, others have a detaching effect. I therefore conclude that deictic shields on the pronoun ‘I’ permit the realisation of the involvement/detachment dichotomy in the speech genre of the news interview.
In this article we review the methods used by television news channels in their reporting of the clashes between the Hungarian police and refugees at the Serbian-Hungarian border on 16th of September 2015. With the help of content analysis we examine the techniques used by each editorial board to portray events differently,resulting in dissimilar effects on recipients. During the analysis we examine news coverage for one specific day as presented by Hungarian, German and pan-European broadcasters. German news programs were chosen for comparison with Hungarian ones due to the fact that most of the refugees were heading towards Germany. We conclude that there are significant differences between the information that was broadcast according to television channels; owner expectations presumably play an important role in this.
Acknowledgments: The authors would like to thank the colleagues Saida Kheira Benammar, who helped to set up the survey in Mostaganem, and Mohamed Chihat, who helped to contact and meet researchers in Algiers, for their generous and wholehearted support. Viola Sarnelli also wishes to thank Prof. Bel Abbes Neddar, who sponsored and supervised her post-doctoral fellowship at the University of Mostaganem, and his Magistere students, for their active participation in the Media and Cultural Studies seminars.
Artykuł przedstawia news telewizyjny jako akt retoryczny. News telewizyjny rozumiany jest jako relacja o wydarzeniu zbudowana zazwyczaj z zapowiedzi i krótkiego kilkuminutowego materiału filmowego (nazywanego czasem felietonem), będącego rezultatem pracy reporter-skiej, wyemitowana w telewizji, zazwyczaj jako jeden z elementów w strukturze magazynu informacyjnego, ale również jako element bloków programowych telewizji informacyjnych. Newsy telewizyjne funkcjonują w mediach jako jeden z elementów działań strategicznych nadawców medialnych nastawionych na określone cele, w tym cele wizerunkowe, polityczne i ekonomiczne. Newsy powstają jako reakcja na konkretne wydarzenia, zaspokajają potrzebę informacji, ale służą też kreowaniu obrazu świata, skupianiu uwagi na pewnych aspektach rze-czywistości, wartościowaniu jej, przekonywaniu o ważności lub nieważności pewnych zda-rzeń. Pełnią funkcje informacyjne, ale też kreacyjne, wzorcotwórcze, stymulacyjne, wartościu-jące, i w końcu estetyczne. Dla osiągnięcia tych celów są odpowiednio konstruowane, z uwzględnieniem specyfiki i potrzeb odbiorcy oraz ethosu nadawcy. W tym sensie są więc ak-tami „retorycznymi”, a więc zamierzonymi, celowymi, będącymi odpowiedzią na określoną sytuację (uwarunkowane są historycznie, społecznie i politycznie) i adresowanymi do określo-nych odbiorców.
This review explores the influence to suicide in print and electronic media, and considers both real and fictional deaths. The conclusion appears inescapable that reports about celebrities which are multi-modal, repeated, explicit, front page, glorify the suicide, and describe the method lead to an increase in deaths from suicide, particularly in the region in which reports are published. The paper argues that even if there was multi-national agreement to international guidelines, media will continue to report suicide when it is considered to be a matter of public interest. What appears crucial is a collaborative approach between professionals and the media to promote a negative attitude toward suicide without increasing stigma toward those with mental health problems.
Relatório de estágio apresentado à Escola Superior de Comunicação Social como parte dos requisitos para obtenção de grau de mestre em Jornalismo.
The purpose of this thesis is to study the impact of a port strike on companies that perform as logistic service providers in a supply chain (SC), here denominated 3PL (third-party logistic providers). These companies are highly dependent on ports to perform their activity, since they provide international services. Consequently, a disruption in a port can seriously impair their business. A stevedores’ strike is one of the possible disruptions that can affect ports. This study aims to analyze the negative effects caused by this disruption, and what strategies 3PLs may implement in order to keep their performance levels stable and have a quick recovery time. Within this objective, the first step will be to establish a theoretical context about the maritime port’s sector and 3PLs in a SC context, to then expand the concept of a resilient SC, and finally to develop a theoretical framework in order to better contextualize the case study. Subsequently, the impact of a port strike will be quantified by using a case study comprising three companies, covering the areas of land and sea distribution and port operations. Information from primary sources was assembled in two phases: first via e-mail and, in a second phase, through a personal interview. The information from secondary sources was obtained through television news, internet and conferences, enabling its cross-analysis. Finally, by analyzing the collected data, it will be possible to draw conclusions about the measures carried out by each company to minimize the negative effects of the strike, thus contributing to a more resilient SC. As a conclusion, a stevedores’ strike will create a snow-ball of negative effects in the SC, degrading all relevant KPIs (key performance indicators) of the 3PLs under study. No mitigation and contingency strategies available proved really effective to reduce the negative effects of a port strike disruption.
As actuais potencialidades tecnológicas abrem, perante o (tele)spectador, a promessa de um ilusório empowered user que se vai construindo alicerçado na narrativa mítica da omnipotência, tornada modo verbal e complemento directo da promessa moderna da omnividência. No entanto, os plateaux informativos da televisão portuguesa do século XXI ainda não vêem no telespectador um elemento estruturante do seu trabalho. São escassos os programas que abrem o alinhamento à participação do público e aqueles que o fazem atiram-no para margens que pouco ou nada interferem no desenvolvimento das emissões. Neste artigo, analisamos a integração dos telespectadores em 1673 emissões informativas, distribuídas por seis canais de televisão (RTP1, SIC, TVI, SICN, RTPN, TVI 24). Trata-se de uma investigação que desenvolvemos no âmbito do projecto “Jornalismo televisivo e cidadania”.