183 resultados para Teens
Introduction In a connected world youth are participating in digital content creating communities. This paper introduces a description of teens' information practices in digital content creating and sharing communities. Method The research design was a constructivist grounded theory methodology. Seventeen interviews with eleven teens were collected and observation of their digital communities occurred over a two-year period. Analysis The data were analysed iteratively to describe teens' interactions with information through open and then focused coding. Emergent categories were shared with participants to confirm conceptual categories. Focused coding provided connections between conceptual categories resulting in the theory, which was also shared with participants for feedback. Results The paper posits a substantive theory of teens' information practices as they create and share content. It highlights that teens engage in the information actions of accessing, evaluating, and using information. They experienced information in five ways: participation, information, collaboration, process, and artefact. The intersection of enacting information actions and experiences of information resulted in five information practices: learning community, negotiating aesthetic, negotiating control, negotiating capacity, and representing knowledge. Conclusion This study contributes to our understanding of youth information actions, experiences, and practices. Further research into these communities might indicate what information practices are foundational to digital communities.
Religious participation -- Religious beliefs -- Faith, practices, and experiences -- Sharing faith -- Evaluations of church -- Moral views and risk behaviors -- Civic activities.
The purpose of my research was to develop and refine pedagogic approaches, and establish fitness baselines to adapt fitness and conditioning programs for Moderate-functioning ASD individuals. I conducted a seven-week study with two teens and two trainers. The trainers implemented individualized fitness and conditioning programs that I developed. I conducted pre and post fitness baselines for each teen, a pre and post study interview with the trainers, and recorded semi-structured observations during each session. I used multi-level, within-case and across case analyses, working inductively and deductively. My findings indicated that fundamental movement concepts can be used to establish fitness baselines and develop individualized fitness programs. I tracked and evaluated progressions and improvements using conventional measurements applied to unconventional movements. This process contributed to understanding and making relevant modifications to activities as effective pedagogic strategies for my trainers. Further research should investigate fitness and conditioning programs with lower functioning ASD individuals.
A autora procura discutir as consequências de a cultura juvenil ser hoje o ingrediente fundamental da comunicação digital, e os efeitos desta cultura sobre o comportamento dos jovens e sobre o próprio conceito de juventude. Ela enfatiza que nas últimas décadas tal conceito passou definir, mais do que uma faixa etária, uma espécie de mercadoria, oferecida, para qualquer interessado, na mídia, em academias de ginástica, casas de shows, shopping centers e nos mais variados espaços urbanos. A pesquisadora analisa o comportamento de várias gerações de jovens, especialmente depois da Segunda Guerra Mundial, a partir da consolidação da TV e de mídias voltadas especificamente para esse público, como os suplementos teen. E mostra que as novas tecnologias digitais - com sua portabilidade, mobilidade e interatividade - estão trazendo novos cenários, novas conformações da vida social, múltiplas configurações de tempo e desenhando espaços antes inimagináveis, ocupados principalmente pelos jovens. Trata-se de uma geração extremamente conectada e rebelde à sua maneira contra os valores tradicionais, que está desenvolvendo um novo estilo e um novo modo de entender o processo comunicativo, com grande dinamismo. No entanto, trata-se também de uma geração que não consegue fugir do aspecto mais perverso das tecnologias digitais, pois estas, ao evoluírem e se transformarem praticamente a cada dia e quase sempre a reboque do mercado, exigem seguidas adaptações, que os jovens nem sempre conseguem acompanhar de forma rápida e sistemática, de modo a ficarem imunes a frustrações.
This report examines the religious beliefs and practices of American Protestant teenagers using new, nationally representative survey data from the National Study of Youth and Religion (NSYR). The NSYR is a major study of the religious and spiritual lives of contemporary American teens, which recently produced a book on its major findings entitled, Soul Searching: the Religious and Spiritual Lives of American Teenagers (by Christian Smith with Melinda Lundquist Denton, Oxford University Press, 2005). In addition to broadly describing the religious outlook of Protestant teenagers today — and as a more detailed, descriptive follow-up to that book — this report highlights several positive and negative experiences and evaluations of teenagers in different Protestant denominations and groupings of denominations. In brief, this report presents the following findings in these areas of interest: ♦ Religious Participation: Protestant teenagers are relatively active in religious organizations and activities, both within and beyond their churches. About one-half of all Protestant teens attend church weekly, participate in Sunday school or in a religious youth group, pray and attend a religious summer camp or retreat, though less than one-third read the Bible each week. This also means, however, that substantial numbers of Protestant teens are not actively participating in their religious traditions. Teens from conservative denominations such as Southern Baptist Convention and Assemblies of God are especially likely to regularly attend church and participate in other religious activities. ♦ Theological Beliefs: Protestant teenagers are likely to hold many traditional Christian religious beliefs. The majority of Protestant teens say they believe in God, the afterlife, angels, demons, miracles, judgment day and they view God as a personal being involved in the lives of people today. Sizable numbers of Protestant teens, on the other hand, do not hold these traditional Christian religious beliefs. Teens from conservative and black Protestant denominations are more likely than mainline Protestant teens to hold these religious beliefs. ♦ Importance of Faith: The majority of Protestant teenagers report that their religious faith is very important in their lives. Most of them also say that their families talk about religion together, that they have shared their faith with someone not of their faith and that they have had a powerful worship experience. A large minority of all Protestant teenagers, and in the case of some denominations a majority of teenagers, do not report that religious faith is very important in their lives. Teens from conservative and black Protestant denominations are particularly likely to report that faith is important in their lives. ♦ Evaluations of Churches: The majority of Protestant teenagers express relatively positive views of their churches and fellow church members. They typically report that they would continue to attend church if it were totally up to them, that they would attend a similar church if given the choice and that their current church is generally warm and welcoming. Protestant adolescents, however, do have some reservations about and problems with their churches and fellow church attendees, as spelled out in the following pages, particularly with other teenage attendees.
Many students are sexually active, and hundreds of thousands experience pregnancy every year. Smith, Novello, and Chacko’s research found that students at a school where contraception is available on site were more likely to access contraception and less likely to experience pregnancy – illustrating the power of school based health centers (SBHCs) to help students take responsibility and protect their own futures. Yet the majority of SBHCs are prohibited from dispensing contraception. To remove barriers in access to contraception and help reduce teen pregnany, policymakers, school administrators, and health providers should ensure that SBHCs follow youth-friendly protocols and provide confidential access to contraception.
Current teen pregnancy and repeat pregnancy rates reveal that there is a pressing need for comprehensive care for pregnant and parenting teens to address their unique needs. The Internet has become a source of various types of information and as a result, several efforts have begun to assess the quality of health information provided on websites. The objective of this study was to assess the functionality and quality of websites containing health information and resources for pregnant and parenting teens. The three most widely used search engines currently: Google, MSN, and Yahoo were searched using three general search terms “teen pregnancy”, “pregnant teen”, and “teen parent”. The first 5 pages of each search were reviewed and categorized to yield 12 websites which met inclusion criteria for content evaluation. The 12 websites were rated using a pre-existing instrument encompassing two domains: functionality and content analysis. Within the functionality domain, this sample highlighted the need to improve accessibility and credibility for the target population. The content analysis revealed that among the topics which are recommended for pregnant and parenting teens, the topics most commonly covered were mental health and primary and preventive health care. The majority of websites neglected sexual health topics including STI’s and family planning. This study provides the first glimpse into health information and resources for pregnant and parenting teens on the Internet. Researchers, health care providers, social workers, health educators, and website sponsors can use these results to maintain and recommend websites which offer easily accessible, accurate, and practical information for pregnant and parenting teens.^